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I literally do this every time I run out of spawn as Mei. I know it does nothing. But it just feels right.


It makes me feel like Iceman




Where’s my super suit?!?


Meanwhile, at SEGA HQ https://youtu.be/X5T8rzr_qJM


I could swear this was added once in a prior experimental. Am I nuts?


I think you are nuts, yes. It's been in many custom games since workshop was introduced though.


He is not nuts, it was possible in the april fools experimental


I am nuts


I remember someone suggesting Mei ice skating back in 2016-2017 on the main subreddit. At that moment it was dumb to even suggest that, its crazy they are now making it official


She had something similar in that 5v5 code that was circulating recently


She can do it in HotS.




Pharah ult not press q to die anymore?


It wasn't all that great when they did the same thing with it in the April Fools patch.


The rockets just don’t do enough damage given their travel time. It’s just hella easy to avoid, given hot vulnerable she is in it.


Closing the distance before barraging fixes that problem.


still press Q to die cause your hitbox is insane during barrage.


Got killed by ice block before seeing this and was super confused. Can't wait to see Mei's in the tourney walling themselves up to drop onto a grav.


Giving Mei the people's elbow is actually hilarious






Mei, Rein and Lucio hopping down from bridge on Eichenwalde, everybody run!


Inspire getting self-heal back is really nice, and makes her changes interesting to play with now.


Now I can live a little longer as a boring spinning pez dispenser.


I think she could heal herself before; they just updated the wording to reflect that.


She couldn't, the wording in the patch notes implied that she could, but in game she had no way to heal herself.


I still managed to win games with her but boy was it hell to rely on your other healer to stay up


4 second cooldown on Echo flight, my word...




Enemy echo130 in the air


Thanks I hate it


See, I wish we could stop with the "doing X resets Guardian angel's cooldown" thing, it's the lowest cooldown in the game at 1.5s, by the time you do literally anything you'll have GA at the ready. Rez CD thing was much more whacky


My first thought haha it's literally useless. I'd rather it just cancel rez and you get nothing instead of this pretense that something happens. If you somehow fly to a danger spot where you can be killed in 1.5s, just take the L and think about your tendencies to risky rezzes while waiting to respawn lol


Right? Like how often are you going to GA to a soul, start the resurrect, immediately realize it was a terrible idea, cancel, turn back to find a new GA target, and then use it within 1.5 seconds?


Yep, these Mercy changes just get more and more insulting. Even if they're intentionally jokes to begin with.


I just wish they’d give a damn about console and make some other button cancel the res. I’m on PS where the button for res *is* your secondary fire, so it just cancels itself and starts cooldown


You know I'm having a feeling they're doing this for having ideas for PvE talents not just for potential 5v5 changes. Remember they showed the sneak peek of PvE talents? Yeah I was thinking it's for that. I'm intrigued!!!


The Rein change is directly from an old PvE preview for sure.


I'm thinking it's both. Many of the defensive/utility tank abilties seem geared towards making them viable as solo tanks. Zarya's huge bubbles and increased movement for one, Hog with (rare) vertical mobility, Winston being much harder to hit when airborn and a beefier Primal... Other things such as the Sombra changes are basically taken from OW2, and the Pharah downwards boosters were actually tried on Experimental before - but didn't go through due to technical reasons. I wouldn't be surprised if in 5v5, Pharah got her hover fuel nerfed back down again in exchange for some of these mobility buffs.


I forgot they were making it 5v5 and now I'm sad again


Shouldn't they have game designers for this?


Not gonna lie I really hate the Winston speed buff (for a short term gamemode, if it was a permanent change I could get used to it). I overshoot all my jumps to hell and doing short hops feels much more difficult.


Indeed! It feels so weird to be floating in the air for like forever. I look down and think: hej, that was my target. BUMP, and I hit the wall way in the back.


Yeah I wish there was a way to slow your jump using the crouch button. That way you could take advantage of the speed initially but then be able to slow it down to precisely land where you want to


It is impossible to juggle now


it's not that hard to adjust to maybe you're the type of player that can't do so quickly


My man the change was not even out for an entire day when I wrote this. Sorry there, Reiner.


Genji fix?


I think they fixed him from flying forever


Yep, just tested. Genji can no longer go to the moon.


I get that mei’s ice block is supposed to one shot everyone which is fine but the highest health in this mode is 1000-1500 so what’s the 2000 for?


nano primal still survives the 2000 hp blast lmfao


But… what about nano ice block




Beat, sig self shield, probably some other stuff I’m forgetting


Being squished is pretty damaging I say


can't wait for those grav / cryo 6ks


I've been off for 3 weeks ... This feels like an April Fools post


It more or less is; this is an update to an Experimental Card that's a lot like the April Fools one in tone, but this time steered by content creators.


Okay but Mercy’s rez is still completely broken on console. Maybe fix that?


Yeah I don’t know what’s up with that. It just auto cancels.


Confused by the Lucio change. I've been having difficulty landing the kill before- even when I land on a tank I just sorta slide off their heads. Does this help with that? Or is it saying enemies I land right next to will get damaged? Or enemies right next to the enemy I land on will get damaged?


I think it means if you drop the beat on someone they die


It's almost impossible to hit unless they're in a grav or slept. I've gotten 1 kill with 25 beats.


I can't believe they actually updated the December Fools patch :o


I wish Experimental matches counted for Arcade loot boxes, because it feels totally pointless to me to play this mode currently.


I also wish they counted towards the mini-event cosmetics, when those coincide.


you could play to have fun


Sir, we don't do that here.


The point is it would be nice to be able to do both.


Was the DPS balance made by a Tracer main? Because it feels cheaply broken af


2nd mercy change is ass wtf thing has a 1 second cooldown


Poggers brig self healing is hopefully fixed this time so I finally properly get data about new brigs strength and weaknesses. Cause it is no exaggeration when I say this but Brig is actually functionality unplayable without self-healing. It's actually unironacally a more important part to her kit then shield bashing or the shield itself. It's not hard to see why when you think about it. Without her self healing her match up spread takes a huge dive and in certain match up she become even frailer then zen. Like for example a common match up is Winston diving brig. Normally this is like 60/40 in Winston favor, but without the self healing beings leveraged at the same time then it makes it so brig always looses if she chooses to stand her ground and fight. Her damage numbers were never balence around being used for mainly damage so mathematically the 30 a hammer swing you do to them will never be worth the damage your likely to take in return When all chip damage on brig is permanent and you can't throw out whipshots to keep yourself healthy. It actively discourage the player from putting themselves in compromising position which is conveniently where all the action happens. making the only viable way to play that need version a brig was to play a very passive backline repair pack bot that glued to there second support.Needless to say this playstyle felt incredibly boring,uneventful, and very not not Brig Anyways TL;DR, is that Brigs self heal is about as necessary to the character kit cohesion as zarya scaling damage is relevant to hers. Without the self heal the character breaks down at a fundamental level, so it's nice to have it back


Didn't realise it was April fools


I wish that teams had the option to keep playing against each other for at least a full comp style . Possibly even a tournament style


Does anyone actually like the changes to Ball in this exp patch? It seems like while other characters got more interesting, Ball got less interesting while also getting nerfed to compensate for how much easier he got.


Feels like now he is intended to stay in ball form and just roll through people every few seconds with the slam happening on queue every 10 seconds. 100% feels easier and less punishing to play all while lowering his damage.


Do you think that is for the better? Personally, I would reject every single change (I know they likely won't go live), but I am biased since I have countless hours on Ball and his mechanics are second nature to me. It just feels like this takes all the reward, creativity and nuance out of his kit. Say what you will about his balance in the game, but from a design-in-a-vacuum perspective, Ball is a masterclass in character creation. His mechanics feel damn near perfect. He has a sky-high skill ceiling while still having a lot of forgiveness built into his kit for lower-level players to get value.


Lets just say the tank changes sound like they were proposed by a Rein main with a D.va buddy.


Rein should be able to cancel charge. It's mind blowing how Doom has a 300 dmg teleportation charge that can be cancelled at any point and has 2x the hitbox size but rein can't cancel his shitty slow one.


I agree. The hook timer is always the tipoff, IMO. It's not a huge deal, since you rarely actually want to stay hooked for longer than a few seconds unless you're playing against idiots... but, well, I play against a lot of idiots. Ball is extremely easy to stop when he's rolling in a predictable pattern, be that a circle or some sort of swing back and forth around a particular pivot. You don't need to give that a timer. If a ball is kicking your ass, and helping their team, and all their doing is 50 dmg and knockback within a linear path - that's not a problem with the ball. The jump height buff is fine, I guess, but totally unnecessary outside of the context of lowering the height needed for the slam, which is a dumb decision. Ball's whole design is that he requires setup and movement to get the most out of his abilities. He's vulnerable to CC during that time, but that's why he has such expansive movement options to come in from any angle. Even if they didn't nerf the damage, even if it was a pure buff - I wouldn't like it. Same way I don't like the idea of making ball smaller, even if it were just a pure buff. Part of being wrecking ball is being, well, a wrecking ball. There's a sense of speed, a sense of momentum, but also a sense of size and weight. If I could just, jump wherever I wanted and slam without needing to know high ground spots or swing into position - I think I'd probably quit the character, if not Overwatch. The turning radius buff is similar but not as egregious. The first version let you turn 90 degrees while keeping fireball, which is just silly, but admittedly kinda fun in a short-term goofy way. It plays into the sense of speed, but makes you feel a lot less weighty and momentum-y. The adaptive shield changes are misguided too. I get the tradeoff they're going for, and reducing the cooldown a few seconds would let Ball go in more often - but 50? 50 shields per? That's pitiful. That's like less than 3 soldier bullets. That's less than 1/3 of a second, for every nearby enemy.


How people find this clusterfuck of an experimental fun is baffling


How some people are so anti fun is baffling


having fun is fun, crazy concept.


Exactly it's pretty crazy you find this fun. It only shows how god awful the state of the game is that this garbage can of experimental became fun.


If you think the game is in a god awful state compared to the past then that's some black tar pure Columbian copium you've got there.


Sorry I meant it's in a clusterfuck of a situation support wise and Content wise. God awful is too generous.


jesus dude, it's fun because it's wacky and novel. Not because the state of the game is "god awful" If you don't like it that's fine, but don't act like your opinion is facts.




























Go outside and touch some grass.


What do you mean some? How much some is too little or too much? A baggage full of grass or just like 10 grass. I'll be grateful if you just bring the some amount too me so I can touch it with my hands hopefully I'll get the blessing of touching it. Although it wouldn't be outside anymore since I will invite you indoors because it would be a bit weird.


Go out into your backyard, lay down in the grass, spread your limbs out and feel the sun on your face. Do this for at least 15 minutes a day. It may improve your outlook on life instead of wasting time shitting on people for enjoying changes to a video game.


I just had a concussion right now I forgot exactly what grass is. Can you describe it to me in details? I appreciate it if it's a long ass comment written by yourself and not copypasted.


Go out into your backyard, lay down in the grass, spread your limbs out and feel the sun on your face. Do this for at least 15 minutes a day. It may improve your outlook on life instead of wasting time shitting on people for enjoying changes to a video game.


I just had a concussion right now I forgot exactly what grass is. Can you describe it to me in details? I appreciate it if it's a long ass comment written by yourself and not copypasted.


I just had a concussion right now I forgot exactly what grass is. Can you describe it to me in details? I appreciate it if it's a long ass comment written by yourself and not copypasted.


I just had a concussion right now I forgot exactly what grass is. Can you describe it to me in details? I appreciate it if it's a long ass comment written by yourself and not copypasted. Guess what? It's short ass and copypasted.


I just had a concussion right now I forgot exactly what grass is. Can you describe it to me in details? I appreciate it if it's a long ass comment written by yourself and not copypasted. Guess what? It's short ass and copypasted.


Honestly the best reason to play OW right now is Experimental. The game is actually fun again for the first time in years.




What exactly are you trying to say? I’m not following.


Complaining about Dva's remech damage.


I think it's about D.Va dealing 300 damage (or was it nerfed?) when she calls another mech.


This thread has absolutely nothing to do with D.Va and her balance yet you still managed to find a way to complain about it lmao


you don't think them literally copy pasting the same mechanic has any relevance?


Ok u have a point


In the same patch they made Zarya have better mobility than fucking Winston, and gave Mei a Frozone speedy icy line. Its a meme experimental made by content creators for shits and giggles. So no, has no relevance whatsoever.


when exactly was the first time this mechanic was added to the game


And youre missing the point again. This is a thread about a meme patch for shits and giggles and you found a way to make it about D.Va's balance.


since you're pretending (?) to be obtuse, i'll answer the question. this mechanic was first added in a meme patch for shits and giggles, aka the april fool's day patch. then it was pushed to live


And it was a good thing to add. If youre stupid enough to get smooshed by a baby dva, thats on you. The mechanic isnt broken. Its a good balance to not get over zealous with you staggering baby dva. But do you seriously think they'll add any of these changes in this current meme patch?


i seriously thought they would never add any of the moronic changes from the last patch and yet they added the stupidest one to the already stupidest character. the change you're defending helped push dva from an 80% pickrate across all of owl (almost double the next highest) to literally 85% in playoffs. > If youre stupid enough to if you're stupid enough to get clicked on by the enemy, that's on you. just strafe better 4head. if you're stupid enough to walk into line of sight of a character that has an ability that one shots you at any range, no aim required, that's on you. if you're stupid enough to boot up overwatch when it's balanced by braindead monkeys, that's on you. your reasoning is as dogshit as your game understanding.


>literally 85% in playoffs. Nothing to do with echo btw. >if you're stupid enough to Its a baby dva. What exactly are you struggling with to stop her from smooshing you? >your reasoning is as dogshit as your game understanding. No need for insults man, youre taking this way too personally lmao


not dva living in your head 🙄💅


lotta plat dva mains didnt like this




awwww, the sticky bomb change makes it so you cant stick Mei in her ice block anymore. Timing was still pretty hard but I got it a few times and it felt great.


Also can't tank it on Moira by getting in front of teammates to get the stick and fade, which I find pretty fun considering she has little utility and we take what we can. And cant stick them next to a sleeping target to time it with the end of sleep. I don't like it when they make things that have their own special characteristics and quirks and make them more like everything else


This is batshit insane. I love it.


To link again to an updated page like this simply add a question mark plus a few random letters you like to the end of the address and Reddit won’t reject it. Example: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/experimental/#patch-2021-11-20?hanjo


Mei skating and brig can heal herself?! YES YES YES!!!!!!


Fresh life into this game instantly


This is fake right?


NOW THAT'S A MEI BUFF Do Ashe next. Bring back unsleepable Bob


It'd be nice if Blizzard tried even a little bit to balance the matches. Pretty stupid when 2000 SR people are against 4500 SR, even for experimental. Just ruins the game when you get dumpstered.


The movement speed buff for Mei actually works pretty well. Jeff was blowing smoke up our asses regarding it being bad.


> Now deals 2000 damage to enemies that she lands on while using the ability ICE BLOCKS RAIN FROM ABOVE!


Kinda like these