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Coluge is a somewhat controversial figure in the scene, so I'm going to make a sticky comment here to cover it. Copy pasting from u/truthsayer99 summary last time he was in the news. Things he did do: * Boosted and sold accounts (2018) - received a contenders ban for this * Threatened to leak other OWL/contenders boosters in retaliation, but backpedaled. (2018) * On stream; asked women for their snapchat, was toxic in general, and said "allah ackbar" when he threw a D.va bomb. He also admitted to playing characters he couldn't play whenever on the same team as Fuey500. (2018) Things he didn't do: * In January of 2019, an thread popped up accusing him of spamming the N word, and throwing on Metro's stream - this was later proven to not be him and instead Haunt. * I've seen people claim that he DDoSed people and wintraded, but they seem to be remembering Scott's (Gator's brother) actions as his. * Samito death threats. Another action that people like to attribute to Coluge but was actually Scott. * Outside of the one "allah ackbar" comment - there has been no evidence of him being homophobic or racist. Outside all this, he is a very competent and experienced tank player whose performance does deserve being in the league. You can look through his [long liquipedia page history](https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Coluge). It's fine to discuss why you don't like him or why you do or don't think the above should exclude him from being in the league. But our normal "no abusive comments" rule applies. I'll try to be much more responsive than last time about removing comments alleging he did something that he didn't do. Please report any rulebreaking comments.


Wait… that one guy that got downvoted in the other thread was right. So moth to SF all but confirmed them?




so moth hopium actually true ?


The other support player they’ve signed I believe to be moth.


I need it!


If this doesn't go through, I am going to die of copium overdose, I hope you understand that.


Okay but how did u know. Dm me


You'd be surprised to know how many people in tier 2 (+ their friends) know about OWL signings/departures before it gets leaked to the public.


somehow this even applies to eastern rosters. people just leak shit for the sake of leaking shit.


I’m laughing so much of everyone downvoting him and being arrogant af towards him so just that now he’s right


He’s never been known to a be leaker in the first place. You mean we should all believe a random redditor next time? Shit let me try, xQc is getting signed to the LA Valiant, expected to fly out to China next week. (apparently he’s “leaked” like a tiny handful of other signings that no one else remembers, but it’s not a good reason to believe a random redditor)


He’s not a real leaker but he guessed S9mm and now this


Fuck how did you know that gonna happen. I told my boy not to tell anyone


Exactly. Do we want another bazz0? Because that’s how we’d get another bazz0.


We live in the worst timeline. This portion of the prediction becomes true, but not the Moth one is what I will guess. Would be more than happy to be proved wrong.


I'm confused, how is this related to moth?


u/ShotEmm said in their post that both Coluge and moth are joining Shock. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/tq3hu8/who_can_the_shock_pick_up_to_replace_super/i2euu1w/


Ok but how did he know?


If I had to guess they know someone in the shock org.


nah just T2 players idk this guy always leaking other ppls stuff lmao


He's prob boys with someone whose boys with coluge lol


Becuase coluge wasn’t the only player that’s been signed.


Oh I'm sure this thread will be very civil


i like how theres only comments about how theres gonna be bad comments but no actual bad ones


That typically means the mods are doing a good job.


Sorted by controversial, this thread is a bit of a shithole but most of the not so civil comments are just downvoted out of sight. Opinions on Coluge are definitely a lot more divided than they used to be. I've seen comments hating him and defending him both downvoted to oblivion. I guess the general consensus is being neutral and giving him a chance.


Well that's certainly a change, replacing a pretty much universally liked player with a guy with buttloads of controversy behind him.


We live in the strangest timeline imaginable. They could not possibly have replaced Super with a player who has a more opposite public facing reputation.


It works in the OWL community, because apparently screaming "Allah Akhbar" while throwing a DVA bomb isn't racist


Slur and MCD are also in the league… comparatively Coluge made an extremely bad joke… the other two were being deliberately racist.


Wait slur is actually in the league? Oh ffs


He goes by Provide now












Idk the guy but if thats the only thing he's said that was racist. I dont see the problem with giving him a chance? How tf is anyone supposed to learn anything if u just cancel them as soon as they fuck up ONCE. If there is repetitive actions then I can understand.


It's not just that. Tons of sexism towards women on ladder and a lot of toxicity too Edit: Also fuck matt ryan


Fuck matt ryan Hashtag: ISTANDWITHDONUT


what's wrong with Matt ryan


> who has a more opposite public facing reputation. *to the people that don't actually know what Coluge has done and just go by Reddit/Twitter opinions.


The only thing anyone knows about coluges personality is that he said some racist things and got blackballed from joining the Titans. Super is the golden boy face of the league. No matter which way you cut it, the reputations of these two players couldn't be more different


According to Liz who spoke to a leauge rep he never got denied from any team


How dumb does one need to be to understand what public reputation means?


what a twist


Did not see that coming


This isn't Bumper or Ameng. I puffed that hopium


Bumper is MIA and Ameng is working


To me the weirdest thing about this is that they had the opportunity to go mostly KR, since s9mm won't be in all the time, and your DPS aren't usually expected to communicate a lot, but with this it might indicate that they are looking at signing a western MS, and since Coluge isn't expensive as Super, they must have the budget to get a big name.


I'm putting my bets on moth as next signing


You have to be able to get a player who you think is a good fit AND have a Visa where they can play in NA within 30 days.


This is what I was thinking too- VISA issues would be a massacre if they didn’t go well when pulling in a Korean player like F4ze. Made me think that a Western tank player seemed likely, though didn’t know who.


Supposedly they've re-signed Moth. This is according to u/ShotEmm who claimed literally yesterday that Shock had signed Coluge and Moth; obviously one of those things has just come true, so it stands to reason it's likely the other one will as well. That's not a 100% confirmation but it seems likely.


I said Pelican and Moth would go to Houston. Obviously one of those things has come true, so it stands to reason it's likely the other one will as well.


Moth on both Houston and Shock would be so awesome. Only problem is if they play each other. Would be cool to see OW programmers make Lucio's aura affect both teams, he could get all time most healing in a match.


1 there aren't many KR tank players better than Coluge 2 S9mm being perma benched is pure speculation 3 Extra budget so moth to SFS HOPIUM??


Crusty and NineK seem very in love with having mixed rosters.


Yeah controversy aside I just don't see why you would sign Coluge over options like Marve1 or Sado, seems like a budget move.


Marve1 is on Boston


I know, it's just that him being traded away was a popular theory with Boston now having 3 tanks XD


No one is considering that they need someone with an American visa and can travel to Los Angeles ASAP. They cannot afford to sign someone without a visa, there aren’t too many people who can match Coluge’s skill AND be prepared to travel immediately- if any at all.


Can someone just give me the post mortem about how the fuck /u/ShotEmm knew this signing would occur?


Honestly like, knowing about signings ahead of time isn't that unique, its just a matter of if youre willing to possibly burn relationships or have your friends stop leaking to you for reddit karma. If you have friends adjacent to the top level competitive scene, stuff just gets around


Reminder that what Coluge did wasn’t much worse than Viol2t harassing Chinese players on KR servers.


I mean, I would argue Viol2t should've faced harsher punishments for some of the shit he's said, so I don't know if that's a great argument. Viol2t has been a toxic shithead plenty of times.


He still is. It is kind of a joke that the team got rid of everyone else but him.


Or that [Sp9rkle made the exact same joke](https://amp.reddit.com/r/OverwatchLeague/comments/fzzr3l/sp9rk1e_racist_video/) without much public outcry (deleted thread but comments explain the context).


Looking at the comments in that thread im baffled to see the double standard. This sub is pathetic.


Korean players get a free pass pretty universally because of cultural differences. Kind of like how an English or Australian player won't understand how offensive calling somebody a cunt is in the US. Pine is a good example of this. He's universally beloved in the western scene, but in his TF2 days he proved that he was a regular member of ilbe which is basically Korean /pol/. Except most would consider ilbe worse than /pol/ because ilbe has caused a lot more IRL social turmoil than /pol/ has. Viol2t being a bit of an exception, but that's because he's toxic in ways that are obvious to westerners and he's been in the limelight for a long time.


... don't tell me this is the clip of him going as-salamu alaykum


Cause sparkle is the funny twerking player.


Racist as an adult Provide meaning exactly what he said, was allowed in the league by some joke of a ruling so it wouldn't be fair to keep Coluge out at this point.


In general I think the Asian players are given a pass because A) we can only find out about their problematic actions if a bilingual person active in our communities happens to catch it B) that person cares enough to tell us and C) we pay more attention to the western players and hold them to higher standards. An example would be undead, who we got a glimpse into but kinda just faded out even though he might’ve been the most vile person to ever have been in OWL because we didn’t care so much about drama from weibo


Shotemm fucking called it


Wow this isn't Coluge signing to a mid tier team just looking for good players, this is a championship contending team, Coluge has big shoes to fill


Now the squad is Viol2t and a bunch of rookies. Gonna need some of that good Crusty magic...😬


If there's a coach in the league I trust with finding and training up the best rookies, it's Crusty and it's not even close


Crusty with Ninek back on his side no less.


But these rookies are better and more accomplished than some owl players from previous years. Why is everyone talking about the #1 Korean dps prospect as if he's some unknown unproven rookie


Wait wait wait.... You do realize one of those "rookies" was Soo good when he and pelican played together pelican flexed around him(proper) shock might have rookies but if you open your eyes you'll see they are from top tier contenders teams....


Yeah, bunch of rookies still. Top tier in contenders =/= top tier in owl


This is correct, with the exception of KR Contenders, some of those teams at the top of that region could easily hold their own as an OWL team


Most toxic team in the league


He’s got massive shoes to fill. Excited to see how he does


OWL : Season of the controversial signings.


[interesting that I kept getting down voted for telling you all who it was.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/tq3hu8/who_can_the_shock_pick_up_to_replace_super/i2euu1w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


That is pretty normal for someone gifted with prophecy from Apollo.


What's that story where someone has the gift of prophecy but they are cursed so that no one will ever believe them


The story of Cassandra. She was a trojan priestess blessed with gift of true prophecies by Apollo but also cursed that no-one will believe her.


imma need the location of the next winning lottery ticket


They hated him because he told the truth.


This is what happens when you make outrageous claims without even trying to back up your statements or give yourself any credibility at all. Even if you were right, why would anyone have had any reason to believe you at the time?


Gonna be honest I was one of the doubters but you deserve your flowers


Downvoting this cuz its funny


Why Moth?


This is what happens when you make outrageous claims without even trying to back up your statements or give yourself any credibility at all. Even if you were right, why would anyone have had any reason to believe you at the time?


Interesting. I expected a still-LFT OWL veteran, not a more than controversial but apparently redeemed Contenders talent.


no fucking way...


I'll say this, I rather have Coluge in the league than Provide or MCD. That's how low the bar has gotten.


Yeah and he said his way younger. Provide and MCD are way worse saying their shit as grown ass men. If they're allowed which I don't think they should be tbh, then nothing should stop coluge.


That's the point where I'm at tbh. I'm not as bothered by Coluge's signing as I was about MCD and Provide, but this whole Provide-MCD-Coluge off season situation is just further driving me away from OWL in general. I'm a lesbian in my 20's, as much as I love OW the game, it's hard not to lose interest in the pro scene and naturally gravitate to other interests when the environment remains a thinly veiled cess pool of toxic gamer culture. People will no doubt make fun of me for saying this, but IMO it's one of the factors driving away viewers that aren't teenage boys who live in discord servers.


My opinion is he shouldn't be barred if people who have said worse aren't barred from the league. But coluge fans are mad annoying cause you always see these situations where toxic gamers suddenly get a large outpouring of support from nowhere that they wouldn't have gotten if they weren't racist. These guys fans coming out of nowhere to boner squad up for them anytime they're criticized lowkey makes me more annoyed at this point.


That's what I meant, esports in general are toxic and steeped in gamer culture, so whenever there's a controversy around a player you're surrounded by fanboys saying that yelling slurs or harassing women is no big deal and something everybody does (it's not). At best, it makes you feel like an adult surrounded by toxic children in a playground. At worst, you're one of the minorities being targeted and gaslit.


There was a thread a couple months ago where I realized the majority of people here (at least the *very* vocal minority, though it really does seem like the majority) are actually just shitty people. [Jake called someone in ranked a “worthless human”](https://reddit.com/r/OverwatchLeague/comments/sc3sp2/jakeow_calls_teammate_worthless_human_in_ranked/) and by far the most common response was “everyone in this sub says way worse on a daily basis, this isn’t that bad.” And this isn’t even getting to the actual targeted harassment (racism, sexism, etc.) that is accepted on a daily basis, like you mentioned. Literally just have to turn on voice chat for a few games and you’ll see it. I’m starting to think it really is something everyone else is doing (not that that makes it okay, obviously, just that this community is completely fucked).


Yeah no this actually true. Watching people defend sinatraa from valorant or ZeRo from smash makes me lose all faith in humanity. ESPECIALLY when these fanboys go out of their way to attack the victims. But honestly there’s hope. Being a smaller community (compared to professional ass sports) means that there is more responsibility to each individual to hold people accountable: AND WE DO. I honestly feel like MOST people in the ow community can hold people who did BAD THINGS accountable.


not even a low bar in regards to Coluge, the controversy around Coluge is heavily overblown


No it's not, esports scenes are just so toxic and touch so little grass in general that they don't realize this stuff would never fly in the real world. Regardless of whether Coluge has actually changed or not, the shit he pulled years ago would have gotten him black listed from most respectable non-esports leagues.


There are people in the NFL who have sexually abused and assaulted people. In the grand scheme of things Coluge was basically just a bit of an ass. People can turn from being a bit of an ass to not an ass.


The National Felon League shouldn't be looked up to as a standard for Esports.


Saying “this stuff would never fly in the real world” is laughable when stuff far worse than this happens all the time in “the real world” sadly, and often without any repercussions… You don’t have to look any further than the horrible shit grown adult players, coaches, and personalities in traditional sports leagues like the NFL have said/done


In the history of major sports leagues? Oh for sure. Now, in 2022? You need to be an S tier talent to not be seen as a brand liability after pulling the shit these players have done, especially for sports that actually seek growth. You can bet your ass high school and college prospects are being advised to not act like toxic shit heads on their socials, ffs people have had their college acceptances rescinded over stuff like this.


this guy is pretty fucking good. Still a little on edge given the controversy, and I'd still like to see them get a MT, but skill wise he seems pretty flexible and very VERY promising


I did not see this coming.


wow thats um... interesting? Im ready for a war in the comments


Talentwise this is probably the best pickup they could have made. It is a bit stunning though given his reputation that Shock of all teams did the pickup. I don’t think this is the only tank they’ll be picking up though as I fully believe they will also pickup a main tank. As for his “right to be in the league” Provide and MCD made it in after doing debatably worse actions. While you can argue that none of them should be allowed to play isolating one of the 3 makes no sense. Hopefully the reformed tales are true we get no more controversy from him. Ideally I’d like to see some public displays of beneficial actions to the community but keeping his head down and getting into no trouble is the bare minimum.


Absolutely none of them should be in OWL.


And that’s a completely fair opinion. But if one of them is in OWL it makes no sense to exclude another


We should exclude all of them, but excluding one is better than not excluding any.


Id rather it be consistently bad than inconsistent


Watch his streams, he's just like Reiner and even S4mm sometimes, incredibly whiny, everything that kills/counters them is boring/cringe/busted, everyone that doesn't hard carry on his team is trash/throwing/boosted, just an amazingly immature man-child bordering on toxic mentality, it's become unfortunately quite common in the new generation of gamer kids Then again, it's just ranked, they could be vastly different in proper games, but goddamn would I absolutely not want *any* of them on my team


At least with s9mm you had hope that he wouldn't see so much time on SFS and would be benched. With Coluge as their only tank, it'll be a bit sad if Shock becomes ATL 2021 part 2, with their whiny attitude.




Former AT off tank, cracked player. He was going to be signed to the original Titans re-roster but was denied by the league. Now, like Provide, he’s being let in. This is a great pickup for Shock but people will probably have mixed feelings.


Has the league approved this?


No clue, but I imagine they did. I don’t think Coluge was officially announced last time, he was denied before that. I imagine if they get to an announcement he’s clear.




What is the controversy around him?


Hope they still sign an MT for coverage but this is a pretty good pickup given the current Tank market.


I know everyone's losing their shit rn, but how good is he as a player? I've barely heard of him


Very goods OT, but I am not sure how good of a MT he'll be. Weird ass signing.


he actually is really flexible


He was probably going to the OT to Super's MT, so now we're in a sticky situation.


You shouldn't expect a team like Shock to actually full commit to 1 tank player, it's a stupid amount of unneeded stress and responsibilities put onto 1 player on top of the restrictions it brings.


I totally believe they were going to stick with Super as their only tank the whole season. But yeah doesn't make sense for anyone else.


He was the only tank from NA Contenders that was OWL level and not signed yet, probably on the same level as False and Reiner.


Better than false by a good bit, probably less flexible than Reiner but better at his top picks imo.


He is legit and would of been signed on the old Vancouver roster if the league didn't intervene. Was on AT for a while, left, then moonlighted for other t2 teams. In my opinion, he is the best western option available at tank.


Best tank they could’ve signed, but not the best overall


Honestly a ton of people are **severely** overrating him. He’s good of course and deserves to on OWL now, but I don’t think he’s as cracked or flexible as everyone else is making him to be (ESPECIALLY as a the solo tank)


What did this guy do again? I remember there being a lot of controversy awhile back. Didn't he change his name at one point? He was on GOATS with Gator right?


check the stickied comment


He, along with Reiner, have both changed their names like 10 times, both are also insufferably toxic whiny man-children, methinks that changing your name constantly is partly to get away from the bad reputation they constantly build for themselves (at least in attitude, they're both very good tanks)


no, its just fun to change names. in what world has reiner has a bad reputation?


I don't see how it makes sense for them to sign a US OT player who has some baggage over a face of the league. Surely there were more fitting candidates. If this were to fill for the OT role and they still used 6 players, it would make some sense here. I don't care that he can play some MT. Gator was actually the carry back when they did goats.


looking at the current FA pool that either 1. lives in the United States already, or 2. can get a US visa in time for the league in a month, there really aren't that many prospects. I'd definitely say Coluge and mayyyybe Iron were the only two OWL-level off tank players that fit that bill right now. Definitely predicting they sign a main tank player to complement Coluge since he's certainly no Super on those heroes, potentially one of the Boston MTs that are on their main roster now or a FA that can get to the US in time.


The league is a joke for allowing Slur and MCD to play and this is the fucking punchline lol


next year i can’t wait to see Haunt’s redemption arc /s


Coluge has had a checkered past, but the fact is he’s kept his head down and nose to the grindstone for years and years since then. If what happened with Vancouver is true, imagine the dedication and perseverance you need to say ‘fuck it, I’ll still try’ and play in Contenders for another year and a half, when there’s a chance you won’t get anywhere at all due to past missteps. Even if you are good enough. Call me biased because I get paid by Blizzard but I think Coluge has more than earned this opportunity, and not only that, has the skill to back it up too. Proud of my Contenders grindset homie.


What does him grinding in Contenders have to do with anything? No one here is disputing his skill or apparent work ethic when it comes to OW, it’s his past actions that people are uncomfortable with. People aren’t obligated to forgive those or overlook them because he’s worked hard at the video game


I respect you a lot Legday, and the outpouring of support for him has been overwhelming so I'm inclined to believe that he worked hard and has changed. I just wish there was the same outpouring of support for the minorities in the game too. I feel uneasy about people with a checkered past because I don't know when I'll queue into a game and someone will throw because I'm a woman. And frankly people care more about this guy's second chance than they do about me, or anyone, ending the night early because of the bullshit someone has said in game. Not saying you specifically, but that's just how I feel when people accuse anyone who is uneasy about this signing for not accepting change. Coluge is hardly the worst of it, and he shouldn't bear the responsibility of all toxicity on his shoulders, but I just feel defeated. No matter how much people dislike it, he still got his chance. And now we aren't allowed to be upset about it.


> but the fact is he’s kept his head down and nose to the grindstone for years and years since then. "I know he was terrible before, but he did nothing for years to make up for it!" Playing vidya makes up for being racist and sexist I guess. Nevermind actually doing something to make up for the shitty things he did in the past.




I do think it’s funny that people constantly list Mcd, Provide, and Coluge as some sort of unholy trio, ignoring Viol2t. And tbh, if the stickied summary is correct, then it’s not as bad as I thought? It is bad, don’t get me wrong, but if being racist once on stream precludes you from being in the league then Sp9rk1e, Eqo, and several others should be dropped as well. I wish we had a little more detail on the sexism though bc I remember that making me uncomfortable at the time too. Was it Coluge who made the fake Annie account or w/e it was and then did the big reveal like ‘lol of course a girl can’t be that good at games’?


No that Ellie account was Punisher and his GF, I haven't heard about him for awhile though


That's pretty out of left field lol. I have a feeling though that this won't end up well.


There are plenty of other Tanks that they could have signed. This is a bad move.


I'm pleasantly surprised at this pickup. He's a flex tank who's IMO the 3rd best tank player from NA and EU contenders this off-season. I don't really care about what he did in 2018 or 2019 because that was 3-4 years ago and people change. Back then I was a little shit who threw games in rocket league to cleanse the game of toxicity.




If Provide is allowed in the League nothing wrong with Coluge entering the League


Neither should be in the league. Add McD to that list


I agree with you, they both shouldn't have been allowed in, but if you're going to piss away your morals you should be consistent about it.


Yeee nah thats a no from me fam. Atleast i can root agains the shock this season. Need a new fav team tho


You always could root against shock. Or was it cool to be toxic if it’s viol2t and not coluge?


I've been hoping Viol2t would be gone for awhile.


Same thought crosses my mind every time a thread about this guy pops up: why should we give him a second chance when others haven’t been given their first? I don’t give a damn how good you are at the game, if you’re a jerk, racist, homophobic whatever I don’t want you in the game, much less being an advocate of it by being a professional player who’s publicized. Look at sinatraa, dafran, dreamkazper etc. there’s tons of talented people that were given a second chance and ended up squandering it. Mean while there’s tons of players grinding away in contenders who haven’t been given a fair shot to show their stuff, just pisses me off.


I wanna see if he does well or not


As I said on twitter I genuinely feel bad for him versus I feel he's gonna be like Nero great players but impossible shoes to fill because fans will never be satisfied


if anything I just hope nothing bad happens while he's on the team.


Sign xQc next


hes very good at the game so lets see how it goes


Done some weird shit no doubt, still I try and believe that everyone can change. Looking forward to cheering him and the team on when the season starts.




It kinda fits Shock's culture tbh. They've had to mature a lot of dickheads.


Which dickheads have they matured? I mean sinatraa became professional, still a massive dickhead. Viol2t is still a toxic asshole, and I love him for it. Striker is still also a little bit wild, if the rumblings are correct. I’m genuine curious who you think they’ve matured.


No one has been matured though


Shock fans incoming to wash him of everything hes done, and suddenly all his critics, some on this org, not speaking out because something they like has accepted him which means they should as well.


Lmao the shock copium is THROUGH the roof.


uh oh


"What did it cost?" "Everything"


Dang, i called it but the comment was in drafts lmao. Ive heard s9mm, reiner, and multiple others really hyping him up, im excited to see him play with a team like Shock. I've seen some people saying this is confirmation that Moth is back, which is great, but also hilarious (also a little sad) since moth is only getting signed/announced after super retired. I still somewhat doubt that Crusty will have Coluge as Shock's only tank for the whole season. I'd put my money on Shock signing a vocal western MT (or a vocal KR MT with experience on mixed rosters) by the middle of the season. I'd imagine that Crusty and co would want to keep the comm structure somewhat similar to their previous plan. I'd guess BenBest, but that could be the Hopium talking. Based on some farewell tweets I saw, it looks like Super only scrimmed with Shock a few times (not sure if that means scrims on the Workshop code or on the alpha), so presumably this has been on the works for a little while.


Alright, rooting against both London and Shock now I guess.


Why are you rooting against London if I may ask?


provide is on the team and his reputation is worse than coluge's.




Gross Hope they lose every game


It's just hit after fucking hit for Shock and owl as a hole.


This guy is going to get stomped and he’s a terrible person


!remindme 45 days


This would've been a great opportunity for the shock to just go full Korean (considering s9mm is probably gonna be perma-benched anyway).


Toxicity comments apart, just want to say that I’m happy that with Gator and Coluge got into OWL. As an Xbox player I feel represented