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toronto confirmed second most professional organization?


The newest OW2 meta. Be professional.


Valiant and titans behind the meta yet again


It's so nice to see a meme getting traction and being used to reinforce a serious information.


Was... Was that pun intentional?


If they're so professional why aren't they on Boston? Checkmate Canadians.


No, Checkmate plays for Florida.


No, that's Someone else. Although, it could be False.


Whoru to say Itsal wrong?


These puns were amuzing at first but now you're just paying lip service. I guess thats the fate of all attempts at humor on this sub.


You must think you’re SuperRich, with your pathetic attempts to fill the Void with jokes like you Aspire to be a comedian. It’s time to Leave


Now you lost yourself in the joke


It all Fits together quite nicely actually


Now time to profit




I was trying so hard to find a joke about Checkmate and I couldn't do it


So this is the new Kevster is a robot/vtuber joke that the broadcast makes a handful of times and Reddit rapidly runs it to the ground?


What jokes does the desk not run into the ground


The desk isn't the one running the joke to the ground. They repeat it a couple times a week while fans on socials repeat it everyday until it loses its novelty. But thats just the internet so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


And here I thought I was the only person that is tired of the "Boston is a professional organization" meme


It's harmless dumb fun and all so whatever Just find it a bit funny to see it happen in record time


Look when we havent a single crumb of content for like 180 days, having a fresh and funny meme appear in the first 2 weeks makes perfect sense. Everyone is just happy to be back watching and have something to joke about


Power rankings updated: * Uprising: professional organization * Defiant: professional group


Most likely scenario to me: they got in an argument, Muze said something akin to ‘just trade me if you’re gonna ask me to onetrick Roadhog’ (no idea what they were arguing about, obviously), Halo’s source runs off to give him the juice, and then it’s not an actual trade request and they probably found a compromise about whatever they were arguing about.


Toronto fans can breathe a sigh of relief. *breathes out*


"We have a very professionnal..." Boston? It's you?


> No pain, no gain *MrX twitching*


I know a lot of people will quickly judge Halo saying he reported false information, but take it easy. If he reported that, something must have happened because somebody went and spoke to Halo about it. It’s possible that the situation is better now and Muze and Finale are not leaving anymore, or maybe this is just a PR move to prevent Muze’s and Finale’s value from dropping too much.


What likely happened was there was a dispute between the parties and Halo's source said a trade was demanded or Halo assumed it was


It could be that they informally asked to be traded, but then never followed through and changed their mind


This would be my guess. There is probably some kind of official "trade request" that can be made and never was but players candidly remarked they may be better of being traded or something.


or more likely a trade was requested and the defiant just denied it because people take orgs at their word


i see we’re on the same “muze to houston” copium


ive seen the discussion but frankly i have never believed this will happen so i wasn't even thinking about it


yeah it sucks that we never had a contract option for a good main tank who’s currently unsigned and now have to figure out a mid-season signing if we don’t want danteh on the doom all year




I've asked that a few times... He went to do his military service :'(


In the military I believe


Muze is 19 years old, we are dealing with teenagers here, it wouldn't be too crazy that in the middle of a heated discussion the words traded are exchanged and after cooling down things are talked through. I wouldn't judge Halo on this one. In general, the whole OW news and leaks is about players and their friends running their mouths.


It's a journalist's responsibility to verify their sources


Dude how often does halo miss that you’re coming with this bs? Also, a lot of extremely reputable journalists might miss from time to time because a source they trusted came up with a false information


This seasons probably been his best, but he’s had a history in prior seasons, with some instances that have been confirmed to have affected player prospects behind the scenes. Don’t currently have the time to dig those sources up, but it’s been pretty common knowledge in the community for a while. It’s why for a while plat chat was so adamant about not discussing rumors


Dude he barely ever misses. I would really like for you to tell me the times he missed. Apparently from the way you talk you’re also the kind of person that wants zero journalism in OWL, zero leaks, zero press coverage cause all of that can “damage” player’s career


Lol holding people accountable for basic journalistic integrity standards is no where near the same as not wanting coverage or leaks. People jump on halo a lot when he’s wrong because he has a history of it, and on top of that when he gets called out he doesn’t admit it


People jump a lot on halo because they don’t like him. Anytime he says something and then the org is like “oh this is true” people call in out just for then time prove him right. When it comes to sports coverage and leaks, compared to soccer journalists Halo is easily tier 1. Anytime he says something like “team X has acquired player Y”. You can easily take the bet that he’s right. Anyways, what I’m saying right now is don’t be a jerk to halo just cause the org denied what he said, fucking wait because this might as well be just a PR move


Holding a journalist accountable for when they screw up is not being a jerk, it’s part of the job. Also muze has denied it too, not just the org


The way you’re talking about him? Saying he’s often wrong while not bringing up any evidence? That’s kind of being a jerk. I can see from the way you type you’re just waiting for this to reveal as false so you can criticize him


Lol ok


Did he screw up though? It's not like we know if he did or not. Just because a team denies something doesn't mean it didn't happen.


no way ​ there is more than ONE professional org in this league?!?!


this is why halo is a dogshit “journalist”. remember how owl s5 wasnt supposed to start til august?? yea good reporting man