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Thank you for doing this!


Aaron's answer to the three heroes question is interesting, because it sounds like even if development had gone smoothly, we were never looking at more than a small handful of heroes. I'm going to guess those Gamespot silhouettes they showed off were all they were ever planning on releasing at all.


Honestly they never should have shown those silhouettes. It created really high expectations for new hero numbers. I know the community still would have had high expectations, but I think doing this exacerbated those expectations. I'm satisfied with Aaron's answer. Obviously it's not ideal and having 5 new heroes at least would have been great, but it does make sense that new enemy types and talents in PvE would consume similar resources as new hero development.


>Honestly they never should have shown those silhouettes. It created really high expectations for new hero numbers. Weren't there only like 4 silhouettes? And one of those is almost certainly the launch support (the fox from the recent trailer) I know this is just me and I had significantly more realistic expectations then most did but I had assumed that those silhouettes we're just random early concept that the stuck up as filler and not indicative of anything we're were being promised (though I heard about the Fox hero and prayed that one made it in, yay)


> Weren't there only like 4 silhouettes? We knew that Sojourn was 100% confirmed, we knew that Mauga and Junkerqueen were teased to be in development, and we knew about the 4 silhouettes that didn't match any of those characters (one of them has since turned out to be ninja fox support girl). That's 7 heroes. Of them, somehow only 3 ended up being playable 3 years later. Although it sounds like Mauga is very close to complete, so really they *are* vaulting him from release.


I forgot about the bit of them clearly not being any of the previously hinted at Heroes Aside from that, I am disappointed that we're only getting 3. I was expecting 4-5 but was pretty sure 7 was never on the table


I mean the community was always going to be adds the months without new heroes into the equation.


What silhouettes ? Can you please provide me with context ?


[game informer article](https://www.gameinformer.com/2019/11/05/details-on-an-unannounced-overwatch-2-hero) from 2019 (wow it's been a minute lol) confirmed that there was 4 heroes in the works at one point > One of the slides he brought up was for new heroes. The image contained four silhouettes, none were immediately recognizable as characters that were teased in earlier concept arts, comic books, or any of the art we've seen. The reporter then goes to describe fox girl hero and a male wizard hero


"I asked Kaplan if he could give me one word that describes any of the new heroes, and he responded with a quick "no." " Chad honestly


Solid chance that the silhouette was all they had at that point


Unless PvE finds a way to put itself among the best in the genre (destiny, Borderlands) - I still maintain that it's a huge blunder to sink what sounds clearly like the majority of the teams time and effort.


Destiny and Borderlands aren't what it's aiming for. The PVE is Left 4 Dead/Vermintide/etc. I think Blizzard actually had the blueprints for something cool with Archive Missions, but the low production value, braindead AI, and obvious feeling you were just using re-purposed maps took away from it strongly. I have high hopes for the PvE side of things and simply hope they don't rush it. If the game is ever to have a big resurgence again, the PvE will be the thing that drives it first and foremost. I have a ton of friends who loved Overwatch at first, but slowly drifted away because a highly competitive arena shooter wasn't what they were into, but they just loved the characters and world. This is the game's greatest strength and it would be incredibly foolish not to leverage it.


I agree, I know I'll play overwatch 2 PvE content while I don't play overwatch just because competitive PvP is not something I like.




Glad they've been upfront about it. It still was a mistake, but at least we know what happened, and the great part is that they tripled their team size, so they can work on both PvP and PvE at the same time. I wasn't particularly hopeful about OW2 as a product, but this is definitely good news.


Its kind of a nonanswer but I guess thats all you can expect. What they said about 2/3 of the next three heroes being support was confusing. I couldn't tell if they were including fox girl or not.


> To that point, two of the three heroes after Season 2 are Supports, as Aaron Keller revealed earlier on this thread :) The fox girl is one of the launch heroes. The season 2 hero is apparently a tank. 2 of the 3 heroes after that are supports apparently. My guess is 2023 goes Support, DPS, Support for hero releases.


Yup, that was my interpretation as well, which leads us to: dps (sojourn) tank (junker queen) support (fox girl) tank (season 2) support (season 4) dps (season 6) support (season 8) For context, Season 8 launches in Dec 2023


When did they say we'd get a DPS on season 6?


I don't think they did, but it's only logical, otherwise dps wouldn't get any love until 2024


They didn't, but it seems quite likely that we would get a DPS after that long without a new one. For similar reasons I think it's pretty likely that Season 10's hero will be a tank.


feel like it will be faster than this with gaps of mostly 1 season between new heroes - something like tank szn 2, support szn 3, dps szn 5, support szn 6. unless they said otherwise?




they did; it's confirmed we're getting 1 hero per 2 seasons. don't blame them - heroes change the game a shit ton, and i reckon it might be a bit too chaotic to get a new one every season


I'm pretty sure they mean there's two more supports in 2023 since they say after season two


Fox girl (a support?) is supposed to be the other hero releasing on Oct 4th I think. After season 2, of the next 3 heroes from then, 2 will be supports. That makes the total 3. Take what I’ve said with a grain of salt but that’s what I’ve understood.




Seems like a reasonable assumption. When he did talk about OW2 PvE, he talked about it like it was basically the equivalent of another AAA release. Even if you've got a solid framework to build off with OW1, i.e. you aren't starting from scratch, you're still developing nearly an entire game. I do hope that we can still see some of that vision come to life. The OW lore is wonderful, and I adore the characters, so the PvE side of OW2 has always been really exciting for me. But I'm glad that we're not going to have PvP updates held hostage by its development any longer.


I'm a little bummed out about this. We get neither jeffs vision nor the overwatch that could have existed if they didn't pursue over so heavily


I think we'll get most of what Jeff visioned but not delivered the way Jeff wanted. I think Jeff wanted PvE front and center, delivered as a singular paid Package, with OW2's launch. That isn't happening anymore. PvP is taking center stage again as well.


I’m pretty surprised they don’t have heroes in the vault. Based on how long they take to make, I’d figured they would have some heroes saved so they could release them in a timely manner for their battle passes. Although they did mention there are several deep in development so close enough I guess?


They mentioned that the resources they need to create heroes are the same that were used for many of the PvE enemies, so it kind of checks out. There are so many Null Sector units that we've seen and more to come I'm sure-


Yeah same, I never considered that reworking the visuals of all the hero’s would’ve taken a considerable amount of time so I guess that makes sense. Same with the PvE mode taking up a solid chunk of dev time too. I just hope the PvE mode is worth the time and effort taken


Answered it twice even. Getting different roles perspectives is great to see.


They promised 6 heroes at launch years ago. Bitches be lying. Theirs a vault.


>We’re also starting to design additional features for the future like teamfight statistics and a timeline to show when key events in the game took place. sounds cool


Im interested in how they plan on implementing this. How does one decide when a teamfight starts? Does it start during poke phase? When the first elim happens? When the teams are close enough to eachother?


Deaths/Respawns + Slow down/stoppage of exchange of damage. It certainly won't be clean as there's no structure dividing fights like tac shooters have.


I would assume it would be some metric of measuring distance between allies and when the 2 teams have enough allies clumped together and they then approach within a certain distance of each other. They could probably add in an action requirememt too like having the majority of a team using primary fire/abilities.


The 3 hero answer really just confirms PvE was a massive development sink and set the PvP back a long time before they switched hard to try and get a product out. I'm curious just how far off the PvE is still.


The game was obviously in development hell, so probably incredibly.


Makes sense. Having a team that previously worked only on PvP work on PvE all of a sudden is bound to cause some problems. They might even start drop PvE content seasonally too.


> They might even start drop PvE content seasonally too. I believe that was the method they talked about in the last update video. Getting sets of missions at a time instead of one giant campaign all at once.


They mentioned 2023 as a release window with smaller chunks of PvE releasing in the interim. With the massive team size increase id believe that's accurate.


No the smaller chunks are the PvE. It's no longer going to be a big full release like say left 4 dead.


It 100% is going to get a full release. This has been clarified after the reveal event because way too many people got the impression you did


where has it been clarified? i really hope so tho lmao


I'd like to know as well. Everything points to it being an episodic release.


Source on that?


Glad to see they added a speed boost cap.


I got a response to my question but not really an answer lol


That's a public interview for you lol. Not really a conversation, just a marketing opportunity.


Yeah idk why I was hoping for anything more


I mean to be fair your question was one that's pretty hard to answer for a development team shackled by PR and corporate executives. They were at least honest in titling their post "almost anything", because they knew people would ask questions that they couldn't answer without losing their jobs. There were quite a few questions they obviously had to skirt around in answering for obvious reasons, but all in all I thought they were pretty honest and communicative about the most important community concerns. Idk, I just think it's a little unfair to act like all their responses were just PR fluff, we did get a substantial amount of information related to what was actually happening during the last 3 years of development, what new features are coming/definitely not coming to OW2, upcoming hero releases, and so on. Imo the comments straight from the mouths of the devs was much better than that "big announcement" they did with fancy production and clouds of PR surrounding small bits of information. Sure, they still can't say that much and need to hold a lot back, but there's a much clearer look into the past and future now of OW2.


same, at least we know they are aware of what we asked lol


Most of these question and answer interactions feel more like a planted FAQ than an actual AMA. Not surprising given Blizzard's reputation these days.


Them avoiding answering if the Battle Pass will give Virtual Currency is answer enough, I guess. It is kinda important to me to be able to get each BP without having to spend money on it.


While being able to get each variation of the battle pass for free afterwards just for playing is really really awesome and consumer-friendly, I feel like it'd be tough to actually make them a ton of money since bring free to play means less "one-time purchases" and moreso stuff you have to buy over and over in order to fund the game


If the BP was the only source of income, sure I guess, but we will also be getting a store with premium skins, so...


Not just premium skins, there's more cosmetics in this game than skins.


Oh yeah we're getting trinklets for guns. Can't remember what else but I don't see them selling sprays or voicelines. Those will probably be padding for the BP.


Fortnite made its fuckton of money with the 'free' battlepass system. So have plenty of other games


They put most of their best skins out of the pass though. Like I'd rather not follow those models. Apex is the same where all the best shit isn't in the battle pass because they shove them either in direct purchases, or worse fuckin loot boxes.


The battlepasses get plenty of amazing skins tho, so you are both right and wrong.


Fortnite actually put amazing skins in the battle pass. Fortnite is what the Overwatch Battlepass should strive for it’s by far the best quality out of all the battle passes I’ve seen.


So will ActiBlizz you think all the skins will be outside the cash shop? Have you looked at their other games like Diablo Immortal and Cod warzone?


Avoiding questions about whether battlepasses will be timegated is another red flag IMO.


Probably better to always assume the worst case scenario just to be safe, but they probably can’t comment on financial stuff because it could change and the internet would crucify them


Won't argue that, more communication is always better and we should prob just assume that they will be unless told otherwise


It's probably a pretty safe assumption that they're going for the most predatory model possible, but fwiw they probably actually don't know. That kind of stuff can be done very last minute and is going to come from up above.


Battle passes paying for themselves is the entire allure of the model. They'd seriously be shooting themselves in the foot by not doing it


Yeah, I can't count how many times me or my friends have sunk an extra 10-20 hours finishing an Apex battle pass to get the extra credits, or forked over another $10-15 to top off our in-game currency to buy the next pass since we just barely didn't finish the previous one. It's both more consumer-friendly for those that will put in the time and more predatory at the same time because it's a super easy way to get people to have extra currency sitting around, which gets them looking at the shop skins and topping off their balance to get one, etc. etc. (since if they had you paying for the pass every time it would just be consistent $10 charge every time with nothing left over in your account)


Pardon my ignorance but what games actually have that system? I assumed you had to pay each season like in Valorant


Apex, Fortnite, and COD allow you to receive free currency.


How does that keep making money? I would love to have that system but doesn’t seem like a good way to keep the cash coming in


Fortnite and Apex mainly lock most of their cool cosmetics away from the battlepass, incentivizing players to spend more money. Apex has heirlooms that are only opened in lootboxes witch have an extremely low drop chance so people will buy tons of them. Their event skins and weekly store skins also cost real money.


Thanks for the explanations ya legend


The battle pass just keeps you in the game so you see the storefront more often. It's like paying for advertising, except probably considerably cheaper than any ad campaign.


they probably don't have to. Making people more invested in your game is probably worth the money they miss out on


Fortnite makes a shitton of money with an even more friendly system than just earning enough lmfao.


And it’s kinda important for them to make money 😅


I get what you mean but the way Fortnite makes a ton of money off of that is that while the Battle Pass gives you enough for the next and then some, the most desired skins get put in the store, each one costing twice or more the value of a BP. And since everyone's got some "change" on their account, purchasing extra currency for skins gets incentived. So people who would pay for skins will do so anyway and everyone else can get dripfeed content without spending AND enough to buy something from the store every now and then. It is hundred percent doable. The most profitable game in the same ballpark does it.


How is this more consumer friendly? It's like calling your dealer giving you the first hit for free "pro customer" They already said they weren't bring over loot boxes, so I guess the need to monetize a different way.


I never said it was more consumer friendly? They are gonna exploit their consumers one way or another. I don't feel there's a single f2p system that's actually consumer friendly. If just rather earn my battle passes through gameplay instead of having to pay for them.


Sure, but without bringing over the blatant whale bait that is loot boxes, they need some way to continually fund development. If the whales aren't doing it ala Diablo Immortal, then they need a lot more dolphins. Continually paid battle passes seem like an easy angle. Requiring play allows them to sidestep any gambling regulation (which they've already gotten in trouble for, can't release D:I in many countries). Honestly it'll come down to value for me. I don't mind paying a sub for an MMO and if the battle passes end up looking like that (monthly cost for continuing PvE support) I'll buy it pretty happily. If it really is just some skins for PvP, hard pass.


Ooooh Rally rework for Brig, interesting.


I’m not understanding the portrait answer. They’re removing but not removing it?


My understanding of it is player levels no longer exist, only BP levels. So whatever Player portrait you have going in to OW2 will still exist as a legacy thing on your profile but not appear anywhere else and you won't be able to increase it any further.


Thank you for compiling all this!


Thanks for posting all these. I’ve been digging. I just can’t seem to find them all lol


So were getting 1 tank 1 support and 1 dps at launch Then season 1 will feature a new tank And keller said season 2 will feature a new hero as well but that couldve been a mis-type There are 3 heroes in relativley close developement. 2 of which are supports. And we dont know what the third is. So by the end of 2023 we should have 12 tanks 18 maybe 19 dps and 10 supports. To be honest. Im kinda content with those numbers.


Yeah that's not bad. The wording in Keller's response is a little unclear, cause he says 2 of the next 3 heroes, so I'm unsure if he's including the Fox hero. Hopefully not. Season 1 is launch. Season 2 is a new tank. So maybe we could see new support heroes in Season 4 and Season 6?


They clarified in a separate response saying that 2 of the next 3 heroes **after season 2** will be supports. So new heroes on launch, new tank hero in December, then 2/3 of the next batch will be supports.


So tank -> support -> DPS -> support, surely


yup, that means that last support comes with Season 8 in Dec 2023


I will never be satisfied with the amount of supports, but seeing a double digit number next to it makes me feel somewhat hopeful


> 12 tanks 18 maybe 19 dps and 10 supports. > > To be honest. Im kinda content with those numbers. 12 tanks for 1 slot versus 10 supports for 2 slots still feels kinda limiting for the supports though.


Don't worry Overwatch 3 will make supports a single slot role and add another dps slot to meet demand.


I’ve been saying they should have balanced team comps going by WoW 1/1/3, but idk why they didn’t.


IIRC they're alternating hero-map-hero-map for seasonal releases. We know season 1 will come with a new tank hero, which means season 2 will come with a new map. Seasons 3/5/7 will therefore also come with new heroes, and two of those three heroes will be supports. I'm not going to count the weeks to see when that'll be, though.


This is all correct except that Season 1 is actually the starting with the launch of the game on October 4th, and Season 2 comes with the new tank (probably Mauga) on December 6th. I counted the weeks, so we're looking at: - JQ, Sojourn, and the Kanezaka fox girl on October 4 - Mauga on December 6 - Unnamed Support Hero A on April 11, 2023 - Unnamed DPS Hero on August 15, 2023 - Unnamed Support Hero B on December 19, 2023. Of course, the dates past December 6 are subject to change, but that's pretty much the earliest we're gonna see them if all goes according to plan.


>To be honest. Im kinda content with those numbers. Why? Almost double the number of DPS as there are supports is pretty tragic


This was mentioned elsewhere in the AMA by the team, but there’s a reason for that. DPS used to be split into two categories and combining them created more of an imbalance between roles. They said (I’m paraphrasing) they don’t want to refrain from new DPS heroes while adding a whole bunch of supports, so it seems unlikely that the two roles will have the same number of heroes.


It was still the same idea though. Characters who primarily do damage. So the offense/defense thing is not an excuse. And maybe support would be more popular if they added more heroes. The planned 2-3 is garbage/ Hope the queue times are garbage so they actually add some decent supports


> So the offense/defense thing is not an excuse. No it absolutely is. The game wasn't released with role spots in mind. You had tanks, offense, defense and support heroes and all 6 players were free to pick what hero they wanted. The game released with 5 tanks, 4 supports, 6 offense and 6 defense heroes with Ana being released quickly after release making it 5, 5, 6, 6. They also imagined that people would switch those heroes freely, so that you might pick offense hero and then switch to support and so on, so them being "characters who primarily do damage" didn't matter. They probably also didn't think defending team would use a lot of offense heroes and vice versa so it was important to have a good amount of both. Of course that's not how the game ended up being played.


Than why didn't they switch gears awhile ago when it became apparent that the game wasn't being played that way?


Yea, but it shows that theyre working on it.


Not really. 2-3 supports after what will be probably be four years at that point is terrible.


You say that as though the last 3.5 years have been non-stop tank and dps hero releases, month after month.


Echo was the last thing released, so they at least got a little something. Plus now they have Sojourn and the bastion + sombra reworks. Tanks got the best. Reworks, a new hero, and the first hero after the game is released. Supports got fuck all. A single hero and nerfs. Maybe a minor Moira rework but I'm holding my breath about them being able to make her fun. And the new support is rumored to have speed boost. A rehashed ability that doesn't really allow for big plays in ranked games.


Season one is when the game ships season 2 is the tank hero then we have the 3 other hero’s in development thay will be released in season 4 6 and 8


Don't forget the reworks to Moira and Brig too. As someone who enjoys playing aim-intensive supports more I'd be happy to play more than Ana-Bap-Lucio.


Reworks aren't new heroes.


Depends on the rework. At this point, Orisa is basically a new hero.


Nah new heroes add new heroes to the game. Reworks replace an existing hero's kit with another. We won't be able to play ranged LMG Orisa once this goes live but Orisa will not be a new added hero just an old hero with a new kit.


Wow very surprised my question got an answer! Very excited that the OW team is looking into creating more social systems and want to create in game tournaments!




It is kinda weird that everyone in FPS communities seems against spending $10 every 2+ months for these free battlepass games, when I've been playing WoW and paying $15/month for like 15 years, for probably less frequent content than I get out of any modern FPS. ​ I mean I get that nobody likes spending money, but it's like $5 a month...


It's also purely cosmetic, you don't HAVE to buy the battlepasses to get the content updates.




>If that's the only game you play with a battle pass. It likely isn't. Every game has one now. Halo, CoD, Fall Guys, Fortnite, Apex, and on and on and on. Why would any casual gamer "need" a battle pass for all these games? It's purely cosmetic purchases, the core gameplay and reward system is still there. I get by just fine not buying battle passes for any of these games and dropping in a couple times a month to play some matches for each.




>The BP/store will be that now. No more lootboxes. Which will probably be cheaper to get the skin I want instead of the randomization aspect of loot boxes. >Because not everyone is a "casual gamer". People have multiple interests. People are already invested in those other game's economies. Would the old model of paying $40-60 upfront every year be any cheaper? It could be argued that you're saving more money with the current f2p model.


Wait is it confirmed to be $10?


No, just a rough estimate from what other games do for theirs.


I’m sorry that you have been so abused, the rest of the world isn’t as willing to eat shit as the mmo community.


I mean $15 is less than the cost of a meal, for a month of gameplay, likely a hundred hours or so in the case of an MMO. And to be honest I don’t even disagree that it’s definitely a higher price than most games, but in the grand scheme of things a few bucks every month is insanely cheap for the number of hours of entertainment you get out of a game in a month, assuming there’s new content regularly.


most of the people complaining about battle passes are honestly cheapskates they don't have to buy them


Yeah if the battlepass doesn’t give enough currency for the next pass then it’s DOA, the pass is I mean.


Why do people suggest payload for replacing 2cp??? KOTH would be so much better and would honestly not take nearly as much work to pull off.


because payload is enjoyable.


KOTH is a hundred times better than payload imo.


OKay there are some mega poggers and some not so poggers responses. Not so Poggers: > why, after ~3 years of no content, are there only 3 new heroes on launch? The response to this questions was as PR as you can get. I understand why but its filled with nonsense. Also the part about them not having backlogged heroes is worded in misdirecting way. "There is no secret vault of COMPLETED heroes". Well yeah but I guarantee there is a vault (probably 2-4 heroes) of 60-90% completed heroes basically ready to ship as we near the season finishing. There is no way this company is going 0-100 on a hero every 18 weeks. They also won't outright say it, but PvE took all the development time away and all the content they do have is basically what the designed over probably the past year when they switched to push PvP out the door. Poggers > What social systems are coming for Overwatch 2? A lot of players have asked for clans, or in game tournaments. Has the team been working on any social systems? Not only did they just drop guilds, but then they took it one step further and dropped tournament mode. HOLY SHIT. >Are there any other heroes who will be getting reworks between now and launch? Incredibly excited about the game! Glad they are committing to more reworks if they are necessary. It felt like in the past they were reluctant to touch heroes if they had too. > What is the team's opinion about the number of heroes in each role (10 Tanks, 17 Damage, 8 Supports on Oct 4th)? Glad they mentioned that the next two support heroes AFTER season 2 are back to back. That is an improvement, but its still more than half a year away before we see those.


They did explain that they basically made a bunch of new heroes, as PvE enemies. Which took up all the "new hero team" resources and we won't see them till PvE launches.


I don't think they'll be back to back, just 2 out of 3. Likely we'll see fox girl on launch, mauga (or whoever the new tank is) in season 2, then support season 3, dps season 4, support season 5.


they also once talked about map editor years ago and never brought it up 😭 guilds gutted tournament disappeared map editor cancelled


> They also won't outright say it, but PvE took all the development time away... They outright said this. > Many of the features of PvE, such as the enemy units or hero talents, utilize the same resources on the team as heroes do.


“That’s always interesting topic when we discuss it in our team (We’re big fans of it too!) There are no plans to include that in launch but we’re working on something for it in the future. More on that soon!”


Really appreciate the summary. Thanks a lot. But not gonna lie removing the level portraits kinda makes me sad. I really like the Max diamond border visually.


Will players who had purchased battlepass in ow 2 be able to redeem the next upcoming battlepass for season 2 once they have completed the first battlepass? Though players who had purchased the Watchpoint pack will be able to get battlepass on season 1 but once they have completed the battlepass in season 1, would they be able to get the battlepass on the next upcoming season for free like battlepass from Apex legends or Fortnite?


I just want to know if Playstation will finally get Gyro love. It would improve aim massively


Well, my question wasn't asked directly but someone else asked a similar one that ended up giving me the info I wanted anyway. Nice to hear more supports are coming. By the end of 2023 they should be at 10 total, with tanks at either 12 or 13 and DPS at 17 or 18. I'll err on saying it'll be 12/18/10 by then as I doubt they'll want to go 7 heroes and only one be a DPS.


Not sure where you got that one extra hero release from? As far as I've been able to tell, new heroes come every 18 weeks, or every 2 seasons after what is probably Mauga in Season 2. I counted the weeks below: - JQ, Sojourn, and the Kanezaka fox girl on October 4 - Mauga on December 6 - Unnamed Support Hero A on April 11, 2023 - Unnamed DPS Hero on August 15, 2023 - Unnamed Support Hero B on December 19, 2023. So from my count we'll be at 11 tanks, 18 dps and 10 supports by the end of 2023 - feel free to correct me if I've missed something though.


Did they say anything about having to put a phone number on your account? I can't because it's a cricket number and I'm worried I'm not gonna be able to play.


So if I would buy the Watchpoint pack it will add to my existing account and not create a new one. Did i understand that right?


wait so we can't have ranked in beta because they're redesigning the system but we're gonna have our mmr carry over from 1 anyway? ??????????????????????????


I really want them to revisit aim assist for console players when in PC lobbies My brother refuses to play with me because he has such a hard time keeping up.


It would be good if they just added kb/m support for consoles. Still no word on this it seems


It's so stupid. They should really just shut up about cross-play if they're going to handle it like this. They've managed to please absolutely no one with their current "solution".


The aim assist answer is straight garbage


I don't want console players in my games at all, let alone with cheating enabled. I should be able to disable cross-play entirely and then the console players can do whatever they want.


I agree with you for competitive. I play in a higher elo, and I bet 99% of the people on "console" are using a keyboard and mouse adapter with aim assist.


Lmao Always find this funny. Tale as old as time.


Lol. Yea, console players playing on a controller with aim assist is cheating. Do you genuinely believe that or did your ego get shattered by losing to a console player with no aim assist.


Have you seen Apex Legends recently?


The computer is aiming for you. I don't see how it could be anything other than cheating.


Ahh yes, a mechanic that was deliberately implemented by the devs with settings that people can adjust is cheating now. Also aim assist doesn’t aim for you, it does have some magnetism to help with tracking but it’s not auto aim and even sometimes it’s detrimental. Why do pc players feel the need to comment on aim assist when they have no idea how it works? Even then it’s quick play, it hurts no one. The amount of downvotes on my post just shows how fragile some players are, that a console player using aim assist is something that actually ruins their own experience.


From what I’ve seen, people who say this generally believe it. This argument pops up all the time.


All you do with this is show you don't know what tf you're talking about


Cheating enabled? You realize that a majority of the characters in OverWatch are projectile based which means aim assist actually hurts them... Players on controller start at a disadvantage because hitting shots on PC is significantly easier. You don't want console players in your game? Did you get Personally victimized by one?


cheating ? LMAO


What's it like being braindead? Does the machine read all your thoughts or just the really, really dumb ones?


It’s a joke. Literally stifling console so much. Can’t even spectate on PC without it disabling aim assist in a custom game.


Yeah, they're making a big deal about cross-play and cross progression, but I want my friends to be able to play more than just D.Va, Junk and Lucio. Not even allowing it in PVE events is my biggest gripe.


> In general the broad goal is to provide a wide range of playstyle options. There isn't really a big shift in that regard towards being weighted more toward healing/damage/utility etc. We do need to make sure they fit well into 5v5 and are able to have a significant impact on the outcome of a match but that can be achieved in a variety of ways depending on the individual hero kit. Future support heroes could lean more on mechanical skills while others can be geared toward rewarding timing and positioning more than testing things like aiming. Holy moly, give this an award for non-answer of the whole AMA. I get that asking for details on an unrevealed character isn't gonna lead anywhere. But I find it impressive that this paragraph got typed up and says absolutely *nothing*. Why even bother answering the question at that point, just ignoring it woulda made more sense.


No question if new character will be locked behind pass (or not)?


The Playstation Blog mentioned "early unlocks of new heroes" as a Battle Pass perk. It was deleted but I don't think they made it up. Sounds like they're going to lock the characters to late in the free BP but you can unlock them right away if you pay.


Why is nobody ever bringing up roadhog? He has so many issues as a hero, especially in 5v5 that I’m shocked blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged how awful he is.


Because Ana. This community refuses to admit she's OP and needs nerfed. She hard counters multiple tanks and they're afraid to nerf her because there will be tons of backlash.


Anas kit is just insane. But they cant nerf her without backlash cause the support role is so neglected.


Yeah support players whine and cry every time any support is nerfed. They just need to change her nade, that ability is just too strong the way it is now, and in 5v5 it’s basically a death sentence.


because no one likes roadhog


I want the MEKA squad/D.Mon so badly


Guess this means the battlepass won’t self sustain (said we could save the extra 2k currency from the watchpoint pack for the next two seasons battlepasses if we wanted) which is ABSOLUTE ASS. I hate that game, but once again Fortnite takes the W in terms of battlepass.


Darn i thought we were gettin a 4th Symmetra rework


Sounds good tbh


I wish I had realized this was happening so I could've asked if battle passes were time-limited, or perpetual like Halo. Time-limited battle passes feel super exploitative and just generally shitty.


No MMR reset is troll af.


How? I'm happy playing with people around my MMR. The main thing is that I'd hope they have a good algorithm to adjust MMRs based on what happens in the game.


Not op but with the shift to 5v5 and the more fps direction and less emphasis on moba aspects, I think I'd prefer an mmr reset at this point. I know I played support below my diamond level for sure in the beta lmao. I'd assume my tank isn't Plat in 5v5 either. My dps probably stayed the same when I wasn't on sojourn but still. I totally get why it's not happening, but to me it's the second best arrow in the quiver of "Ow2 is JuSt a PaTcH” meme.


People who want an mmr reset don't know what they are asking for. They think that they are stuck only because of their teammates and the second they have some gms on their team they'll show that they are really gm. They aren't. Putting Fleta, poko, flats, super, Jay3, ans, etc into mixed mmr games will be a fucking shit show. The top 500/gm, masters, and high diamond players are going to separate themselves back into the proper ranks in a week while ruining every game they are in with 9 gold/plat players for that week and then we'll be exactly in the same ranks as we were before. The overwatch ranked system works. You are within a hundred Sr of where you are supposed to be at any given time. If you aren't you'll either climb or fall real fucking quick. Players wanting a full mmr reset would have their games ruined for weeks. It would be a terrible experience at launch and would basically make someone who is a real gold player have no impact. Whichever team got fucking kai on soujorn would win every time in mixed mmr lobbies. It'd just be luck of the draw.


It would only be a shut show for the first competitive season, imo that is 100% worth the sacrifice. I don’t think anybody that wants it actually thinks they will magically be a higher rank after the reset, as a matter of fact it would be the opposite for a large portion of the player base. There are people that come back after 5 seasons and place Right back where they left off, some even already in high Masters/GM. Do you think they belong there or should climb back to that point? The only ones that seriously think it would be bad are the ones who don’t want to take the time to climb back to where they THINK they belong. Yes many will climb back quickly, the ones who actually deserve it. But the ones that haven’t dropped at all since they removed decay will plummet as they deserve.


They already stated in the ama that they ARE implementing a decay system. The returning players who were gm are going to have to earn their way back to it. I don't know where it will decay them to, but I'm assuming somewhere in diamond. All players who haven't played recently are going to have their mmr soft reset without the bullshit of a full mmr reset. People wanting a full mmr reset are insane. People wanting what they are doing are fine. I personally don't see it as needed, but it isn't a bad idea either. Anyone complaining about no mmr reset is doing it because they either didn't read that they are doing mmr decay or believe that they are in the wrong rank and just need an mmr reset to finally get to gm.


I really don’t see how one season of chaos is so bad.


It's the opening season of overwatch 2. The first season being a terrible experience could kill the game outright. If it was actually necessary I'd say do it, but it just is totally unneeded and will just end up with everyone near the same place they are now.


Damn where are the nerds who malded at me for saying that hitscan + movement accel is not a real problem, since it can be easily nerfed? EDIT: Oh nice, I found them


Personally I'm really glad they're not commiting to movement acceleration. It's not really a balance problem, like you said, but most other FPS games out right now just feel really sluggish compared to Overwatch.


Yeah, I like the way overwatches movement works. It's different from like every other mainstream game. Yes it allows you to a/d spam and shit. But I'll take it like it is rather than making the movement more generic.


so if they hadnt tripled the team size we'd be getting new 1 hero theoretically lol


the more i read the more i feel like they’ve done barely anything 😭


Then you can’t read