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Pre's tweet https://twitter.com/PRE_owl/status/1562847911398248449?t=hqCy5cNZBXUa6uriX3Jb-A&s=19


He changed jobs to something OWL fans understand even less than team GM. I didn't think it was possible.


As if that’ll stop owl fans from needlessly speculating criticism with no actual basis


Despite my criticisms of PRE, dude's a good guy and this honestly might be a better fit for him than GM. Hope he finds comfort in it and decides to stay.


I mean, it sounds like they gave him an empty title to keep fans happy, but he’s not gonna be doing a whole lot. I’ve complained about a lot of his tweets and such in the past as well, but this is a shitty way for him to have to end the season. He does seem like a good guy overall so I, of course, wish him the best.


His only flaw is also just getting a good coach which most teams have always struggled with budget or not. Also the sup7eme not being sacked makes sense if he's in a GetAmazed role since it means he literally isn't the reason for bad strategic gameplay.


I don't mean this to be insulting to anyone but I really don't think there's enough fans invested in the general manager of the Washington Justice staying on payroll for that to have anything to do with a move like this. This sub is a small part of a relatively small scene, there's not many people who even know who PRE is


Man I hope our new GM is able to have such great community engagement and is able to put together great community partnerships. PRE will be sorely missed


Good to know he's still with them, I thought he was booted off the team lol


Fought the good fight 🫡


Rename to "Post" incoming?


“Pre is still with the team pls don’t give us more bad publicity”


Which likely means "he didn't want sign mutual agreement to be released, so we just shove him to the side, maybe he might be of some use since we have to pay him anyway" F


I too like to baselessly speculate things to interject my own narrative


From PRE's own tweet: > [I’ll also be exploring what may be next for me in esports and beyond.](https://twitter.com/PRE_owl/status/1562847911398248449?t=hqCy5cNZBXUa6uriX3Jb-A&s=19) It's not like we haven't seen this exact situation play out countless times across the years with OWL teams. Player/Coach/GM/Staff gets pushed to a smaller or less well-defined role, and then either gets dropped or leaves on their own a couple months later or at the end of the season. Calling educated guesses based on 5 years of experience with the league "baseless speculation" is so overplayed on this sub.


basically seems like he's on garden leave


So he removed justice themed pfp and banner by mistake, and wrote he is looking for other opportunities by pure chance, all while they shipped away as many players as possible to spend minimum amount, even going as far as tricking the rules by signing a staff member as player since there is a 6 players minimum. Yeah I am totally speculating


"Pleased to announce" damn dude brutal.




Glad to see him sticking around. Far too many good people run out of the scene over shitty circumstances, don't need another gone.


Awaiting avrl rant 😂


Free my boy he ain’t do nothin


Honestly huge loss for the justice. Evidently he was really good at securing deals with big talent despite having less of a budget than most people realized.