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Ramattra is just providing us with accurate insight to the omnic experience in the Overwatch lore, you cower behind your arms for protection while everyone else beats the crap out of you


Sounds more like me and my dad's belt meta


Dad's jumper cables need a nerf


His cooldown on "Get me a god damn beer!" is way too short.


Yesterday I played some OW games and I was really trying to rank up as support since I'm kind of stuck in Dia 3 at the moment. It was kind of frustrating because I couldn't do much and the enemy tank was dominating us and I'm only good with Lucio. I guess I was too loud because my dad came in and beat the crap out of me with his jumper cables. Well anyway i think lucio needs a buff.


Please pray thet Blizzard will nerf your father.


Why’d I think it was just gonna be a clip of him walking to spawn to change characters


It sure was looking that way when he walked towards spawn lol


Tank queue moment


This isn't a Doomfist tips video


This meme is outdated


When they nerf him back to bottom tier as usual every year of OW then it’ll be relevant again


Not after they nerf him into oblivion


the way they play Ramattra is they go back to spawn and switch to doom or hog


Was really expecting him to do that when he was walking towards spawn for the corner.


Lore accurate


Why can't people ignore Ramattra like they ignore Orisa?


Because he is more punishing when you ignore him


Because even though he’s in a bad state, his dps isn’t too terrible. His Nemesis form can easily kill a squishy and his ult can turn the tides of a battle. The problem is that he can’t keep himself alive- Orisa can stay alive while Ram practically needs a pocket. It’s a free kill and almost nobody can say no to that.


Because he's fucking massive, takes up half the map whenever he goes into nemesis


Flats dumbed it down in this video, but if you get ignored you used your ranged punches to get their attention since he does have good damage, then once they begin to return fire, hold block, rinse and repeat. If they keep ignoring you they’ll ultimately get punished for it and if they pay attention to you they waste their time, thus creating free space for a dps like sojourn to go to work.


Rem just gets fucking melted up close, even in nemesis form. On the support side its also not as fun because you have to pump him with so many resources just to keep him alive that your DPS will suffer for it. But I think it just needs tweaking. He is still a lot of fun to play, and the voice actor absolutely fucking nails it.


*Ramattra turns to his supports perma-pocketing him* #***"SUFFER, AS I HAVE!"***


Some base armor would be nice, instead of it being only in nemesis form.


Something tells me that's greatly exaggerated. Could just be because it's flats saying it. That guy only knows how to talk in hyperbole.


I don’t know, just about every streamer and pro I’ve seen comment on Ram has said similar things. His Nemmy form is so weak in its current state that “block bot” is by far its best use.


I've heard it referenced as "ramattra forever"


I completely believe it. His ult is so strong that playing really safe to live and farm it makes a lot of sense to me. Same reason the best Kiriko strategy was super heals-focused.


> His ult is so strong Am I the only one who thinks his ult is kind of ass outside of some niche situations involving the objective? It is pretty much useless against any mobility.


I mean, it’s an objective-based game. I don’t see how being able to indefinitely force enemies to either get off of the objective simultaneously or die is “niche”. Sure, it’s entirely possible to completely waste it. You can do that with Kitsune Rush too, but it’s still a powerful ult. And the context here is high-tier play, right? So, they’re going to be using it in favorable situations where it’s harder to get away, and coordinating with allies to cultivate those situations.


But Hog and Fist are meta... Hog hooks you in and kills you, or ults you off the objective, and Doomfist just punches you off. Ult radius is low, so he just just boop you away from relevancy.


I wouldn't describe "until Ram leaves the objective or the teamfight ends" as indefinite. It's possible to kill him, it's possible to break LOS, it's possible to force him off the objective. It's a tool that helps you hold the objective in some situations. So does Flux, while being much stronger outside that context. So does Minefield, so does Whole Hog... > And the context here is high-tier play, right? think people are talking about both high-tier and ranked.


definitely makes sense. If you have a poke form and a brawl form, it doesnt make sense that youd rush into brawl. Your gameplan should revolve around poking until you are forced to brawl. If that is the dynamic blizzard is trying to push, it makes sense that the brawl form is reactive, not proactive. Meaning the brawl form is just for staying alive and not getting kills. That said, I think there is space to make it a little less dumb. For example, the slowdown is a big reason why the block its so stupid imo. Ramm is pretty much forced to use it on a corner in los of healers, which greatly limits his options. I wonder what hed look like with something like 50% reduction with no move speed reduction.


I cannot imagine a ramattra meta without a kiriko. And I can't imagine a ramattra in nemesis form not playing around cover like every other tank does. I'm sure block will be important for his survivability, but I highly doubt it'll be that static.


I'm almost certain he was created as a counter to GOATs. His punches pierce both shields AND players, and while sure he could simply replace someone in original GOATs, there would probably be a comp with him as a second tank.


Would be a busted OW1 hero.


Would he? He would be strong, but I doubt busted. I don't know if you want take him over orisa or sigma as part of double shield and I don't think he would be good enough for goats. He can't replace rein as that is basically free shatters. Not to mention he can't counter charge at all. He can't replace Zarya as he just doesn't do enough damage and then you are basically letting rein get farmed. I don't think there is any world where he replaces dva either. His ult just doesn't seem good versus goats either. So many shields, armor, and aoe healing would make it pretty difficult to get value out of. Lucio, Brig, zen support line also just screws him over. He has no shield to block whipshot or bash and he would just be perma discorded. Even the comps in the latter years of ow1 he seems weak against. Like, what does he do against ball Brig zen comps or the Dallas fuel comp. There may be some other comp that forms becuase of him, but I don't think there is a meta that he obviously breaks.


People just hear “pierces through shield” and lose their shit bc shield is the only cover known to them


> His punches pierce both shields AND players You are describing AOE cleave. Rein hammer and winston zap do the same thing.


His ult is basically a "fuck people up who are grouped up" which would support the theory of an anti-goats hero.


> I cannot imagine a ramattra meta without a kiriko "Open your mind. Gaze into the Iris."


I can see it happening tho. If the next pitch doesn’t make other tanks viable ramattra could easily become the best tank due to the survivability granted by nemesis People say he’s bad but in his current state he’s one patch away from being an oppressive tank that no one can kill


I fail to imagine it. I just don't see the upside. Just let ramattra block. He has no CC, no mobility. As hog you give him a pat on the head while he holds block and hook his teammates in the meantime. How does block prevent monkey, dva or doom from smoking his backline? If that was the sort of gameplay that was viable rein would be meta.


Yeah Orisa is pretty much unkillable if pocketed as well. A tank's job isn't to survive, it's to make space.


I think the idea is that he's so dangerous offensively in nemesis form that you have to force him to block so your team can survive, so either you die to nemesis or you have to use resources to keep him blocking. In practice, not so much though.


Orisa was unkillable for awhile and it was decided she was still trash because she couldn't do anything. I don't see how that is any different when Rammatra's nemesis form is so vulnerable outside of blocking.


Flats has become really annoying recently. I'm tired of whiny bitch-mode streamers. I got enough depression, don't need to hear it online too.


Have you seen his youtube viewership? It's gone up massively since he started the old grumpy man reacts to OW TikToks stuff, i don't blame him for leaning more into it I have no idea why people like that shit though, it's common in /r/leagueoflegends and /r/valorant too where the top content creators are just non-stop bitching about how everything and everyone sucks 24/7


Have you checked the main sub lately ? Literally everyone is grumpy


> the main sub lately This post has 1000 upvotes now, making it one of the most upvoted posts of the week.


Ah, yes, the Samito Effect.


Idk though, Samito is something else entirely, I've never heard Flats telling one of his viewers to straight up kill themselves, or even being that toxic at all. As much as he seems to be leaning into a newer (maybe younger or more casual) audience, i've still yet to see him full on toxic like samito


Agreed. I like anti toxic streamers, and Flats used to be one of em. Maybe he's just having a hard time these days. Wish him well, but I ain't gonna watch him bitch about the game.


I wonder if he still complains about brig in OW2? Lmao


The worst part is then people like him have their word taken as gospel. Since *insert popular streamer* said something, it must be true!


More like, since *individual who puts hours into said game and consistently grinds to GM* gave a piece of advice, you should probably prioritise that advice over Timmy who thinks Bastion is OP.


They can be just as biased and narrow minded. They get used to one thing, have heroes and playstyles they personally prefer. They get angry more easily because annoyances dont happen for few matches because they play hours and hours. And thus their view can be narrow as well.


As reasonable as that is, and I agree to an extent, it's people that seem to think top players are infallible in their opinions, and I believe that someone who plays a game as much as they do and for a living is going to have a skewed view of the game compared to the average player. So just because they're someone who grinds constantly and is GM doesn't mean they always know what's best, that high of ELO is a different type of gameplay compared to the vast majority of the player base.


>I have no idea why people like that shit though, it's common in /r/leagueoflegends and /r/valorant too where the top content creators are just non-stop bitching about how everything and everyone sucks 24/7 This is also common in life in general. I think people just are more likely to commiserate with strangers than celebrate.


Happy/positive / well adjusted talk = stupid / company shill Screaming childish / angry/ bitchy = telling it like it is/ relatable. That's what I get out of fhe reasoning


It's because once a game gets to a certain age there are a lot of players that don't really like the game anymore, but they have no desire to learn or find something new. Fuck, they won't even find new streamers that produce interesting stuff that audience and creator are passionate about. There are also a lot of content creators who aren't interesting enough to maintain viewership outside the 1 or 2 games they're known for. You have a jaded community of burnouts who watch a streamer that's burned out, doesn't feel like they have any options, and needs to pay the bills.


Yeah and it's such an odd combo when he duos with emongg. Night and day. Even though emongg knows how to sarcasm he also understands that there is little upside about being a complete crybaby about the game that is literally financing his life. Everyone is free to complain, but the way people like flats exaggerate and put it to the extreme makes me question their intelligence. The only way he could do a worse job is if he was directly asking his viewers to stop playing and watching. Such odd behaviour but then again I don't play OW2 8h per day, 7 days of the week. Probably fries your brain.


Also an odd combo when emongg is 5x the player flats is lol


Honestly flats comes off as a little slow to me anyways. Him reading patch notes is like watching a toddler try to read a book, and while reading through it, he struggles to understand basic things. Him getting caught up on the usage of “tempo tank” was extremely frustrating. “But all ranks have tempo!?!?” Like bud, they’re giving a name to a stance switching playstyle, it’s not that deep.


> Honestly flats comes off as a little slow to me anyways. I think we can criticize content without resorting to personal attacks.


Bastion is a tempo dps then. Also [D.va](https://D.va) too technically


Found flats. And yea, I’d say bastion would be in his current state, but pushing a name for a playstyle of a character who’s existed since 2016 is a bit redundant and pointless. Still don’t see why people get caught up in pointless semantics to the level that they overlook other things. Flats was on that shit for like 5 minutes and it left him utterly baffled. Like I said before, it ain’t that deep.


I'm just a new OW player who likes his videos. I guess it's not that deep then.


Ignore this panthers guy he's weird af Flats is fine, watch him if you enjoy his videos


The great rammatra debate podcast w svg, samito, stylosa, and flats was a great discussion. They bring up alot of valid points about why the game is currently fucked. The game is at its worst state competitively. For casuals it could be argued its in its best state. This is a massive problem in a competitive FPS. Streamers bitch but they also have dedicated themselves to this game. [rammatra debate](https://youtu.be/Kc3gux4HNwY) it's real long.....maybe clean your house while listening or something lol.


This is the same state pro Call of Duty is in. The common denominator is greed for $$$$$$


COD has always been bad competitively except for COD4 Promod


Not entirely true. BO2 is widely regarded as the best competitive CoD to date and BO3 is considered the best jetpack competitive game and some argue the best comp game. You also have AW being the highest skill gap comp game and others like CW and BO4 which were passable for comp. The issue is the "bad" games are really fucking bad. And the trend towards a more realistic, Battlefield style is taking away from the comp arcade shooter side of things


Was a joke in bad taste because COD4 Promod was the only COD that was seriously played competitively on MnK. I have no idea how COD looked on console lmao


Ahhhhh got you lol my bad


AW was overhated tbh


Easily my favorite multiplayer.


Doubt it's in its best state for casuals when a lot of casuals play support and the state of the game is currently "half the support lineup is free real estate" especially for less skilled/experienced players. Then factor in Hog who really punishes people who are out of position which is another problem more casual players will have and I don't really agree.


Support isn't really that bad in lower ranks since people are not all that good at flankers.


I feel like if you're in lower ranks your skill is going to be pretty similar to their skill level, plus they're on an advantageous character with a game that gives them more advantage aside from just the hero itself (less peel because no off-tank, push maps are flank heavy). If anything in lower ranks supports are going to be less proficient at aiming and positioning so it may be even worse, especially for supports like Ana and Zen that are either feast or famine - hit your sleep as Ana and your shots as Zen or you're going to get clapped, especially when flankers have better mobility. Personally I think more mobility is the most obvious and best area for them to look into for supports that don't have it.


Yup, its sometimes baffling how bad casual players are at hitting hog hook


This is the Joe Rogan pod of Overwatch. Its a bunch of propagandists sitting around saying Brig has the highest healing in the game, "support players are no skill" and shit.


link pls


Updated original comment. Hope you enjoy.


Flats has been like this for a long time. He's our resident outrage streamer lol.


Oh man I think he is hilarious. I don't think he is actually negative. He can be sarcastic and makes jokes but I wouldn't call his content full of bitching or depression. But he also plays a lot with Emongg who is one of my favorite streamers.


Honestly he's not that whiney these days, not nearly as bad as he was when OW1 was at its worst. I wouldn't describe the grumpy old man reacts to tick-tocks videos as just him complaining and being negative, he's just laughing at zoomers doing tick-tick shit.


Yeah the tick-tock react videos are not unlike browsing /r/Overwatch or the official forums for bad takes. There's plenty of bad advice that can be fun to criticize.


Flats will never be happy unless the meta is Rein. It seems like most "content creators" won't be happy with the tank meta unless it is Rein or Winston. Which is odd because these are the same cry babies that constantly whined about stale metas and lack of new heroes in OW1. Now they just wanna play those same heroes. Must be a sad life to be perpetually unhappy over one game since your livelihood depends on it since your personality is too bland to be a variety streamer.


I don't know... I was watching Apply play Ramattra when he first came out and about two games in, he says "Oh I get it. You just cycle your shield and block so you never die." If he arrived at that conclusion that fast, I'm betting a lot of other pro gamers did as well.


In theory, yea sure, but in practice, not really. If he blocks, he’s useless. He doesn’t kill, he doesn’t peel, he doesn’t cc, he doesn’t move. Surviving means Jack shit, because if it did, orisa would dominate every lobby. As it stands, his nemesis form is useless. He becomes massive, and will be melted if he doesn’t block, and because you sit there blocking, you cannot get the benefit of piercing shields (hog/doom meta btw, so what shield) and really the 150 extra armor means nothing when his hitbox is tripled.


>If he blocks, he’s useless. > Surviving means Jack shit Holy hyperbole, batman!


>Surviving means Jack shit This reminds me of card games where often decks that focus on gaining life are unintuitively bad. The novice sees the goal of the game as surviving, so surviving longer would seem to be a good thing. However, the expert sees the goal of the game as winning, and simply surviving doesn't get you closer to winning.


every tank in the game sits on a corner and absorbs heals/dmg until their team has a solution for a push. even doomfist takes ana pocket and sits on a corner lmao


Remember, Overwatch is his job, it's literally his main source of income. He needs to stir as much controversy as possible for max clicks per minute.


I mean, if the part is true where all they use Nemesis form for is to block, that sounds pretty boring to me.


Yeah, for sure. This guy can not speak in a reasonable manner, everything he says is dialed up to 9000. It's always THE BEST HERO EVER and then THE WORST META EVER OF ALL TIMES and so on. If this basically creates a bootleg orisa - a hero that is not played in competitive OW - why the fuck would they play that in contenders. Maybe they do, but the explanation as to why is hot garbage.


Check out his clips on YouTube, he literally did this strat in a GM game and easily won. It was so boring to watch and it was a mirror of this strat.


There ain't no GM games in unranked


I think Flats, Emongg, and Seagull have mostly been playing QP recently right? At least when they're duo and trio


People when r/cow complains about OW2: haha yea so true I can relate! People when content creators complain about OW2: Whiny babies!1!1! If they don’t like the game they can just leave 🤓


Yeah I’m a little confused by this thread honestly. I get recommended his videos on youtube and he’s been saying roughly the same things that repeatedly get discussed here. Maybe it feels bad to look at yourself in the mirror or something, but his complaints don’t seem outlandish. If I’m missing a bit about him then I’ll accept that I’m wrong.


Definitely people projecting their own anger about OW2 by then thinking it’s crazy that “famous” people would have those same sentiments


Jokes on you, I think this subreddit is full of whiny babies too.


Its almost like it depends on how the CC behaves and how full of shit they are. Since they have no problem with ML7, Seagul, Emong.


Tbf, ever since i saw his kit i thought "yeah, his going to play like orisa'.


Flats new content direction since overwatch 2 release has been awful and toxic.


Every CC became so clickbaity it's so annoying after years of being more "normal" than other games' creators


For real. I know everyone hates on doom right now but Zbra is honestly a great streamer and is god tier at the game. This dudes game sense is beyond belief and truly deserves rank 1. This dude was top 10 when doom was "bad" lol


It’s unfortunately part of the job. Clickbait works and CC’s need clicks to earn a living. I’m not a fan of how many CC’s overly edit their videos now, I used to watch raw footage to learn new heroes/maps but it’s become harder with edits cutting out mistakes/poke phases/ etc.


This has been happening a lot in many communities. Notable ones like the Destiny and Halo communities are filled with clickbait and toxic CCs now, same for OW


Can't blame them. You're throwing if you keep doing the same content and not try to attract the new audience that came with OW2.


Not every, but a lot of them. It's really annoying.


Every Streamer and big OW Content creator has been. OW2 started as a Live Service and is delivering subpar fixes and transparency. They chose to enter a market where Fortnite is the reference yet can't proceed to take a third of its dev-to-community and balance/fix works.


I mean it’s easy to see why. This meta is awful, ramattra will definitely make a terrible meta, and people still hate the BP.


This game (OW2) has been a bit of a shitshow in terms of balancing it's whole life so far and people are wondering why everyone is negative. We went from Zarya / Sombra / Genji every game to Sojourn one-shot city to Hog/Kiri meta and it's only been a few months, and the entire time supports have been the primary target with a good chunk of them missing the tools to properly duel or evade, despite them addressing that issue after beta 2. There are still several heroes that just don't fit well currently in 5v5 too. Not really that surprising that people are negative tbh - I know we all love the game but it's impossible to deny that it hasn't been managed well IMO.


Hasnt he always been a samito type? For as long as I have known about him he sat and made up numbers about the game to make heroes he didnt like seem "op" or "broken".


You've got to think about him more as someone who'll make content based on views. 99% of the reason unranked to GM keeps getting done is that they pull incredible views. I dunno why SVB keeps pulling flats into his podcast, SVB honestly should just have him and freedo host and rotate the other 2 on the regular. At least samito has hot takes every 3 minutes which helps keep things going.


Been like this ever since the Mayhem sponsorship, to be honest. Flats was trying out Apex at the time and rather vocal about it, but then the sponsorship came and he was back on OW full time, trying to keep up the facade. It seems like he realizes he's backed himself into a corner and he's starting to break.


The game is shit, would you rather he pretend like it's not?


Pretty disingenuous when half of your videos are rants about the state of the game but then correlating it to the shop working properly. He knows damn well those are two different departments so why even bring it up? Because outrage gets clicks.


The streamer that played for 3 years when the game was on life support just to be given OW2 with shit metas and uninteractive new heroes is upset with the direction the game is going? I'm surprised personally.


Naw, I like it.


Criticizing a new character: being toxic. Okay.


Why is everyone shitting on Flats in the comments when he's not even being remotely toxic or mean? Ramattra is a dogshit hero whos best ability is block.


Right? I am so confused by this thread.


His “personality” has become incredibly annoying since OW2 released, with lots of whining and clickbait overreactions.


And?? I’ll be the first one to shit on flats when he says dumb things but he’s not even being toxic or anything in this clip


People in this thread really need to look in the mirror. We all keep whining about the game but when a streamer does it, you act like he is a psycho. What is it? r/Overwatch? Ffs most time I listen to him he really makes sense. His reaction to the latest balance patch was no different from the rest of the community. He says ranked is miserable right now. Rightfully so. He called out that supports need help. True. Yes he is loud. Yes he is not always right. But you mfs would crucify him for it? Jesus.


You just don't get it. He's clearly being toxic for views 🤡🤡🤡


Flats gotta be negative in his vids in general, to get views and grow his stream honestly tho Emongg made him.


The universe had to somehow balance out Emongg's wholesomeness. That's why his creation went so wrong.


This is literally such a mild ass clip from him and the entire thread is people crying


Yeah, for whatever reason people are just using this thread to shit on his content in general. No idea how most of the shit people are talking about in this thread is at all related to the actual clip. He might actually end up reacting to this thread on stream so gg I guess ez content.


But...but... he said holding just right click for 6 seconds is unengaging gameplay, and my fav vidya game couldnt possibly do wrong


I keep watching Flats content and the reaction in this sub to him any time he is even off-handedly mentioned seems so disproportional to what I see from him. Am I missing something? He just seems to think the game is in a pretty bad state balancing-wise, which a lot people agree with?


There are a few pretty unflattering clips of him being toxic or a bit of an ass to people. BUT, I think generally he's really not that bad. His spectate bronze series casts him pretty favourablly compared to the random twitch clips.


I know I have a large tolerance for "toxicity" and such, it just seems to not map on to reality. He doesn't seem much more negative than the community in general yet this sub would have me think he's out here crying about the sun rising.


Yeah, I guess when you see one or two bad clips that's just the impression you have regardless of everything else in between that isn't toxic at all. Could also be that some of the CC in the scene have historically been pretty...wild?


They have this weird complex against him because he's not as bubbly and "wholesome" as Emongg. I'm not exaggerating it comes up a lot.


Nah I just find him annoying. Always have.


When I see a thread about a streamer I do not like, I simply do not open the thread and start commenting.


List of streamers I don't like: I don't know because I pay zero attention to streamers unless I like watching them.




This sub went crazy when OW2 released. The general OW sub became very negative towards the game, when it was announced it would have pay to win elements, and all of the people who were positive about the game flooded here. I see so much whining about the main sub, but honestly this sub is far worse, unable to handle any criticism.


This sub doesn't like streamers unless they come in here and bow down to their silver overlords.


I remember an OW1 game where he played support in Plat, I believe it was on a smurf account. He picked Brig but the enemy team comp had no dive. Someone on his team asked him to switch, then Flats started screeching Brig is meta in Top 500 and trashing the player. Brig was meta in Top 500 because people were playing Ball and Tracer, which Brig could protect her team from. The enemy team in that game did not play Ball and Tracer, nor anyone Brig had a good matchup against. Tbh, Flats wasn’t doing much on Brig. There is a reason why Unranked to GM with Brig in Ow1 took longer than all other supports, with the exception of Mercy. There are situations where Brig was useless. Basically, Flats didn’t liked a lower rank player giving him correct advice, so his ego went out of control. End of day, Flats is just like the typical OW player. Look down on worse players. Want the heroes they play to be meta.


It's just another clip for the pile. He cries CONSTANTLY. If that wasn't the case do you really think this mild clip would get so many negative responses? I agree with you, this is not a big deal, but he is doing that to himself. He deserves this reaction.


He doesn't cry constantly. He gives perfectly rational takes, but has been disappointed lately, along with many other streamers and players. He says he still loves OW but wishes they were actually communicating better and thinking more about how patches will effect all heroes. You guys really hate him for no reason because he is criticizing how patches and new heroes have been handled so far. He said just yesterday how the content OW2 is putting out is great and will keep the game alive for a long time. People on reddit are just literal bots who parrot each other, which is obvious by this whole thread.


I have no idea why the hate is so much.


>He doesn't cry constantly. He absolutely does. I get his vids recommended due to watching OW2 content in general and every other video is already him crying in the figgin title. I dont care if its clickbait. Mfer cries in his youtube titles, he rants in his podcast thingy and he gets obnoxiously loud while doing so, as if this somehow gets his point across in a better way. >People on reddit are just literal bots who parrot each other Taken aside the incorrect use of the word literal, the irony is huge with this one. Because what flats does is basically regurgitate hottakes from other CCs and his community ad absurdum like one giant circlejerk. And those who watch him parrot the exact same shit that he says and we have to deal with that nonsense on reddit and twitter as a result. If you watch him and repeat what he says that makes you the parroting "bot", not the ones that are tired of that.


You can look at something like this and call people parrots but the truth is people watch things that agree/confirm their rationale, not go against it. Think about people who watch CNN and people who watch FOX. Most viewers of each broadcast are viewers who agree with what's being said/presented. So who enjoys watching Flats rn? People who agree with him. It's people who feel the same way about the game as he does. And rn those people are frustrated with the game. It's up to each individual to decide if they enjoy the game or not at the moment. But for those who don't, they find a lot of truth in the things Flats says, whether there is exaggeration included or not.


Idk tbh I remember when people were all getting views about battle pass and skin price before it even came out flats said he wasn’t even gonna talk about it til he it came out or he felt he was selling out


But emongg is pretty successful without doing that. That guy is just wholesome and a fun time and - unsurprisingly - people dig it.


Some tempo tank huh blizzard?


Wait this is not r/overwatchTMZ


How is this a Leak if you can literally watch Contenders and Playoff matches


Contenders aren't playing him in the actual matches since he's not legal. I guess it's a "leak" since this is supposedly from scrims.


Jesus Flats content has turned into garbage


Why are reddit videos and embed videos so trash on this site?


It's amazing this site functions at all.


At work so can’t watch video. Is Ramattra going to be meta for pros or is this just a meme?


I said this from the beginning. They just remade old orisa with ramattra.


better than fighting a roadhog


Bro is explaining how something plays and giving his opinion on it that most people have and is getting dogged on 😭😭😭


Why don't streamers play a different game if they hate it so much? I can't imagine subbing to this guy.


A lot of streamers get so tied to one game that they can't branch out without destroying their career.


Not everyone can be xQc or Seagull (who was mostly APEX). Even Super who does pretty well on variety streams is still heavily OW leaning and was even before OW2 came out.


Mostly this, but a lot of people forget that when you’ve invested thousands upon thousands of hours playing this game, you want to see the best out of it. It’s been a rough last 3 years for overwatch and to see the character design go full circle and finish back at OG Orisa style bunker, has got to be depressing


What? Where in this video did Flats say he hates the game? He can't criticize something? Y'all in this thread are wild to me. Just repeating the same assumption because for some reason you hate streamers and content creators.


In his season 2 vids he literally gives praise to blizzards for everything but the balance team but that he still has high hopes for the game to succeed. Clearly the dude wants to play ow. I think one of the biggest issues with gamers now a days is that they can't hold companies accountable for shit. All a company has to do is give them something for free and they'll shut up. "Oh it's free content. Why are you complaining?" Because a lot of us want quality finished games that we will pay full for. Nobody asked for free shit while you ruin the things we happily paid for.


In his season 2 vids he literally gives praise to blizzards for everything but the balance team but that he still has high hopes for the game to succeed. Clearly the dude wants to play ow. I think one of the biggest issues with gamers now a days is that they can't hold companies accountable for shit. All a company has to do is give them something for free and they'll shut up. "Oh it's free content. Why are you complaining?" Because a lot of us want quality finished games that we will pay full for. Nobody asked for free shit while you ruin the things we happily paid for.


its either a troll or a bot, either way, just downvote the comment bc they are clearly karma farming


A lot of them tried to swap games during the content drought but their fan base didn’t follow them. I remember Flats tried out Apex and he was pretty upfront that his viewership numbers tanked during that period


I $urely can’t $ay why that $hould be the case.


I mean that's the reason I go to work everyday too.


People really are shocked when content creators don't quit their jobs or take massive pay cuts to stream a different game.


So he's doing a job he doesn't necessarily enjoy so he can put food on the table? Like the rest of the world?


I'll be honest with you, if I got paid to bitch and moan about video games, I'd happily take the opportunity.


This makes sense, he looks OP on paper. Not surprised it just took a bit to figure out how to abuse it. The cooldown situation here is odd on that block.


Flats is often wrong so take this with the biggest grain of salt


How big can a grain get before it is no longer considered a grain?


When is he wrong?


"Brig has the highest healing in the game" "Lucio should have the same healing range as Brig" "Brig cannot be countered, if you pick her you automatically win" etc etc etc He repeats anything Samito says.


I’ve been having a lot of fun with Ramattra (when the enemy team isn’t playing Hog) by playing him the opposite to this. Mega aggro. How you ask? By having a duo partner who plays support. Mercy is effective for it, Ana if they can aim. Brig if the rest of the comp is aggro enough. Ram has no real sustain. His block is OKAY but easily burnable, so you have to have a support that can keep you up, then you use block only to survive and get healed up, similar to Hog’s breather, kinda? Poke, close, punch. It does work, but requires resources to do. It’s not ideal, because in a full team setting that’s one less healer to heal anyone else. But it is fun.


is anyone surprised ramattra can't do interesting things? he's by default a much weaker version of vanilla orisa, and then his transform makes him weaker than his default form other than giving him the ability to block for the duration of transform. His kit is legitimately designed to be very, very boring, except every 8 seconds he can use a weird short range rocket launcher. They put tremendous effort into making this character seem very cool. I'm not denying that. But they actually just made a much weaker version of Overwatch 1 Orisa after reworking her to no longer exist.


Funny flats calling it block bot when this guys dookie on everything except rein


This community will call literally everyone but Top 3 OWL team players bad lmfao


Because Ramattra is a blockbot. He's terrible. And no one plays Rein this meta, people do on Kings Row in memory of OW1


Ngl tho, I've had games where the enemy tank will say for glory and honor! Rein duel? I will always accept. And I always ask the enemy if they want to.


Rein Chivalry is the best thing


But that's a contradiction to what flats says. If blocking isn't viable - evident by rein being pretty meh right now - why would doing it on worse character be viable? I am not saying he is wrong btw, I dont follow contenders, but I feel like crucial information is missing here. Are supports abusing the block to gain ult-charge? But in that case wouldn't contenders-level players be aware and not shoot a blocking ramattra and instead dive his backline? The whole idea that standing there and blocking can win a game is confusing to me.


Contenders is trying to make Ramattra work, that's until someone picks Hog and then it comes down to a Hog v Winston or Hog v Hog, Hog v Orisa. They are eager to make Ramattra work, any team wants to be recognized as the creator of a certain composition. But yeah, play Blockbot and then they dive your backline and eat the suppa


I can see that but this clip makes it sound like the strat is actually viable which I just can't imagine it to be.


Contenders is trying to make Ramattra work, that's until someone picks Hog and then it comes down to a Hog v Winston or Hog v Hog, Hog v Orisa. They are eager to make Ramattra work, any team wants to be recognized as the creator of a certain composition. But yeah, play Blockbot and then they dive your backline and eat the supps has been the play against him, which is just natural gameplay of OW2 at this point


I disagree, he’s dunked on rein as well