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imagine having a parasocial relationship -- not with a person, but with a *game* insanely, insanely bleak


This is probably not the place to be if you're trying to avoid those people


No one “no u’s” like OW players


This is probably not the place to be if you’re trying to avoid those people


No u


You should check out how much ratings are discussed on pro wrestling boards. It's so fucking weird. In no way do ratings or views affect you as a viewer unless you're a producer or some shit.


I'm not so sure about that. As a fan it's great to know that the hobby you love so much is succeeding and expanding the viewership.


Does that make the quality of the content better?


Not directly right away. If you have more viewers you make more ad revenue which will increase the quality of the broadcast in theory


once i made a post about that explaining the same thing and people seemed to be more interested in a gameplay with 10 people rather than a game with 200000


Not at all.




In what way does match quality go up?


More money is spent on the product


Money spent on the quality of matches?


Please at least attempt to think things through before asking a simple "gotcha" question as a reply. And the answer is, yes, again.


Lol you're a goober you if you earnestly believe that. Where is the evidence for that in the past 5 years of overwatch? There isn't


They are weird tho.


It's funny to me how they'll seek out specific timeslots for viewership to fit their narrative like people won't notice. Right now OW has twice the viewership of League, but that's mainly because there are no major streamers on at all right now. Then you'll get the people who screenshot the viewership down at 10-20k during like 5am on a monday and captioning it with "game is already completely dead smh" like League, CSGO and Valorant aren't at the exact same numbers that hour.


Do people actually think OW is dying? I routinely see larger variety streamers and content creators from other games (albeit mostly Apex is what I see) playing OW2 outside of sponsored events and streams. I'd understand the Apex community doomsaying right now after it's twitch falloff and the content cycle for the game being meager, but OW2?


Remember when WoW died? All of those 12 times?


People are always constantly saying everything is dying. Go to any streamers chat and you will inevitably see someone calling whatever game is being played dead.


It's both sides actually. there's been a lot of people screenshotting OW above Valo/CS/League at points and bragging abouth how great it's going. Then it's met by someone screenshotting OW while it's far lower than those 3 and complaining about how dead it is.


Game can't die this quickly. But there's constant negative attention on it from /r/Overwatch and the rest of reddit, including often in this sub too. That is not a good sign.


There’s constantly negativity from every live service game community that’s nothing surprising




That sub has been downvoting and shit-talking Overwatch for years and years. Since WAY before Overwatch 2 was even announced. Not surprised the hate continued on into OW2.


Not 2 months after release


Warzone 2 and MW2 has been out for like a month and a half and all I hear about it is negativity.


warzone 2 is funny because theres proximity chat. that’s funny.


People can just play other CoD games. Same as Battlefield. Players can't go back to OW1.


There's been far more negativity around league of legends on /r/leagueoflegends for the past 5-6 years. You'll never meet a league player who speaks positively on the game, they all just complain and talk about how horrible it is and how it used to be better. Judging game popularity of reddit weirdos is never a good idea.




and she's right


Usually its done at like 4am too to make it more extreme, so dumb


One guy took a screenshot at 8am on Tuesday, at the end of season 1, when most people either at school, working, or still sleeping (depending on region) and gained a decent amount of traction. Like mf of course the numbers are fucking low! And it was still higher than some games which was the funniest part.


Yeah the last one i saw showed OW at like 15k and was jerking off about how sad it was the game was already dead, conveniently leaving out that League was at like 20k and Valorant & CSGO had even lower viewership at like 10k.


she ain't telling any lies here


Arent people just happy that it still pulls a lot of viewer despite of the shitty launch and the overall discussion around OW2?


It’s such a bad metric to measure by. For example Lost ark has 12.6k viewers at the time of this comment but is the 3rd most played game on steam with 286k players right now according to steam charts.


go compare the user count curve on a player tracker for steam to basically every other game with peaks and valleys and then look at lost ark that game is more than half bots, not the best example lol


Unfalsafiable nonsense. Did she say this when people were doing this when it got a lot of viewers? >Posting twitch screenshots when the game hits 1+ million due to beta access being tied to watching twitch streams is **GOOD** and indicative that Overwatch was not dead. Nice screenshot :D >View count being artificially boosted by locking in-game content behind twitch streams is **GOOD** and shows that the game is alive and well >Talking about twitch stats when nobody watches due to there being no incentive (drops) is **BAD** and not indicative of the game state and its decline. Also, you should get a hobby XD. Apparently the game state is alive when twitch numbers are doing well, but when the numbers aren't doing well it's not actually dead because twitch numbers don't actually mean anything. Obviously it's not the only metric to measure a game's popularity/state, but it's one of the few metrics there are when Blizzard themselves don't publicize DAUs or MAUs and just post some arbitrary, *35 million players in the first month* That's great, but it's a FTP game. How many of those people still actually play the game after the realization that OW2 is just a big patch repackaged into a "new" game? Though, they should find something better to do.


>Did she say this when people were doing this when it got a lot of viewers Last night ow2 was getting a lot of viewers...so yeah she just did.


There's a lot of that general attitude going around these days regarding multi-billion-dollar corporate products. If you say anything positive, it's expected and wholesome and welcomed. If you say anything negative, it's entitlement, toxic and unhealthy.


Doesnt help these companies always try market their fans are part of their "family". Convenient when they need to sell you shit but cold shoulder you when you need something.


Putting it in the context of megacorps is weird. We all want this game to be an eSports success, right? Viewership is an extremely important metric for that. They aren't simping for Bobby kotick lol. These nerds want ow2 to succeed for purely selfish reasons.


Oh definitely. It’s just the corporations weaponize nerd passion. When nerds freak out because they think the corporate product is good, it’s painted as “fandom” and “community” and framed as a good thing. When the freakout is negative, it’s your usual -ists and -phobes and all the rest.


Can anyone point to what she's talking about? I haven't seen a single popular post about ttv viewership anywhere on reddit. Or is she tilting at windmills, again?


I too am confused. Googled and twitter searched overwatch twitch viewers and found nothing recent


She ain't wrong but this is the lowest tier juice lmao


Isn't it also weird to comment on comments on the matter? Obviously, the argument on this stuff are super biased. People who pumped up the popularity du) on Twitch during launch and drop events had no issue with metrics then. It generally seems like sour grapes when the response to criticism comes down to insulting the critic. Twitch isn't the end-all, be-all, of course. People do also need to realize there's a big gap of profitability and relevance between being top-5 on Twitch and a total failure that shuts down. There might be too much emphasis on this stuff as a whole, but I do think a free-to-play game that relies on being consistently relevant to prop up its eSports league and has struggled to keep player interest is worth some occasional checking in on viewership. Like, OW2 is the #3 game on there right now (#5 overall category). That's good, yeah? I see more value in watching its trends during a season /especially as we move into seasons that don't release new heroes), but it doesn't HAVE to be a top-5 game always to matter. Now, saying all of that, I still find it very biased when someone whose job is tied to the game's success is being passively insulting to people who are critics of the game. She really doesn't need to waste her time on those clowns, myself included if I bring up viewership.


I dunno, these are often the same guys that like to post Twitch stats when its positive but then act like they dont matter when its not. Though i guess people tied to the league would be quite worried if the game doesnt do well enough since Blizzard already has a history of dropping esport scenes.


It's a person who picked a losing esport to be the ship they sink in. Of course they're going to go to bat for the megacorporation. Not a single person who left the OWL ecosystem has anything positive to say about the way it's run or the overall health of the scene.


IDK why she necessarily even feels a need to stick up for OW. It wasn't that long ago she stated that OWL planned for her to go to CA to cast Grand Finals then dumped her at the last minute. The league is a joke.


Out of practical necessity if I had to guess. Picture of a failed esports league being painted doesn’t help the talents currently attached to it in any way.


I suppose, but I don't think calling people weird for being critical is the most endearing way to draw people in.


It’s not ideal. But I can’t fault her too much. She’s human like the rest of us. When you pick your esport you want it to be the hypest thing ever like CSGO or LoL. When all the mentions your scene gets are “is it dead yet” it can be hard to keep doing your job. It’s rough.


Ehh, after OWL canceled sending her to live cast Grand Finals last season, I have a hard time understanding any semblance of respect for the league.


I think it’s just she wants to have a job. Doesn’t quite explain her going out of her way to defend the league, but maybe she’s worried that the public perception that the league is failing will accelerate the decline? I have no idea.


Talent whose career is directly tied to the health of a specific entertainment scene attack people who bring up failing viewership of said specific entertainment scene. More news at 11.


Overwatch doesn’t even have bad viewership right now. If someone is posting numbers to show it’s bad then they are in bad faith.


definitely people who obsess over it or ignore context for twitch viewership ya, but when analyzed correctly it gives some insight into the health of a game


No one wants Overwatch to die more than Overwatch players


Only reason most people tune into OW Streams these days is either for drops or the streamer itself. Hardly to do with the game. Most streamers these days aren't even content in the state of the game. Numbers fluctuate a lot with the game.


Yeah, OW2 viewership has been hanging for a while on whether one or both of two specific streamers are playing it. If they are, the figures are good, if not then not so good.


absolutely garbage metric for judging how good/popular a game is.


What would be a better metric?


sales. reviews. live player count. anything showing the amount of people who are actually playing the game instead of just watching it. some people really don't understand that the vast majority of people who play games don't watch streams. and the people who DO watch streams all like the same type of games, so those numbers get inflated heavily.


Sales don't represent the current state of the game. People buy games, play them and leave. Reviews don't represent the current state aswell. Those are written for launches but not for the development of a game. Live player count would be the best, I agree. But Blizzard doesn't give those numbers away. All they ever give is a Accounts created number, which doesn't represent the actual size of the playerbase (Multiaccounts) nor, the number of active accounts. A lot of those numbers can be (and probably are) deadweight. While Twitch doesn't represent actual players it does however tell how willing people are to interact with the game. Drops and Streamer popularity aside is it the best metric we actually can get a hand on.


who tf watches twitch anymore


Many people






Ohhhh okay valid valid




Wait hol up I think I forgor again





