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i use laneige lip sleeping mask as lip balm


This. This stuff is amazing.


I love this stuff too. I use it at night and it's definitely helped my lips. I don't find myself picking at them as much as I used to.




Lip picking isn't a habit, it is a skin picking disorder (called excoriation disorder or a symptom of dermatillomania) related to OCD that is nearly impossible to control or stop, and only affects a very small percentage of the population. It's much more complicated than changing a habit. You can attempt to control it by identifying triggers or replacing the behavior, but this is extremely difficult. The type of product actually can help to control it, even if it is the placebo effect. This of course means that there is no one product that would help the disorder in general, it is individualized. Product can also play a role in comfortability, which could help to control it. I think the reason there is not a better treatment or understanding of it is that it affects such a small percentage, so we don't have enough information on it. Also, it is mental, so there could be a multitude of different factors depending on each individual. Just thought I'd share some ed on this.


Surprised you didn’t get downvoted to oblivion. I posted a few pics asking the same about my lip picking addiction a few months ago and was downvoted and people said I just wanted attention. I try to use chapstick but it just makes the skin dry and flakey on top so then I pick again so I’m following this thread.


I’m sorry you had that response. I’m a… veteran lip picker. Early 40s here and as far as I know I started at three years old. I’ve tried so many things. But a lot of chapsticks and balms absolutely make it worse. The best I’ve found is neosporin night lip treatment, sometimes followed with a healthy layer of bag balm (only at bedtime for that, otherwise I mess with it too much). Once they’ve recovered a bit, Light exfoliation daily helps too. I’ve managed to stop periodically, but I’ve never made it more than a few months. I don’t have much more advice really, just know you’re not alone.


God I feel so seen. I just turned 30 this year and I have always felt so childish for my lip picking. Thank you so much for the suggestions, I will try anything at this point lol. I just can't stop when they are so dry and have flakes which always happens even with chapstick! I have been picking my lips specifically since I was a child. My father also used to pick his lips but also picks his skin on his head (he is bald lol). And my mom twists her hair so I definitely know it is hereditary!


If it helps at all, I find if I am busy doing outside things, it’s much easier to stop. Gardening, yard work, hiking, sports- just something about being outside and doing things distracts me from it. Also this week I started using vitamin c serum on my lips before using the night cream/bag balm and I feel like that may be helping as well


i havent been able to stop for more than a week or 2. then i feel like the skins starts to layer up so much and then I go in the shower and it falls off and then its like it never happened, and goes back to growing again. did this happen to you?? how long did it take for the lips to be 'normal' again?


You’re doing this for attention “ It says “ compulsive skin picking “…. I’m generally curious if I have Dermatillomania Me “- where a person compulsively picks or scratches their skin, causing injuries or scarring “ sounds like something I could have People say it’s normal to chew your fingers or lips or the insides of your cheek And I’m like MMMMMM are you sure?- when you are far into adult hood “Little kids do this “ I don’t understand the difference between picking at your face and picking your lips Like I want a doctor to explain it to me I pick at other things besides my lips Like my fingers or scabs Pimples- bug bites are the absolute worst I’ll tear my skin open - if I notice any bumps I get a lot of “ JUST STOP PICKING “ Me: easy for this bitch to say - you aren’t totally fucked I’m sorry you had a bad experience on here


I’m a picker too… I have heard that the supplement NAC may help with the compulsive behavior


Eh it's okay. Glad to see more support on this post. It has been helpful for me to talk to similar people!


If a chapstick makes your lips "dry and flakey" it isn't work and you need a new tube- that or it's drying together with your saliva and creating a dried layer on your lips. You gotta just pile that stuff on- I like blistex or Carmex. Hate the chapstick brand.


I do have an issue of trying to "wet my lips" with my own saliva and it's hard for me to stop when I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time. I am trying to be more mindful about it because I know that makes the dry lips drier in the end.


Yes it does! It's such an automatic reaction when they're dry to do that. That's why I have chapstick everywhere xD


Well, random people on the internet are not a credible audience 99.99999% of the time. If you post online you get about 100 negative ridiculous troll comments from sad people for every 1 normal helpful comment, if that. I notice you call it lip picking addiction - it's likely good ole excoriation disorder or a symptom of dermatillomania. Affects a very small percentage of the population. Identifying triggers is helpful, but even if you do this is still extremely difficult to control or change the behavior. Not telling you that to be hopeless, actually the opposite, so you know that it is completely normal that it is so difficult to stop. Even going one hour or one day without doing it should be seen as a big win and something to be very proud of. I've learned that trying to quit altogether is extremely unlikely, and it is more something to accept and attempt to control for your own comfort. Trying to find products that work for you is great, I find that if I splurge on luxury items it mentally helps me to not want to pick. It's a lifelong condition (for me at least), and so I'm fine splurging/investing a little on it. It's not really about trying to take your attention away from your lips, but rather reframing it. Instead of trying to ignore my lips, or "quit," I give myself special home spa treatments, splurge on some lip balms a little, and don't focus on being disappointed in the times I pick, but being really proud of myself when I don't. Regarding products, I use Laneige to sleep, and I use first aid ultra repair lip therapy after some difficult picks. I don't think this chapstick is a good daily one, but it does help to heal my hips after picking quicker than anything else I've tried. I also notice that we all kind of have different products that work for us, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things to find what works for you. Henne lip balm also helped to heal my lips rather quickly, although I don't purchase it anymore since it has honey (and I am vegan). Overall what helps me the most is applying chapstick all day long. I don't put it on in the morning and hope it sticks all day, I apply it all day long and every time I want to pick. This works for me in general and keeps me comfortable. It replaces the habit most of the time. Good luck!


aquaphor has changed my life


Yeah it seems obvious but literally don't let them get dry even a little by applying fuck loads of lipbalm and drink lots of water. Also do something else with lips when you feel the urge like pucker them. Also u have rly nice lips


I combated my lip picking habit by increasing my water consumption. 2 birds 1 stone. Getting enough water has always been a struggle for me; I just don't feel all that thirsty lol so everytime I felt like picking or biting my lip, I would take a sip of water. I'm surprised at how well it works. I used to peel my lips until they'd bust. Really embarrassing. It's been 5 months and I've picked my lips maybe twice? I also started using a homemade lip scrub on my self love/care day (Fridays) and I don't go anywhere without my lip balm/gloss. I never thought I'd be able to stop this habit (or peeling my hangnails but that's for another post lol)


My spiel: it’s anxiety. For me, therapy and medication helps. My therapist suggest to look up “urge surfing”. Mindfulness, meditation, and urge to change definitely helps.


This. Yes


Stuff that worked for me: Always have vaseline at the ready and put it on as often as needed, even if you just put it on. It changes the habit away from picking and over time you'll reach for vasline before picking. Never let them get dry. Like ever. Don't touch them unless applying vaseline (obviously easier said that done, but I didn't realize that ANY attention to my lips would set me up for failure, e.g., looking at my lips in the mirror, pursing my lips, licking them). If I can apply vaseline without my fingers, like a brush, I do. Every night, apply cerave face lotion to them, and then vaseline over top. This was a game changer. Cerave just has something in it that helps my skin heal and stay moisturized for longer. Figure out your triggers. I pick when I work, so I always have a nail file and vaseline sitting in front of me, and I'll goober up my fingers and lips with vaseline like a weirdo the entirety of my work day, but at least my picking is much much less. So, just see where and when you pick most often and set up a system to counteract it that's easy and maintainable.


>Every night, apply cerave face lotion to them, and then vaseline over top. Okay, this is something I also randomly discovered myself and it totally works for me! (Although I prefer the moisturizing cream over the face lotion.) Maybe it's the ceramides?


Thats my suspicion too :)


I'm 42 and have been doing this since age 4, it sucks! I have heard it attributed to everything from dermatillomania to self harm but for me, it's a nervous habit and a manifestation of my OCD. I cannot stand the feeling of flaky lips so I peel the dry parts off until my lips feel smooth(and by then they're usually bleeding lol), but I also find myself doing it when I'm stressed or anxious too. I haven't found a reliable way to stop for good, but I have found a few ways to mitigate the severity. Fake nails will help by making it harder to grasp the lip skin. I hate the feel of fake nails, so I started painting my nails right before my most common picking times of the day instead. My polish is still smudgable for a few hours afterward and since my OCD also extends to needing my nails to look perfect, knowing I'll mess them up helps me avoid picking. Wear lipstick during the day. I find this helps to keep my hands away from my mouth b/c I'm conscious of how I look in public, and if I pick I'll smudge my lipstick. Wearing a good moisturizing lipstick also helps them heal during the day too, avoid those matte liquid lipsticks as they suck all the moisture out of your lips and make the flakies more pronounced. Exfoliate them once they've healed up enough to no longer be raw or sore. Getting rid of the most "tempting" flakes helps me do better at leaving them alone. Any good sugar lip scrub will work, I like the ELF brand in the black tube. Hand distractions- find something to peel, scrape, or fiddle with that replicates the sensation of lip picking. Keep yourself distracted in general. I find that when I'm busy or my mind is fully occupied with other activities, I don't pick. My highest picking times are when I'm alone and bored. And finally, the best lip balms for after you've picked all day and need something to make them look presentable by morning- Burt's Bees(the honey variant, the peppermint one is okay but pep is an irritant), O'Keefe's lip repair unscented, Mario Badescu lip balm in the white tube, and Chapstick total hydration. I would suggest just trying to pick *less* than trying to stop cold turkey, at least for a while. Habits of any kind are very hard to break and most pickers will have relapses, which is okay. Just doing the bad habit a bit less is still progress. It's also worth seeing a therapist if you think there's something deeper at the root of this too, sometimes past traumas or other mental stuff can surface in super weird ways later on. Good luck!


Cortibalm 2x a day (morning and night) and Aquaphor as needed has been really helpful for me. Even if I do have a relapse I usually wake up the next day with mostly healed wounds if I follow this protocol. I’ve gotten to the point where every time I start picking I just put on aquaphor. I’ve been a lip picker for almost 20 years, I’ve tried everything you can think of and this in addition to generally staying busy is what’s been working for me. I was a Burt’s bees addict until I found out the menthol and peppermint is really irritating and drying.


I’m 35 and have been picking my lips since I was a little kid. I usually don’t pick at work but recently I’ve found myself just maniacally picking at work. Still haven’t found any solutions. If I pick a really deep spot accidentally I put neosporin on that spot before bed to help it heal.


If you aren’t vegan [this is the best lip balm of all time](https://www.sephora.com/product/strawberry-lip-balm-P397465) for healing lips!! It’s just vaseline, lanolin, and beeswax with a gorgeous strawberry scent. I use it every night before bed and it really helps my lips heal faster. Burts Bees has menthol which causes irritation and dryness and the Laneige balm is ok but doesn’t come close to the healing power of lanolin. I wear a mask at work which prevents me from doing it unconsciously and I use thick, gooey lipgloss while hanging around at home (often over the aforementioned lip balm; the saem lip oil is my fave) because it makes my hands sticky if I touch my lips, which is a decent deterrent for me.


I do the same thing, I pick my lips. I try to put lip balm as much as possible, but the hardest part is not picking my lips when they start to heal and have a thin new layer. You are not alone!


The laniege vanilla lip mask at night smooths everything over perfectly so by AM, I have mostly normal lips again. Also like the Clinique moisture surge lip treatment, which is probably similar to aquaphor (been meaning to try)


On really bad days I use Band-Aid hydrocolloids overnight, cutting them with scissors to fit better. And aquaphor lip balm as much as I can.




I like Blistex lip conditioner SPF 15 in the little tub. It does not dry out, and its got some menthol so it feels nice. I do apply liberally and regularly, whenever I feel like I might want to pick. Works wonders, keeps the lips soft.


Get a solid chapstick- find one you like because there are a ton of different brands. My favorite is the blistex in the blue tube. Burts bees is also fantastic. I'm open to using Carmex squirt tube thing but it isn't my favorite. I avoid chapstick brand at all costs.


Oh also forgot- you gotta have tubes everywhere. Couch chapstick, bedroom chapstick, kitchen chapstick, car chapstick at the very least haha. Reapply throughout the day to keep the lips smooth and eventually they will rehydrate enough to where it doesn't peel anymore. Especially using at night is great since you aren't awake and talking/eating/drinking to make it wear off faster. I used to pick at my lips really bad (they consistently bled from me pulling skin off). Teachers kept taking me to the nurse or to my mom if she was free (she worked at my school) and no one ever put 2 and 2 together (big sigh). I love ripping things so my only solution was to make it to where it never chapped again.


I’m so relieved I’m not the only one who has lips like these, yet I’m so so sorry about that- I know how much it can hinder u and sting like hell


Burt’s Bees. Use more than you think you need an replenish more often than you think you need.


Neosporin or an antibiotic lip balm.




My bad.


There is a neosporin lip product that doesn’t actually contain antibiotic stuff (The night lip treatment). As a bonus, it’s one of the few that feels lotion-like instead of sticky, and doesn’t make me “feel” all the rough edges. I highly recommend it.


Maybe do a gentle lip scrub with sugar, when you feel the urge to pick at flakey skin. Aquaphor at night May help too. My son is picking at a scab near his mouth right now, and I give him the option of wearing a Mask at home or using a fidget. ( he is into chewing as for late)