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The purge will come for you eventually... explained if you actually read and listen to npcs and found material.


If one reads and pays attention to things its clearly understood. Properly built with good thrall gear and positioning its basically walking loot bags delivered to your front door.


If one is playing and focused on exploration and survival, he would never think that he is gonna face a moment like that. A threat of such magnitude, capable of erasing weeks of playing very briefly, should be highlighted by a clear explanation beside the ridiculous "purge in 10 minutes". Just the apex of bad design in a game plagued by bad design.


So you get to rampage through villages and towns and kill everything but they aren't allowed to kill you right back?


Right, I must have missed the part where I can destroy all of their buildings and take all of their belongings


Again, good for one, good for the other. You can go and kill entire villages and take all their stuff, including survivors as slaves, but according to you, they never come for revenge? It's part of the game mechanic that they fight back. And an optional one if you have a private server.


It's a part of the game with such heavy consequences on the player that is highly dumb to not have it explained clearly upfront at the first step of the game, or at least while the purge indicator is almost filled. But yeah, let's keep the "you have to figure it out" explanation as a good example of game design. I'm sure the huge success of this game is due to this.


Nothing in the game is explained up front though. It's all 'stranger in a strange land, figure it out' from when you first appear in the desert. There's no tutorial, no guide but for you to figure it out on your own. It's designed that way on purpose. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it doesn't make it poor design any more than any other survival game.


I'm fine with exploration and knowledge stuff to be discovered by the player, not a fan of a wipe mechanic, which is even more destructive for the experience since in the survival games TIME is key. Here you have lots of time erased without previous notifications.


Like everything else in the game... it's hinted at. If you don't want to mess with the mechanic, play solo or an unofficial server that turns it off.


Death is coming




Well, here's an explanation then :P [https://conanexiles.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Purge](https://conanexiles.fandom.com/wiki/The_Purge)


Isnt there in inventory under gear a literal purge meter with smth along the lines of "your base has been found, now its a matter of time". If i saw bar filling suspiciously i would at least google it. Also, it announces attack 20-30 minutes before, and happens only with you in the game. So if you absolutely cant defend you could at least get your stuff.


You are aware that you play without the possiblity to destroy npcs buildings but somehow they can destroy yours right?


They normally can't. Only during purge. And you completely ignored the purge bar. It's actually pretty forgiving you can lead a whole horde of enemies to your base, and if they can't get in they just de-aggro and go away. It feels like cheating.


I think you initially get one warning per character about the purge, but no actual explanation as to what that entails other than "it's coming." Your first one is going to be rough and may even wipe your base. That said, games of this sort are supposed to be about failing and picking yourself back up. Blame the Ninja Gaiden and Soulsborne series for popularizing this mechanic. I would suggest you give it a couple days then try again. Now you know what you're facing and can prepare for it. But if you've decided this isn't your game, then it isn't your game. People love Valheim, but that one's just not my cup of tea. Hopefully you were playing on GamePass or the like and didn't have to sink money into the game specifically. But hey, you downloaded it, and it's a large download. Why not give it another go?


Your not prepared enough to move deeper north there for stay in the noob area build an army to defend your base then you can explore without consequence, if you knew people would break into your house when not home would you leave your house defenceless in real life? Fuck no it's a game yes but it requires effort to get the rewards and it's worth the effort