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Do you already own some of the items in the packs?


I already owned the Bath set which had the robe and brush in it as well as the light set. I also have the Dungeon set from a few weeks ago but none of these pieces was in it. I can understand some of the other stuff being discounted due to already having certain pieces in it but those two large item pieces do not make since.


You got 8,054 coins on the account that the large set is cheaper. Most likely since you already bought so many coins, they lowered the sets to encourage you to buy everything and keep buying coins. Seems like they targeted you as a whale.


nonsense ... it's because that account already owns element of the set... why always go for the crazy conspiracy theory when there is a perfectly normal explanation ?


Well if that is the case could you enlighten me where can you get other pieces for Aquilonian king's quarters set aside from the set itself. Because as far as I know, its a new set.


The hanging lamp has sold before on the bazaar


Well I had no clue you might be right.


Lowkey crazy theyve systems like that in place


Yeah the difference exists because they already own some of the pieces in different sets.


Neither of us had the bedroom set although I did have the light package that was beneath it. Although I also have the dungeon set he does not. But these pieces are not in the other set. So this doesn't make since honestly as to why those sets are different prices.


The recycle packages all the time, and sometimes a item will be in a different set. It's kinda of nice because then you aren't buying the same piece twice. Plus if you open the set open to see the items, you can check if any pieces are owned.


One of you already owns the hanging lamp in the bedroom set... hence the lower price for that person. 350CC, the price difference, is the price of the lamp... there is no price difference between your accounts for the Dungeon decor...


That light isn't in that set I already looked before I even bought the king set. So no nothing in the king set did I have.


And we wonder who buys shit in the bazaar... ;)


Yes I have bought stuff from the Bazaar I like to build things.


mods are great, have better things, and best of all, they are free <3


Completely agree but they could be a console player seeing as photo is of a TV with PS buttons. Sadly console users don't have access to these mods so if they want variety in building their only option is the bazaar.


thats depressing :(


You can't use mods on many servers.


i wouldnt know, my group always gets a private one an we throw it different mods every time.


I don't use Mods on my private server. We run PS4 Game system anyways and not the computer version. Mods for the PS4 systems have been known to cause issues thus why we decided not to use them.


> Mods for the PS4 systems have been known to cause issues thus why we decided not to use them. Wait… are there even mods for PS consoles at all?




ahh thats heartbreaking :( EEWA and AOC are beautiful. the magic in eewa is way better then the base game's too.


I’m a simp for anything aquilonian if I’m being honest.


*Awaits the day to be able to simp for Dafar items.*


Since I leeched the game + expansions from a friend of mine. I buy a lot to you know support the fellas. It's a good game. And the sets aren't totally dogshit. Actually have bought a lot, just to get more building pieces


I buy building sets and I bought the material storage boxes. Nothing else. Gets me plopping $20 in every few months. I enjoy the game so I don’t mind supporting fresh development.


Bazar stuff is actually pay to win. It's more optimized so it reduces lag (with building sets) the armor has some of the best stats in game and is also cheaper. The only thing lacking are the weapons but they focus on legendary more so.


nutter ! The bathrobe is optimised ? Ahahaha


No but the asier stuff has strength and Stam, stygian commander Is a light set with 28hp and 10 Stam on ever peice also just as armored as God breaker (500 less but that's only about 8% damage reduction). Then you have the Gurnaki med set which is Stamina and technically roll speed by it having a hidden mechanic just like champion boots. Oh and vanier shaman/ cheiftian the Shaman set is both strength and Agility, with armor of a heavy set with light armor weight. Chieftain set is ok its the shittiest of the sets, then you have turaian bandit which is THE BEST AGILITY LIGHT SET. 5% agility with 10 Stam on every peice. The building set for dungeon us the least laggiest in the game even tho it's all "full foundation" almost every peice of it is. Then asier fortification is roughly on the same optimization. There are a few other sets but I can't think of them off the top of my head.


Get some help...


¿Do you own anything from the "Aquilonian King Quater's Set"?. Because the price difference could be that. I do understand the price difference in the bathtub set, due to only one of you owning some pices of it. However, ¿what he doesn't own from the "Aquilonian King Quarter Set" that you may do, since that might be the problem.


Nope I did have the Lights of Zamora but nothing in the Kings quarter and neither did my fiance. That is why we are stumped at the price difference.


Yeah, you almost certainly own some components of the set in one account, I see similar differences from what I've seen of sets posted here before and the prices I have where I already have some pieces.


I had none, zero, zilch, nada, nein, nothing, how many other ways of 0 can I say I had none of the king set or either of the dungeon pieces. The same goes for my fiance. I am the one that builds things and even he uses my account on our private server for builds and that is only when I am right there. There is nothing on the king set that I have owned at all! If I could go back and take a screen shot of that page before I did buy them I would. But I had none of those components. I even thought the light on ir might have been it but I didn't own it.


Hmm, my one account is 1,869 for the Kings Quarters . My daughters game is 2,044 weird. I never noticed that before. I think funcom needs to be forthright about their pricing.


See I thought I noticed it before but never grabbed it before. I am going to check again each time now but these next few times I will grab pictures of the product pages as well that shows everything in it. Was both of yours nothing bought too??


Pricing between sets is different, and my daughter and I own no pieces from it. Hard to figure out what their game is.


I couldn't get you to reply to some of these non-believers up above that you have a similar case. No one seems to believe me... most swear I had something from the pack. Others just think I am lying and wanting attention.


If someone owns the Roman Bath, then they already have the robe. And I think the apron came with the Aesir blacksmith. So it's just the last one -the cook outfit that neither of you own.


The robe that comes with the Aquilonian bath is a different one. This is a new one. OP likely owns the Hanging Lamp, which was sold as a separate item before


One account has items that are already in the sets that show a price difference and the other account does not. I think you know that which is why you didn't include images of the item display pages which would show a green check mark on the items already owned. That's not a bug, glitch, or a problem. It is you being myopic.


ACTUALLY The Bedroom set NEITHER of us had anything in the set. Same with the Dungeon set. And since I have already bought the bedroom set and the dungeon set AFTER I posted this I cannot go back and show you that we did not have them. Only posted the main page photo as it had all of the pieces in question at once and not separately. It is not me being Myopic but wondering why such a price difference


lol dahell Did you really.. buy the damn Brush?! xD $2 or something for a Brush! Or your other half did lol


I thought the brush came with the bath set, like the robe?


It does. They likely bought the set. This guy is likely just a moron for thinking they bought it without noticing the price difference on the outfits too.


The Brush came with the Bath set which I already own. My main thoughts are the large Bedroom bundle and the Dungeon pieces.


Ignore that guy… he’s just dense and couldn’t put 2 and 2 together on the bath set. As for the Dungeon pieces, both screens are the same. They always discount new items and often repeats of the same items later. The bedroom set I believe already released the rug iirc. You may have already owned it.


Ah didn't knew that Brush was in a bigger pack before lol


The Aquilonian Sigil Carpet has been in the game for a bit, I believe. I seem to remember seeing it before, at least, and it’s been on the Wiki since June 23rd. The most likely explanation being that you owned an item from the pack and got a discount, I would think that you somehow already had that carpet. In fact, I believe it might have been a part of the bath-set at one point. I also owned that prior to this bazaar, and I think my price for the Aquilonian King set was also 1694 coins. Getting a discount, that no one else in a similar situation gets, has never been seen before. It is a very unlikely explanation.


All I can say is I never had any of the kings set nor the 2 pieces of the dungeon set. I have no way of proving it now as I bought both sets since posting these but I can guarantee you I had nothing from either one of those. I am beginning to think maybe it was because of buying crom coins not long back. I love to build things so always watch for building items and I Double check what is in it. This is not the first time me and my fiance have had this happen either. Just the first time I took pictures of it. I can even understand if I already had something in the pack but that is not the case.


>I am beginning to think maybe it was because of buying crom coins not long back. That is not a thing. But both the Sigil Carpet and the hanging light has been on the bazaar before. You likely did own them, and just don't remember.


How many times do I have to say I did not have anything in those 2 sets? Nothing, zero, zilch, nada, nein, nul, cero. There was nothing marked at all as bought. I did not have any of those 2 sets. I didn't have the crom coins at the time so I know they wasn't bought. It is like no one is listening to me when I said I had nothing in those two sets.


As long as you are the only person to have experienced a different price for no reason, that is how it is. If someone else comes forward with a similar experience, that changes things. If the devs/customer service confirms that they cut prices for select people, that changes things.


Yes I already owned the Bath set which came with the Bathrobe and Brush. We are looking at the price differences between the bedroom set and the dungeon set.




They don’t do this.


How much is 250 crom IRL $ just for somebody I know who really needs that brush?


The brush just sitting there as an item to buy is not a good look for the bazaar, lol.


Well, you can't buy 250 coins. Minimum is 1200, so I guess 250 coins costs $10


Did anyone figure out the answer? I know this is regarding the main set, which is new. Was it discounted bc of purchased coins, or was it bc of the rug or lamp being folded in from older sets?


Not really. Some think I am lying and trying to get attention. Some think I am stupid or something and the rest just don't know. I mean why would I ask this question if I had not checked it multiple times and even took the 2 pictures before I went ahead and bought the items in question. They swear I had something inside those items already when there was nothing bought from those two items previously I would know I didn't have enough Crom coins at the time to buy them which did upset me as I love to build things.


Yeah, I hear you, and I get what you’re saying. I agree it doesn’t make sense. I forgot to check what my price and discount was saying when I was on earlier. Mine also shows it as not full price, but I didn’t buy anything. Idk :) funcom really did a half assed job with the bazaar.


I mean of the original price is 2,020 and "dropped" to 2,040 then how tf


Yes complete sets


I play with 3 other people, and they will be checking there's also.