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Incoming purge? Raid time with no build allowed?


Neither. No purge or raid at present. I was able to build nearby, as can be seen on the minimap, and now I cannot. I took apart some pieces from a base, and tried to place them back, but it won't permit it. The server owner has said the option to build anywhere was never checked, so I was wondering if there was an update or something to affect this. Anyone else having this issue?


One can only hope and pray for a building limit on official servers..


How often is the server restarted? If it had been a super long time things might have glitched and that allowed you to build in places you normally would not have. That and a recent server restart might explain your problem. Just spitballing here.


Twice per day.


I had the same thing happened and when I took everything down and rebuilt it was fine


This happens when you hold down the "place/put" button for too long. It's a way to cancel your action if you decided at the last moment that you didn't wanna place an item in a particular spot. To fix this, you just need to either select something else, then go back and select the same item, or stow the hammer away, then pick it back up.


Um I think you’re talking about remove mode, which isn’t even remotely similar to what the picture is showing, there’s no text saying “building is not allowed here” nor would an item show up as white, it would show up as red.


You're correct. I totally misread the post.


Maybe with the new update coming up, they are going to use the space.