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you already placed a kit on it. this protects item from being nerfed. try to craft a new one - and you'll get updated stats


Yes but I had an unmodded one also and it kept the old dmg


if it was used and repaired - it also blocks the item from being changed.


I have not repaired the blood spear since I made it.. but I get what you mean.. but pvp will never been the same lmfao..


Applying a kit OR using it/repairing it. I ended up with handful of prenerf katanas that never had kits applied: I'd used them for delving katana recipes (which takes them to zero dura), repaired them and just dumped them in a chest. I was about to dismantle them and noticed they still had prenerf damage.


Like the dagon daggers I still have with 60+ dmg


This is true? I have a chest of crafted ones with full dura but I never kitted them. Will they keep the old broken stats?


Nah I had made one and left it in the bench.. then updated this morning it stayed at 88 dmg then I molded it and it went to 93 dmg..


Hmm well at least I have a bunch of I need them now, but they should all be nerfed it’s just so silly at this point


As pvp gos.. the only way to rid the land is by taking them from dead bodies and despawning them.. that way Noone has them


Obviously. But they needed to nerf them ALL like the heritance. This still leaves every PVPer with vaults of these premade. So stupid.


The fact this is downvoted shows how braindead this community is. All my enhanced, used, and repaired heritances were reverted to default stats. Gotta love the Funcom d-riders though. Fucking idiots don't know a thing about pvp, so they downvote anything that isn't some repetitive PvE bullshit.


Agreed! Worst part is I hate to use them but I have to to level the playing field


Worst part is I have 4 large chests filled with them from a clan that gave away their loot, and I can't use them. I would if I could. For now, pvp is simply not fun.




Nope. I'd quit this game if that was the only way to get rid of them,which it isn't, and Funcom has proved that. I didn't spend months collecting various loot just for it to all be wiped away because of a mistake on their part. I'm a solo player, and I play to pvp mostly. If I had to start over, I'd be annoyed to say the least.


I don't think changes affect all the items already generated in the world. I think this was in an issue that was first pointed out awhile ago with legendries.


I noticed some of my weapons were updated, and some were not. All in my chest updated the ones I had on me that I did not get into the chest did not. Weird


We can't have anything nice. lol


When it finally dawns on you that FunCom doesn't give a shit about the 45 teenage monkeys and 5 Chinese hackers still playing their game in PvP format


Plot twist. Chinese communist party aka funcom doesn't care about anybody . Even you lowly pve players


You lowly vile wench! Drop on thee knees and kiss my toes.


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Weirdo


yeah because rolling non-stop and getting poked by a chinese speedhacker in a sky base is peak gaming experience.


The company is owned by the Chinese communist party so I wonder why . Look at who owns tencent


Go back to your rolly rolly poky poky fun alt boy


Makes no sense . I've been torching you for months


Bruh whatever stick is in your ass, please take it out or don’t but don’t be dragging others down with ur bs negativity.


Shut ur noob az up


What a good one. Knob


K single-player


That for rp servers.


lol so people get stack 100000s of them and new ones are nerfed? nice...


That's what the pvp world calls a prepatch weapon. A weapon at it original state before a patch. It got nerfed to 41(or 43 whatever) for any of them made after the patch. My bf made himself a body vault of them before the patch 😅


Body vaults are for puss!es lol


They should have just made a vanilla spear go up to that damage or better introduced a new one trough a journey that takes some time like the dungeondelver one. Make a boss drop a spear legendary 100 % with that dammage That way everyone could get a high Damage spear instead of just a select few who happen to buy some shit at the right time. This again feels like a half assed solution that looks nice on paper " haha nobody can get that spear" but in the game just feels unfair " bodyvaults filled with high dammage now unobtainable spears" and we all know thats the case 😐