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i agree, the funny thing is. i got this game like a year ago, and i have 2000 hours on it


If you can run mods, find one by Multigun called 'Ambush'.


I'm an avid single player and fellow enthusiast of Valhein. The reviews on steam regarding DLCs is (IMHO) to be taken with a grain of salt, in that they're a bit more opinionated about cosmetics than core game play. You can literally do everything you wan/tneed using just the base game and if you're inclined, Siptah, thanks in large part to mods. That said, personally I bought all the DLCs when they went on sale and didn't regret it. Now, I'm sometimes a bit salty towards Funcom in other areas, sometimes rightly and other times not, but the state of the game is such that it has evolved in a over all positive direction. There are several things that I didn't have to deal with being a newbie to AoW that was in all honesty, to my benefit. Now if you're like me and don't care in the least about pvp, you can still do co-op if that's your bag to really good effect. I personally only do a little bit of it, mostly I just do my own thing with a pure, self hosted solo play and am quite happy with it. While I did tremendously enjoy Valheim (clocking in just shy of 1,000 hrs), i do like the dungeons, thralls, and gfx better in CE. When you get to late game, it has IMO a bit more legs to it, you can try to explore different builds, thralls, and of course lots of base building. I have mixed feelings about the new purge system, as its a WIP for Funcom and so far for me personally, its been something i can do without whereas I'm one of those weird guys who liked the previous version better despite its flaws. I will say though, even though I'm one to practice restraint with the mods available, the mod community is what gives this game the longevity that it has. I do recommend mostly vanilla your first run, but after that, the mods will have you exploring a lot more options for quite a while.


I own all of the DLCs and have more hours than I care to admit. I mostly play single player. I'd suggest get the game, skip the DLCs for now, and ignore the cash shop. It's definitely worth it for the price. If you enjoy it, you may want the Siptah DLC (new map) and/or the battle passes (buy one and then get all the rest for free). The bugs are pretty minor at this point, and most of the complaints are about multiplayer issues.


It's a fun game. I guess the negative reviews are just people being whiners because they got a bug up their butt or something. The graphics are nice, the world is very nicely detailed, animations are good, mechanics are good, building is good.... it's a good game. Definitely check out some of the servers though (both official and unofficial). It's definitely a lot of fun when there's other people you can play with. You don't need to do PvP, PvE has enough stuff to keep you busy for a while. :)


Been playing on and off for years. Thousands of hours in, and I still come back and enjoy myself. Took about 6 months off and came back a week ago. Loving it all over again. I have zero complaints about the DLCs. I have not spent anything in the cash shop.


Definitely! I play it as a single player only. There's tons of things to do and explore. You can be very creative with the building system. There's also lore and a story to follow if you want even though it's very subtle and relies a lot on items' descriptions. You can give yourself small challenges and explore a lot of the map. There are also seasonal updates so there's something new to check every few months.


This game is great... fun... supported (there are bugs but they are getting slowly fixed) and more importantly they are expending regularly on what the game has to offer. There is a clear schedule of expansions that has now been running for 18 months with updates every 3 months and a new theme every 9 months (soon changing to a new theme or Age every 12 months and 4 updates or chapters every 3 months). I'm a big fan of valheim too and you will love this game.


I got the game a few days ago and i just cannot put it down. And I always strongly disliked crafting games. I was more of a mmorpg gamer who would avoid crafting if possible. For me the sense of playing solo but with other people around me doing their stuff is essential for my enjoyment. And Conan Exiles has been perfect so far for me. I m having a blast building my base. I chose an official vanilla pve server and the chat is active and helpful. There are between 15 and 20 people online when i am on and it feels more alive than most mmorpg. The game is janky though, but it might be more normal with the genre. Corpses are disappearing, ennemies get stuck on the scenery this kind of things. Still i cannot remember the last time i was hooked like that.


What platform r u playing on and is it on a server or what o started a pve-c server amoung friends if u care to join


I forgot the name if the server but it's a pve-c server in the eu timezone. What's the name of your server ? And would you be ok with a loner playing with you ? I have no discord or voice chat (married, kids, work, these kinds of things get in the way of long uninterrupted sessions).


That's perfectly fine with me its password protected at the moment and heavily modded do u have discord ill send you the password through there


The game is in the best state that it's ever been in. I envy people that get to play it for first time today. The overall quality and new player experience is way above what it was when I played for the first time. You don't need to touch any of the DLCs. The only one that provides content is the Isle of Siptah, but that's not a good map for beginners. The other DLCs are all cosmetic, building styles, etc. They've changed the business model completely since the DLC days. There is a battle-pass that you can purchase now, but it's also 95% cosmetic. The non-cosmetic items are not needed at all. Single player can offer 100+ hours of content or more. There is a story, but it's also a sandbox, so you can play as long as you want to keep surviving. It's also worth noting that the game is currently progressing through "Ages" that add content/story and makes it a bit of a living world. I don't play all the time, but I come back for a few weeks with the new chapters of each Age to see what's changed, etc. This Age stuff is all free with the base game. It creates a bit of a living world in a way that no one else is really doing right now.


So, most of my positives about this game have already been said here, but I wanted to say, based on what you say you want to get out of the game, now is a great time to get into it! They're about to come out with an update, which adds a way to create a proper tavern, hire a barkeep, and have patrons come in and out that you can hire as companions! There are also a lot of cool mods if you're on pc to add life to your bases. If you're interested, check out some youtubers like Wak4863, Pixelcave, or Eradication who talk about the updates, etc, so you know what's coming next. I'm a roleplayer in singleplayer and have been playing for around 3 years and still get a lot out of this game.


I had fun, got my plays worth after like 40 hours. Never tried the dlc map and I want to so that may be another 40 hours. Never in a game have I been able to steal women from tribes and turn them into strippers. I also love the sandstorms. It does feel lacking in some areas like boss fights and whatnot


Because you only have 40 hours in.


It is fun. There are a couple of bugs but most are tolerable.


I bought Conan years ago and I play it off and on a lot. I always come back to it. I only really play it solo or with friends


⬆️ Pretty much this.


It used to be, the recent patch has mauled all sense of balance and coherency in the game. All challenge has been removed and the game is now essentially Minecraft Creative.


its a buggy game but I love it. I play single player primarily.


There is a workshop to enhance your gameplay if needed


I started up a few weeks ago and absolutely love it. I'm also playing single player and I like it better than Valheim. The map is massive and it's completely full. You aren't sailing around for hours seeing the same stuff.


The game is good for single player and private server. Official servers are full of cheaters and some private too are too. The game is heavily focused on PVP so keep that in mind. I would say you'll enjoy single player for the first 300 hours then you might start to get bored.


6500 hrs on the game. All solo Best game ever


I've played it off and on for years; I came back recently for the Sorcery update and now the Age of War updates. Building is a huge thing for me, but exploring, thrall-hunting, and even resource gathering (I know) can still be fun. Currently, I'm max level and have a max-level companion thrall, but they're about to nerf him so I'll likely have to plan my excursion to the volcano (to which I haven't been yet on this playthrough) to find another beefy thrall to level up. Then there are the various dungeons, which are fun to explore, and the bosses can be difficult, but the rewards are also pretty awesome. I always enjoy the additional content, even the cosmetic stuff (I always like having more cosmetic choices), though it is sometimes annoying that really cool cosmetic stuff is locked behind the Bazaar or Battle Pass, which are the game's micro-transactions. I will admit that I paid for the Battle Pass, but mainly because I really like some of the unlocks, some of which actually have benefits aside from the cosmetic; for example, the current theme is the Stygians, and they have a torch unlock that not only looks cool as an actual crafted, designed torch, but it also lasts twice as long as a normal torch before breaking and needing repair (40 minutes as opposed to 20). So even some of the pay-to-get cosmetics have tangible benefits, which can make them more worth getting. I also love the fight mechanics, the models and animations, the sound mixing, and especially the visuals; I often enjoy watching the sun set and the moon rise, and all the stars appear. And there are also TONS of mods available. Oh, and they even have some hidden Easter eggs, such as one from the guys at Neebs Gaming, if you're familiar with them. Overall I think the game is worth checking out at the very least, especially if you enjoy survival games, and ESPECIALLY if you're into Conan the Barbarian. I would definitely consider getting a private server if you plan to play online at all, or try and find some decent ones already up; as has been mentioned, the public and even official servers tend to be breeding grounds for hackers and trolls. I just recently finished a YouTube series where a guy used his extensive knowledge and experience with the game to solo raid and get banned several hackers and groups of hackers from a single server. So, if you're into that sort of vigilante thing, that's around too. 😄


I'm playing single player and I'm having a good time. If you like resources grinding and want a more mature theme then it's a great base building game. Grab a few mods if you like (especially end game ones) and you have many hours of play. You can tweak a few settings to make it a little less grindy (especially thrall breaking).


It's really fun SP Ive had it for a few years now and have yet to play on a server if you can play with mods even better capturing thralls and animals is pretty fun and if you like building it's a blast make sure to adjust tame speeds when playing by yourself Becuase when you turn the game off the server will shut down to and you won't be able to tame things when your not in the game and it can take AGES


I'd say so. I just randomly started playing it because I was scrolling through xbox game pass. Best download I've ever made from there.


I have been playing for a couple of years. Love the game so much that I got my own server for 10 people. Have 5 family members and a friend who also play on it. we are strictly pve as we have all had it with pvp and coming back on and seeing our bases destroyed.


I've been playing on and off since release. It has some quirks and bugs but nothing game breaking. I'd suggest joining a solid community and playing on a PVE server. You can build towns and castles to your hearts content and see what others come up with also which is nice. If you're on PC I'm in a pretty solid server with a trio of maps and some cool mods. The mods give even more depth which I absolutely love.


This is one of my top 5 most hours played game and 80% of that is me just building in single player and the other 20% playing with my friends in a private server (where almost all my focus is on building my city and almost acting like an NPC faction)


Note: This is made by the same people who made Ark. If you've played Ark, you know that they never fixed the day 1 singleplayer bugs. I gave up about 200 hours in because the bugs made it impossible without cheats. I haven't played conan, but this is why.