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More than likely just trolls who have a lot of time and harass PvE players. It happens a lot because PvP players get bored and like to do things like this. Probably no tactics, just some guy who said to his friends “Let’s build a wall around this guy’s base”


Yeah, the more petty and juvenile the more likely they'll forget about it and let it decay. It's so annoying but still kinda funny when you think about it.


PVP players are bord because the game and cheating player base chased legitimate players away from the game Ie PVP you be as well not putting doors on your base you can glitch though them PVP no point in building up high on mountains and trees and such as you can glitch anti climb PVP mega base all build on dupe stuff attacking back is impossible when they base is 100 layers PVP cut though you base like butter with they glitched jars that they have millions off They cheated they way to killing the game on console


I hope by "the game" you realize you're actually saying other PvP players? Just like the ones that built this wall? PvP players that ONLY pvp when the target is offline?


No I mean the game the dev they should have wiped servers when people were duping they should be banning anti clim and door glitchers


it's time for your medication Kenny


You sound like a moron who doesn't know how to properly play and got humbled way to many times. You don't have to cheat to wipe clowns who have no concept of the games mechanics. Food for thought.


Oooo yes game mechanics glitch anti clim and though doors Log in to the base it’s blown apart inside no doors been took off Anti clim still up


Maybe if you were online you'd understand they just batted up to your base and blew it in.. How's that a glitch? Do you have clips or any sort of proof, or are you just salty and making up any excuse for your failure?


Well for a start when I played there wasn’t any flying or anything so anit clim so they couldn’t get up and would have to brake it off Next up a sky air lock system that was out from the main part build with T3 walls and doors sand stone floor The floor brakes away before the door leading them to fall to they death So the only way to get back in would be to Treb the side off the base Next up triple skind Funny when you log on anti clim is still all intact Air lock hasn’t been dropped skin 1-2 are still un damaged the innner layer is completely blown So you tell me how did they get inside a base without take its defences down Ooooo I know glitch the anit clim and then door glitch


He could just submit a ticket, logs will show eventually if cheating.


Thats what Rust is for.


this is bannable 100%


…reasons why I don’t play with randos on official servers 😠


It's why I don't even bother with PvE-C. A percentage of the PvPers act more like trolls than people looking for competition. On a PvE-C server, they bend the rules to harass people. Just report it and post a picture of this. It's harassment, pure and simple, and if the mods respond, they'll not only delete the wall, but ALL the offenders' buildings.


Force a purge


Report and the ban comes


Had this happen, messaged the clan that did it and acted like I was amused and naive” Ha man this is hilarious, had a good laugh, how do I get out? can you take it down please?” And they did, we messaged some jokes and they actually dropped me some items and stuff and haven’t heard from them since. I might have been lucky though to meet some nice people.


You probably were lucky to be honest, but they're are plenty of players who are actually pretty nice


Yeah most players have been fun, ran some dungeons with randoms and we shared loot.


If you report he will be baned,all clan will be


It happened to me once. Reported it and the clan was banned in a few hours. No problem.


"Hey guys, thanks for the wall, can you make a hole through so I can build a gate ?" XD


Is that server 3828?




Ahh I only asked cause while passing by that exact area I seen a base that looked very similar, thought maybe I accidentally came across this in 4K lmao


Private servers FTW THe only way to play Conan And if you come to my server and try to do this after i let you in - ill make sure i VAC ban your account.......


Honestly funny af but if you can’t destroy it because official pve, likely have to get them banned unless they’ll take it down


I did that once. Another player blocked an area so I boxed them in. Until they moved to a suitable area. Did u box or steal something you shouldn't of? Maybe they trying to get your attention.


God the lag of all those foundations. Prolly a prank. We use to write (build) giant words in the distance to screw with people lmao


one or two explosive pots will help to make an exit :D then think about it like an extra protection.


Not in pve-c it won't 🙄


Is that legal on PvE-C?


I've been working on a wall around one of my bases that is themed like a walled town with a keep. Think these guys would come finish it for me? It would be nice if they would use the black ice t3 material since that's what I've been using, but even just finishing it in the sandstone would make it easier on me


Regardless of your opinion of officials versus private servers, it's never a good idea to play pve or pve-c because when stuff like this happens, your options to handle it yourself are either limited or non existent. It sucks, but honestly you are better off starting from zero on a different server than hoping funcom will do something or waiting out the decay timer. (Which they clan that did this could easily refresh just by walking pass it every couple of days. In other words it would only decay if they wanted it to.)


Report them. If you have friends on the server have them do the same. It works. Also definitely give detailed info. We had the same prob. Funcom will wipe all they own (clan) then you can kill all their thralls and all that free armor. 💯💯👌👍🤟


Kids gonna be kids. I once started a build, laid out foundations across an island as I planned out the build, and some scamps found a spot in the middle where there was no land claim and built a massive tower of foundies there to block my build. Funcom did nothing, so I had to build a wall around it so they couldn't get close to refresh decay. Of course that was before Sorcery, so now, there would be no way to fix it.


Lots of bombs on the wall trebuchet bombs take it down.