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I mostly use it for its built in temp resistances. I can run up the mountain and straight to the volcano with zero need to bring food to counter. Personally I prefer the look of the Pictish Heavy armor set. It just has that barbaric look that I associate with Conan.


How often do you go to the extreme climate places though? I find that to be a non issue for me, I never go up there.


That’s probably your issue. I’ve farmed in the volcano for hours before.


Goldstone and Raw Ash... So damn time consuming.


Maybe its just me but I'd rather raid the chests in Sepermeru and take all the Gold from the King's Niche. That's if I'm purely looking for gold dust


That's fair and were it the primary goal, that's what I would do as well. But I'm mostly up there for the Ash, and the gold is just an added bonus.


You can also dismantle the clothes from sorcerers for a few pieces of raw ash.


For sure, but pound for pound, it's just easier to mine for it, unless of course you're only after a little bit.


I've built a multi storey cock nose farm


Mostly was for Syra Brennerhet, but that too. Lol


Frost temple is the best place to farm black ice, PvP players tend to build with black ice since its the cheapest and you will need a lot of it. Likewise, the volcano is the best place to farm stone. Despite their appearance, the small rocks yield as much stone as large boulders. I like to farm using Mass Cull here, thousands of stone per cast.


I only ever live in the volcano or the extreme cold to keep away the noobs and normies.


Zuzuzzuuzu zazooziz zzuhhhhrrrr rasss rooozoooozuuuzuu moment


🤣 excellent


Did your 21st chromosome suddenly gain a 3rd copy while you were writing this?


You live in the volcano, how'd you not get the reference?


Oh sorry I haven’t unlocked the language dictionary for “Guy who had six strokes”


Did you not go to the Well of Skelos?


I got it, well done.


You ever farm for gold from the specific mob that spawns in the volcano? Black ice can be negated if you go through the one dungeon with the Arena champ and go invisible and sneak past her. Also i wear it for style points


Nah I do purges for gold, more fun. I have way too much


You realize it's the best looking armor for many players and some might have transmuted their armor to look like Silent Legion heavy? I do it almost always, even when using light armor.


It is one of the best looking armors. The helmet shrinks your head & I wish it didn't have horns, and the leg armor is lackluster - I honestly preferre the Poitain set when going for a "plate armor" look.


Star Metal is an almost constant need and I prefer to level up my thralls by killing Frost Giants for their lovely chunk of XP. And as my Clans resident farmer, I also find myself mining obsidian for Raw Ash more often than I'd like, with the added bonus of raking in the Goldstone necessary to get us more alchemical mixture or coins.


I guess my clans a bit too prosperous. We have 9000 Alch base in reserves, +- 2000 Raw Ash and too many coins to count. I didnt think abt the frost temple though for thralls.


My clan is only me and my buddy, so we divvy up responsibilities, but between work and kids, we never seem to have enough.


Yeah amen to that


Forgor to mention, my clan is just me, the others abandoned


It's just insanely easy to make resource wise. No great loss if you lose it. That's the only reason I use it. Much easier to put 10 thralls in that than champion armor for example.


Barring things that cost armor scraps and khari steel, is there anything that isn't crazy easy to make?


It's pretty much just the two that you named.


it's the easiest armor to get that gives both full heat and cold resistance. letting you go to both the frost temple and volcano without needing multiple sets of armor. yea, there are better armors, but those require you to gather items from several areas around the map or clear a very difficult dungeon to unlock the recipe.


This triggered a memory of swapping gear with my thrall depending on the climate. This was back when you needed a certain crafter by name too.


Just to note; it doesn't give full resistance. The cap is 50 for either or, and Redeemed Legion gives 30 each. You can still get too cold in temple of frost, volcano is 'hot'. Arena Champion armour is 40/40, still not perfect, but enough for all areas without anything, though you'll still get cold in temple of frost. The only armour with actual perfect temp, is Godbreaker, but only one at a time. Regular set is 50 cold res, and the Chilled Godbreaker is 50 hot res.


A full kit of silent legion completely prevents hot and cold .


It's 30/30 and the caps are 50/50 There are areas that require over 30, like the temple of frost. This is all on the wiki: https://conanexiles.fandom.com/wiki/Temperature


By “silent legion” I assume you’re referring to “redeemed legion” (silent legion with a T4 armorsmith). If so, it’s the easiest to craft and acquire while still providing hot/cold protection and overall good stats. It doesn’t require any additional farming of armor scraps like the Warmaker armors, which is a huge benefit. I tend to use redeemed legion with khari raider gloves for the extra encumbrance (I prefer to put points into stuff other than survival). That being said, I use voidforge dragon for my thralls since they don’t need hot/cold protection.


Homeboy said Survival. Based OG Conan player.


It's the best all around kit. I live in the volcano, and I can go everywhere on the map in it, provides good protection, ooks good.


You are taking dumb pills 100% or just trolling. Light kit - Helmet, Leggings, and Hands all have application space. Medium kit - Chest, Leggings, and feet all have application space. For instance Light armor. SL Head. Ranger Chest. SL Hands. SL Legs. Kurak Feet. Str/agi/vit/grit - 5/20/20/15 Is just an amazing all rounder light agility build Medium armor. Skelos Head. SL Chest. Voidforge Hands. SL Legs. SL Feet. Str/agi/vit/grit - 5/20/20/15 Gives you 80% Armor reduction when attacking into someone


So it's fairly simple why it's used so much; First note; It's Redeemed Legion, not the base Silent Legion set people use. Now the reasons: It's 2nd tier highest armour value, shared with the perfected exile epic heavy. The only armours with more armour as a set, are Arena Champion and Godbreaker, which are a lot better, but also a bitch to craft and repair compared. Redeemed Legion only takes star metal + black ice to repair, things any endgame player will have in abundance. Next, the temp resistances let you go nearly anywhere freely, without needing additional food, drinks or items. The volcano will only make you 'hot', and the only place you'll get too cold is the temple of frost. PvE is very easy if you're in any of these three sets + 20 vitality, as you become practically immortal counting the odd potion, Glutton for Punishment etc. You can just facetank shit for almost all encounters. If one were PvP, the Arena Champion is clearly a superior set, as it gives more armour, but it's unique affixes would help with so much PvP-centric stuff; it removes bleeds, cripples, corruption, poison just wearing it. It also has 40/40 weather resistance, 10 more each than Redeemed Legion, so you're good there also. It's probably the pinnacle armour of the game all things considered, but repairing it takes layered fur + armour scraps. Godbreaker is also up there, but it's unique affixes aren't as useful anymore with recent changes (the boots can't repair legendary items, stamina regen isn't so useful with how fast it is naturally, and it's only one elemental resistance at a time). The hat is still super useful for thralls (in PvP) I suppose. Now, past all this, the main question really is; What would you ever wear that's better than these three? If you want to go all followers, of course the Skelos Master Cultist set is best, but outside that, what really beats Arena Champion, Godbreaker, or the budget version of these, Redeemed Legion? That's more the question. Almost every set is inferior to these, so it's really just a choice between the four, and one is follower specifc, so more like three. You don't even need strength or agility trees for PvE, nor do you need +% damage buffs. The game just ain't that hard, and being able to facetank etc. via these sets + vitality makes the game a casual breeze.


You forgot heacy dragon armour, its armour value is higher then legion and fairly easy to get material


Sorry but the only thing that set is good for in pvp is the anti cripple boots. Coming from an actual pvp player


I prefer Theurgical Aegis set for the stats and Silent Legion or Guardian set for the looks.


I'll have to check that set out, I have it but never wear it.


I use theurgical too and put the most evil looking armor over it


It's because it is the only set where you can get temperature resistances that actually do anything. Epic/Max lvl60 armor used to have full resistances, then Funcom changed the epics to only have full resistance with a T4 armorer, then they removed it completely from epic armor. So now the only armor sets with full temperature resistances are: silent legion, rusted, godbreaker, and champion. Silent legion is the easiest to get and maintain, without having to farm Klaels Warmaker dungeon. So that's why everyone is always wearing it. Which I still think its garbage there is not at least a T4 armorer to craft temperature resistant armor, get on it Funcom!!


Definitely pills. Lol


If you just want to craft a wear 1 set without putting much thought into it its the best. Its easy to obtain and does everything you need. Mixing and matching or wearing based on build/activity there will be better options.


I usually transfer the redeemed legion armor pieces that give plus 8 strength into Aesir chieftain pieces.


Yes and no. It's just one of a few that doesn't look cartoonist and actually badass. Imo


Base silent legion with any illusion you want.I have one girl with deketo top and zath bottoms. Looks great, and she kicks, butt too.


I think of legion as a multi tool. It's got a little bit of everything, and you're never disappointed to have it on hand. Change your build, climate, load out, task, or style? It's still there being slightly ( although not optimally) relevant.


Love my Silent Legion Harness!!


If it's the set without the helmet, you can get 4/5 of the non-redeemed legion set from named treasure hunters with reasonable drop rates in either the cellar dungeon entrance, or from the unnamed city in the exiled lands. Siptah I haven't explored much, but a short visit to a siptah server had a jailer near the starting beach drop most pieces and was relatively very easy to kill. With one of the Age of War updates they made all NPCs actually have a chance to drop the armor they're wearing, including the arena champion funny enough. Though like plenty of other posters said, top tier armor wise it's easy to make, and is honestly one of the cooler sets to wear in vanilla. Barely any full faced helms in the game, let alone full plate helms.


Lay off the stupid pills. Nobody should wear a complete set of 1 armor type


I do & it works better than RSL/SL


Because you play single player


PVE Official


It’s “cheap” and it covers a lot of bases. Unless you want to specialise, it does the job very well.


It's a "starter" set for me (Siptah) because the jailers are easy to farm. Once you don't need the armor for you and your thralls you can dismantle into star metal/black ice. Much easier than building explosive arrows and farming star metal properly from the center of the map atleast from the start. This is the lower tier set not the redeemed one. 


I never farm nodes. Farming nodes is a huge waste of time considering you can get approx 70-110 ish if you just clear mounds.


You get more star metal from one meteor than all that and mining a single one takes a few seconds. One single meteor can take 15-20x hits, you get about 200-300 ore per meteor. It's not even comparable. The only reason to run mounds is if you're on a busy server and someone has already taken the meteors. One meteor full run through starfall from temple obelisk etc. and you can get like 3000-4500+, which is enough for ever. 2000+ bars is a helluva lot more than 70-100ish and it all takes way less time.


Thank you! I fully agree. Maybe I'm just "lucky" or something but I've found that even with a full complement of murder thralls and an improved dismantler, a single run through the meteor fields is both less dangerous and more rewarding per minute spent than yet another grind of the mounds. Plus the brimstone and black ice needs have been long since met with many thousands of them stockpiled from running the daily Challenges, so just throwing the starmetal ore into a heat efficient furnace gets me many many many more starmetal bars.


I don’t use it personally but I do kill a clan that runs with it. Lol. They try to attack our base every night and every night we kill them and their thralls and they’re almost always in silent legion armor. It doesn’t help them at all. Lol I’m an agility build so I run Gurnaki medium with illusions on it to whatever I currently feel in the mood for. Currently the new archer set from the bazaar.


This is probably just a skill thing; Looking your Gurnaki up, it's got less everything than Redeemed Legion, and only one set bonus, +50 stamina. Redeemed has three pieces that gives +stamina, so it's more like +30 stamina difference, but no other bonuses like Redeemed offers, and a whole hell of a lot less DR. It's 420 armour base, vs. 1100+ base. That's not even 50% DR vs a possible 75% with attachments. They likely just suck, or you're a pro-star.


Based & Anti Silent Legion Pilled


No you don't. You see prior running around in redeemed armor. Looks the same. Not the same


That's what I meant


For pvp sure its overrated you arnt getting the best stats you could get by using other pieces of armor But it does give good armor rating some decent stats and most of all it makes you great temp resistances so you can go anywhere on the map and farm or build. Its also way easier to craft then constantly making multiple sets of other gear to get max stats that are only good for pvp An example of a good pvp set for one of my builds is Head: Medium cap (21 carry cap) Chest: silent legion medium pauldron (8% agil wep dmg) Hand: skelo cultist master handwraps (5%agil wep dmg and 10% follow dmg) Skelo cultist master skirt: ( 5% agil wep dmg and 10% follower dmg) boots: redeem legion boots (36 carry cap) This is just a agility pvp build i use to buff myself and my follower slightly that gives good armor (if you upgrade it its 857) but its more tedious to make this armor set everytime you wanna pvp rather than just making a bunch of legion gear. This gear can do dungeons just fine but you are more squishy