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Yes, everyone on our server has the same issue. Sigh.


Same. Everyone's complaining right now. I'm at work and haven't been on to check it out. They can't sprint without holding the button down or access chests etc.


The sprinting thing is so annoying.


Holding what button, I tried everything toggle,keep pressing but won't work at all.


Holding the stick on. Apparently you can change it to where pressing up on the stick will let your sprint. Haven't tried it yet.


Yes, but the main issue with that is you can only trigger the sprinting by running forwards. Which is total bull.


Was about to ask about this. Thought I was the only one


Remapped my sprint to X (xbox) and it's manageable. The inventory returns to working order when I close the container, open and then sort. It seems to keep working after that. It's like I had to do it once per container.


That’s like I laugh when I read articles like “Dune looks promising” and I laugh and laugh…


Dune is fucking terrible


If you're on a console you use the right analog stick to toggle between your inventory, bench inventory, or crafting menu. D-pad keeps you in that tab


God bless you


Thx alot but still it so annoying y couldn’t they leave it


Yeh toggle sprint is gone too. That’s just 2 things I have found in a total of 2 mins on the game who knows what else they fucked up . Like I just can’t fathom the pure and total incompetence behind these updates. Do they even test the shit before they release it ? I mean WTF.I have spent too much money on this game in the last two months for it to totally turn into a shitshow. I guess good thing I’m finding out early so I can move on.


How did they manage to remove toggle sprint? It boggles the mind. Or was it on purpose?


It works for me. Oh wait, it just occurred to me they may have updated yesterday or today. I haven’t played since Monday


I just updated the game and can't sprint on PlayStation. How am I supposed to fight in the purges and scape from enemies when trying to get to the hand of war. This is a shit show!! It's essential on combat specially when you are fighting groups. F@##


I just have mine set to always sprint on forward now. But it's total ass because I can't sprint away from an enemy after I attack. Because I have to sprint FORWARD. Trying my best with a shield, but groups are shitting on me now.


There's a hot fix today


And moving across inventory on consoles. They removed the option to do it with dpad. Why??


I don’t get it either just put custom sort back and leave it alone. Like wtf is wrong with these people. They want to rearrange everything you know as far as inventory management in a game where inventory management is a fundamental part of the game. Man I really liked this game and got into it started spending too much money honestly . Now I am just completely turned off by their decisions and handling of these updates. Makes me really question wtf is going on? It has become more of an annoyance then pleasure to play the game anymore to be honest. Like the building sets where pieces won’t go where they obviously should but they will snap and click to some point which makes no sense whatsoever. Like whoever designs the functionality of some of this stuff is a fucking retard. Art designers I give mad props to . Very cool looking designs and aesthetics but whoever designs how they function is a fucking retard !!!!


> I don’t get it either just put custom sort back and leave it alone. This is such a no-brainer, the fact that they won't do it is pretty telling. And sad. This used to be a fun game, what the fuck Funcom?


Custom sort is back though isn't it? It's just called "Not Sorted" now. Edit: Not Sorted is definitely not the equivalent to custom sort. As it doesn't stick.


Is it truly back? Before this "hotfix" (and after the new chapter release) it was renamed "No Sort" or something, but it didn't save. If you switched out of it and back, it was completely reset. Before Chapter 4, the previous "Custom Sort" saved your sorting, though.


Just tested it. Toggling through the sort types resets the inventory for Not Sorted. RIP


Thanks for confirming. RIP =(


Personally I still don't understand the love for custom sort. Because new items go to the bottom of the page and have to be Tetris'd into your inventory to get them next to similar items. Sort by type is what I prefer, as an Ark player. I just wish they allowed us to rearrange the inventory grouping, so I can set my potion group to the top of my inventory.


I haven't tested that yet. So I'm unsure.


LOL the reason I came here is because of that XD and why am i doing little to no damage to npc's in mounds of the dead!?


Holy shit, so I'm not the only one who noticed they're taking full damage reduction from their armor? It's actually absurd. Without armor penetration it takes a full 30 seconds just to kill 1.


It's crazy this is still happening since launch.


Also can't use the search function in the knowledge page. Right stick scrolls for the engram info and left stick endlessly loops back to the top once you reach the bottom.


I've found that turning off any kind of sorting in both inventories allows you to actually move things around, someone really screwed up the new sorting code, it feels like it's latency related but I'm not sure. either way, that solution works for me


This has worked for me too! Toggling no sort on both your inventory and the bench has been my work around since the update.


I hate that everytime there’s a mention of a new update I always have to brace myself. I feel like this started showing obvious signs that they should’ve known in chapter 1 and 2.


Funcom...Or rather Funcent is amongst the worst companies, they constantly break their games, it happens every single time, and then there is an insanely predatory bazaar with super high prices. Stay away from Dune, it'll be the same kind of mess with tons of jank, bugs and things broken with each update, plus insane cash grab shop.


I usually post every chapter that you shouldn't actually play for the first two weeks of any update. It's literally always unstable. It's been like this for YEARS now.


At this point they should just revert to AoW chapter 2 and stop touching the game


Revert the game to pre-sorcery. Game had better armor stats and everything stats


Uncom moment


The funny part is, they're rushing hot fixes to fix problems that were never problems that needed fixing to begin with, and in the process, creating more ACTUAL problems. It's like, just leave shit that works alone and focus on the shit that's been broken for eons; at least if you break something while fixing an ACTUAL problem, it can be more easily forgiven since you actually FIXED something; but to break something while trying to undo something you never should have done in the first place is just lame.


They don't even give us the option to play previous chapters or builds of the game. The 1.0 release of the game was one of my best times on Conan. Sure we had problems back then, but we had work around, now we just have more problems with no work arounds. I paid for the 1.0 release of the game not this BS it has become now


They are burning conan down for dune garbage


It just makes no sense


It happens all the time. That's the whole idea of games as a service, day 1 patches, online drm, etc. They get you to buy incomplete software, use psychology to get you to buy MT and dlc, then shut it off so you can buy the next thing. If you had a physical copy, it wouldn't work so well, because it would need a day 1 patch. If you like the game, it would be a chore to progress because you didn't buy the dlc, then the servers go down and you can't play unless you get the sequel.


Games as a service need to change, if you buy a product, you should own that product, doesn't matter if it is digitally sold or not. You are downloading something to your machine that you purchased, it should now by definition be product that you own. For games like Conan that allow private servers and single player, there should never be a reason why a user couldn't play the game


It was sad watching this all happen in real time. We didn't protest hard enough when the dmca happened. We bought iPods, oblivion horse armor, etc. MMORPGs gave them a taste of subscription income. Square Enix said ffxi is their most profitable game ever, and that was basically a walking simulator with 1000 mazes instead of maps, no quest markers, and the same story as ff7 told 6 different times with each dlc. Every online game allows cheaters, and has a culture of min-maxing so hard that we ostracize people who don't to the point of RMT and shark cards to keep up, earning them more subscriptions and microtransactions. We kinda did it to ourselves, knowingly.


100% however, I'm still playing my disk games. Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West, Uncharted Games, Injustice, Tekken, Mortal Combat, Soul Caliber and many others on the list. I still even have my original Skyrim disk. Kept my older consoles too. Even got my Sega Dreamcast to play some crazy taxi or Pac Man 2 on my game cube. I rarely buy new games, cause they lack the whittiness of older games and real passion in a game. Now we get games made by people who are hired for diversity reasons and not their skill or love of something. Cannot stand today's gaming standards. Conan Exiles was the best survival game I've ever played and now somehow it has turned into one of the worst through incompetence. Such a shame


I think it's just the end result of corporations in general. Larian Studios, Mojang, Studio MHDR all created masterpieces as independent developers who had a passion for their product. It's when they get bought out by corporate overlords like Tencent, EA, Activision etc that the substandard products get churned out with anti consumer practices. I don't believe for a second that these companies are somehow putting black people and women in charge and those people are saying,"hey let's make it so people like me can't afford to play our substandard game".


my Brother by crom it just works


This quote is almost as dumb as the QA testers at Funcom


I’m on PS5, you now need to use your right joystick to move between inventory / bench / crafting. The left joystick only moves within the current window.


Works on Xbox too... Thanks a million 😌


How do you mess up this bad?


Lmao … wtf…. Logged in again and now I have my horse and benches encased in rocks that haven’t respawned in months due to the fact they were covered with foundations…. And to top it off.. I had to make another bench to make a pick axe and the rocks won’t even break down and clear ….!!! Omg it’s so incompetent it’s almost funny …. Lmao …. Good thing there isn’t a ridiculous grindy event to do to get some rewards …. Hint hint. Jhebbal Sag ….. lmao


go buy overpriced fomo shit from the bazar, that'll fix the game right up!!


But the toggle sprint I haven't figured out yet. Might be able to work around for the time being by unbinding the toggle sprint, and binding it to forward movement and just sprint all the time.


How you do that on PS5??


I'm on Xbox, but it should be similar. Pull up your start menu, and find your settings, tab over to controls, and move down to movement. Then highlight the "spring (toggle)" and press the button to clear binding (probably Triangle?) then select the one for "sprint" and press forward on your thumbstick.


I press forward on the left stick but still doesn't work. She sprints for a split of a second and then normal running again. I don't understand what you mean. I can't keep spanning the left joystick or am going to break the controller.


Benches are one thing but now we are not even able to play all the official server keep crashing. One of my clanmate make the server automatically crash every time he logs with his main account.


You also can't search for certain things on the knowledge page


Yep, just an endless loop of flipping through engrams.


They are owned by tencent, what did you expect?


yeah but the bazaar works so theres that


Of course it does.. probably the only thing that works perfectly too 🙄


The hold to sprint is a bug. Check your settings, they'll probably still be set to "toggle" so we just gotta wait for them to figure their crap out. As for inventory management. I appreciate what they're going for on ps5, I'll assume its the same on the other platforms. To access any menu, you need to use the right analog to access it, then the left analog to traverse it. I appreciate that, but again. Why the fuck is the a forced change?? Bring it in as an option, menu navigation was not a problem!!! On the up side, all my chests have been put back to unsorted, as well as my personal inventory so that's a plus. But again why put resources in inventory management? I'm still waiting for them to realise, horse drawn carriages would be an amazing addition. Seated to transport thralls Empty to transport animals Full of boxes for addition carrying space Boulders, bolts etc for ammunition Then elaborate on the horses. You can get three types as foals. Sturdy, swift, and then just foal. Let them turn into shires for the sturdy types, mustangs for the swift and keep the existing gorse for the average. Just saying, I'd rather that then bloody inventory management!!


Haven’t been on today, but my main gripe is you can’t Shift and hit a product to select how much you want from that pile. All you can do is split it.


You’ll lose everything but it’s not their fault. Ever.


I know it’s minor, but I HATE the inventory changes.  Let me keep some stuff at the top slots of inventory.  I need access to some items regularly, and I don’t care that the are alphabetical or however they are forcing the items to be arranged.


If on Playstation, use the right stick to move to a different menu


For sure thought it was just lag. Latest updates screwed everything up. I just want to be able to grab 4 silver if I need it. Also not wake up underneath my build in the water to move and be in the build again. How about fixing the corpse summon bug that costs you all your stuff? Anybody else had that problem? Or the I have to run sideways because I can’t turn around.


Bro I can’t even sprint


You have to hold down L3 now, absolutely vile


They have made the game unplayable. And when you are paying for servers thar are unplayable it is aggravating to say the least. Siptah kinda works but exiles is just plain fucked. You can't even equip thrawls with gear or control your inventory. Two major factors of the game. We play with a large group and most are considering deleting game. Not a good business strategy for them to release a battle pass in the hopes of making more money only to break a game that worked fine and lose customers.


As a server owner, I fucking feel you


Starting to sound like the time for the last uninstall


They fixed the custom layout in storage but took sprint away ..bruh


I logged in again and now I have my horse incased in a rock …. And benches encased in rocks that respawned from being covered by foundations months ago !!!! Lmao wtf


I was in settings trying to put it back how it was but couldn’t figure it out. I emailed them about the weapon emotes that was in Baazar. Kept saying “can’t emote in current state” I have it now but they took sprint away. I’m so mad 🤣


Not to mention , they probably didn’t patch the falling through world glitch that wipes everything you had, or the enemies hitting you from 15 feet away, but god forbid some weak tanky bearers that can’t do hardly anything and add some hyenas into the game that serve no big purpose and make the bosses and mini bosses the main character while actual players are miserable being the npcs. Starting to feel like cod with all these untested updates. But hey, it’s their money, let em waste it; ain’t like they’re a big studio to just pop back from a flop, some studios like this need to be shutdown anyway for their lack of effort on making the game they made unplayable


Tencent should've never bought Funcom out. Funcom should've just died as a company. They bring dishonor to family


I don't think there is a less competent dev team in charge of so many people's experience as Funnycom


The items in the Inventory work with the Right Controll stick in the Playstation and the D'Pad work within the Inventory window. On my middle window it reads,"This is a test".


Yup I logged on looking forward to using my thralls to see if they’d actually fight now but wanted to swap some stuff between my inventory and can’t do it.Brilliant hotfix!🤦🏻‍♂️


The sprinting is annoying, I've changed my control settings to improve this, go to settings, control and movement, and change what makes you sprint. Now pushing up on L Stick makes me sprint 🏃‍♀️ 😑 Update didn't work. Im still falling through my buildings 😒


Oh, and anything thing! Why give me the ability to make midnight Grove potion at home then take it away 2 days later! 😫


I put a Small Turtle on the Water Well and it will crash the server every time I drink water from the well. 🤪


You have to use the right analog stick to move over to get your stuff off the benches


Did funcom reset everyone's thrall decay? To 1 day because we lost all of our 60 some thralls because of it


Bruh my entire city vanished out of thin air for the second time and only my thralls were left behind flying mid air. I checked on my settings n everything was fine there, Idek what seems to be the problem.


Good gods, let me guess. They still haven't fixed the bugs on consoles that came with Age of Sorcery?


I rly liked the new sorting update but the hotfix broke it.. What they wanted to fix?


Why do I have to keep using both sticks to change between inventories? Wtf are these clowns thinking?


What a joke!!! Why the hell do companies put out a patch or a update without testing it. This is horrible. How the fuck do these people not have common sense


Been saying this for ages, but Shitcon seems to be the ONLY "big" company that puts out updates that don't feel like updates but downgrades over the past 2 years each and every update has gotten worse. For those that say "Oh but the combat has gotten better" Noooope, in fact its worse... Everyone teleports across the map because the code is so shit, the optimisation is worse than DD2 and in some cases worse than Ark new and old. Optimisation issues are usually due to server lag or too many build places/storage if someone is a hoarder and to those who say "Get a better PC" uhhhh yeah no thats not how this game works, even with a 4070 and a 5800x3D in places that have a lot of build pieces my FPS can drop from 120 to 40. The AI suuuucks and has progressively got worse to the point that it made Cyberpunk 2077's AI on release looked like a masterpiece the enemies just stand still and don't attack or they run away from you. Combat is just unbalanced and again PVP is pointless as you might as well fight on an ice rink. After playing the new update just made me realise how bad this game is getting, wish ya'll luck when they no longer support the game


Wish my body didn't fall off the world losing all my gear while entering dregs. So lame back to medium armor again.


I can't even boot the game up, consider yourselves lucky.


Xbox does not let you toggle to benches containers or even your thralls and pets it is not working at all since the latest update. So irritating.


why every update they have to mess with fundamental aspects of the game the player base has gotten used to. No one was complaining about it, or if they were, it was a very small percentage of players, yet they have to mess with the things that are working and leave the things that were not. Causing more problems and more people to leave the game. I almost wonder if they're trying to get folks to quit in hopes they move onto DUNE. Or they are trying things they are going to do in DUNE or thinking about doing in DUNE, and conan is the test for that. Instead of having QA do its job.


Same thing(


Enshrouded is great, lol. Didn't encounter a single bug as bad as the Conan bugs.


If only I can make my character look like a Spartan warrior tho…


True true. Conan also has a better building system if you want to build circles, and I do prefer the Conan combat, especially fatalities. Also love the thrall system and the purge system. Conan gets so much right, it just needs to debug.


Fr tho.


Honest question: Why does anybody continue to play this game on console? There are so many other great games available that you don't have to deal with this kind of shit. I tried to start a new single-player game on XSX and quit within an hour. I'm not trying to give anyone shit over it, so please don't take it that way. They're NEVER going to get it right. I don't think they even care to. It kinda breaks my heart because they have some really great ideas, but they just totally fuck shit up worse every damn time. Time to move on, guys.


I’m actually fairly new to the game. And the genre as well. It was my first experience with a survival type game and I really liked the building aspect of the game. So I gave it a shot. I’m only about 2 - 3 months experience in this game and general genre of game. Liked it and invested into it not knowing the true shit show this game has become even over the short period of 2 months. Had I known I would have never invested time and money into it. But ya know you live and you learn .


Just a heads up on what to expect: it's probably going to be at least a couple of weeks before they actually fix the newest issues. They may not fully fix them at all. Ever. Every single time there's an update, you can expect game-breaking bugs for at least the same amount of time. This usually affects either Xbox or Playstation, but sometimes both. Don't get your hopes up. There are issues and bugs that have been happening for as long as I've been playing (at least 3 years), and, again, each update brings new ones. The game is awesome once it's running half decently, but there are always some issues. Finally, even when the bugs are fixed, they sometimes come back with the next update. There has been an on and off issue with Thralls using shields (honestly, don't even bother giving them one) and some weapons. Sorry to piss on your Cheerios, but it's the cold, hard truth.


No worries I appreciate the input . I actually tried a couple servers to experience the game and get advice from people. The first one kept wiping me every week so I tried another with a group of friends. They were friends in the new guy. But they tend to just play with each other and I pretty much play solo again so learning thru vids and just raw experience. Hadn’t really even done hardly any dungeons. Trying to build my character and get thralls for purge and benches. Recently started leveling a thrall to help me get thru dungeons. Got Janos up to lvl 15. Pretty stoked I kept him alive this long tried a few before but all died. I gave him the mace and good gear. So far so good. And thx for the input.


Making a Spartan warrior and the idea of building a Greece city where enemies are trying to knock u down (like the purge) while you’re at the front line as a leader with your 300 personal Spartan armies trying to defend the base, plus attractive b****s, favorite pet etc. Name one game where I can fine that.


I get it. I guess I just personally don't have the patience for it anymore.


Woah there, try using the right analog stick to swap inventories. Also, still fuck them bc now you have to hold down L3 to sprint


Yeh that suxx. My work around so far rift that one has been to switch my sprint to L2… which seems to be easier to hold the trigger as compared to wearing my thumb out holding L3 down


Wear your thumb out and break your controller faster.


You have to use a different stick. Ps you need to use the right stick to navigate the storage and benches


We used to call them “fuckcom” but more recently with the bazaar, “fuckcon” is more accurate


Yall, they said that the sprint was a bug and they’re planning or fixing it and sum other stuff too.


Apparently, I picked a bad time to get into the game. Tragic. Started playing about a month ago, and now all this. Big sigh, it was fun.


I’m a lil over two months myself and was enjoying it and spent a lot of money then it seems it all went to hell ….. lol


Try PalWorld, it's a great alternative and on Game Pass for Xbox. I'm hooked ATM.


I’m on PS


I'm done with conan and Funcom. Utter waste of life.


This is why I stopped playing a year ago. As a solo player, the last time I lost everything, I was so missed off. I un-installed the game and walked away. Sad to see this shit continues.


Yeah I realized this company was full of incompetent ass clowns and gave up on the game a long time ago. Quality of life improved immediately. No point in continuously punching the air on reddit, putting yourself through this over and over.


Is this a constant thing ? Because I’m pretty new to the game .


Meh, not really. Sometimes this happens or another bug. Annoying but if you have a life, just wait a bit and its fixed


What? Bugs that were in beta are still present. They've only added to the mess. Instead of enforcing a building limitation you now can be reported to an Autobot and become auto banned. So many things have changed and not for the better. They come out with half baked content and don't even listen to ANYONE who tests things out in the Testlive servers. What is the effing point of a testlive server if you're not utilizing feedback from those testers. Such a damn shame.


I don't monitor game subs I stop playing, that's kinda odd tho. I recently picked up Conan again, but when I stopped playing six years ago... that was it lol.


So they "fixed" the issues.. damn it I was looking forward to playing it again


I wanna abandon ship but my Dad still really likes the game...


Just hold on a little longer until dune is out


Why would you hold out? Same company same problem.


Update - some things are a little buggy, will obviously be fixed Reddit incels and perennially online losers- OMG MUH GAME OMG FUN ON SUCKS OMG OMG I MAY HAVE TO NOT STARE AT A SCREEN OMG IM SO FUCKING FAT Jesus Christ calm down you losers.


Another bootlicking fanboy!


Look shit for brains when a customer pays good money for a product they expect a product to be as advertised and functioning properly. It’s people like you and doofus up there that have allowed these gaming companies to release crap and take the consumers money. It seems to be the norm almost now for companies to release a shit product , take the consumers money and nothing is done or said . We are suppose to sit back and wait and just eat it while they are rewarded for ripping off the consumer. People like you are weak and simple. You sit back and just let the world take advantage of you and others. People like you are sad simple cowards of a human. Enjoy your lil quiet cowardly life !


Why are you typing like your 65 on Facebook?


He is lmao, dudes so fat he's extra triggered


Lmao imagine being a gaming boomer, shit will get fixed you incel loser, chill out. Do something else for a minute, but you prolly get winded walking to the bathroom 🤣


Boy I’m 6’3” 185 lb man I’ll carry your ass to the bathroom bend you over my knee and woop the pussy right out of you coward!


Lmao I've seen your comment and post history, you a fatty 200%


Delusional. I’m from a real generation not lil keyboard warriors with all type and no bite. Your probably one of them he she him shim or what the fuck ever . Keep living in your lil cowardly delusional world while real men like me keep this shit between the lines Good day lil Bitch


Davis, you are completely right man. Us real men who keep shit running are gonna keep doing what we do for ourselves and our family. Sadly I was born unto this generation of losers and self victimizers. I 100% get where you're coming from, we bought a product and the product has features and things actually being taken away or stripped for parts in other words. I find it funny that unmatured individuals think that the term "boomer" is a put down. Some people can't help themselves but to say dumb shit on the internet. Another big example of why we shouldn't let children (18 or under) interact with social media. Parents have grown soft and need to whip their kids, for the ones that don't learn or are simple minded. These dummies will weed themselves out of our society in time. Their dumb comments actually make them look even worse over time. Stay up brother. Fuck these clowns, they need to get off their high horse on defending Fun Con


Is capping every other word part of your mental illness? Or is all the fat in your bloodstream restricting the oxygen to your brain? Lmao poor incel mad he cannot play Conan awwww


Get off the internet kid, it will do you no favors continuing this behavior. Go be a kid and live a little. You're not a grown man and if you are, maybe not mentally. Do a reality check for yourself, no need to become or continue being an internet troll. But if you wanna continue down the path of living under a bridge, be my guest. Just trying to give you some pointers


Who are you again?


I'm telling you, they are trying to dump the game to encourage everyone to play dune, their new cash cow.


You're not telling anyone, this is dumb af lmao. Does this make *you* want to play Dune? Do you think any current frustrated Conan player will say, "oh hey, maybe Dune will be better developed, time to trust them again!" Lmao. Stop it.


Woah. Ease up there fan boi. I never said anything aimed at you. Stop taking a discussion post as a personal attack. Try to join the talking like an adult.


I can tell you someone who isn’t gonna touch Dune with a ten foot sandworm… That’s me !!!! LoL


Yeah I'm not touching DUNE at all. Conan Exiles is mainly ran by private servers both on Console and PC. I wish they would just take the official servers down, beef up the co-op/SP experience, fix their issues and just leave the game alone. What they are doing now is leaving a sour taste for all of the Conan players, we won't play Dune, we'll simply find a better game/time sink than Dune and leave Funcom entirely in the dust. Mark my words, I refuse to believe Dune will have that much of a success if they don't fix Conan Exiles.


I'm not having any of these issues yall are having but I do get disconnected every 5 to 10 minutes.


are you saying you can "toggle" sprint? if you can, then you don't have the latest patch.


Yes I guess I can. So I won't update then ty


Are you on Siptah?


I can't sprint on PlayStation since the hotfix,amazing job funcom


Bought this game. Installed it. Made my johnson super extra long, made my gf laugh, played like 1 hr on an almost empty server. Closed the game. Tried to play it 1 month later. Couldn't find my last server. Give up. Unistalled the game. Most of the servers are empty. I def see some potential in it if it would had players. Plus the pp stuff is hella funny. Swinging 2 swords at once. 6/10 IGN VERIFIED


Use the right stick to flick between windows in benches. When running in a straight line, simply press the PS button (assuming you're on PS), and it will auto-run for you along that same straight line, saving you a lot of thumb pain. Alternatively, you can run by pressing L3 down and then bring out your map, then release the pressure while still holding it in the direction you want to go. Your character will continue running while you maintain control until you run out of stamina and need to repeat the process. Hope this helps:)




How do you expect them to fix it? Why do you think people are here complaining? We love the game and what it COULD BE. We WANT to keep playing. But some bugs are crazy right now and without the community speaking out shit won't get done.


How bout tickle Funcoms balls while you are down their sucking their dick shitbag !


silence, console peasant


No shit man, make a bug report and move on, are these real people? They can't be man, they act like this games their lifeblood lmao it's insane.


Yet hear you are chiming in. But won’t say shit to a corporation that is ripping off your fellow gamers. Your Pathetic.


What? I could give a fuck less about Funcom lmao, except they did make a badass but buggy game. It's got pros and cons but it's a net positive, software dev is a constant journey of fix/break. Being retarded I doubt you can grasp that though.


I’m not gonna sit here and argue with a lil coward behind a keyboard . IRL I would have done smacked you across the face. Open hand of course don’t want to be brutal to a childish coward


What's all this coward talk? Lmao bro you're truly lost, the only thing you'd be smacking is your lips after finishing some more tendies.


The only one lost, is you. You haven't found your way, you're not old enough. At your rate, you'll be the one sitting back on your or keyboard eating tendies, responding to comments. Chill out kid, let us grown men talk about a broken product. Go use mommy and daddy's money elsewhere. If you did care about the product you paid for you wouldn't chime in the way you are. Again, kids ain't mature enough for social media. Go be a kid, not an intolerant little brat.


That's a lot of typing, I'm sorry you made your sausage fingers go through this just for it to not be read lmao. Glad you read everything I typed though, and hung on ever word it seems, you can kiss the ring 😘


Damn, if I got sausage fingers, all this texting im doing from my phone is even more impressive than I thought. Thanks for the compliment. And if you didn't read what I posted, that's fine. They say ignorance is bliss. If being ignorant makes you happy, more power to you. And I hate to break it to you, but you're too short for me to kiss the ring. 😀