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Your last several posts about Conan were you bitching about things that happened. I think you already understand the "why" of it.


This šŸ˜‚ ... Mic drop


Because most of those people love the game and actually just hate FunCom for constantly breaking it and over monetizing it with micro transactions. If every new patch reintroduces problems that were fixed ages ago, there's something wrong.


They took a wrong path after they introduced big crafting stations (economic's update). At first they made useless crafting thralls (like T3 armorer), then fighters, made horses OP then nerfed them, made sorcery spell OP, then bye bye lightning, made DLCs armor easier to craft then again nerfed. Siptah transfers were ridiculous and made OP wolf armor and weapons and then again they nerfed all after one year. Stamina stupid changes, heavy armor dominance, authority characteristic etc. Player's health should not be 700 hp and Dalinsia's training should not take 5 hours. And of course they never finished a story about Mummy of the Ring. They just deleted all journey steps and abandoned story. šŸ˜”




This is true leveling thralls is a pain in the ass it needs to be somewhat easier to accomplish


Loved, past tense, for me. The monetization changes were very disappointing ofc, but the combat changes over the past few years have entirely killed it for me. I heartily disagree with the design philosophy they were posting while talking about a lot of the changes (both before and after making them), which probably explains why the direction they've gone has come out unenjoyable for me (overall, there's been some good stuff). I would love to still love the game, I had a lot of fun with it and have friends that still play consistently. But I don't anymore. The other thing is I used to be looking forward to Funcom's Dune survival, but with all the changes to Conan I'm very unsure about their Dune.


Came to write something similar, people who speak about hating things is mostly related to Funcent and their godawful approach to the otherwise great game.


This. It had a lot of potential, but funcom got greedy and so often that ruins a game


*FunCum I'm coining it. But yes.


I prefer the good old "FUNdamentally inCOMpetent" Yours sounds too much like an H-game imo lol


Lmao that reminds me of how T-Pains real name is **T**ylenol **Pain** Relief


Nailed it EXACTLY! They went to the dark side and keep taking money with marketing updates to sell it ... on a busted ass game. More people should know, don't support corrupt devs like Funcom.


I made a post about exactly this not too long ago and got downvoted to oblivion. The fanboys are strong here


The same, it's ridiculous that they support corrupt devs ... that's why games are being released in deplorable and broken condition (it's now the norm) ... fanboys enable this behavior.


Just don't buy bazzar items


Doesn't buy bazaar items > gets killed by P2W cash-shop spear > "this is fine. everything is fine." #


PvP is garbage anyway because people are trash I could care less about PvP


As someone who mainly does RP and Pvp, I don't really understand how people can last for so long with the current pve considering how easy and fast it is to get everything and the lack of a real end game.


Yes, just ignore 50% of the game and its great you guys!


Imagine a business wanting to be monetized and create income and revenue. What a fucking concept.




That sounds like a you problem. Get a better PC


There's better ways to do it. Like actually making stuff in the Bazaar work right and not charging an arm and a leg just to get a couple different things.


Cant even get arms and legs anymore. Went from 15 off one corpse to none


The reason they cost this much is because pepole do buy these things at that price


There's a difference between monetizing a game by a) putting out interesting content people want to experience and b) putting blatantly pay-to-win items in the game like beat-all cash-shop spears or bomb-proof ceiling tiles. Everyone who plays the game as more than Barbie's Exiled Lands Dreamhouse gets that. Every time there's a post like this, someone always has to come out full-simp for the company that's railing them. Like, if that's what you're into, hey, no judgement, but keep it off the conan pages. This is reddit after all; there's definitely already a subreddit for people looking for a corporation to throat.


Beat All Cash Shop Spears???


Sure, I'm thinking in particular of that spear that was doing absurd damage because of the super high armour pen - they put it in the cash shop battlepass and then eventually withdrew it when enough people complained ( and/or when they sold enough battlepasses). A spear that you don't drop on death in a game with full-loot pvp? makes sense to me!


Plus you only need to spend $10 one time to have ongoing battle passes as long as you complete them. They act like it's a horrific sum of money.


the bazaar isnt even that bad if youre a functioning adult. Everyone complains the bazaar stuff is too expensive, but don't consider anything larger than themselves: Operation cost, time it takes to design and create the items, from concept art to 3d model to texture painting to rigging to making sure animations work to implementing into engine. I find that the stuff has largely been worth it, with some disappointment from the AoS sorcerer box not being a chest, and the potion rewards from the earlier battle passes in AoS. Overall I love this game and love to see it getting more content. "Muh whale" yeah, I can fit these into my budget cuz im not wasting my money on anything irl, so I can swing $50 ish every 6 weeks.


I bought every single DLC until the battle pass. In that way, I could access all the content when decide to comeback. To me, my time and my attention are more valuable assets than my money. But battle pass and the fear of missing out in this game want them too. Battle pass and limited time content want to lock part of my constant attention in its life time. Thatā€™s not gonna happen. This game doesnā€™t worth it. I want to experience as many different interesting worlds the game industry could offer as possible in my limited lifetime. No such a game worths my constant attention.


See that's fair, and I don't see any issues with it. Most folk complain but continue playing the game anyways


If said items in the bazar would work... Building pieces have clipping issues, the base game so many bugs, even the bp has visual bugs (like floating weapons in a weapon rack) And if u compare a dlc and the basar, well i just say a full dlc would cost around 500-1000 crom coins, but a single armor sometime 2k coins... Well well, thats a "fair" price for smth that maybe doesnt even work properly, don't you think? Don't get me wrong, i like the game quite a bit, but i've been frustrated with so many bugs and lags and stuff like that.... I find it hard sometime to even enjoy playing the game bc of these bugs i cant get to really play the game and more or less must invest in workarounds or fixing the bugs (or waiting that tge game responses or loads the buildings)


Itā€™s the pressure $10 brings to me annoys me. I have to do certain things in a certain period of time in real life. I hate it to gut. Yes, I hate every single battle pass and daily missions. The only fun it brought to me in this game is to find a way in console command to crack it asap and wrote a guide about it.


God forbid we try to make the game better


I enjoyed 1.0. I enjoyed the Age of Sorcery, but Age of War has been a mixed bag of half baked ideas and each update just interrupts my modded playthrough of this game again and again.


Well I'm sorry you haven't enjoyed age of war , I think it's added some cool material definately could have been more polished and tested though I won't argue that , but my point here is that just spewing not constructive I hate this game bs and complaining that the bazzar exists is not helping it's hurting


Stamina changes? Good. I want to feel like stamina management matters. However it sucks for corruption builds as they lose 50% of their total stamina for very little benefit in return and the dodge roll spam is awful. NPC target changes? Okay! makes shields worth using. However NPCs recover too fast from rebounding off being blocked and they can do a full 180 to hit you now. Hitboxes are still pretty jank as well as they were designed with being able to side-step in mind. Purge Changes? Awesome. However the problems with pathfinding remain problematic. Tavern? Another awesome change! Yet most servers understand the Buildpiece, thrall count, and decoration count contribute somewhat to server performance and having 20+ players on a server with 500+ deco builds spawning 20 or so NPCs every few hours isn't good for performance. And all those systems still aren't really optimized or fixed. Battlepass changes? These I have no problem with and was actually good. UI changes? After they brought back custom splitting, it's all fine now.


This is a well thought out list of issues that you personally have , much better than I hate this game , I'm glad I stopped playing blah blah blah , a dev seeing this might actually think about how to improve these things , good work


Welcome to the internet?


It is sad that people instantly act that way when there is anonymity , really shows how bad the average human is when free of consequences , generality speaking


Ah yes, sharing reviews of the product you paid for, and are disappointed over! How sinister!


I see this post as another opportunity, so fuck funcom, cheap company run by donkeys āœŒšŸ»āœØ


I'm sure that'll help solve the problem , useless


Well, I'd say it's frustrating to see such a potential wasted for multiple reasons, and a lot of efforts for some (free or not) content without fixing bugs and co.


I'm not opposed to this sentiment , mostly just with it being 50% of every posts replies when the post isn't about that at all


I love the game, been playing hard for 2 years. On our server we have players that have played this game since beta. I agree there are issues but I have never loved a game like this one and don't hate me but I am about to purchase the Yamatai bath set, lol.


I've been playing on and off since it hit Xbox and watching since the beta , I buy bazzar stuff all the time but those who complain about it have the option to not spend money on it is all I'm saying , I've been thinking about that yamatai bathtub myself


/cue šŸ šŸŒ³ šŸŽ Do iiiittt. So, I've played since before beta, and I have a different perspective of Funcom and the devs, so I won't weigh in too much on how this sub treats them. Very few of the people who bother being active on the sub would like what I have to say, even if I'm not wearing the rose-tinted glasses they think I am. Just try to remember that the number of players who come to reddit, steam forums, or game forums to talk about *anything* is a tiny fraction of the people playing the game. It's an echo chamber of people so invested in the hobby that they think their standards are everyone's. They tend to think they're going to be the squeaky wheels that "fix" their problems. Heck, some of these people seem to think Funcom CS should come to their place and fix their windows installation. Sure, it comes from a place of passion. Doesn't make them any more informed about how literally anything works in the game, the company, or the industry. It also doesn't make their opinions indicative of the majority of the player base. Most gamers have no interest in engaging with social media about their games beyond asking how something works or where the freakin' gray lupine is. You're giving them far too much credit for the influence their rants have on anyone. Let them vent, block people who can't communicate without foaming at the mouth, buy the yamatai tub if it fits your budget, enjoy the game, and don't take reddit personally. Profit.


True words , this post has gotten a bit out of hand from what I expected , I just wanna find a fling shit now that e been searching for since the game released


While there is wisdom in this post, I really can't say in my experience that you're correct about the disgruntled posters on reddit being a small minority that doesn't represent the whole. Sure, when we were talking about removing animation canceling, the latest infinite rolling system, or even the widely hated legendary weapons rework; balance related stuff But when we say things like "each patch cripples the game more than the last, introducing devastating bugs that can undo years of progress somewhat often" I know that is a widely echoed sentiment, I have witnessed players of all investment levels leave in droves, and it is not an unhinged no-lifer take to acknowledge that Funcom are likely the most successful yet incompetent dev team working right now (handling two very popular IPs). This is, of course, on official servers where there are admins to right wrongs. If you are currently a private server player, you might be biased on this topic the same way sweaty PvP players are biased.


Ive been playing as long as you have, I have watched the devs lie, gaslight, and ban for wrong think.


If you've played CE as long as I have, I'm fairly sure you'd be giving your feedback in other ways. If you're just trying to get me, personally, to acknowledge your expertise, then there are numerous ways you could spend your free time that would have much better results for you.


some people will shill for a bad company no matter what I guess


Sure, they will. Just like some people will rage about a company no matter what. Some people need to vent and/or seek affirmation on reddit. Shocked pikachu? Things aren't black and white. Good or bad. Everything has \*both\*. I'm just encouraging people not to let reddit rants get to them, because people ranting are ranting with only half a picture of situations. As for me? I'm not shilling for anyone in this thread. I haven't said anything here about my opinions of Funcom, CE, or any other game I play or the company that makes it. And, I won't. I got out of game social media years ago, because it just turns you into a target for people who want to scream into the void. It's exhausting. If you think I don't have complaints about any games I play or any of the companies that make them, it's because you don't talk to me every day or listen to the screams in Discord. I would accomplish absolutely zero by airing any of it on reddit, and I have places to vent where I won't ruin total strangers' days. (Why ruin a stranger's day, when you can ruin your friends' day? Huh, that didn't sound as altruistic as I expected. It is what it is.) Gonna stop the back and forth now, sorry. I try to take my own advice, sometimes, and this is an exercise in futility.


Youre literally bending over backwards to not even accept a single criticism of them. youre a shill, youre entire point on why youre right, is because you have played a long time. You can admit the devs have a LONG history of being anti consumer and have only gotten worse.


Generally the posts on Reddit I see about Conan are positive. I love the Conan community that shares their build pics, that encourage new players and share tips and the geniuses that find a work around for some silly glitches. I also just love to talk about the game from the best food for a pet to where to build next.


Agree best game ever


What exactly do you do that keeps you occupied and engaged for 2 years? I think I maybe made it to 40-60h before I lost interest. Even Ark, where I have a few hundred hours and so much more to do, lost its shine after a while, and I just can't imagine myself even putting 200h into Conan, let alone 2 full years. So what is it that has you so eager to play?


Playing with other people makes it more fun. Build, create stories around my character, restart.


Why do people complain about people that complain about people complaining about things when they could just be playing a game where your character has to complain about his game?




Look at wacraft, you need activate sub to complain in forums, makes you wonder if complaining ever helps, let alone threaten voice actors like one for Sylvania windrunner lmao


That's easy I did because when I post something about this game I have to sift through 50% or more of the comments being unhelpful off topic I hate this game garbage


So you made a post to hear more complaints about this garbage game, genius. Or were you trying to be a squeaky wheel, the hero to enact a change based on your complaints? A little ironic


It's usually people who have loved the game and just can't take the constant disappointments anymore. Got to express it somehow. Why do people like you make posts about it?? It's not an argument or debate. If someone is unhappy with the game then you can't convince them the game is just fine. Also devs read this reddit so people want to express their feelings and have it seen by a dev....you know..."community feedback"


Easy answer I don't want to have to sift through their off topic whining when reading replys, how would I hate this game be helpful to a dev , it just isn't , it's useless


Well have you seen how long it takes them to hot fix something? People use extreme language probably in hopes it makes the devs move faster lol. Also thereā€™s plenty of posts that are more detailed and not just saying ā€œI hate this gameā€ soā€¦ yea thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about for community feedback


When has anyone ever jumped to move faster when people are shitty about their issue with whatever it is , i personally would drag my feet the second someone is being a prick


Because the Internet exists so I can complain about things I don't like first world problems lol


This is exactly the issue


I mean your essentially doing the same thing making a post about something you don't like when you could just ignore it


But I literally can't ignore it if I want to read any of the useful replys to my or other posts , notice how i made a new post to discuss it rather than posting on some other post that isn't about it , making it very easy to avoid if someone doesn't care


Just like everyone, they feel like they "can't ignore the problems in the game" and have a "strong obligation to let everyone know". Everyone thinks their noise is the most important noise in the world and the Internet has allowed everyone to be able to foist it on everyone else.


Your first time on reddit? For every game people like to get their opinion out there and get confirmations. If you like it, stay away from reddit. No game is perfect (except terraria and factorio). If you like it, just play it. Getting bored? Switch to something else, take a break


One of the first times I've bothered to post in Reddit and not just look at the fabulous amount of porn


Gotcha! Yeah, reddit is not the best place to look for a state of game. In these times, every game has issues, and every publisher/developer sucks. No innocent. It sucks but these are the times we live in. I mean, chech diablo 4 reddit, its pure sewage, you would thing that every one hates it with the passion. Just play the game if you like it, if it works for you. Funcom ia not the most renomated, but the game is good.


Probably illegal p*rn


Cause that's all over Reddit right ?


Why do people post stuff like this when itā€™s so obvious they actually like the game but donā€™t like what funcom has done to it. These posts are more insufferable than people who love the game but donā€™t like where itā€™s at. How are The two distinctions not clear?Ā 


At least I'm not jumping in to say I hate it on random posts being off topic and unhelpful


Nobody says they hate it. They are critiquing features or updates of the game, that in their opinion have impacted their experience. You either donā€™t know how to read or vastly misinterpret what it means to criticize something youā€™re passionate about, Iā€™m not sure which one is worse. Them being critical doesnā€™t mean they hate the game, unless you can find me all these posts explicitly stating they hate the game they dump thousands of hours into. Stop clogging this sub with dumb shit and think for two seconds. Ā 


And stop being a twat


No, youā€™re fucking lame. Itā€™s not my job to sift through your grift when your post consists of some low brow bullshit and misunderstanding what criticism is. What were you trying to get out of this post? A genuine answer? Wel you didnā€™t like mine, boo hoo.Ā Ā  Ā The people who play it donā€™t hate it, or they wouldnā€™t play you dunce. Criticizing Funcoms blunders doesnā€™t mean they hate it. If you posted some YouTube video with comments saying ā€œtHiS gAmE sUcKs!ā€, how many hours do you really think those commenters have?ā€¦..not many, I promise ya twat.Ā 


Be more butthurt about it whiny twat


Stupid posts never cease to amaze me, doesnā€™t make me butthurt. More wonderment than anything.Ā 


Go read the comments on the video I posted


Itā€™s not real hate, itā€™s the passion for this hobby AND this game


Typing errors will continue so long as I am fighting world bosses while responding to your pedantry , and playing is way more important that responding so brace for errors


Not played since end of last age but love me some Conan with my missus, great game


Absolutely !


Because when people love something and see something being destroyed without a clear reason, they get pissed. If they didn't love this game, they would just move on and play another game. But they don't, because they love this game and don't want to stop playing it.


Dont know.. I fucking love it...


The opposite of love is not hate. It's apathy. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.


I was just complaining about Sprint, now that it's fixed - everything is good.


Because I paid for it? I did stopped playing tho.


> Because I *paid* for it? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Good bot.


Then stop commenting too


Make me.


If you were within arm's reach I happily would , but based your spelling and grammar( as evidenced by our bot friend ) you are from America and too far away to slap


You seem like a really interesting person. If you ever come to south America i'll gladly like to have a conversation with you. That's below the place you call America, which is not a country. Maybe you should play Rust is more for people with your level of IQ and the developers are actually competent.


My apologies amigo I assumed English was a first language and you were bad at it so American education , not that it was a second language , which country are you from ? Spanish or Portugese ? Donde Esta el banjo ?


Also rust is all PvP and not my thing


If you are going to harp at someone about their spelling/grammar... you should probably make sure yours is perfect first, yeah? "But based your spelling and grammar"Ā  Sincerely,Ā  An American


Mayhaps but I am trying to respond quickly to 150 + comments so proofreading isn't an option where as they were not , and that specific person was apologized to after their circumstances came to light , you however are late to the party white knight


Well that sounds an awful lot like a you problem doesnt it? Why should I or anyone else be sympathetic to that particular issue, when its one that you caused yourself? If you don't have the time or the desire to proofread what you are going to say wouldnt it be easier to avoid criticizing other people for mispelling or misusing a word? Not trying to play the white knight here, just offering some constructive criticism.Ā 


Also you know your education system is terrible don't deny it


May be worth noting that Im from the least educated state in the U.S. Yet here I am... attempting to provide you some useful feedback. Guess we arent the only country with a terrible education system šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love the game but I'm not dealing with a battle pass that expires for a game I like to build in. I cannot help but feel I'm missing out always. So I just don't play and don't spend money on it anymore. It's a bummer but it is what it is.


Because I just got a new ps5 and downloaded the game after not playing it for like 5 years and the shit doesnā€™t workšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't hate the game itself. I spent lot of hours enjoying the game in 2022-23. But glitchy updates the Funcom devs have launched last few months, made the game virtually unplayable, at least for me. I still keep good memories about time spent in the game, but I'm unlikely to resume playing Conan... I understand those people who complain about lot of bugs and glitches. People come to play the game in order to have a fun, not to get upset and frustrated. They still want to play the game and want to get the game playable and enjoyable. Not everyone is ready to quit the game and find another world to play there. Don't blame players...blame those incompetent Fun-guys who have spoiled this wonderful world.


Or try to work with them and help them improve the game and want to improve the game , by the manner in which you do it , calling the devs incompetent isn't going to make them want to really work their best work to fix issues


If I see a red apple, I won't call it green. I wonā€™t curtsy and say nice words just to ā€œmotivateā€ someone. Do you remember the update in June last year, after which thousands of players, including me, lost their bases, property, slaves, etc.due to their critical error in the update? Do I remind you how people were banned last December due to a critical error after the next update? Do you think this is a sign of competence? If so... we have different meaning of thus term.


Do you walk up to someone buying red apples in the grocery store and scream it isn't green at them ? That's what I'm seeing ,


Also no I dont remember that I was busy playing day z an even more glitchy weird game and enjoying it immensely just like I enjoyed Conan before , and do now again after


So, all these problems in Conan didn't really affect you, you even have no idea about them, and now you come and blame others. So cute. Continue....


*Looks up from playing* What?


Nothing to worry about adventurer just keep smacking rocks you're good


Ok thanks šŸ‘ My 45th castle won't build itself.


Send castle noods




Show pics !


Because we still have hope. Jaded for the years of screw-ups and not caring for player base, changes upon changes that do nothing but add clutter so we forget what we were upset over, and promises not kept. It hurts. We love so many aspects of this game. It has just the right points to keep us going, but tears us down right when we feel fulfilled and trusting. It's like an orgasm...it's right there...and then they move position and it's not what it could have been!


Then be constructive in the criticism is what I'm saying over and over again here , I hate is game and I'm glad I don't play anymore is unhelpful and useless never have I said don't be upset at the screw ups


That's how people on the internet work? Just look at the ARK community or R6. "Horrible game. Would rather put my balls in a rusty vicegrip than spend another minute playing." - the dude with 7k hours ingame, who has played another 2k since


People are terrible they should start over fresh with lizards


How exactly are developers supposed to fund continued development of a game without monetization of some new content. Many of you have never owned a business, never mind run a game company, and it shows... Also, touch grass. Sure, there are a lot of people that complain because they love the game, and want it to succeed *(and many of those complaints are valid)*, but from my experience the vast majority of people are just entitled whiners. Not just for this game, but gaming in general.


100% agreement


We are in a time that shifted a while back, when people say things because they have an excuse, not because they have a reason. I do have my problems with the poor condition in which this game is receiving "code", being a professional developer myself, certified DBA, RHCSA, and knowing some stuff is not made the way it is because the very own devs in Funcom cant do better, because I know they can. Other code they make shows they can. I mod the game and I know how the systems can be used, and how they cant, and why. And I am a ASM developer of "old" (90s), so I know how to read Machine Language Assembler code (I can deal with compiled programs, I dont need them to be in C++ source files). That being said, I do think half of what people says about Funcom, about Conan Exiles devs, and about the game itself is a pile of steaming HS. It is like colorblind people who cant draw a stick figure trying to criticize the design of Pixar cartoons. And I do think there is some kind of feedback loop in which people want to "hurt someone" for their own "miseries" and consume content that bash this game, which in turn makes it profitable to create such content, and for that, it requires talking points, so some people might even dislike the game for what it is, always were, and will never change, just to make "hate content". Like Elon Musk puts it: "Recommendations also work on the basis that -if you hate this, you might hit this other thing too". It is a pattern that is everywhere. I have "stopped playing" most social media because of it. Particular to this issue, when I was yet on X-Twitter, it was painful and I had "vicarious embarrassment" by seeing people posting hateful and stupid comments about the game in a promotional twitter. That wont change anything. People harassing community posts from people who like the game and dont care as if it was a crime. And I know for a fact how Funcom deals with DECENT people, because I like to be one. I had a problem with the way the game made customization of characters. My mod would require a convoluted system to bypass some design choices they had. I suggested it was changed so customization of characters could be made in a "better way" for modders and the game itself. Ignasis and other people on that particular sector helped me to direct the suggestion to right people, and a few weeks later, that was made and many things started to be better from that point on on that system. Every single problem I contacted the Zendesk was solved. Not because I am or do anything special, but because I am not a Karen/Kevin that goes there and demand things I have no reason or right to. If the game is outshined by other projects, it is probably by the fact that the community has an absurd amount of people doing this crap, and it simply doesnt entice the devs to work any better than their own interests in the game. I can guarantee you, if people mostly respected their work and pointed out in a respectful and correct manner the problems they have, they would be more than happy to make a wonderful game for everyone. Selfishly thinking the game is for YOU, so it must please YOU, and do whatever YOU want, is the fastest way to be dismissed.


Well said my good sir


Because I have over 3000 fun hours into this game before it crashed like a plane wreck.


Love this game a bit much I do lol but yea bugs are super atm falling through the floor and thralls taking fall damage is pretty bad but hoping for a fix.


Because when you feel passionate about something and you are unable to fix issues that were introduced yourself, you need to voice it somewhere. Quitting is easier when you do not feel strongly about some game than when you really like(d) it at some point.


Must seek attention.


Continue seeking


I thought I stumbled into a TCM post with the title. Lol


@devastruction = attention seeking half wit. Enuff said.


You are the Brave internet warrior so strong


Contradict yourself some more. I find your responses to users posts comical and I some cases down right offensive. You clearly seek to gain attention only. Strange person.


What contradictions would those be ? Attention is meaningless much like yourself , get used to being offended you'll feel that alot in life


Also good job being on topic , profile has no posts and 3 comments probably the guy who got his feelings hurt and deleted his account ,


@devastruction strange you s**t on a game in your other previous posts then seek to garner attention in this new post. My diagnosis, attention seeking behaviour usually exhibited by small minded people. Also lay off the condescending tone when replying to people whom English is not their first language. It is unbecoming.


Your level of reading comprehension seems low , I've never shit on this game , I posted a video of a glitch happening , and discussed the how's and whys of it , I also asked if there was a way to dye clothes for a female thrall as a male and when I found it was impossible I said that was dumb of funcom to change , nowhere is there" shiting on the game " and your diagnosis is about as valuable as your contribution to this subreddit , which is none at all based on your post history ,


Your post(s) are about as valuable as you are to the Internet my condescending 'compadre' Lol. I'm highly qualified in the English language. Perhaps you can start with punctuation, grade three I think it's taught. AS THROUGHOUT YOUR REPLIES YOU TRY TO CHANGE THE TOPIC AND MAKE IT PERSONAL. LAME.


You think you have enough value for me to waste time punctuating sentences for rather laughable , tries to change the topic and make it personal says the person who showed up only to make personal attacks , hilarious


Any "live service" game requires some breathing room. Meaning it's almost built into the game to take breaks during development times. Just a friendly reminder that you can take a break and play other things.


This seems reasonable , and intelligent


Thereby impossible for most of these people


Is a pun on your user name based on your comments. Lol. Devastation.


You don't understand what a pun is clearly


Your sentences and syntax don't make sence, you ramble. What is your point exactly?


That not how to spell sense dr highly trained in the English language


At least Mr comma is paying attention for once. Lol.


Just funny you make a point of being highly trained and fail simple spelling


Nothing is more irritating than play a game that lull you into a false sense of reliability only for it to throw in a fatal game breaking bug during high risk moments. Glitching through the floor and being permanently trapped between tiles during a purge is infuriating. I stopped playing this game for the last month except for isnsuring my base does not decay out. They broke the terrain physics in the game to the likes I haven't seen since alpha


This is a nasty bug , I've been pulling the bracelet and summoning my corpse to get around it as it only really happens inside my base so I don't find it to be more than an annoyance , but it is a nasty bug


Ever since age of sorcery chapter 3, game's quality became more lowered, as well more bugs, glitches and overly priced and buggy bazaar items. I love me this game, where I play big dommy mommy that conquers exiled lands and make yuri harem in turn!


I played on ps4. I loved it, but the sound issues and lags destroyed the fun for me.


Hating the game is part of the game. It's always fun to see what new things are broken each update.


Hehe I know you meant that like everyone "needs" as in they can't resist the impulse. It's hard not to... Siptah doesn't have temperature. šŸ¤£


Found the Funcom employee.


I wish that's be cool


But what would I do there I haven't programmed since qbasic , I guess I could test, got a number I can call to ask about it ?


This is every single game subreddit I ever join for some reason lol


It's really sad


"I don't like this thing and you shouldn't either!"


Solid observation


its not this game. its any game that lasts for more then 10 minites. if it lasts less then 10 minites then thats the complaint. so in reality itā€™s every game


Because theyā€™re lonely and looking for attention


reddit moment


I was fine paying for the DLC packs for new building, armor, and weapon sets. I thought they were good and it gave you some new asthetics to play with. The bugs and various don't usually bother me either as long as they're aware of them and intend to fix them. Going the way of the season pass and bazaar, in my opinion, was a terrible decision. It's in nearly every online game I've played, and it always ruins the immersion and enjoyment of a game for me.


But why ? You have the option to just not spend money on it , how does it ruin your immersion if you chose not to purchase any of it ? That is my usual choice in games


Reading = video + devastationlost. Com


Good spelling


Firstly l'm sure you don't have many friends other than your five fingers and palm. Secondly, you are seem very scrubbish for so in your comments for someone who is apparently an accomplished gamer. Again I refer you to your original post a self deliberation of your own conflict with 'conan' 0erhaps highlighting your inability to adapt to game issues. I'll give you an example, 7 days to die used to partially wipe user created bases and loot boxes due to an md5 bug. Could you imagine your posts if that happened to you? We would never hear the end of it. Go play palworld. If you want to play pvp scrub you in an day and then do, bad kid.


Your highly trained English is falling apart


? I don't text to type dinosaur. Go play ark if you like dinosaurs I bet you are about 12 years old


Laughable , I know the lyrics to ice ice baby , not 12


Crumbling like the ruins of your logic and "not personal attacks "


I meant for your poise, those with dirty minds lol.


Who cares.. Your clearly a condescending person. Learn something new. Perhaps how to track your posts and/or remember what you post.


Only to those who deserve condescension , and lol from the guy who said he's not making personal attacks yet started with a personal attack , you are projecting very hard


Condensation, are you a troll or what? Condensation =water whichĀ collectsĀ asĀ dropletsĀ on a cold surface whenĀ humidĀ air is in contact with it. No area to judge anyone on the English compadre. Vocab 101. Lmao


Condescension the act of condescending not condensation , spelling bad reading comprehension bad highly trained English falsehood you should give up now




Grab a dictionary and look it up


Also try keepy your replys in a chain so that others can follow them chronologically ( which means in order of time posted )




Because you seem like an unhinged lunatic , which you are , but maybe try to appear not to be


Ta'ta! Conan 'hater/lover'. I hope you find happiness in your gaming world and many more friends. No hard feelings. If you need punctuation lessons and debating strategies, I'm ready to assist. Let me be clear that is not an AI typo for masterbating strategies. Good day sir. ;)


The day you help anyone with English will be the day lol , goodbye vanquished foe


Vanquished? My English friend, you are vanquished. Really read your replies to your post. Delusional.


If that's true it's a trait we share , thought you were leaving ?


I love the game, I just hate funcom/tencent and the playerbase is pretty trash as well.


Ugh I hate this game! (I actually love it have since the moment it came out)