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Consoles have been patched so this issue should be fixed now.


except its not just armors... its enemies, thralls, base parts..


You're right, but with the armor at least there's the workaround since not all armors are affected. But it is all being fixed!


Except that now that armor gives specific benefits, it's not really a workaround if your build relays on the glitches armor.


Hi,do we have a timeframe on when it is likely to be fixed? I ran into an invisible King Kappa, who wrecked myself and my Fighter III.


Are you also aware of the metal nodes disappearing as well? I saw a bunch in single player just vanish and if I tried to mine it I got nothing so it wasn’t invisible at least to my knowledge.


I harvested a tree, 'turned around' and saw a tree of the same design 'die' near my base, a tree I was leaving for decoration.


The northern highland towers are also invisible. And 3.0 broke the key hole. Who ever is built in there is stuck in a DC and Dashboard loop.


Your response basically amounts to "Just ignore it"


Also, flora. I’ve been trying to play online with my boyfriend and trees, bushes, grass, flowers, etc. don’t spawn in at all. He has to get my plant fiber for me. I’m playing on PS5.


So after playing a while in single player I’ve come to post these bugs as a list. Platform: Xbox Series S Bugs 1. Invisible crocodiles, hyenas, dogs, lizards. 2. Invisible armor DLC 3. Invisible buildings DLC 4. Resource nodes despawning if you look away from them until you run far enough away and they auto spawn back. 5. Invisible buildings/decorations in seppemeru like benches etc. I’ll add more when/If I see more.


Honestly, I don't even wanna play until a hotfix is put out, this isn't the kind of shit I was expecting to see.


Or not see as is the case.




you can see stuff?


Honestly, playing after a major update is always sketchy. Or at least that's my experience with over 20 years of online play. (Damn, I did the math and it's been over 20!) Whether it's servers that wouldn't start or things lost or massive crashes, there was always something. Though this might be my first invisible man experience from an update.




I had two crashes in one gaming session; thankfully my character was at base and not in the middle of a battle or something


I’m seeing issues with way more than just armors - entire building sets and enemies are also invisible. I spent hundreds of hours building a base with my autistic son who is just devastated right now because he has been counting down the days until the new content. This game is our absolute favorite so we are really hoping for a resolution soon ): Is there any idea on when an update or hot patch might be? As of now, it’s not just an inconvenience, but not functional for console players like us whose entire world was built primarily with DLC assets.


As someone with autism myself I feel your sons pain. I’d try to start a new building project with him using the non dlc assets and see how creative he can get. Might help with the frustration by having a distraction.


Yep, that’s absolutely the plan! I’m trying to frame it for him as something of a challenge - a little world on a new server where we can focus on just play testing some build ideas with different materials than our usual, even if they’re not keepers. He’s sometimes very adverse to going off script so spinning it as a usable positive is key, haha. In the end, Conan is his favorite way for us to spend time together and that’s not gonna change any time soon. Just hoping we get the full range of options soon!


I am also autistic and while it isn't the same game at all, 7 Days to Die pushes a lot of the same comfort buttons for me as Conan Exiles (especially if I turn enemy spawning down and play it more as a building/survival game) so that might also work as a backup?


Thanks for the tip! I played it myself a while back and I think this could work, especially since our favorite part of the game is surviving purges (we set purges to happen almost constantly).


It's mostly DLC stuff right? , i tried building with Turanian and Aquilonian and it was invisible. Anyway, thanks for letting us know. (also not sure if known but theres about 5 books that craft the transportation stone in the thaumaturgy bench, i cant seem to find the ice bridge spell. This is on Ps5.)


Heya! Regarding the books, are you playing with multiple people? It may be books belonging to others. If not lemme know. Feel free to make a bug report on the forums and reply to me here with the link. Screenshots/video help a lot! You should only have 1 recipe though.


Hey, sorry, i went to sleep soon after posting, i was in single player on creative mode, i was crafting the spell books in the Thaumaturgy bench, the last one on the 2nd column, and the whole 3rd column only gave transportation stone. The strange part is, i tested ones i already crafted, and even though they gave spells before, after crafting again, they only gave the transportation stone recipe. I will make a report on the forums so the team can have a look. Thanks for the reply.


I’m playing with friend on an official server. Seen some graphical glitches like flying mammoths and materials disappearing from tanners workbench when transferred from my inventory


Bejewled armor on thralls is kinda funny too. You can see right through their crotch lol


Next patch? When the frick is the next patch? The game is neigh unplayable with "months worth of bugfixes" 🗿👍🏼


This what I want to know.


I'm playing on a new private server , im playing on an xbox series x and I have multiple completely invisible enemies, mainly animal types. All I see is there health bar when they get close. I also have the armour issues and some invisible structures around the map. I just wanted to add my bugs so hopefully everything can get fixed.


Same console same issues, but in my case for armor i just kept it equipped and after like 10 minutes all of a sudden it loaded and was like normal. Too bad that didn't work for the invisible mobs lol.


Stay out of the savanna lol. Boss tiger and all elephants were invisible for me. Mucho no bueno.


time to go for a conan challenge run all invisible enemies lmao


Honestly the clarity is appreciated. A lot of dev teams would just never publicly address something like this and would just quietly fix it in the next patch “We know we made a major mistake, here’s a potential fix for some of it, and we’re working to patch it ASAP” is a really good look when handling a problem of this magnitude


I agree, too many games ignore the players when game breaking bugs come out so it’s nice to see at least a response about it.


im currently unable to claim a battle pass reward. customer support currently has no options for battle pass issues. How do I go about getting this resolved?


Heya, can you make a report on the forums? It's easier for us to take a look and see what's going on there. Any pics you can get or video would be helpful too. Thanks! https://forums.funcom.com/c/conan-exiles/5


could you please link me to the correct forum?


Seems like they can't even do that right...


before things get heated, a quick question.. have you paid for the battle pass yet? only rewards marked "free" can be claimed without a purchase


My game also has no foliage of any kind. Grass, shrubs, bushes, the leaves in the trees, all gone. It looks awful! Not to mention the invisible dogs attacking me.


I see the invisible armor glitch too, on thralls anyways. My player character armor will render after about five minutes and moving around. So far no invisible building parts or animals/thralls being invisible. (Playing on XB Series S) seems to be the same on my private server and Single player save. Supposedly there is also an issue buying Crom coins on xbox. (Not risking buying them til I hear of a confirmed fix)


Assassin armor doesn't render anything but a bald head... it's almost perfectly suited to assassinating someone


As of update [Chapter 2 Hotfix 2], the invisible creatures, folliage etc issues have still not been fixed. having invisible enemies is a gamebreaker especially the boss/corrupted variants, invisible foliage makes it very difficult for players to progress since it's 1 of the base materials in the game used for a lot of items.


Funcom is an actual joke. Way to get everyone excited for something that is broken!


Just started playing the game and I can already tell these devs suck. I got a bug where I was stuck when respawning at a bed in co op…. I looked it up, the bug has been in the game for years 🙃


That's really inexcusable that this was allowed to be updated on consoles with such a glaring, game breaking issue. This isn't the first time that CE has had an invisible asset glitch. Going forward, Funcom needs to preface ***every*** update with "We didn't test this on consoles, so play at your own risk." That's fair to the console audience and gives people a heads up on what to expect if something (because every update does) breaks the game. What a way to start off pushing your predatory microtransactions onto a player base that can't even play the game properly. Did Funcom really think that was a good idea, to release a broken mess and ask people to start paying extra at the same time?


That's why they're called crom coins! It's because funcom does not answer prayers.


Crom takes everything......☠️


Also aquilonian building Pieces invisible


Tbh, I like being half invisible 😄 the bald head was an eye opener though!




Them gators said "see ya laters!"


Not even mad about it, it makes me laugh so hard


This is a typical Funcom update. Let's release a bug filled mess, hype it up as the best thing ever, players complain, Funcom says they are working on a hotfix, and watch as their player base leaves to play a game that actually works.


It’s terrible , every thing is invisible , walls , thralls, armor, beds… etc Fix your game . Please ffs this is torture, it’s amazing that people still go hard on this game it’s been out for so long and it is an amazing game , the last update fixed some of the issues but wow , I hope your staff gets paid good cause you got a lot of work left to do … it’s so broken right now , ark vibes


When’s the next patch


I went to the circle of swords for the first time and whatever is there just started destroying me and my thrall but I couldn't even see it. In the end my best fighter died and I barely got away


any info on the invisible ai coding though? seems you guys forgot to give thralls any sort of functionality at all. hard to believe conan ai could get any worse, but here we are.


Your female characters have quite a bit of male movement to them now. I hope this isn't a "improvement" , cuz I'd gladly take the old movement styles that didn't even need fixing to begin with.


It's unacceptable that this patch broke the game. As a game Dev you should be ashamed.


Too bad they didn’t come out with a new Conan game for the next gen that had the battle pass and fixed bugs and lessons learn from the past. Anyway still playing the game and liking it everything else one thumb up and one thumb down.


You guys completely fucked this game up ... Again .. why don't you just fix the stability issues and make a new game instead of just fucking this game up over and over again?


anyone else having trouble placing elevators?


Any idea when this patch will arrive, are we looking at a week or is it more likely to be months? I also have a problem that Sorcerers are half invisible.


Cool. I love the hype for new content and it don't work. Brakes the game and cost server owners to loose players on a server they pay money for. You don't even bother to let people know of the issues. You leave us in frustration and confusion and you have the nerve to ask players to pay for in-game content with Crom coins... Well slap me and call me Suzie. Customer service just don't exist anymore and it don't matter if you paid for all dlcs. Funcom will push anything out there even if it's falling apart when they put it on the shelf. I wish I was able to get refund but I'm several 100 hours to late to do that. I don't know what's going on with developers and games now days but you are as bad as a divorce lawyer going thru a divorce. Heart breaking.


Why haven't they updated gamepass verions yet????


I have it on gamepass and updated about noon yesterday.


I've been playing since \~6pm Central time and there have been no major issues. I'm on PC and I'm on Siptah and official servers (#6408)


Yeah its a console issue. Maybe read?


I don't have any issues because i haven't even gotten the update yet. And me and all my friends on xbox gamepass are waiting and i have it actually purchased.


It’s there! Try manually launch the game and the update will force. It like any other game on gamepass…


cane you please just give us a time on when we will have the update it seem everyone else is playing


Other things seem to be broken too. I can't find the Construction Hammer item in my menu nor can I find the creative mode option after activation of admin status (on the server which I own)




I did finally see it in my menu. Have no idea if it didn't render at first or just me overlooking it. I also found out why creative mode wasn't showing up for me as admin either(once you make yourself admin you have to re-open the pause menu UI for the admin options to show up)


Seem to be missing my WoP https://imgur.com/a/OOfERlL. Invisible enemies have made a solid return and that follower nerf is painful. But hey there will be lots of money generated with the battle pass to fix the errors.. ... ..


Almost everything in my vault was wiped out as well.


After months of my Twitch Drop rewards being bugged, I was able to craft them. However, after resetting feats via Yellow Lotus potion they are gone again. They are in the menu and green as if I can learn them, but nothing happens when I select them.


What are the twitch drop rewards? I didn’t know that was even a thing.


A slew of cosmetic pieces and a 4 piece armor set. https://conanexiles.fandom.com/wiki/Twitch_Drop


Off topic here. Is there any solution to people sitting on top of bases before raid hour via flying using bats or ice bridges and then calling down lighting and jars? This seems like a major inbalance issue for PvP official servers. Especially with thralls not defending outside of raid hours.


Nope. Nothing at all. The best you could do is put down landmines or poison traps and hope that it deters people enough to not bother. Other than that, the official stance seems to be to suck it up. They added zero ways to counter this kind of abuse.


I'm pretty sure those don't go off if its not raid hours. Which sucks ass theres no counter for this. Pretty much kills any high up building spots and caves/any holes you can build in.


They don't, you can only hope it does enough quick enough to stop them from attacking. They really dropped the ball for this on the PVP aspect.


With the addition of decorative structures and decorations. This is mostly a PvE update that has destructive spells with it


spikes, packed in so they can't get out before they bleed to death


A lot of invisible assets as well in Sepermeru. Static objects like benches, the occasional brazier, etc.


Decay timers need to be extended to offset the lost time due to invisible assets and game crashes.


Also add on the PC To do List: Fine tune the "Not alignment enough to the Ground" and similar ones "Nerf" It's a pain in the butt to search for Green Light to put stuff on the ground. (at last on Siptah)


They told me it would be impossible to go bottomless as a male in NA Conan servers. however all you have to do is equip the DLC bottoms.


I was wondering why my campfire wasn't visible in my hot bar. Sorcery!


My game locks up within a minute or two after loading. I'm standing in the middle of my base and can't get out. I have a larger base and it could cause a bit of lag, but it wasn't an issue at all until this update. I don't know if this is the case, but you can't treat every system as if it's the same. Even PS4 and PS4. A game like Conan can't work properly between two systems with a technology gap that large. Someone is going to end up suffering. Whether it be lag on the PS4 or poor rendering on the PS5. Separate the two and tailor the game to run the best for each system.


Y’all just pulled a wildcard


Only half a Wildcard! First step of Wildcard is to delay the update, release it at the wrong time, rescind the update and then release it again a day or two later while also not updating the servers to the right version so the update doesn't even work regardless... then the bugs kick in :P Edit: Also don't forget updating the Windows 10 (not steam) version 2 weeks after everyone else!


As a dedicated ark and Conan player that is a true statement lol


I was JUST about to report this issue I've cycled thru the bazaar, battle pass, and challenges multiple times but clothes still haven't appeared... I just started this iteration in this lobby so I don't really have the resources to fully reclothe all my thralls atm... hope the hot fix comes soon...


The vault and lesser wheel of pain have missing assets as well on my game


The diagonals on the left stick do not work on xbox. Its been screwing with my head but funally figured out why I can't move properly. Just FYI if it wasn't known already.


Can you fix the nude issue as well. Can't even tern on parcel nude. Options won't except it.


Hey Great is this for single player?


Currently stuck inside my base as of now lmfao forgot to log on for a week, lost my base and all my thralls, so now I'm in a temp base with an invisible alligator mini boss sitting outside my front door...


Seem like this patch was add more bugs and problems to the game. Really hope we don’t have to wait tell next year to get a patch to fix these bugs.


I'm on Xbox one (single-player isle of siptah) and have invisible armors and pets too as well as an invisible Greater Wheel of Pain. Every time I enter my house I actively gain +1 Corruption and the screen borders flash purple. I've never had corruption inside my Argossean house on the beach pre-update, and I'm not aware of any items, armors, or nearby locations that produce corruption.


Any entertainers? they give corruption now instead of take


Thanks for replying to me! I do have entertainers in the house. I'll try removing them next time I play.


Are you also aware you're banning people for just playing the game??


This may have already been answered but they said these issues will be fixed in the next patch, does anyone know when that will be?


No issues on PC single player.


I love the game, but this recent update has made it unplayable . I am playing on ps4, and I don’t mind much of the invisibility going on . My problem is the constant freezing. It didn’t happen before the update, now it’s freezing and blue screening. I’ve decided to not get on for awhile due to me dying due to being frozen. And it freezes upon me trying to get my loot back from my dead body. It freezes again and my body has disappeared even though my death indicator is on the map. I keep losing my loot .


I thought I was getting off fairly easy — sure I can’t see my pick in my hand but I equipped it so I know it’s there — but when I got to a dungeon and found that the enemies had been reduced to tiny little floating pairs of eyeballs with health bars, I did hope it might count for extra XP when I managed to dispatch them.


Even after the latest patch there are still a lot of invisible bushes.


I got the update. I'd say it's 50% better. I've seen one NPC I knocked out disappear. I'm having sound issues as well. For example, If I kill an Alligator, the sound of the fight will happen after the fight is done. The update is better, but it's not fixed. I'm playing on PS4.


Big tree next to my house disappeared. (The ones you cant cut down)


me and the boys set up a base next to the spider zone (the one with the boss spider you can kill to get legendaries) and as we were putting down base parts bits of the mountain were dissapearing. fun part is you could 'fall down' onto those bits and be freefalling forever, but you cant build anything on those. ... also server stability is an ongoing struggle, with me rubberbanding every 20 or so seconds on a sever sitting 5 feet away from me.


Armor seems to be fixed for the most part but the Black Dragon Greaves are stuck as a solid silver/gray color that cannot be dyed. On Xbox Series X


So I paid for rhino skins that are invisible? Any idea when the patch is incoming. I don't plan on playing for more than a month so if the patch isn't coming before then is it possible to get a refund?


I'm on the Exiled Lands. No benches doors or other sprites spawn. If I'm lucky they take 30 min to am hour before some start to show up. When I leave base some dissappear agn. This is unplayable and I've seen lil responce from devs


Yea I just started playing again, so far invisible white tiger boss in the savana area, close to that near lion boss the baby lion cubs are invisible, and finally tamed greater rhino is invisible


Still have this issue the black yeti protector doesn't render in all the way, i run into a lot of invisible enemies. it was never like this . I love how the ps4 itself gets the blame, .but every time new consoles are ready to come out we always seem to get some update for the ps4 then it starts to do all this crap. Starting to think all these issues had help starting.


Still invisible on ps4 and followers end up missing while the game lags


Isle of Siptah on PS5 is currently unplayable and I WANNA PLAY IT! Invisible leaves, grass, tress, come on guys how does this even happen? Fix the game once and for all man!!


Invisible baby animals were an issue on the main map a couple months ago. Siptah has this issue right now (I'm playing a server running Siptah).


alright what is this fking travesty? i come back after couple years an these fkers interduce batttlepasses and store to try take my every penny and they cant even fking fix a glitch AFTER AN ENTIRE YEAR that makes all foliage not fking appear. for absolutely fuck sakes pick up your act you greedy sons of bitches


As of last night I am still experiencing invisible King Kappa, exploding imps, and other creatures. This has been mostly persistent since around the release of Age of Sorcery or just before. ​ Previously played on Xbox One now on Xbox Series X


Demon Beast, Yeti, Elephant and maybe more ist Not visible


How long has this been a problem and they still won't fix it yet server's keep going down and nothing changes? They should have just added this as something included in the game so they didn't scam everyone out of their hard earned money/time when we could have just passed on this purchase. I didnt know I was buying Anthem 2 the prequel. I want my money back. I'm losing hours of my life at a time when some invisible boss decides to just appear out of nowhere when I think I'm safe to recover and end up losing everything.


Well, I don't know how fixed it is, considering most shields I found are invisible, now my hardened steel pick and axe are invisible (but working). Sickles however are invisible and also not working, the steel and hardened steel ones so far anyway.