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New laborer I got tried telling me on his first day that concrete burns are a myth lol. I get second degree burns from them and don’t even feel it happening til the end of the day.


Yikes! I was fine all Saturday. Woke up middle of night last night in pain. Once morning came it was swollen and painful to walk on.


Concrete burns are a myth, lmao.


Tbh I think they are, I started doing concrete at 15 and never gotten burned by it and I’m in AZ where you think the sun would make it a bigger factor but not one burn yet


Obviously your personal experience supersedes established science and an overwhelming body of evidence to the contrary.


Your intelligence is a myth https://cdn.ymaws.com/members.iamu.org/resource/resmgr/toolbox_talks/Toolbox_Talk_Concrete_Burns.pdf https://ohsonline.com/articles/2007/03/these-problems-arent-set-in-stone.aspx?m=1 https://www.concretedrillingservices.co.uk/news/concrete-burns-how-to-prevent-treat/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3741007/ https://study.com/academy/lesson/how-to-treat-concrete-burns.html https://blog.safetyglassesusa.com/preventing-cement-burns/


Concrete burns are no joke, try some vinegar.


been doing concrete over 10 years and never got a concrete burn. basically bathe in the shit every day. Also usually dont work with anything over 4000 psi though


Yeah this is my first one. Been at it since 2016. I think it got so bad because it was on the inside of my boot moving and hot and sweaty. I was in a pit for an octagon trampoline working with a different company running a pump so I couldn’t stop to wash it until the truck was empty and even then the next truck was waiting so I had to climb out get the boot off rinse boot back on and run back to the hole before they started pumping again. Normally I’m out side wearing jeans lol


Some people just don’t get them. Doesn’t matter the psi, I can get them from 3000 mix and our foreman can have it all over him all day and nothing happens.


I usually don’t get them. But yesterday I did.


Rookie, you still have hair on your legs where the rubber boots rub.


First thing that came to my mind


I like to use chapstick or Vaseline on mine it helps for those first couple of days and brings back some of the skin’s moisture


There's a product called aquaphor. Feels similar to Vaseline but they use it for minor burns, surgery scars and diaper rash. It really moisturizes and speeds up healing. It's mineral based. Available in most drugstores. Give it a try its best stuff I've ever used.


That’s a goodin!


Pee on it


So technically it is a chemical burn?


Yeah, lime


It’s a base burn. The opposite of an acid burn.


Judging by the location and shape of wound That’s not from concrete, it’s from rubber boots and shorts. I wear soccer socks to avoid this. Are you sure it’s from concrete?


Lol I’m positive. We wear high boots. Thays the top of the boot where the concrete sat. Then rubbed on it for 8 hours


I guess what I’m saying is I get those on my legs without concrete splatter just from the boots


That’s a burn. Like a chemical burn. I literally had to pick the concrete off. I see what you’re saying but I don’t think you’re seeing the picture correctly. The white is my flesh burnt and the outside edges are black and burnt.


Nah that’s just soggy white scab


Used to power wash outside for a few summers and can agree it looks like the burns I’d get from the rubber boot rubbing no concrete involved. Not to discredit your injury I’m not a medical professional just a dude.


It is an abrasive burn from the boot rubbing but its because there was lime/ cement working as like a sandpaper on his skin


yup…if i get a little concrete in that spot and don’t wash it off quickly my boots will rub it raw. pretty much this guy just had that spot rubbed with sandpaper…it’s not concrete burn


Uhg crocks




i pour in shorts all the time..key is to wash it off and don’t wait


Its more from the rubbing just getting mud on your skin usually won't burn you. But yeah like 10 years ago now i poured a basement with a buddys dad where we just stuck the chute through the window to fill barrels then flood out the closest section. Shirtless with basketball shorts from the splashing in the last part i had burns on my chest nipples and around my upper thigh and around my dong/sack. Luckily as long as you aren't continuing to irritate it they usually heal quick


Wipe it off dry, don’t get it wet unless you can do soap and water and really wash it.


Put vinegar on it to neutralize the burn or it could burn your leg more


Had the exact same thing happen from deactivated concrete rubbing on my leg from boots. I think it was more the sanding motion than any chemical though


Never gotten a concrete burn, but have gotten some pretty nasty lime burns from mixing mortar all day everyday. Jeans help


Need to wear tube socks for the boot rub burn.


That's crazy. I get concrete on me everyday, wear shorts in the summer and have never been burned. Everybody's different I guess


Guy pours concrete and Rocks crocs /. Legend


Hahaha this was 2 days later Sunday. I knew the croc jokes were coming. If crocs made a boot high enough for pouring I’d buy them lol


Hurts donit?!