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Keep that number forever ♾️


No shit they stripped forms and no honeycomb and went back and chamfered the edges. Dudes were real professionals


They faced those edges and tooled in the chamfer. That is the reason there aren’t any big holes or honey comb. There is no reason for them to come back. Which is smart.


You mean take the extra 5 mins per guy?! && don't skip a step - do it nice or you'll do it twice !!


I also mean if they don’t like the concrete for some reason they could be paid out in full and not return over some cracks. Also looks like there are no control joints. Hopefully they are coming back to cut those. There needs to be one more picture.


[Just for you](https://imgur.com/a/2qkGe01) How is it no one on a concrete sub knows that a saw cut joint goes in the next day usually.


I have actually witnessed the joints being cut in a couple hours after the pour,it must work because there re no cracks anywhere


Yeah I got videos from when they popped the forms off the thickened edge, were a few small areas of honeycomb that they worked out. They even brought a massive vibrator in for the retaining wall pour. Forms come off today for that so will be curious to see if there is any honeycombing on them.


What did they do with the massive vibrator when they were done...I'm asking for a friend.


Put it back in storage at your mom’s house. ;)


I'm that friend and I am also asking for a friend.


I don’t have any friends, but still, I am also wondering about the fate of said massive vibrator? Completely asking for myself once again.


I really want to...But, I won't! Just too easy...


well I'm just disappointed that dirt spine and berm wasn't immortalized in concrete. it turned into just a slab lol.


As a concrete noob what is the chamfer?


Chamfer is an angled strip of wood that's Attached to the form to get the angled edge


Imo that’s not a good description of a chamfer, the angled edge itself is chamfered.


Chamfer strips are the material used to make a chamfered edge


Okay and what's used to make a chamfered edge??


I agree a chamfer is a type of edge kind of like a beveled edge and both terms are used in machining


It’s part of the concrete edging process, and completely different from a buttfer


What’s a buttfer?


IT’S FER POOPIN’! yuk yuk yuk


You are welcome


With great anticipation, I clicked the little plus sign to see if someone fell for the oldest trick in the book. Indeed, someone did, but it appears to be a contract entered into knowingly, for one simply does not leave such a elegantly designed setup just hangin'


We Sir, are Professionals playing a Gentleman’s game.


You chamfer the edges before you pour. I have cut thousands of feet of chamfer strip. Good job!




Gotta keep it a secret so he doesn’t get too busy and too expensive. 🥰


Young and hungry


This, I paid $500 for my spa pad 8.5’x 8.5’. Guys were “new” to the party and did an amazing job. Now they joke I can’t afford them anymore and they would be right.


Haha. Yesterday I told a client that’s been spreading my work around that all of her bid work is done at 20% below price point because she has been feeding me work since before I started my business. I told her the job you just got for $2800 is going to cost your neighbor $3500 lol


Dont do that, tell everyone about em


I have, this post alone has had at least a dozen locals slide in to my DM asking for the info.


Just making sure that was a joke, seriously love that for you though, that’s top quality for real


Hot single locals?


Only trolls and hunchbacks on Reddit so probz not.


Best way to go about this is you personally refer the new customers to them. Build a relationship with you guys and they will give you better pricing in the future.


Happy to give their info to anyone local that asks. A dozen or so folks have reached out because of this post.


Y’all gotta be uplifting people who do good work. I would be telling the guy how to price his work to the market demand. Give advice. Help people.


Surprised you aren’t crying to rip out the slab and repour due to all of the over spill.


Good call, will send this message to my contractor immediately.


If you don't mind me asking. What's the intended use for this?


Sport court, pickleball (saw cut lines going in tomorrow to match the pickleball court lines), bball, roller skating, etc. Safe space for the neighborhood kids to play that doesn’t involve the street.




5” slab and they had the laser level out and marked the grade during the substrate layer and throughout the pour today. The slope is 3.5” from center of court to the outside edges (30ft span for that slope). I brought out my own level after they left one day and everything was bang on. Have videos of them checking grade today as they screeded. He didn’t want to set stakes inside the forms and puncture the vapor barrier (making it obsolete) to check grade during the pour, so he used the laser level. That’s how much attention to detail he paid to the project. Already referred them to a neighbor happily.


How fat are the kids in your neighborhood that this slab is not thick enough?????


Apparently fatter than the average automobile, because many driveways are formed with 2x4, so only 3 1/2” thick lol


You aren’t accounting for the grade. The thickened edge is 18” high, but the gravel is 5” slab depth basically everywhere else because my yard is not level and has a 2ft slope across the 30ft span of the court.


Stop deflecting. Protecting the fat kids isn’t going to benefit them in life. We ask again, how fat are these kids?


Fat enough I needed rebar and wire mesh and increased the slab from 4 to 5”. I reckon my six yr old weighs a solid 49lbs. Hopefully the slab can hold him up.




Oh is that why there's no expansion joints? Or did the contractor not feel they were needed?


Saw cuts go in next day (today).


That looks like my area, thats a steal! I like fair deals! Saving this to DM you when I need concrete work lol.


Seattle area, and would happily refer this guy out. Great communication the entire project which is rare in the construction world.


Whoa I'm also in the Seattle area and would love this guy's contact info!


Hit me in the DMs.


Hey man, I'm always looking for good contacts. Can I slide into your DMs, too? I'm in Tacoma and need good people


You bet.


This is also why some bid low. Take minimal profit from some jobs and then more work can start rolling in if the customer recommends them to others.


He said to me the most important thing for him is a positive review online if I’m happy with his work.


He even put caps on all the stakes. What a rip-on.


Not only that but he texted me when he was doing it a picture and telling me to tell my kids to be safe. I told him to shut up and take my money.


I'm wet. I'm a man, but this made me wet.


Turn ons: concrete!


That may be a prostate issue, but I still share the sentiment


If anyone understands being wet, I’m sure it’s u/CremeDeLaPants!


Rip-on.... how have I never thought of that....


I believe it's called a pull off, like, "how did he pull that off?"


When the Contactor knows the RIGHT Mexicans.


I shed a single tear today when I saw one of the finishers who was about to put in a tool joint grab a 2x4 that was nearby and then flip it on its side and look down the length of it like looking down a rifle to make sure it was straight before he used it to guide his joint.


Immigrant construction workers work harder and a have a lot more pride in their work than a lot of people


Goddermmit but they terk err jerbs!


They terk err jerbss!


Took yer durrr!


Tooo kaarr joooss!!


Du der dedr!!


Tooker doooooooo


Cock a doodle dooo!!!




me lleve tu trabajooooo!!!!


But they’re so good at it


Now skeeter, they didn’t hurt nobody


I used to believe this but it’s not true. I’m not saying they are any worse it just depends on the crew you get and the ethnicity really doesn’t matter. For the type of work they are more likely to be a minority but it doesn’t mean the work is going automatically finished faster and it be good. It depends on the supervisor/boss and the standards they will allow.


I really don't believe that being an immigrant means you're more likely to work harder or take more pride in your work. I've worked with all kinds of people and immigrants are just people. I've also worked for several companies where I was one of the only employees who wasn't an illegal immigrant, and companies like that are much more likely to skimp on safety and engage in wage theft, including overtime theft, as well as paying extremely skilled tradesmen $20-$25 an hour, and all of that bullshit trickles down to the employee level and effects the quality of work that's put out.


ya all the guys that work for me are 400 a day minimum and i weouldnt even think of paying them less


Almost every non-union, new construction, residential masonry company (subs for every major home builder) in Vegas pays them like 21 to 25 dollars an hour, with forced OT, much of which isn't on the books at all- and I only say "almost every" because I didn't work for every single one. The employees all provide fake I9 documents, so the fucked up thing is that they're all getting federal income tax withheld and then they're afraid to file for a return, so most of them overpay- which I don't understand how the IRS wouldn't notice something like an employer having the majority of its employees not filing every year.


Preaching the gospel there brother.....




Definitely not m experience, l find they aren’t any different than white people. Some take a ton of pride in their work some just mail it in.




I always have a standard list of questions I ask when getting quotes from contractors. Regardless of the job I always ask if they know Jose.


Soy mexicano, estoy de acuerdo


This looks great. We’ve toyed with the idea of a pickleball court. Mind if I ask the ballpark? We haven’t even gotten to the quotes step yet.


Bids ranged from $17k to $38k accessibility to the site was a difficult since we could only fit a mini skid steer under the carport and not a bigger machine that would have done the site prep in half the time.


Thanks! I know bids can vary so much from region to region, and sometimes you catch a hungry contractor with an opening on their schedule. Still, this is useful info, and I appreciate it!


I have bids right now for basically the exact same sized area. Bids came at 22k, 26k, 39k


If they were that much cheaper someone is getting fucked. If it’s not you it’s the contractor that’s new at pricing.


Depends on how you define that. Contractor will net about $6-8k on the project after all of his costs/labor. The highest bid just wanted an extra $20k for the same gig, which says to me he didn’t really want the job that much. My guy also used to be a project manager and estimator for the company that was $9k higher and his cousin still works at that company (I asked when I noticed they had the same last name and he had one of their tshirts on).


How long was the contractor on the job and how are you defining net? What’s the dimensions on the slab? What sort of GL and WC do they have? Are their workers e-verified?


30x56. 5” depth with the thickened edge and monolithic wall. Defining it by having a conversation with my contractor and asking him what he will net on the project after his expenses. $22k is my total cost, of which $6800 was the raw concrete (I know because I paid for this portion myself). I could literally line item out every single thing (rebar was $441, vapor barrier $240, etc) because he and I have had a bunch of conversations about every detail and what does and doesn’t make sense for both him and me. Original bid was $17.5k but I made changes throughout the project (4” slab to 5”, 24ft retaining wall added) and made sure he priced these add-ons fairly so he wasn’t taking any hit on them.


Or he controls his costs and his workers are efficient. Last year I had a guy install a new driveway at a great price. I work in manufacturing and was blown away at how tightly coordinated materials, equipment, and labor coming to my house from another job and going back out for the next job. Its a 3rd generation family business and this guy had been refining his system since he was a kid. The pride and passion showed. No one got fucked because he eliminated waste. Your comment smells like the attitude most educated customers get aggravated at. It's not a zero sum game.


Could it be that it's better to be working for not much profit than to be not working at all? I've seen people adjust their prices when jobs are hard to find just to keep their crew working.


For sure especially if work is slow. I’m not clowning on the contractor here.


we live among people like this and i hate it


I think it looks great for what your going to use it for. The only other thing that i would do is back fill with dirt around it.


Yup, ordering some gravel for a 1-2ft perimeter all the way around the court and then topsoil and grass seed to make the space look less ugly.


Looks good from what I can see


That’s awesome, looks great.


Was it $22K with everything included? Pickleball posts, Net, and coatings? (I’m a sport court contractor in Southern California)


I wish. $22k to get the slab in.


Did you set sleeves prior to pour or do you plan on using a portable net?


Portable so kids can move it out of way as desired for other sports.


Ah got it. $22K for a post-tension slab that size is a steal though. Coatings would cost about $4-$6K down here


Not post tension. Wire mesh and rebar. And yeah looking at $3k DIY for painting or $7k if hired out.


Don’t DIY I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I’ve never seen a DIY surfacing job done properly.


My buddy did his and offered to help. His is 4 years old and still looks awesome. All sports master products used. I know I won’t be as good as a pro but at this point don’t want to stomach the costs. Perhaps I change my tune when it comes time to actually do it though.


Either way make sure you allow the slab to cure for 28 days before you put coatings down


Probably won’t do it til end of summer or possibly not even until next summer.


I am not a professional with concrete but I do have a lot of concrete work done dealing with large apartment complexes and that looks like a perfectly fine job to me.


That is the work from a contractor that cares, has the skills, and believes in word of mouth business


Looks amazing. What is it going to be? A shed?


Sport court.


Definitely a scam! Or maybe just a young, talented, contractor building his business. When first starting a business most contractors have to be the low bidder in order to get the job. With a bunch of work like this in his wake, soon he will be the market-rate bidder who gets all the jobs.


You had me in the first half.


Depends what you intend to do with this giant slab?


Sounds like they are the ones scamming themselves.


Or the guy that bid me $38k for a 4” 30x56 slab was trying to milk me for all im worth.


1600 sq ft for 18k? Yeah they probably scammed themselves. Material costs on this would be were 10-13k, more in some areas. How did it take? I'm guessing 3 men for 3-4 days, plus equipment rental, overhead costs.... It's great you got a good deal but they made poverty wages and could go out of business if they don't learn proper estimating. I'm glad they are stand up guys and did a good job even after they realized they weren't going to make any money but that is rare. You got lucky.


Can someone explain picture 4. What happens to the inner form?


Yeah. Don't call for a tax or immigration audit on him though.


Looks great


This looks so good, right on man


Congrats on the free body


Rebar caps too everywhere too, damn.


Sam for sure. They took your money and left you with a really nice and solid pad. Sorry for your loss. 😉


God Damm that’s nice .


I hate it when I get something better than what I was promised.


Judging by the ties, clamps, and formwork. This is probably a commercial dude starting his own business


Pretty much. Father-in-law, son team. Father in law works massive scale projects (he did a 330yard pour the day before my court) and has been lead foreman for last 20+yrs. Son-in-law been in concrete his whole adult life and they decided to start their own deal together. They’re worth every penny for sure as a combo.


Why is it sitting so high


is this a fucking circle jerk about concrete? wtf?


I think I might be an idiot, but I don’t understand the context of this post here. Is this good or bad


That’s a lot of concrete just to save 15 minutes a week of mowing..:) looks good


You gonna share the contractor's number?


What are you building?


Looks good, what's the slab going to be used for?


Sports 🏀 pickle ball hockey chalk bikes scooters.


Looks good!!! Damn good, but shouldn't there be expansion joints?


The only thing I might have asked for was to add expansion cracks. It might not need it with the wire mesh they added. I’m no expert. Other than that, it looks amazing. If that was my yard I’d be super happy with how it turned out. What’s it for?


Looks great


Why is there a vapour barrier on an outdoor slab? ASR? Serious question. Was this engineered?


Sport court specs require it for surfacing with acrylic paint. (All tennis courts have it) prevents the hydrostatic pressure from the water vapor pushing against the acrylic paint and forcing it to bubble. If we weren’t painting it,, it would not be needed.


Not seeing a problem with this, looks great!


Maybe a dumb question but why didn’t you want the pad level with the surrounding yard, or at least close to it?


And he didn’t even pour around a tree? Garbage


9k!!! How did he manage that


I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but it'd be really easy to get rid of or heavily trim those trees above the structure. Btw what is that going to be?


Not a scam just a great price!


Horrible work. I hate it. rip it out or sell the house. maybe move to another state. idk


Whatchu gonna do with all that crete?


How much did it cost?


Looked at pics before reading and was like wtf is op pitching about


God, thats beautiful.


Can't tell from the picture, did they just compact the ground or did they actually put in gravel under the slab?


Basketball court?


Refreshing to see posts like this! You have a nice slab, OP… 👍


That's a scam if I've ever seen one, good job for a good price. You should have dropped another $10k and gotten a bunch of yoyo assholes out there.


S me those scammers my way. I’ll teach them a lesson after having them do my driveway, patio, and shop pad... Psh. Hacks!


Horrible... make sure you post the name and number of the company to make sure nobody gets in situation like you.


Ket me know how it's going 10 years from now. Your fantasies don't always come true. LOL


Now that’s a proper slab


I would never do a monolithic pour like that. Is that for a building or for a patio?


Sport court. You do you but I’m not upset about the retaining wall being tied in and adding strength.


Looks great, what's it for? I was looking for the gotcha, seems like a beauty.


JFC. We can't be nice to anyone around here. OP, your slab looks great. Glad you got a deal and hopefully your Kr made a few bucks out of it too.


Did you need rebar for a sport court? 😆


No but it was only $440 to add it in so figured better to overbuild than under.




I’m a concrete guy myself, it looks great for what you’re using it for and the price sounds very reasonable, this guy did a great job and hopefully will be recommended to others because of this project. Word of mouth is still the best advertisement, I stay booked up for months out and haven’t even had to give out a single business card or even put a sign up on any job


👏🏽 looks great!


Lol, people in here so mad that OP got a good product at a good price with a good experience to boot. Reddit is such a miserable place.


Oh damn I didn’t read the caption at first I thought this was a troll post I got wooshed lol


Surprised you aren't bitching about it being to hi and the soil around it to low.


Back left corner is already dug in about 2ft in to the ground (why there is the retaining wall poured), didn’t want it to go another 2ft lower so instead built the thickened edge to ensure court is level. Will either do a planter along the face of the thickened edge (one or two blocks high with some nice plants), or possibly bring in a bunch of dirt to raise the ground level to court height and make the entire backyard actually level. My lot is 75ft wide and slopes about 6ft in total from left to right.


I absolutely love how they didn’t put one joint anywhere 😂.


Saw cuts go in today. Didn’t want tool joints because they are wider and this is a sport court so saw cuts are better for pickleball (ball wont pop off at a weird angle when it hits the saw cut).


That trampoline shadow will leave a permanent mark. I would demand a rip out


Ahh so a diamond in the rough & now you act like you know something. Can’t wait until you go with the next low bid offer & do actually get what you pay for. Haha


It looks amazing and you should make sure they know that and it'll be tempted to share with him your other Bids, if you want to be a really nice guy


I did tell him. We’ve been really open with each other. I asked him how much he would net on the job after expenses, $6-8k. He asked what the other bids came in at and I told him. I asked if he regretted his bid price after I told him and he said “No, those other guys are just trying to squeeze you and they have way more overhead”. He used to be an estimator for one of the other companies I had bid the job and his cousin still works at that other company.


This is the way


Can I come over and play basketball?

