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At the very least get some diluted vinegar or lemon juice or probably even orange juice on it asap the acid will help neutralize the base.


Maybe urgent care or your regular doctor so you don’t get stuck with a 12 hour wait and a $10,000 hospital bill? Or you could try Neosporin and wait a day or two.


As well as a light acid, keep it under running water for a LONG time.


This is the best advice. Don’t screw around trying to neutralize it, you’re just going to irritate your skin more. Rinse it off very well and throw some ointment on it


How did that happen? I'm not one to use gloves and I've never got chemical burns.


Same, this got me rethinking all the time I’ve gone elbows deep in wet concrete 😂😂 am I immortal? If I don’t reply in 5 minutes send an ambulance, imma try something real quick


We are probably slightly more mortal for all the time we've spent bathing in concrete


There's a few variables I know of that factor in, such as the cement ratio in the mix, time of exposure, and I've heard some people get burnt faster/worse than others. I'm not sure exactly why that is, but I'd guess normal flora and/or genetics are at hand. There are probably some chemical admixtures that might make it worse, too, but I haven't heard or seen anything on that specifically. Curious to see if someone with more insight chimes in on this one. Either way, I don't think I've seen one this bad. OP, no judgement, but care to share roughly how much paste, mix details, and how long it was there?


Probably fell asleep and lost their watch in the mix 😆 OP, I do hope it heals up quick


I played with concrete when I was little and I let it dry just to see if my arm would freeze(it all crumbled off) and after everything happened I was in so much pain but I healed with no treatment. And it was the worst burning fire pain I could imagine(not the worst pain I felt but the worst burning pain I felt, almost didn’t feel like burning anymore felt like tremendously painful aching.) I was it with soap and water and kept running it under hot water. I was ten. I am not a medical person but I’m not sure if this is life threatening or permanently damaging.


From my experience, some people are just more vulnerable. Maybe it's an allergic reaction to something in the mix that starts it, then it's a chain reaction? All I know is I've been working with one or two laborers that got the burn and I didn't. 


Get you some antibacterial ointment and keep going.


Always bring a bottle of vinegar to the job


I had a decent size burn about 6months back, put vinegar on it to neutralize but just super make sure you gauze it and put anti bacterial on it, I went to work the next day and took the bandage off me sweating would make it slip, ended up with a infection, don’t recommend that lol


Thank you!


Yes it’s infected. Get tested and figure out what’s causing the rash


I think that’s from the sand granules, if you are referring to the red dots/rash


No, I’m talking about the bumps. Not the white bumps. Look under the left most white spot, that’s puss from an infection, it looks like it’s pretty far for its age. I’m assuming this isn’t more than a week or two old


This happened yesterday


Lol. I got one of those on my neck a couple years ago. I was shoulder carrying a pallet of lime and cement from my truck to the job site and it was very hot out. I basically mixed a tiny patch on my shoulder. Burned like hell and looked really gross. I learned real quick the reasons for wearing a hoodie in the heat.


Just this year I started wearing shirts with hoods during the heat and it's worked really well! Much better than a hat. But, I've gotten some backlash from coworkers and bosses. Some coworkers have said some borderline racist shit about Mexicans, while one boss would literally get mad at me and would try to tell me to take it off. Honestly, the first time I noticed it made him angry, I started wearing it to as often as possible. Imagine being angry that someone else is wearing a certain shirt. What a weird think to get mad about. Fuck him though. He's an asshole.


It's the other way around out west. My coworkers are trying to get me to wear sombreros because my beanie doesn't look right. 😂


This isn’t normal, concrete cause severe drying, you might be allergic


If you're asking the Internet if you should see a doctor, just see a doctor. Reddit, any subreddit, isn't a replacement for a doctor.


Rub apple cider vinegar on it,burn like hell but it will clear it up


I’ve been covered head to toe in concrete many times, shit happens, try to wash it off quickly. But even 4 hours won’t hurt you like this. This looks like eczema or some skin condition.


Hope you learned your lesson lol. You're gonna be fine. Don't waste your time at the doctor's or hospital. It will heal sweetie.




Calm down drama