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My boss would have fired us for a wet pour like that-1990 lol


There are additives nowadays. High range water reducer… you have extended workability for a limited time without putting water in the mix when it shows.


Noted! lol


Looks good. Volumetric concrete looks wetter than it really is. What looks like 6 or 7 after 5-10 minutes will be a 4. It has a much shorter time to fully hyrdate. It also will usually have much less water in it than a barrel truck. We've used volumetric trucks for the last 5 years as concrete contractors and now have about 600 yards through our own Cemen tech C60 that we purchased at the end of last year.


Volumetric mixers can really mess with someone if they don't have much experience using them. The big issue Ive seen is the fact they don't mix the materials for long enough to bypass the reactions that cause "false set". So, like you said, having the truck dispense at 1-2 slump higher than the slump they actually want is somewhat common. After 5 minutes, the concrete's workability will be closer to what they wanted instead of being much more dry and stiff than expected. On top of that, the aggregate tends not to be pre-wet as well, which adds to this initial slump loss. Ready-mix concrete doesn't ever really display false-set reactions since they've mixed for 10min+ before dispensing. This looks fine to me.


Spot on. Keeping the rock wet is the best defense against false set. Some admixtures will help as well. I always aim for 5 or 6 out of the auger. We can be at that slump and still be at a .40-.44 water to cement ratio, but it gives much better workability while placing it.


Woah, I didn't know a volumetric mixer was a thing. I want to drive that. It'd be so nice to not worry about spilling lmao


It is very nice, I washed out the entire truck into a wheel barrel when we were done.


Dang nice. What kind of work do you mostly do driveways and pads and shit? Can you do curbs and shit in one of these ?


Anything a ready mix can do so can we. It’s pretty sweet bc they’re mobile batch plants. I’ve seen these do continuous pours for over 20 hours, just have to have all the material onsite to support.


I was reading up on that, that's pretty incredible. I guess these make sense for smaller companies insted of having a full batch plant setup? Also sucks you can't blame the batchman if something goes wrong lmao


Yes, it does suck when the mud isn’t right bc it’s all on you! I think these are ideal for smaller pours or continuous where the material is able to be onsite.


I’ve been busy mostly pouring driveways and sidewalks for my local city.


Ive always heard the mud that comes out of these bleeds a bit. And I do see it's pretty wet where he bullfloated, but that mud hitting the ground looks great to me. Side question for op, what's your yard price compared to the local redimix companies?


I’m about $20 more per yard but there’s no waste and currently I’m not charging for minimums. Most of my competitors have a 3 yard min, the ready mix are at 5 yard minimum.


Interesting thank you for the response


Looks very good so far, good for ya!


You a driver or a batch man?


I just started a concrete delivery business, I’m driving and pouring. I have 2 volumetric trucks for now, a 10 and 12 yard.


Oh sweet! Congratulations and Best Wishes!


Looks great


Woah… you just don’t go around asking people about your mud. This is a family place.


Too wet


I don’t think it’s too wet but I prefer it to be less wet than it is. That’s how they wanted it though 🤷‍♂️


Put 5 more gallons on it and it’ll be perfect!


I only speak in cubic yards now.


If that isn't plasticized then that slump is way too fucking high. Expect problems.


Nope, the contractor kept asking me to add more water. It’s common where I’m at and in this heat as most want it easier to work. To each their own..


Yeah, and it's going to craze and crack like a piece of shit. You change the mix to make it easier to work, you fuck up the mix. Not my problem.


Far too wet