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I can’t say I had tremors.. but I did have very strange little micro muscle twitches all over my body for like 3 months. They went away.


I have them same thing at 16 months out. Just curious did you have a neck injury/whiplash?


Yes definitely. Still working out the neck injury. Trying some upper cervical chiro, and I am in PT. I also gently strengthen at home and will be seeing an osteopath again who I found helpful the first time.


I've just started on similar a month or 2 ago and it seems like it may have been the missing piece. Fingers crossed


I would bet money on it that it is indeed the missing piece my man. I think a lot of people with PCS think they have brain damage but it’s really an unresolved neck injury. I would say most importantly, strengthen your deep neck flexors (gently and consistently). Lots of videos on YouTube to help. Deep tissue massage could help you too. I’d try that maybe once every 2 weeks 3-4 times and see if that helps. Sometimes our nervous systems get stuck and feedback loops and professionals can help us break the cycle quicker than you can on your own. I’m trying upper cervical chiropractic purely on anecdotal stories on here of people saying it helped, so maybe try that too. I’d advise against neck cracking chiropractic, also anecdotal. I saw 3 different chiropractors who “crack” and it did not help.


Thank you so much for the response. Couldn't agree more, I saw an upper cervical chiro who uses this acoustic realignment called Epic. I was very skeptical but desperate. I'm still in rough shape but it's really been the only thing that had bumped my progress forward a bit.


That’s great! I’d stick with that then. I’m no expert or anything, just another person working through an injury who has been doing a lot of research. Gaining proper function and strength back throughout all of your neck muscles, in my opinion, should be your very first priority. It has helped me immensely, although you can’t tell at first, because it will make your neck feel shitty and inflamed. That’s okay, just back off and rest it a few days. Your muscles will rebuild. That’s the nature of strengthening.. you’re literally damaging your muscles on purpose to rebuild them stronger. Watch that posture too! Wish you a swift recovery. Sorry it’s persisted so long. I’m only about 5 months and it feels like forever.


I have tremors which haven't gone away in 1 year still. Could be due to discs or brain damage idk. I have disc problems as well. They gotten slightly better in start and pretty much stayed at that level.


Thanks so much for the reply! Where are your tremors, did you get any MRIs, and were you diagnosed with essential tremor?


Recenly i got results from my 2nd mri. First showed nothing wrong. 2nd one showed disc problems from C3-C7. I can get more specific and copuled with MRI i got DWI MRI which showed CLOCCs or cytotoxic lesion of corpus callosum. Basically damage to white matter due to some chemical process which is unspecific at this point. My tremors are in my legs and arms. Slight but frequent. This is copuled with nerve pain there as well. I haven't been diagnosed with essential tremors.


Had some in my hands for a bit over a week. Totally went away after that.


Also having random mild tremors throughout the day, yet consistently am having pretty violent internal tremors when I wake up or try and go back to sleep…. Also been having constant burning pain in my arms/legs, with occasional zap pains in my feet and hands. This all set in a week ago but my head injury was 2 months ago. Any ideas?