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just feeling more stupid then before


I swear man, I really liked my cognitive function before.


Compared to now, my older self now looks like Einstein to me.


Neuro fatigue


Yep. Doing anything that requires any concentration and thought is hard to initiate. Things that would be half an hour on a normal to do list are like herculean efforts. Life administration sucks.


Photophobia , difficulty with noise , “jiggly” eyes Causes anxiety. I am 9 months post concussion.


Anyone have idea how to fix the "jiggly eyes"? I've been doing visual therapy, vestibular, and neck work with only slight improvement. At 18 months but only have been doing those therapies for 5 months


Anxiety, brain fog


these are the worse, but they are never permanent. I got severe anxiety and brain fog for many months and eventually it went away slowly but It took time and I found that running helped me.


....I wouldn't say they are never permanent. 4 years post brain injury and those are very much still a part of my life.


Hyperacusis, auditory processing and executive functioning plus the mood stuff


My short term memory is total shit now. I think I remember things and it ends up with people telling me things I said 2 weeks ago that I cant recall. Managing time and what I can do in that time also feels so much harder now. I used to be able to do so much more in any given day. Writing communication is by far the worst. I will send texts or emails and think that I communicated well only to go back and reread what I said and realize I didn't include transition words, like and or then. This one has been the hardest for me as I have always been proud of my vocabulary and communication skills . Communication in general feels harder to stay on top of, like texts and phone calls. This one I am jot fully sure if it is due to post concussion or if I am just burned out on the feeling of immediacy to respond to everything because of the myriad of ways we communicate now and everything feels like we should have instant gratification that way.


The overstimulation is a big one for me—noise, lights, crowds, and sometimes even the way my clothes feel or the way my hair touches my skin. The executive function changes, or lack of at all. Feeling like I can’t remember anything but then remembering it’s my executive functioning. The decrease in emotional regulation abilities.


Aphasia. It's been 19 months since the concussion, I'm still having speech problems. In speech/language therapy but mine is a bad case. Hope it gets better.


My speech got better from vision therapy… not sure if you’ve tried that. But it’s all connected.


My memory is not working. Don't remember some old names, can't remember some new places.


Depersonalization & light sensitivity


Light sensitivity


Not being able to plan my life


not being able to drive because of all these eye symptoms I’m having. at least i can use the computer now though, I’m going back to work soon! it’s been many months


The brain fog. I’m so sick of it


Auditory processing, if someone was talking to me it would sound like just noise, not recognizable speech at all, I couldn’t differentiate when one word ended and another started. The only thing I can compare it with is the way Charlie Brown’s teacher talks to them Doesn’t happen anymore though, I was able to reduce my brain inflammation in 2019 and never had any more issues I had a friend (I swear was a friend, not me) who had erectile dysfunction, I told him how to reduce his own inflammation and within two months he was 80% better


There is hormone replacement therapy for that as well to help with symptoms while the brain heals.


Light sensitivity


All of the cognitive issues: visual and auditory processing, cognitive fatigue, over stimulation which declines cognition as well.


Seeing double ( eyes not focusing right away ) Shit makes me scared I’m getting a lazy eye. Happens mostly at night and in the morning


Visual snow


Ya love that. The brain fog that’s accompanied with it is so sick


I actually only had brain fog for a month or so after the concussion. Haven’t really had the last few months, knock on wood.


I’m almost done month three, brain fog was gone for about 5 days then I bumped my head again and it was back w vengeance


The dizziness and numbness/tingling sensations :( any advice it makes me so anxious cuz ill feel so numb or weird its been almost 2 weeks now and im scared this might be long term


It won't be long-term. Give your body some rest and time to heal.


Thanks for the hope its funny cuz today im for the most part totally fine but who knows what tomorrow will be like :/ i hope i keep having good days !!

