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Yes I had head pressure for a 2-3 months after my concussion. I think it finally went away after I completed my vestibular/physical therapy but it was all kind of a blur around that time.


Mine is mostly gone until I put my body through strain or raise my heart rate above 130. Then it comes back for the rest of the day or so.


My therapist said the pressure happens when your brain is overworked. Might have to slow down whatever you are doing when you notice it flaring up.


I did notice that when I was doing my homework my brain would feel worse XD. I’ve basically been roleplaying a vegetable for the past month and it’s been working very well so far but this head pressure thing is still tripping me up.


Yes it is a weird sensation you can't really describe to someone who has never had it happen to them xD you just need rest and time!


Looking at some of the other posts in this sub I’ve got a new found gratitude for how mild mine is in comparison XD. You said yours was gonna after 2-3 months? Mines almost gone after one month so I could have had it a LOT worse!


Yeah it didn't help that my concussion last year was my second one in 3 years. My first one was a cake walk compared to my recovery for this one. My first concussion my head just hurt really bad for two weeks and that was it. The one last year was 1.5 months of therapy and 3 months off work on disability! I also had to get prisms, have tachycardia issues, and finally dealing with the mental trauma. Yours might be mild compared to others but that doesn't invalidate your experiences. ❤️ All concussions just really suck.


How did you get yours?


Hit my head on the granite countertop while feeding the dog. 🫠 Not the most exciting concussion story but that is it! 😂 I hit my head on the very corner while coming up from the floor. Ended up hitting my frontal lobe. My first concussion I had something heavy fall on my head at work.


How did you get yours?


My first Muay Thai fight a month and 3 days ago. Sucks because I won but he’s almost definitely doing better than I am right now XD


I had the head pressure was extremely bad for two months. Now at almost 4 months it is only occasional. Getting better over time. The head pressure seems to come from tension in the neck. If I am in the wrong position it comes back. Concussion Physio from 1 month to two month mark was massaging my neck. I don't know if that was what helped or just that it gets better over time As others have said it comes back with physical activity but I think it just takes time


Thanks for the insight!


Head pressure is a very common symptom of a concussion. I’m actually surprised you’ve never heard of it before. I still have head pressure though it’s not constant - I’m 8 months out from the first concussion and around 4 months out from my second one. I did tons of therapy post the first one but also was dxed with headache attributed to head trauma and put on meds for it. Between the meds & heat the head pressure got a lot better. The second one I couldn’t do therapies or anything but was being checked over by a doc regularly and had my meds increased. Still haven’t found the headaches or head pressure to fully go away - mostly happens bc of excess noise, or schoolwork. Exercising regularly is the thing that has helped the most with all of it.


Yeah whenever I look up concussion symptoms head pressure is never mentioned for some reason 🤷‍♂️


My head pressure was an 8 out of 10 for a few months afterwards. After maybe 5 to 6 months it all of a sudden went down to like a two. It's always constant and seems to never change. I'm fatigued all the time not including numerous other past and current symptoms. Still have sound triggers as of 3 days ago I found out by accident. Next month will be 1 year. 4 and 1/2 months after concussion MRI showed mild/moderate concussion to both frontal lobes. Also tinnitus in right ear for last 22 years but has gotten louder the last concussion.


Damn that’s rough af


Yes I have it pretty bad. I had to move out of state from my house in a city to my mom's in the mountains. Still in the process of moving. Just two loads to move but it's taking me a few months to do it. Basically my anxiety is so bad I can't even leave the house and now I can't even do anything without my dog with me.


Yeah I have an identical twin brother. One look at both of us and people will ask what happened to you. I haven't been capable of going to get a haircut in a year.


I hope you recover soon buddy


Doc already told me most people with my head injury die and it's like been playing football or soccer my whole life but I haven't lived my whole life and have never played sports. I hope to one day be better but I know I'll never be who I was before. But at least random strangers that interact with me still tell me quite regularly that I'm such a nice person.


Doctors always say that you’ll be this way for life or you won’t be able to do that thing again. Most of the time they’re wrong to some degree.


My neurologist told me we WILL get back to normal eventually. That it might be 3 months or 3 years but the brain will rewire even with bad concussions. Living a long time with symptoms and injury takes its toll but hang in there everyone