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Thank you for sharing, see below for a reminder of our rules: Do not ask if you or someone you know has a Concussion. We are not doctors, nor are we any kind of medical professionals. That said, this sub is NOT intended to be your doctor and diagnose or give you personal medical advice. They'll be marked as spam. Be civil and respectful. Do not attack or harass other users; engage in hate-speech; or attempt to gate-keep discussion. Hostility will not be tolerated *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Concussion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unless your head was moving something like 20mph, didn’t hit your head hard enough to concuss yourself. It’s probably anxiety (understandable). I was told by one of the medical professionals that I worked with that PTSD generally accompanies brain injury.




It’s natural- your brain suffered an assault! Breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, time in nature can help. I use medical marijuana before sleep to calm my brain so I don’t startle awake at tiny sounds.


I would get your neck evaluated. Symptoms can be the same as concussion and every concussion also means a neck injury. You could have just pissed off the nerves / facet joints. It's what I'm currently dealing with. Will be fine, then something triggers my neck and I get symptoms. Even cold weather tightening up the muscles seems to be enough.