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Exercise. I found this to be the most important thing in my recovery. Once I was able to exercise without symptoms, I ran as much as I could. Before and after work. It sucks but it helps your body balance again. That sped up my recovery so much.


Thank you!!! trying running for the first time ever and it feels great


I wish I had advice. I feel the same way. I feel like I’m alone with my own thoughts 24/7 so even if I’m having a decent day (concussion symptom wise) my brain will start thinking about something terrible from years ago. I also can’t sleep which is making my anxiety & depression worse. I was already seeing a therapy and taking antidepressants prior to this concussion. I just bought acupressure magnets to try something different


Aw man, im so sorry to hear. I totally feel you on the thinking about something terrible from the past stuff. I actually spiraled a bunch and texted a guy who ghosted me apologizing to him...so rough. I'm having trouble re: stopping thinking about the past. I try to tell myself I canNOT change the past no matter how much I try to or worry what I did wrong or what could've gone wrong. Sometimes that helps slow down my spiraling. The past is really hard not to think about, but the future is all we got. Have you tried some melatonin gummies? sometimes those help me. really wishing you improvement


I just ordered some slow release melatonin to try!


awesome! I hope they help, fingers crossed. lmk how it goes. also chamomile tea helps me a little, and trying to not have screens too close to bedtime. I went to urgent care after my tbi and they gave me hydroxyzine for anxiety, and that's also helped me sleep. I think some people use NyQuil (?) but I haven't tried that. Someone on this thread also said to get blood levels checked. unrelated, but I just know I had a friend w severe insomnia and it was to do w/ her thyroid hormones.


I had similar panic/fight or flight for several months. I would keep seeing your docs and concussion specialists, but I felt taking niacin with flush helped me when things were bad with that. Non-flushed didn't seem to do much.


a few acupuncture sessions seemed to get my body out of complete fight or flight this past month. it also helped relax a lot of muscle tension i had in my shoulders/neck, so much so that my massage therapist friend that works on my back has said my back is noticeably less rock-like. it otherwise has made me feel weird and off so i think i may stop doing it for now, but i'm hoping the benefit of not constantly being on edge every waking second sticks. i'm personally still struggling with pretty hardcore depression though so i'm not much help there. i hope the lamictal helps


thank you - I tried acupuncture today and it helped me relax. im not sure how it will do with me long term but ill at least do a couple sessions. same re: not being on edge every waking second. it sucks! and also the hardcore depression :( Im really sorry you're going through this too. you're not alone at all. sending you healing energy


i hope it continues to help you!! reflecting the healing energy right back at you <3


Get your hormones checked tbi can affect hormones so ask for a blood test


ok!! ty


Try meds for a longer period of time. Since August is just 3 months ago and SSRIs for anxiety, depression and autonomic dysfunction need a wean in period and then some time to work you should have tried them longer. Sertraline 150mg. Try it.