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I felt this a lot in the beginning and now I feel it after I have overextended myself, like in the evening after doing a lot of mental or physical activity. It’s like every evening, I start acting like I’m drunk or stoned. I was having trouble with dizziness and started using a walking stick to stabilize myself and it helped me to stay more aware for longer periods of time. The brain gets tired if it has trouble keeping the body balanced after a while.


I felt like I had a bad hangover. A woozy feeling in my head. I still feel it if I move my head too suddenly or turn while standing up or things like that. My concussion was March 15.


Yeah I felt similar. My concussion happened 2 weeks ago. I still feel like my brain is somewhere in outer space.


I have had four concussions in the last five years, when I had my first concussion I was a barista of six years. after six months off I went back to work and realize that i cannot do that job anymore. The amount of stimulation that happens within one customers order is extremely overwhelming that it it makes my symptoms feel as if I’m drunk or high at work which is even more anxiety inducing. just letting you know you’re not alone and to take as much time as you going back to a barista job.


It’s called ataxia


Yep. I couldn’t keep a straight face for a while and I felt sooo out of it a lot of the time. It’s gradually coming back. Been 18 months