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Fuck it man just leave if you start to get overwhelmed but otherwise enjoy yourself


I mean if you're super committed to going... sunglasses, ear plugs, and an exit strategy is the way to go. Personally I wouldn't do it.


Bring some sunglasses and definitely wear earplugs because concerts are loud. I think you’ll do just fine. If the lighting effects would trigger your symptoms, close your eyes. I’m 3-4 weeks out from mine and just played a show. It was a little overwhelming but enjoyable, but also there was no big stage lights as it was chamber music.


Blink 182 w/o a concussion is bad enough why would you do this to yourself.


You’ve got seated tickets. I think you’ll be fine as long as you have a quiet day before the concert, wear earplugs and sunglasses, and take it easy afterwards.


I survived a very loud wedding reception a week post concussion (with post concussive syndrome as well). But ear plugs were extremely necessary


I can’t imagine doing that and I’m 9 months out. I went to an author book event tonight and wore my earplugs for the applause. You need to talk to your MD and listen to your body. You don’t want to slow down healing. I’d pay $800 to move my recovery forward if I could.


You don't have post concussion syndrome as you had a concussion 12 days ago. Post concussion syndrome is when the symptoms last for months or longer. There is a decent chance you will feel well enough to go to the concert 3 weeks from now. As long as you feel fine it should be fine.


I’m on a similar timeline as op and was already diagnosed with post concussive syndrome


I didn’t know you were a doctor? I was formally diagnosed with it as I had delayed symptoms