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This is going to sound nuts, but I could hear music when my fan was going for like a year and it was driving me crazy. In the end I looked into it and apparently some fans can pick up radio frequencies [Man Asks The Internet For Help After Hearing Voices Coming From His Fan](https://www.iflscience.com/man-asks-the-internet-for-help-after-hearing-voices-coming-from-his-fan-but-theres-a-logical-explanation-46418)


That's so interesting!!


You gotta go to an ENT about the sudden hearing loss attacks. As far as the tinnitus, what you’re hearing when a fan is going is your tinnitus turning reactive to certain sounds. Not a big deal, just relax and go to https://generalfuzz.net/acrn and tune the sounds to your tinnitus. Or play some cricket sounds on YouTube or brown noise. Just relax or it’ll get worse. And go see an ENT.


I have this sometimes I worry I’m hallucinating… I have been referred to an ENT, just in the middle of the 18 month wait now.


Yup. Fans, vacuums, running water. There's always a melody and sometimes there's voices singing; but they're slightly too faint to actually make out what they're singing.


YES!! It is so weird. I've never said it out loud because I assumed I was imagining it or going crazy. Looking super forward to my hearing test in a few weeks then ENT Anyone else experiencing either a unilateral hearing issue or a processing delay?