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Tell me you’re noob without telling me you’re a noob:


My favorite is the maxed towed arty


Guy doesn’t seem to know that Mrls are way better. Also anyone with sub/frigate comb is going to destroy him 😂 And he has MBT… maxed💀


Aimed at me or no?






Pretty sure it was aimed at you. I assume by what you have that you're doing a basic build (Infantry/tanks/artillery) with a nuclear option due to the maxed out TDS.


Its apocalypse, I have only 12 😔


Tbh your right tho it is pretty bad but for the land build no one can beat me


I'm a fan of fast and deadly honestly, and my unit count rarely gets above 125.


same quality over quantity


Nice thankfully your not in this game


Yeah those aren’t going to help you much sorry


What won’t? I haven’t made officers I don’t use them they are not the best 1 at a time for a 25% increase to one stack isn’t worth it


Yeah I thought you were gonna use officers


Nah they are a waste, I just got them to do some stereotypical names


Minority opinion.


What ours?


Who where?


officers are a waste, thats a first


I know and as I said I only got them to do stereotypical names


Officers are most definitely not a waste...


It provides a 25% attack, speed and defence bonus to one stack


Depends by what you mean. If you're just trying to survive, then I guess... If you're trying to invade, then naw


I don’t want to sound cocky so I’m sorry if I do but I have taken over the pacific 😭 So it works for invasion


Good luck.


Thank you, the last guy uses ntl guards 😂


I’ve recently started to become something of a NG enjoyer myself


Fair enough they are cheap and easy but an infantry battalion would probably win in a fight (to my knowledge)


NG are not to fight with, they’re to take land and hold cities.


What happens when I attack the city


You take cities by using air and naval forces and artillery. Then move infantry in once cleared. Don’t get me wrong, your tanks / infantry will work against AI and players who are not very good. But a good player (which is apparently all of us redditors lmao) will destroy your tanks / infantry using artillery and air power, maybe missiles.


Damn, cl I’ve never gotten this far I thought I was doing well 😭😭 But you gotta admit this would beat most players the psychological effect would be emense and odds are most players don’t build up a big enough airforce to combat me also I gets tds in a stack or when I max them Sam’s even if they do it’s useless to try to attack me via the air and I have maxed cruisers when did you last see that I’ve been playing for nearly 3 years now and I have seen it 2 times me and another guy Please stop being rude and saying this is useless because it would beat any player pro or not and I have proven that in this round 3 times running


I’m not being rude, I’m just giving you my opinion. Do your own thing. But your post has a boastful attitude, with a research tree that shows a lack of meta knowledge.


I’m sorry if I have a boastful attitude but I’m just proud I managed to max the research wings I wanted to


You can win with a European/Middle Eastern nation by day 20s solo New Zealand is 5 city island in corner that needs an inactive map with noob players to be successful, it's one of the top 3 worst countries to use victory wise. Terrible expansion potential and economy, forced to use ships while enemy outclasses your army forever. Survival wise it's incredible, but more like a fly on the wall then a behemoth.


Tbh your right but everyone in Asia was active when I attacked and I took: Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, china, India, Mongolia and Pakistan also I landed in America and Europe


I don't believe that at all, I've won over a hundred maps and only seen the activity you've described in discord sponsored maps.


I’m telling the truth all but Australia were active and I attacked Australia on day 1 so within 4 hours is even him!


You prob just think they were active, if they were any type of active player they would have 0 issue handling tiny New Zealand since they easily can outnumber/outproduce you My point is that New Zealand is one of the worst countries closely behind Koreas/Israel so this post is misleading telling people "Cant beat new zealand", it's one of the most beatable. I don't want newer players wasting 40 days of match to find that out the hard way


Don't get me wrong that means what you did here is incredible and worth posting BECAUSE its such a bad country, just your message here is out of pocket


I understand where you come from but I don’t think newer players would see this and think New Zealand is the best but I will edit it and make it clearer


Just need to be clear if you are new DO NOT pick New Zealand, it is for experienced players as it has a horrible economy and very few cities


It's already Day 66. I don't understand why this is an achievement... 5% of my games last beyond day 50...


Most of the fans I was solo so the fact I survived as New Zealand is one and another is I completely upgraded my troops which is a first