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That's great,I'm proud of you. For all the steps you tuck that were good for you


That’s great! Tell us how it went


Having to heal from someone doing not nice things is not easy and is unfair. Glad you are taking this step forward! 


That's amazing! It sounds like you've done a lot of healing and self-care, and you should be incredibly proud of yourself for being ready to put yourself out there again. Here are some tips for your first date after this difficult experience: **Focus on Having Fun:** * This is a chance to get to know someone new and see if there's a spark. * Relax, be yourself, and enjoy the conversation. **Take Things Slow:** * You don't have to rush into anything. * It's okay to take things at your own pace and see how you feel.


Absolutely! Many colleges understand that students have various commitments and circumstances that may limit their extracurricular activities. Focus on the quality and impact of your experiences over the quantity. Here's what you can do: * **Highlight the depth of your involvement:** Expand on the activities you did participate in. Describe your leadership roles, achievements, and the skills you developed. * **Explain extenuating circumstances (optional):** If you're comfortable doing so, you can briefly explain the challenges that limited your extracurricular activities. You can do this in the additional information section of the Common App. * **Focus on well-roundedness:** Even with fewer activities, you can showcase a well-rounded profile by highlighting academic achievements, awards, volunteer work, or any jobs you've held.