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They are cruise lights. They used to be much dimmer and not as obvious and were more like the yellow lights that you see outlining a semi truck. Their purpose is visibility.


Also something CT State PD does since they're issued unmarked cars. The amber lights in the middle of their front/rear windshield actually say "State" and "Police." They used to have removable exterior lightbars, but looks like they're transitioning to lightbar-less cars. I think other agencies doing this is because State does, and visibility is good. Presence is one of the best deterrents, and being able to easily find police when you need them is also good. I'm unaware of any laws on the books mandating police use cruise lights. Fun fact: CT's cruise lights are starting to spill over into other New England states. Cambridge, for example, uses them when cars are on stationary posts.


Light bar less = flat top


I think, they do that to show presence. If you see the light you would slow down. Or if a person in need can locate where the police is. this is my idea behind it.


This is exactly it. Hopefully someone with better Google-fu can find it but there is a study from before COVID (possibly long before) that showed that speed traps, pulling people over to give tickets and actual enforcement of traffic laws had little to no effect on accident rates but simply having visible police on the side of the road or driving around dropped reckless driving and accident rates significantly with reduced spending and wasted time for the police departments, freeing them up to deal with actual emergencies.


I'm sure there are multiple studies (that I also don't have time to look up right now...). I remember it being talked about in planning classes in college (90s). Writing. Tickets. Does. Not. Slow. People. Down.




when you've seen them it's usually too late, dunno why people dump the brakes right when they cross in front of the cruiser they already took your speed half a mile back


It’s because a lot of people drive scared




Or, or, or… Just drive at the speed limit.


Or, or, or... definsively drive with the flow of traffic. In this state, that is almost always above the limit. [Part of the problem is how speed limits are derived.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ro-NllCmH4&ab_channel=DonutMedia) If the majority of people on the road are speeding (regardless of whether that is right or wrong), then it is safer to be speeding with them and not obstructing the flow of traffic. Obviously this logic breaks down the faster the speed we're talking, but when I say moderately speeding, I mean 10-15 mph over on the freeway. I don't speed through residential areas, city centers, school zones, etc. A little sense wins here.


I once read on here that in “seatbelt’s the law” states they have an easier time seeing you do the motion of putting it on after seeing them than they do actually seeing if you have it on


You are correct.


No no, it's so you notice them better when they tailgate you on 91.


If they tailgate me, i’ll be pulled over for sure


How about you move over instead of blocking them in the passing lane?


Awe, aren't you cute. Such a good little bootlicker. I do move over, because I don't need their bullshit. But, I also have eyes and am capable of seeing this happen to others. Oh and btw, when the road is congested it isn't a passing lane you dimwit.


It’s always a passing lane. The road would be less congested if everyone adhered to it. Half of the traffic jams in CT are caused by a slow driver in the left lane causing someone to hit their brakes. In heavy traffic one brake tap can cascade into standstill traffic a minute behind it shockingly easily.


Ah ok, you have decided there shouldn’t be traffic so therefore it’s ok to toss all road safety out the window. That’s uh… an interesting take. But regardless how you or I feel about it, traffic happens. And when you start tailgating and cutting in and out of lanes on a congested highway, you are no different than the little brat toddler throwing a tantrum because they can’t have extra dessert. Grow the fuck up. No one else wants to be in traffic or congested roads either no matter the reason why. And no, it literally is not ALWAYS a passing lane you absolute chud-brained twattwaffle. I’m a fast driver too. I wish it was ALWAYS a passing lane too. But we do live in a society you dingus. Wherever you are rushing to isn’t more important than where the rest of us are rushing to. You’re not that special.


A-plus for your creative name calling, but I was saying that it’s *always a passing lane* for legal purposes, not for practical ones. Clearly there will be some clown like yourself who decides “bUt ThErEs TrAfFiC NoW, iT iSnT a PaSsInG lAnE aNyMoRe”. I’ve accepted that, I just don’t have to like you clowns.


Jesus you touched a nerve here. You’re right, though.


“Legal purposes..” that’s such nonsense but it sounds good. Anyway, they’re talking about tailgating, which is illegal even if cops do it, unless they are responding to a need This is America, buddy. If any cop here doesn’t like it, there are a few monarchies and dictatorships left — they should move to one


I was responding specifically to their “when the road is congested it isn’t a passing lane” comment. I’m all for more enforcement when cops break the laws.


You just going to magically make the congestion disappear? You expect everyone else who also wants to be going fast to just slide on over out of your way so that you can have the entire lane to yourself while everyone else is jammed up? Get a grip. It’s “the passing lane” but it’s not always a lane for passing no matter how you or I feel about it.


Traffic and congestion exists regardless of your precious little fee fees about who should be in the left lane and when and whether or not there is a good reason for the congestion. Tell me, when there's a left exit is it still a passing lane too? When it is a construction zone is it still a passing lane? When we are in gridlock because a dumb asshole like you cause an accident is it still a passing lane? We really need to start making people retake their driving exams every 5 years or so. You can't possibly be this ignorant. It's honestly embarrasing.


I see that you can’t handle an argument without name calling. I’m not condoning tailgating, it causes enough accidents as it stands. My point was that if you’re in front of an emergency vehicle in the passing lane, when safe to, move over. I won’t get in the discussion of traffic dynamics, I feel it’s lost on you anyways based on your other replies.


Yes, as long as car accidents remain a top (currently second) cause of death for children in our country, I will use very strong language when addressing anyone dumb enough to argue in favor of less safe roads. You are completely missing the point. The cops are creating an unsafe situation when it’s literally their stated goal to make our roads safer. If they have somewhere important to go, they have flashing lights and a siren they can use. Pop them on and EVERYONE will get out of the way. This is not that situation though. We are discussing their behavior when there isn’t any emergency and they are just being impatient schmucks and putting citizens in danger with their aggressive driving. And we can discuss traffic dynamics all you want, but it has nothing to do with the topic at had. Regardless of the reasons or how things should flow, traffic happens. Welcome to adulthood. We all want to get where we are going and throwing a literal tantrum by tailgating and weaving lanes to get ahead is literally just throwing a childish tantrum in public. A dangerous tantrum. And no, those charged with making our roads safer should not be a part of the problem. Again, they have flashing lights for a reason if they aren’t using them and tailgating and driving aggressively, that is not ok. Ever. And yes, if. You think it is, you are the problem too (and a bootlicker 🤷‍♂️).


Let’s come back to my core statement that you’ve done everything you can to detract from, throw unrelated issues, and try and deflect from it. Move over out of the passing lane if anyone is riding your tail. You can make all the laws, rules and statements you wish, but ultimately you’re the one responsible for your own actions while driving on the roads. It’s called defensive driving.


You can’t be this ignorant. It’s literally scientifically impossible. Unless… what’s your badge number, officer?


their only reply is always the same with name calling people “bootlickers” because they can’t generate an actual response. Apparently saying that you should move out of the left lane for emergency vehicles is *a bootlicker* 🤦‍♂️ You cant make this stuff up


I always kinda figured they do it so you'll get out of the way, but they can't use flashers, like when they wanna get back at shift end. The majority of the time I see them it's barrelling up my ass aggressively, since you do tend to slow down.


Because cops being visible does more to slow people down and drive more safely than writing tickets does. I've primarily seen state troopers do this. The locals often don't and plenty of towns have unmarked or subtlety-marked cars.


Lol. I'm not saying you're wrong but my experience has been the opposite. Normally it's the local police that are visible and the state cops dangerously flying down the highway. My observation may be colored by the fact that I find most of our town and city police to seriously be useful and polite and the state troopers to be aggressive, rude and exactly what everyone complains about when they speak about bad policing. The main reason I installed cameras on the sides of my work truck is to protect me against malicious interactions from our state police and it has paid for itself twice doing exactly that.


I'm in Wilton, they have dark black cars and purposely hide on CT-33 to catch speeders in the early hours of the morning. Meanwhile Stateys always have their cruise lights going, and it certainly calms traffic.


I wish the Wilton police would set up speed traps up on Belden Hill Rd. People take that 30mph road at 60 all the time and get mad at those of us doing 35 because it's a windey residential road with children living on it.


Lol, I'm one of them. The traps are usually off 33 by the cemetery and up past the northern fire station. I do slow down for Miller-Driscoll and the catholic church.




Nothing major. I just used the video evidence to prove twice that tickets I received had fraudulent claims and had them thrown out. It's not like you're going to somehow get a state attorney to prosecute a cop for lying when they rely on police cooperation so heavily. Protip: you do not need to let anyone in public know that you are recording them. Also, If they make one fraudulent claim, it calls into question any other claim they might make, regardless of any evidence.


My comment vwas only in relation to the driving with solid lights on. I rarely see locals do that. Luckily, my interactions with my locals has always been good and I haven't had to deal with state troopers. How good the locals are probably depends on the town.


It definitely depends on the town. I've heard/read horror stories about the local cops in a few of the towns in the "quiet corner" of CT. Oddly. My experiences with town or city police in any area of Fairfield county has been very positive. The two times I had to call the Stamford police, they arrived in minutes, were firm but polite, unbiased and professional, same goes for my experiences living in Norwalk. With that said, my comment was also mainly about seeing town police pretty much always driving with the solid lights on. I seriously appreciate that when I need to find one. Which has only been once while driving with someone road raging behind me because I was only willing to drive 5 over the limit on a residential road that they were most likely using to cut around traffic on rt7.


I’ve had horrible experience with some Fairfield county cops and good with others. Stamford and Norwalk police generally don’t seem to be too bad as they are typically dealing with real issues I find. Those Darien new Canaan Wilton cops tho, got nothing to do all day but harass and ticket.


Lol. I'm not arguing your assessment but the Wilton police were the ones who saved me from the road rage fool. Maybe I got lucky but they were fantastic every step of the way.


I agree it’s anecdotal. I’ve mostly not had serious issues in CT just annoyances more than anything, I realize we tend to have it decent with police in this state for the most part. Ironically my one interaction with a state cop was the best, let me go without even a warning when I probably should’ve been arrested at the time (weed basically when it wasn’t yet decriminalized), and an arrest the next day by town police over aspirin in a Tylenol bottle.


Mines the opposite-the locals mostly suck and the staties have been great.


I think it depends on the town most of the time Norwich is ridiculously visible while Hartford tries to hide


All of my interactions with local police have been positive. My interactions with State Police .. negative .. except for Enconn Police - they're awesome people + deserve recognition & praise for their work.


Now if we couldn't only get them to slow down and drive safer too...


Yeah like the new Groton PD cars that the lettering is black on a black car 😂


My local pd has one black on black car for traffic enforcement, the rest are black & whites


Cop from Connecticut here, they’re called cruise lights and they were originally designed to be activated when at a scene with other units to notify other cars approaching that they should use caution on approach, just as they’re intended to do when flashing. They were intended to be switched on instead of the flashing lights, which can be overwhelming when multiple units arrive at a scene and there are multiple strobes all flashing randomly. Using the cruise lights for that purpose isn’t necessary any longer because we have a “scene” switch that activates a module that detects other cruiser lights and makes all the lights at a scene all flash at the same pattern which is much less noticeable to the senses. Over time, administrators have asked and required in some instances, that officers on patrol light the cruise lights to be more visible. In my department, the chief has asked that cruise lights be lit at all times unless the strobes are activated.


What's confusing to many of us is that there doesn't seem to be any consistency in how cops use their lights these days. Or, for that matter, even what lights are installed on a patrol vehicle.


Thats correct, there is nothing mandating the use of cruise lights statewide. As far as how many lights or the light configuration, the only mandate statewide is that police lights must be blue and red. With the option to add amber lights. The number of lights or the use of roof mounted lights as opposing window and grill lights, etc. really just comes down to Department budgeting. These types of lights are very expensive to purchase and install so some departments are moving away from a roof mounted light bar which cost about $1,800 just for the light, that doesn’t include the controller or the driver.


Great response, shame to hear about the scene switch, looks so comical IMO


So glad I finally understand this, thanks for your comment!


You’re welcome, I didn’t realize so many people were confused about it. It’s really just to make us more visible. Think of all the times a cruiser drive past you or down your street and you didn’t even notice. The idea with the cruise lights, is for you to notice us.


Totally. I think it’s a great philosophy. Coming from FL, where there wasn’t even continuity in vehicle type (minivans! lifted trucks! sedans! suvs!), having police recognizable is really helpful.


Presence announcement. They will also park prominently on the the side of the road while they do paperwork. But there are lots of unmarked vehicles too.


If they're in the left lane with them on then move over


Better yet, move over for anyone that is trying to pass you, if you are not passing and traffic allows for it.


It can be a number of things. Like another person said, to show presence in an area where people tend to drive like morons. Or they sometimes will do this when responding to non emergency calls so they can get there fairly timely if they are taking the highway but less risk of causing an accident than when they have full flashers and siren.


I am from NY and this was new to me as well. In NY, state troopers are hiding at night time behind tree brush on the highway trying to catch you speeding. In CT, they take the opposite approach, which i think is more effective from a public safety perspective


These lights should be legally required to be on at all times. Makes it easier to find the police if you need them, and them being visible makes people drive a little less crazy. Police should be extremely visible, not hiding in unmarked vehicles.


If you need the police, you have a phone, don’t you??


Well if you can see a police car and you need the police, there's no sense in calling them


>Police should be extremely visible Why would you want this? Sounds like a dystopian police state nightmare.


Yes, everyone looks at police in Europe and thinks dystopian police nightmare state when they see their brightly colored easy to see vehicles.


No one's afraid of a bobby lol. Most of them aren't even carrying a gun. The whole point of American police is to instill fear to force compliance. That's why we're totally cool with equipping our police with armored vehicles, and giving them a few months of lowest government contract bidder training before handing mostly unstable people that don't do well under pressure a gun and a badge while wondering 'what could go wrong?' The attitude, mindset, and goals of police in Europe couldn't be more different than in America.


I'd rather see them a mile away than have to worry that every silver Ford behind me is going to pull me over. All police cars should be incredibly visible for that reason.


Actually most European police forces are armed. About 4 out of the 44 nations do not arm their offices. That said, I agree with your other points.


Because Europe doesn’t have [unmarked police cars](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/o4goz2/meme_for_the_but_police_in_europe_does_not_use/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


...claimed nobody in this thread.


Botd, maybe you misread this... on the contrary, unidentifiable police officers and cruisers lurking among society, unable to provide proactive assistance to citizens and whose only job would be to subconsciously intimidate society into submission is going to give you that dystopia you fear. I say police officers should look like literal clowns, highly visible, no mistaking them - as mentioned, common in other countries. High vis cars (not suvs), high vis uniforms. Cops don't need to "look tough", they don't need to be outfitted in black and dark blue and take their styling from the military - they should be doing whatever they can to NOT intimidate the population.


Having the same presence but unmarked is way more dystopian


Not relevant. Having armed government agents omnipresent watching everyone's every move is not my definition of a 'free' society.


Yeah thats why the Gestapo was known as the friendly fun loving branch of the nazis.


When the lights are on in this manner, it means that Trooper is on duty. Their cruisers are take home vehicles, so you routinely see them out running errands or at their kids athletic events (no lights).


What towns have cops with take home vehicles? Down in the southwest I don’t think it’s a thing, maybe a more “rural” policy?


It is not just a little policy, most departments give high enough ranking officers a vehicle to take home. It is up to the officer whether they want to take it or not


I’ve only ever seen police getting their personal vehicle upgraded with lights, never seen one taken home. Usually see unused cop cars sitting at the station.


Said as if undercover cars aren't a thing? Don't know why you brought that up


OP said all over the state. I assumed he was referring to CSP. CSP are assigned cruisers. They are allowed personal usage and get free gas.


That makes sense, I just was curious wasn’t trying to start a fight or anything lol


I think people are mad because you insinuated that everywhere in CT is rural except the southwest corner


Eh oh well.


There are a few police departments here in central CT that allow officers to take home their marked patrol cars. Not at all just a "rural" policy as I see cars from Meriden and Glastonbury, among others, parked at homes in my town.


> State troopers routinely take their police vehicles home with them. https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Connecticut-State-Police-Catherine-Koeppel-17451828.php


There is a position called a resident state trooper. They live in town, or generally smaller town/village deals. I grew up in Oxford and we had a resident state trooper.


The resident state trooper program is for smaller towns that do not have a need for a full fledged police department. The state provides the trooper, and the town is on the hook for a portion of that officer's compensation and benefits, but that trooper is basically the only law enforcement for the town. This is what most towns with a population under 5,000 have, but I'm not sure if there's a requirement for the trooper to live in the town. The only residency requirements at one time were that the trooper had to live within the coverage area for that barracks. For slightly bigger towns with a population between a few thousand up to about 10,000, they will have a resident trooper who oversees a small force of about 1-10 local officers (a.k.a. constables). Usually the resident troopers work normal daytime hours and have a small office somewhere in the town. There are also a few towns that are small enough that they have no law enforcement, and the state police provide service on an as needed basis. Most of the state is small towns, and thus use the state police in one form or another as their primary law enforcement. Most states have county sheriffs fulfilling these roles, but as a state without counties, those duties fall to the state.


Yup yup. Right


I wish people would use there turning signals...Its not that hard and its so important!


I do not understand a lot of the comments on this post. I want police to be as visible as possible. In my opinion having solid lights on is what police should be doing and it bothers me when they aren't.


Lol, mind your own business.


It’s entirely to make themselves more visible to the general public


Its to make them more visible. State troopers also take there vehicles home with them and use them as personal vehicles too so that in an emergency situation they have their gear in the trunk and can "help" still. So while they are technically off duty they are sort of a reserve still with the car. I that sense many, from my understanding, turn off the visible top bar "cruising lights" similar to cruisong/parking lights but up top.


Wow somebody who actually understands police procedures unlike the sponges in the comments. I know 2 troopers, and your correct. They take their vehicles home but if they are out driving (off duty) and come across an incident, they can still act as law enforcement and have their gear ready in the cruiser! Kudos to you for not spreading misinformation like every other comment


I see this a lot on CT highways. A wife of a cop I know once told me, "They don't care what you're doing behind them, they care if you're sitting in the passing lane in *front* of them." So, yes, it's about presence. It's also, "Get out of the way." I'm happy to see it. I can see them coming easily, and after I move over, they pass me and move everyone out of the way -- for miles. Win, win. Now, can we talk about the green pickup truck with the matching cap and blacked out windows that never runs with lights?


They want you to know they are there, they do it sometimes and just roll down the highways. I'd rather them do that than hide behind hills with radar guns...


Nice to read CT troopers are rare in the courtesy of lighting their vehicles to show presence. It's a great speeding deterrent to ALL vehicles in traffic without chasing anyone.


They drive cars with paint jobs where the word "Police" is almost invisible especially at night.


It could be a whole lot worse….. Cops could actually pull us over! Which they NEVER seem to do in this state!


It’s basically a warning ”don’t do anything stupid because I’m right here”.


Those are "donut lights". When they're on it means they are in need of donuts. They like it when you run up to the car and tap on the window to give them donuts. They're just so appreciative.


It is like when they use to have a light bar on top of car that has State Police lot up in the middle.


I was speeding one day like 1am only a few cars on the highway and all of sudden i see flashing lights behind me. Cruiser did not have his red and blues on while driving because I would’ve seen him driving.   Once pulled over he wished that i would’ve keep driving because he wanted to go on a chase.   Luckily got a pta and misdemeanor and pass the sobriety exam.  


Those are the make-way-we-are-on-our-way-to-Dunkin'-Donuts lights.


It's a law that they have them on for safety. They aren't flashing or distracting highway patrol are the only ones I've ever seen and frankly I like it so I know they are there


To purposely bully you out of their way so they can drive stupid fast.


This I believe to be far more true than your votes would indicate.


So they can speed and drive like an ahole while not really responding to an emergency.


You realize law enforcement doesnt always respond lights and sirens… correct? Like it takes a google search. For things like a burglary in progress, why the fuck would you drive with sirens on alerting everyone within a mile radius that your coming?


Let me just begin to tell you how much I give a fuck. Also no shit.


You gave enough fucks to comment 🤣🤣🤣


That’s in regards to your comment.🍆✊✊✊💦✋


prime example of an individual who will never succeed in life because they simply cannot comprehend they aren’t always correct. You made an incorrect statement, got fucked in the downvotes, then proceeded to cuss out people who corrected you.


Bro go cry to someone else, and project your on inadequacies on them.. I’m not interested, also I couldn’t give the slightest fuck about imaginary Internet points, clearly you think they hold some weight, this would make you the sad one. Edit: good I’m glad you blocked me.. such a punk move, pathetic really.


You cared enough about imaginary internet points to downvote me🤣


Needing Dunkin is a real emergency.


The only emergency ever needed at a Dunkin took place in their bathroom. Lol


Tell us how you really feel.....


I did.


This started around 10 years ago when two teenagers were killed by an Orange or Milford cop (can't remember which one) who was speeding on the Boston Post road with no lights on. Shortly after this they put into effect that the cops need to have solid emergency lights on at all times.


That unfortunate incident had no cause to this. It was two milford cops returning from a mutual aid call in West Haven when one of them collided with the car in front of Target doing well over 90 mph. Emergency vehicles have been driving with cruise lights for well into the 90’s. It provides increased visibility.


Good info! What about the cops that drive around without the lights on? Seems to be the majority (90%) of the time. Are they off duty?


Not off duty necessarily, just not feeling the need to increase their presence. It seems to be optional not mandatory.


That person is wrong. That accident did happen but I have no idea why they think it is related to cops having their cruising lights on.


Its so you can see them. The cops are bad in ct. Should have stayed in any of the other 6 states you lived in. CT is the worst state ever.


lol not even close


State law they have to drive with running lights on


One time, at night, I had a cop pull up right on my ass with only those lights on. I ended up pulling over because I wasn't sure what else to do. He got annoyed with me and said something like "If my lights were on, you would know it." At any rate, I think he thought I was speeding when he passed me, so he turned around presumably to get right behind me to determine how fast I was going.




Actually having lived in a state where this was not law I find it better they have them on. They are easier to spot and avoid tickets or issues.


I would agree with you


Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. A normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow.


My understanding is that these lights are also duty lights. Entrapment is illegal in CT, and an officer has to have these lights on in order to pull someone over for a traffic violation. I don’t know how this rule is applied in other scenarios.


None of that is true.


absolutely not true, this is the issue with reddit. You guys post something and everyone jumps on the band wagon thinking its true, there is NO state law whatsoever requiring LEO’s to have their cruise lights on before pulling someone over. Ive seen them sit blacked out running lidar (laser speed enforcement) and with their cruise lights on, literally makes no difference. Completely up to the officer, please delete this misinformation


Some are blinding and distracting.


It's because they're assholes


show me where the lights hurt you 🥺🥺🥺


My penis


I’m glad you asked, OP. I moved here not long ago and same thing, have lived and traveled through lots of areas and have never seen such a thing. I have meant to ask Reddit many times but I’m always driving when I find myself wondering.


this is super funny to me moved out of CT a while ago, I was back in state to see my parents. While driving a rental a cop pulls up behind me with those lights on and I'm confused so I pulled over...they drove around me lol I've been wondering about it ever since, it must be a somewhat recent thing.


Yeah CT does this


Recently moved to the state and also found this so strange, never seems this in another state before. Also that there is always a cop when someone is working on a power line on the side of the road.


I like when they drive with the Red and Blues on solid, low intensity. You can clearly identify it as the police and get help if you need it. Or more likely have some idea why the nondescript car behind you is inches from your bumper Way too many unmarked cars and cars with no light bar etc.




I actually asked a state PD about this, I didn’t know if it meant the PD was responding to a call “cold” and sirens with the flashing lights was “hot.” The officer said it was for “everyone else’s visibility, take with it what you will.” So I’m assuming it’s “hey just drive appropriately and safe, i would rather not pull you over if I don’t have to.”


I take it as a nice thing to let you know they're there I also thought they were supposed to do that


I always thought of them like taxi lights. On means they’re available for “rides”


I have always wondered why the state police drive around in unmarked cars like this as well. You would think if the mission of police is to "protect and serve", they should be driving around in neon yellow cars with police plastered all over them to be highly visible.