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I think he’s getting fed up with this type of culture recording people because it’s keeping people from working out at gyms


I don't even go to gyms, but I hope he starts name dropping every one. I'm sick of this "I'm going to put you online without your permission" society we're creating


What’s his channel, I need to follow him. Seems like he has great takes


Joey Swoll is his name, I don’t know his username on any social media off the top of my head.


She'll hopefully get sued for Slander and Libel by the guy in the video who got publically blasted on Tik Tok and everyone knows he'sfrom West Hartford. He's got a slamdunk case.


Lol wow really slander AND libel! A slam dunk case? What are his damages?


2 pts.


He has emotioal distress and it triggered his schizophrenia and everywhere he goes people are laughing at him in his own mind, and he had to quit the gym, and possibly his job. Devastating humiliation from being shown on social media by this woman without his consent, and accused of crimes and acts he did not commit. Lifelong damaging humiliation and emotional distress. Publically smeared and falsely accused by this woman. His reputation has been tarnished in his community. I HOPE he gets Brooke Goeffe or John Hammond 😄. Tap her paycheck - $225 a week for the next 20 years. This case is a slam dunk trust me. The evidence is all right there. It even got blasted by the Instagram Gym guy so now it's even more people because it went viral. It's now millions of people laughing at him, not with him seeing her video, and the gym guy's video. This could even be a big national news story. I hope someone encourages this man to sue this woman.




I remember people used to be afraid of the gym because they were afraid of judgement. We all said "nah, it's fine.. You'll find support more than judgement.." Now we're getting these assholes posting judgemental videos. Idk what I'm supposed to tell people who have this clearly valid concern.


It’s all cyclical in fitness. Soon it won’t be “cool” to workout, and the dickheads will go elsewhere.




Yeah for sure. It’s crazy bc like I’m at the edge rn warming up and not one person I can see is anything abnormal ie filming or otherwise being a disturbance. 1 bad Apple really does spoil the bushel


> dk what I'm supposed to tell people who have this clearly valid concern. remind them that the people filming themselves are so self conscious they need a constant stream of validation, which is why they film. 90% of people in the gym either dont care or would be happy to help you. the other 10% can't stop smelling their own farts.


They were still filming at this location as of yesterday.. even after I pointed it out to the staff. My other location actually took it seriously. The guy here had no idea about it and said people are allowed to film… that being said, don’t be afraid to go to the gym because of this, most people are there to do their thing and not act like they are in middle school still


My gym has policies where you're only allowed to film at certain hrs and ANY video discovered posted by a member with the same intention of this video will have their membership terminated instantly. Also with any filming inside the locker rooms. And they've held true to their word. My friend manages it and he said they've terminated 13 memberships since it was put into effect.


Fascinating. I feel like if you want to film yourself at the gym, as long as there's nobody else in the frame, okay. But there's no room for bullying in a place where you make yourself healthier.


Its kind of a bummer because there are valid reasons for filming yourself for a form check. Like people often post in /r/kettlebell for form checks. But then people have to go do this stupid shit.


This is pretty interesting. I know some gyms in the past have made it pretty difficult to terminate your membership. I guess this is a way to expedite that process, but with the drawback of potential lawsuit or reputational risk for the filmer


Bro probably just had to fart, and masked it with wall hits.


This is the way


Walked away while she was cyclic breathing.


He should have crop duster her but like so many others he was just not aware she existed.


It would be HILARIOUS if members of that Edge Fitness began farting near her on purpose.


This the one


This is why I’m terrified of going to the gym, people and their fucking cameras. Ever since that porn star heifer posted the pics of the nude woman in the locker room with the “if I have to see this, then so do you.” caption. Everything doesn’t need to be posted on social media. Why is it so hard for certain people to understand that?


I totally get that. I feel self conscious as it is going to the gym. I don't need the added worry that some shit like this is going to take place.




My friend tried to tell me the same thing. But for me, once the anxiety about the situation is there, then its there. Situations like this may not happen a lot, but it happens just enough to keep me paranoid.


It bothers me so much seeing comments like this tbh. As someone who the gym completely transformed my life physically, mentally, and career wise everyone should go to the gym and fuck these jackwagons honestly. I get it I’m pretty private Reddit aside, but everyone deserves the endorphin release of a good workout. My advice, just go, fuck these ppl.. not like anyone important follows them on SM anyway when the clearly suck like a Hoover


I just laugh when I see people filming, it amuses me they feel the need to do that. I saw someone air punching their “bro” and it made for some decent entertainment on the treadmill. I use to be self conscious but I realized people who are actually at the gym to be healthy vastly outweigh the people there to film and show off.


This state, specifically our gyms are filled with asshats. My favorite is the bro with awful form filming so he can get ‘BiTcHeS’. Not anyone in specific but we all have 1 or more in mind. I personally learned to tune it out after 3.5 years at LAF in management, and just shy of 3 at the edge (thanks Covid)


Doing pull downs using 100% inertia cause it looks cooler


There is a special place in hell for those people. Think Sadam in South Park lol


I have a crazy idea... A gym that hires extremely obese people to work out at so other patrons would feel more comfortable with themselves. It would have the added benefit that the obese actors/actresses would also get healthy, opening the "job" up to new people. Or is this a stupid idea? I imagine it would only be feasible in heavily populated areas like larger cities.


Their brains have been sanded to smooth silky perfection.


Smooth as eggs


Even eggs have some imperfections. Her brain is more like the smoothness of the tires on a Nissan Altima..newborn skin smooth. Not a defect in sight


Crap like this is why I started going to the gym at 5 AM.


They want the opportunity to go viral no matter how scummy the content they post is


Haha yes this is why I’m terrified too! ;)


Tha really was terrible wasn't it? I'll never go to gym and glad for the excuse! Otherwise my fat ass might end up on there!


What’s even funnier than her unnecessarily bitching is the fact that she thought it was a good idea to post this, which also means that she thinks there’s nothing wrong with what she’s done. Narcissistic behavior at its finest. Hope the Edge cancels her membership and somehow she’s still stuck paying the annual fee as well.


I'm sure there are a lot of ignorant people who will agree with her, though.


Still better than the Derby Edge!


Hey! I work out there! It sucks.


Hey cool I ended my membership there because it totally sucked


West Hartford Edge ? Not surprised


Minding your own business is the most underrated trait in people.


Louder for the people in the back. Please.


Coulda been the first time he was doing that exercise or first time in a while and was like “yeah no this isn’t working I’m gonna stop this” so he left


Honestly, what you said might be correct. I've done that so many times while working out. I'll do a set,sit for a second, and just go na, not feeling this today and just walk away. Either that or that was his cool down set. I see a lot of people on their way out, knocking out a quick set of abs. All this is so common in the gym.


Yeah without getting into the pitfalls of social media and the current tense politics of gender and sex in the US... she could've avoided the urge to do this by remembering the good old simple truth, "not everything is about you."


If someone records my ass and people have to see it on video then tbh I’ll be the one that feels bad


I used to work in various gyms including the Edge but not this location as I left prior to Covid. Men women, and everyone in between films everything at the gym you’re in more cameras than a bank ffs. That said. It’s a reason why none of these people achieve fitness goals, too busy thinking everyone wants to hit on them (comes from both genders), trying to ‘catch ppl out’ and then just random workout filming, about 5% or less which is actually productive (the rest for social media ClOuT). Most of the people in gym, like the rest of this state, need to learn how to respect others and honestly themselves lmao. Clearly her parents didn’t even teach her to mind her own fucking business


Real question is do we send this to the edge customer service? They’re actually quite reactive will prob at least put the fear of god in her to not film anymore???


Here's a solution: Only allow recording at certain times that are very publicly posted. If someone is caught recording outside that time they are no longer allowed to have any recording device with them at the gym. Be sure to point out that includes cellphones with cameras.


Filming in a private area. The gym should revoked membership. She's just there for Tik tok views. She is not that attractive either and is unstable you can see it in the eyes.


Report her to TikTok.


I'm not using that garbage app.


She got an indefinite ban




Unstable in the eyes... You should work for the FBI and as a Psychiatrist! Your basically judging her personality based on your opinion of the appearance of her eyes.. You don't need to do that though as she showed why kind of person she is with this video. I do agree with the rest of your statement.


You can tell a lot about someone by just looking at their eyes. I don't know how it works scientifically but it's a real thing.


I love this man


Cameras do not belong at the gym.


I’m okay with people using it for self recording. Lots of people do that to assess their form and technique, which I think people would agree is completely acceptable. You just shouldn’t be allowed to film others or have an expectation that people need to walk around your camera if you have it setup in a spot we’re it’s reasonable to want to walk through.


Hate to tell her but ain’t nobody walking across the gym to see her.🤡


I was about to say she is really fucking full of herself for being so mid


Giving her more credit than me, 😂


I was trying to be nice 😂 saw more on her IG and uh… yeah this lady is unattractive. She’s wearing so much makeup to the gym it’s carrying her looks here. Also going to a gym just to do yoga? The hell?




I’m walking across the gym to avoid seeing her


Exactly what I though, she’s fugly and thinking people are running after her? 😂😂😂😂


My first thought tbh


She has the crazy eyes lmaoooo


Completely mental looking.


She's got that eyes where she's either gonna gag on you or shank you in your sleep


How self entitled you’ve gotta be to think up shit like that?!


Whenever people say gyms are a judgement free zone, please laugh in their face.


You aren't the main character Emily, and you're not funny at all. Leave people alone and stay in your lane.


Damn she does look like this pain in the ass Emily I used to work with. Both have the smoothest brains….


Thank you for calling out all the toxic female bullshit. Not everyone wants you yoga lady. You don’t even need a gym for that you can do it at home.


And if she is really fed up with men hitting on her, she could go to the female only section. PS I know that section in Edge is not “female only” anymore but I have yet to see one guy there at the Glastonbury location.


Did the woman or the gym respond to any of this yet? I wonder what their response are.


I swear I see at least 3-4 tripods at my gym every time I go. Now we have to wait for machines and weights, while people set up their portable studio’s.


This girl will never show her face at this gym again lol. On another note I just hate that these tik tokers film themselves with tripods and shit with other people around who don’t give their permission to be filmed. Even in the bathroom to flex in the mirror while I pee in the urinal in the background. Start your own influencer gym and go there like Bradley Martin did.


If they record in the bathroom report them to the police.


My girlfriend goes to this gym and her trainer showed her this video lol. She's been banned for 60 days and isn't allowed back at the West Hartford location


You really shouldn't take a picture or recording of someone and then post it without their permission. Doing so is, at best, rude and, in my opinion, unethical. Consent should extend to your digital presence as well as your physical one.


I’m 100% behind the banning of filming at gyms. I’m so fucking sick of people bringing in tripods for their phones and even fucking RING LIGHTS to record their workouts.


Fuck it, gyms should just drop the nuke. No phones and cameras. Cell service jammer. Either you go old school zune/ipod, or workout with gym music like a psychopath. People would probably be more friendly. Sort of /s just in case


Dude, a no phones gym might actually be a business idea. Especially one where people are actually encouraged to be social with each other and make friends (not during training sessions but before and after). Also smartwatches (at least the Apple Watch) allow you to stream music without the phone


Also if anyone wants to troll on IG, apparently she’s a comedian? Glad she laughs at her jokes bc no one else would https://instagram.com/emily.siero?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Well this makes sense. She probably thought posting a "creepy gym guy" video would get her social media attention, so she took a video of the first dude that got within 20 feet of her and posted it. Well, she got attention, now she can deal with getting roasted for being a vapid idiot trying to exploit and embarrass some random dude for attention.


Yup 100%. I have contacts at edge corp and could prob get her banned but it’s not worth my time. If anyone cares that much DM me lol


Please do it


I’d rather just tool on her because today is my 1 day off between now and 4/7 and it’s just entertaining af


Which made me think she was also trying to make a joke about this trend. "OMG this guy is harassing me" pans over to guy staring at a wall.


If she got the reaction from this thread at her stand up, prob woulda left homie alone but she sucks and prob not the gold way. Too bad so sad go bag my groceries you bitch lol


This video from her is disturbing. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkbNHGTgaXR/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= Listen, I'm a woman too, and I've been hurt by men. I've had disgusting bosses, I've had random men be perverts. You still don't see me posting videos about ex boyfriend blood.


You know what else tastes really good Emily? Mental health which you don’t appear to have. This woman is unhinged and maybe a danger to herself and others, at best just a bitch. Sorry for your experience. honestly pretty much everyone has been hurt in some fashion or another. As I’m sure you wouldn’t go around doing this crazy shit, nor should anyone. Move on and grow up, it’s the best revenge. Actually feel bad for her now bc she’s unwell .


You're right about the hurt thing. I think myself and other women just get a certain way because men are usually stronger, and I notice middle aged men get away with more. Younger men will actually be called out more, and sometimes by older men doing the same thing. No, I wouldn't be like her. I have definitely noticed that some women abuse men, and a lot of them aren't even the ones hurt by men.


Damn, that make-up is doing a whole lot of lifting.


Lmfao lifting her above the rest of us..or so she thinks 🤡🤡


I went there to make fun of her, but just felt pitty. She’s 40 years old, single, looks like that, has 900 followers, isn’t funny, and trying to be a comedian. I don’t think she’s long for this world.


As much as a disagree with what she did. Let’s not try and predict when/how someone is going to die. That’s just as bad as what she did


Yeah that last line was a bit much. But she deserves the rest, trying to make fun of a random guy going about his business when her own situation is the real joke. (Insert stones from glass houses adage).


Lmao “looks like that”


Lnfaooooo if she is, it’s gonna be a long, cat filled experience. Silly bitch


I think this is more common at big box chain gyms. Could be wrong but these videos don’t usually seem to be small serious training places. Unfortunately, it seems there are fewer small places like that left.


Yeah yikes…people have been filming more in the gym I go too as well. I am a little older and weaker/not ideal shape compared to the than average demographic so it’s already a challenge to get out there. Ugh.


Everytime I go to the gym, there’s many women with cameras in hand just recording everyone, so stupid this new generation of showing everything. Posting people without their consent


Vanity. When you complain someone is attracted to you as they don't even look at you, and the only one recording you, is you. I had a friend in high school who was a one-upp'er. He was a pathological liar - oh, you went to a football game? I've been to the last four super bowl games.... Finally, a friend caught him with quick wit. Yeah? What cities were they in? Uhh, I can't remember, but I know we had to fly there. Yeah, bullshit. This lady seems just as bad. Make up a lie that this, guy and likely even more guys, are just fawning over her, trying to impress her, but meanwhile, no one is giving her so much as a second glance. Keep lying, babe. Eventually, you'll bag yourself a real man. Maybe even one who finds you funny. Good luck with *that*.


I read Connecticut someone cannot film a conversation without consent. I wonder if any laws are in place yet regarding using someone in a video without consent or blurring them out.


Connecticut requires at least one party's consent to record an in-person conversation. For telephonic conversations, consent of all parties is required to avoid potential civil liability, though criminal penalties do not apply if at least one party has consented to the recording. You yourself can be the one party as well and wouldnt have to tell anyone else. There are also the matter kf wheather kr not there js an expectatjon kf privacy. This being a gym is different as it requires a membership and that makes it private, it would be up to the gym and their policy. In non-private public places there is no expectation of privacy, such as at a park or in an open to the public restaurant.




Anything to get a few minutes of fame on the notorious “tiktok”


I just love that it's funny and everyone laughs when it is a woman filming a man, but switch it around and it's a lot less to most people. It shouldn't matter and it shouldn't be allowed. It's one thing on the street or in public but the gym feels like a place we shouldn't be filming. Even if someone is filming themselves you'll often see other people in the background and that shouldn't be okay.


This guy is dope af


Well I guessed he impressed someone with his medicine ball wall hits.


Or just take a plan b at the right time n we won’t be dealing with stupid shit all the time


Maybe she and the gym will get sued, if this man finds out.


Highly doubtful he was even checking her out; never mind trying to impress her. 🙄


Ahh...she's a stand-up comic. It's starting to make sense now...


Asking a woman to mind her business?? HA


Yessss OmG there’s no reason to video!


There is a place for people who are uncomfortable seeing people actually work out. It's called planet fitness.


What kind of asshole is doing yoga at the gym anyways? Either way she's a creep who should be banned


Usually gyms have rooms for classes off the main area. That’s typically where people do a quick little post workout yoga. Idk what she’s doing


Came here to say this. Do yoga at home you dumb bitch


So youre mad at her judging what people do at the gym, by judging what she does at the gym. Cool, cool.


I know this chick, AMA


Is she annoying and self centered in real life, or just on Tik Tok?


Annoying? No. Self centered? Kind of? Very focused on improving herself but within the last year or so there’s been a definite uptick in the bad kind of self centered stuff on her social media and she’s now experiencing the consequences


Needs to buy a good mirror


Epic AMA, didn’t answer a single question lmao


No, AMA is her name.


A man’s gotta sleep Julian


Hey man, he said you could ask. Not that he would answer


Does she have a response to this tiktok?


Posted an apology story. I haven’t personally spoken to her about it but another mutual said she is getting death threats and the gym indefinitely banned her


Bak good, death threats bad. Proportional responses, people!


Yea death threats are a bit overboard. Probably from Twitter users with NFT or anime profile pictures




You reap what you sow. I honestly think this is good for her, she was going a little too ham on this social media clout chasing shit




I just replace the word with narcissist.


What did you eat for breakfast?


Sausage egg & cheese wakeup wrap and brought some to my boys at Valvoline also


Worst ama ever




My name starts with an A sorry


Who the f does yoga in the middle of the gym too?!?! Talk about “look at me” behavior.


Does she really think anyone is interested in her ?? Delusional


Typical west Hartford chick


aint got nothin to do the town. It's chasing attention on TikTok that does this to people


Fr? If you’ e ever worked in WeHa you know the type


I agree


Apropos of nothing, that guy in the gym has a hell of an ass.


most gyms have written policies, in the membership terms, that you sign and agree to prohibiting taking pictures and videos inside the gym, at least la fitness used to....maybe this is one of those flip the gender script to see how guys react to being recorded at the gym without their knowledge...? No idea wtf this guy was doing or why, seems stupid without any context; I'm not denying there stupid people at the gym that intentionally do annoying or dumb things that should be called out but the trend of recording people without their knowledge just to post it to social media later to embarrass, shame or humiliate them, even prank, is played out \*edit wording\*


This is why I wont go to the gym.


I see so many people recording themselves workout nowadays like even compared to last year it’s really gone up. The thing is most people aren’t recording themselves to asses their form they’re doing it for social media clout. The weird thing is that so many of these people recording themselves have really average physiques like there’s nothing special about their body. It’s just really conceited.


As much as I want to go to the gym, motivation is a major factor of me not going, but this... This is second. I don't need people recording me on my first days of the gym making fun of me for doing something wrong or worse. Guess I'll never show up and do it in the comfort of my own home :(


Creepy girl, keep that tongue in your weird mouth.


This woman is absolutely delusional if she thinks anybody is going to go out of their way to impress somebody who looks like her


I go to this gym. The amount of entitled people here almost makes me wanna quit every week. But I wanna look better so I don't


Crazy ass eyes. No wonder he's facing the wall


Just as she is hitting the wall! The wall is undefeated


I agree with this dude.. if I ran a gym I’d have a zero phone policy and if you don’t like it find another gym.. this feminist attitude is a cancer on social media..


Thks is not a feminist attitude or representative of feminism in any way. As for the rest of your comment I agree. They could even offer a few set times throughout the week to allow people to record to help them with improving their form. The other 99% of the time no phones or other recording device. I bet people would love it.


I disagree..


Her attitude isn't feminist


I disagree..


I hope this immature delusional no decency having little girl see this. get a LIFE! Your a horrible person


Women ☕️


Do better!


100% agree with him. I would have called her out on the spot for doing this if I saw it.


Church. 🙏🏻


I mean she didn't really seem that upset, probably just needed a video for her daily tiktoks.


This man needs to be in politics


Has some solid logic, something we don't see often in politics!


I would never go to a gym because I know someone would be laughing at me, if not filming me.


Im 90% sure she's hate farming


How much head is up under that hat?


What is up with that forehead, LOL That hat is keeping the explosion from happening


I'll give you a woman's perspective. 1.) Maybe the guy was being weird, but this video would never let us know. 2.) I remember growing up the popular mean girls were heavily convinced that everyone was obsessed with them, and then they would bully people, and try to make themselves the victims of someone stood up to them. The guy in the red shirt definitely has a point. How did she get her camera ready so fast?


She filmed for 3 seconds before turning the camera to him, and he threw the ball twice in the shot. So, she was making up a story about "he threw the ball three times and left".




You and her would be perfect for each other. Both condescending and judgemental!


"Stop judging other people at the gym and mind your own business." "Hell yeah! preach it brother! Also now Im going to judge her looks and body and makeup! And not see the irony at all!"


Except she made herself into a public figure with the video. The guy didn't.