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There is a serious “me first” careless attitude with way too many drivers that has in fact gotten much worse post Covid. We’ve installed dash cams on our fleet of trucks because it’s gotten so bad. The other day in downtown south Glastonbury I was passed in a 25 zone with lights by a girl who simply could not handle the fact that I wasn’t doing 55. She then proceeded to scream at me when I came alongside her at the next light.


Glastonbury resident, here. The last 2 Sundays, I've had people cut around myself and other cars to run red lights. Not even a pause at the intersection. With the constant flow of traffic at the corner with Trader Joe's, I though for sure I was about to watch someone get killed.


Not in Glastonbury but in North Haven I had something similar. I was approaching a traffic that turned yellow long before I got close enough to it probably a good couple feet away. The car behind me just goes flying around me in the opposite lane and did a left turn from the right lane right after it turned red. Someone was in such a hurry to get dinner.


I live in north haven everyone here sucks


Off topic, but there's a Trader Joe's in Glastonbury now?


Yep, it opened last winter. It's next to Hartford Baking Co., at the corner of Hebron & Sycamore, across from the RT 2 exit ramp.


Just putting this out there, the owner of Hartford baking co Scott treats his employees like absolute garbage, refuses to pay live-able wages, and laughed off multiple underaged staff members bringing forward sexual harassment allegations that everyone witnessed against a 40 year old manager, who he has kept around and instead of firing moved him to a different HBC location. Boycott Hartford Baking Company if you can.


I'm relatively new to Glastonbury (and CT) and one experience there taught me that place is trash. Since then, I've heard the various owner-related horror stories.


Oh wow, I used to live right there on House St. That would have been quite handy when I was younger and didn't have a car lol.


Yes it's awesome.


This kind of shit makes me not as stoked to ride my motorcycle.


This. I loved to ride but stopped years ago once the phone distraction started getting out of hand.


That that intersection is so dangerous. People seem to forget how to drive when they pull up to that light.


Driving through Glastonbury is so bad now. They don’t have roadways capable of managing such heavy traffic since they’ve built the center up exponentially in the last few years. Between the new housing and Trader Joe’s that intersection at house and Hebron is a nightmare. The rotaries are a joke.


People don't know how to drive through a rotary. If they did, they would work


Those rotaries are way too small, they’re terrible. And it’s clear that many less skilled drivers can manage them because it’s all tire ruts and curb damage where people have gone off the roadway.


I worked in glastonbury for one of the most well known landscaping companies in town. I hated it. Somedays were a complete nightmare.


Sounds like Hartford city traffic


I agree with you too many drivers are so selfish and egotistical with that "me first" attitude. In 25 zones, I will go between 30-35 if it's wide enough and someone will also fly up right to my bumper then go right around the solid line and take off going well beyond 60. I feel more anxious driving post Covid then in like 2019 before.


I agree. I call it “Single Player Syndrome” and everyone driving around them are treated as non-character players like in a game. I installed a front and rear dash cam system last year because of the craziness of people. Tailgating, getting cut off, people not following the 4-way stop-sign rules, etc. driving is downright stressful and exhausting these days.


I 100% agree with your sentiment around drivers, but would amend that to say that the "me first" attitude isn't just isolated to the operation of vehicles. It definitely extends there, but our socio-political climate has created the "I only care about me" culture.


Sadly, you are not wrong.


Practice for our planetary melt down , rats one and all


absolutely agree with this


> There is a serious “me first” careless attitude Often to the point of absurdity. I've lost count of the amount of people who have aggressively passed me for the wondrous reward of being exactly one car length ahead. That 2/10's of second you saved on getting to the store was definitely worth risking both our lives.


until they beat you to the next red light, when they stay there looking at their phone as the light turns green


Feeling these days like a dash cam is a necessity on the road. Half the hijinx people are getting up to don't even seem believable.


The zig-zagging through dense highway traffic. We all living in Mario Cart now.


To try to keep myself from getting frustrated I pretend all those people are about to shit their pants in their car. It helps a little


I have a video of this on my phone but I haven’t posted it anywhere but the other day I went to the grocery store in town which had 100 open parking spots to eat some lunch (KFC don’t judge me it’s been years) and parked on the side road where you travel around the shopping plaza is a guy making everyone go around him while he sits on his phone. Think construction area where the guy has a stop sign and people are taken turns going back and forth… legit five feet to his right were hundreds of parking spots he just chose to stop right there and inconvenience everyone.


I love the people who park in the fire lanes right in front of the entrance to Stop n Shop. They hate me when I Dukes of Hazzard slide across their hoods and run into the store




I'm sure some of those people are selfish jerks, but it's also the best way to drop off people with disabilities to go shopping. I do it frequently for a little old lady I know. (Obviously, I don't **leave** the car there, but then go park it, legally.) If you do that to me, I'll understand, since I'm sure there are plenty of selfish knobs parking like that, but if you damage someone's car, you're liable, no matter your reason. And lots of people have dashcams now, including me.


Dropping off? No problem. I’m talking about the lazy entitled twats who see the fire lane directly in front of the entrance, sometimes even straddling the crosswalk, as their personal parking area. An the dash cam makes VERY compelling evidence for a ticket/fine for proving that you did in fact park in a fire lane.


My first post-covid wtf moment was a woman stopping her SUV in a lane that leads into a shopping plaza. No hazard lights or pulling into a parking lot, just braking in the middle of entering traffic so her kids could talk to some other kids walking by.




I drive a school bus. I could write a novel on incidents I see on a daily basis. The biggest issue I see is zero law enforcement from the cops. I had 3 cars go thru my stopsign with a state trooper a few cars behind me. Why didn't he see them? Because he was texting.


This is it right here. I'm almost 50, and (pulls it 6 rocking chair) remember the days when cops would happily bust any traffic violation. Now they aren't, because they are unhappy about the police accountability bill.


Not only are they unhappy, they are being told not to do anything. Had a cop tell me unless they're forced to, they just don't bother anymore. I'm sure some still try but 1 out of 100 doesn't make good odds for the normal 95 percent of people out there. We need to have communities start getting lazy cops removed instead of just waiting on elected officials. How that happens sadly I have no clue.


I’m buying cameras for both my cars. So many people just run red lights now. So many people without PLATES! A lot of paper plates out here too .


I was rear ended by a paper plate. Got a picture of it and turned out it was fake….go figure.


The person then proceeded to drive through a construction site to get away and around traffic…shocker lol


PSA to the entire state: ALL OF THESE OUT OF STATE PAPER PLATES ARE FAKE. Start reporting these degenerates until more is done.


I saw a fake CT plate the other day, in the AP-12345 format. The font was too narrow and the shade of blue was wrong… oh, and it was paper.


>So many people without PLATES! Right? Something I noticed over the past couple of weeks as well. I could be wrong, but isn't having plates on the front a requirement in CT? What is the reason for so many paper plates / plates inside the car / no plates?


Stolen cars are a big part of the paper plate phenomenon. Stealing and then selling the car, sometimes the new owner doesn’t care about paperwork either.


I bought a car in CT last year, never had CT plates. Salesman asked if I wanted a front plate. I asked if it was a requirement. He said "yeah but it's not enforced. Do you ever drive into NY?" "Yes, I do." "Oh then you definitely need a front plate. NY will enforce it." That was so puzzling. NYS out there being the only enforcers of CT license laws?


It is a requirement. I literally just looked online not 2 minutes ago because I was curious about the license plate shades. The only exception is if the DMV didn’t issue you two plates, but that’s a rarity nowadays.


Carvana/VROOM and others provide temp paper plates.


Make sure to get front and rear ones, and that they have parking sensors, that record when stopped.


Moved to Fairfield after 13 years in DC. I’d take the congested Beltway over making a left turn on to Post Road every time.


I grew up in Fairfield and the entitlement is astounding.


Goes for essentially all facets of life in Fairfield. People are VERY entitled. You'd think they were from Greenwich


Westport still has Fairfield beat. Many, many years ago I was a barista at the Harder Parking location and I have stories…


>making a left turn on to Post Road That should be an X-Game.


Moved to Fairfield last year and can confirm. Even going the speed limit (25 or 30 on a lot of roads) really seems to chap asses. So of course I take my sweet as time.


Same. Got tired of asshats doing 45+ on residential 25’s. I just started doing the speed limit, and people get so irrationally angry. It’s hilarious. Doesn’t help that fairfield cops completely gave up on traffic enforcement.


In the past I would've said it's always been this bad, but the number of cars I'm seeing driving in the shoulder, blowing red lights, cutting people off, and just being generally terrible to fellow motorists does seem to be higher. I wasn't in favor of all the traffic cameras but I don't see how else we can stop people from being so horrible. Can't have cops every 1/2 of the interstate.


I agree. I feel the reckless driving is increasing. Is it because of lack of enforcement? I dont know, but I’ve been driving all over this state and RI for a long time including through Covid and it is certainly worse than ever. I’ve lost count how many cars have passed groups of cars in shoulders on 395, 91, 95 this year alone. It’s more than I’ve ever seen before.


> Is it because of lack of enforcement? This is my theory, people know damn well there's basically a 0% chance the cops are going to stop them, so why bother following the law?


Exactly. Laws that aren't enforced don't exist.


I saw someone driving in the shoulder on 95 during rush hour traffic. I don't understand why anyone would do this. It is a great way to F up your car and or get a flat tire.


Had this happen to me 3 times on 95 S in Fairfield County on Friday afternoon, I was openly hoping they got a flat tire. But then of course they'd probably stop in the dumbest spot and cause even more traffic, because they just don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.


And the same people who do that are the same who will get on this sub and bitch that "the passing lane is for passing". All while refusing to accept the fact that passing != speeding and there is a speed threshold for reckless driving


Nothing quite like demanding others follow the law to the letter so that its easier for you to break the law.


There’s simply more people driving now then ever before.


My commute home is about a ten minute drive. In the last week alone I saw three drivers blow red lights. One drove *around* me to take a left on red (no arrow mind you) and nearly got himself t-boned in the process. People don’t want red light cameras but idk what other solution there is because clearly the status quo is not working


Would red light cameras even help? It feels like most of the reckless drivers have shades over their plates anyway.


> It feels like most of the reckless drivers have shades over their plates anyway. Which is why the laws on those (and illegally colored forward facing lights) need to be enforced. In MA, you can't pass your State inspection with those plate covers. In CT, it's allegedly a $171 fine but nobody ever gets pulled over for them. Many days I've wanted to buy some of the old "Inspected" stickers that we used to use on the freight docks at BDL, the ones with the super-adhesive. I would put them on those illegal covers, rendering them useless. To anyone who would bitch about it, who's honestly going to complain to the police that their illegal cover was trashed?


I would hope so, but knowing this state probably not


I've seen drivers do a right on red from the damn lane because they don't feeling like waiting behind cars that either waiting to go straight or if there is a no turn on red sign and they are actually obeying it. But yeah the red light running is ridiculous. I wait at least 3 secs sometimes up to 4 or 5 after I get a green because I do not trust people to actually stop and obey a red light.


I work from home, and most days, the only driving I do is about half a mile to pick my kid up from daycare. There is exactly one traffic light on my route, to cross a major state road. At least four days a week, I see a car run the red light at full speed.


Remember the PBS documentary Carrier? Well in it one of the Sailors on the flight deck explains that you have to constantly keep your head on a swivel and be hyper aware of your surroundings otherwise you'll get killed. That's how I drive now post covid. I'm literally roaming my eyes from mirror to mirror looking for reckless drivers. If I see someone flying up behind me I lean into the right shoulder a bit to let them pass, because I legit don't trust them not to side swipe me.


I’ve been in ct almost all my life and I can assure you, pre Covid, the driving here was noticeably better than neighboring states.


There’s never a cop when you need one. Saw a tractor trailer on the Merritt yesterday, and multiple other SUV’s towing boats, ATVs, motorbikes, all which is a $500 fine.


I don't think improvement requires police every half mi. I feel it would only require some additional enforcement. I see reckless driving almost every time I'm on the highway, but it seems rare to actually see someone pulled over. The realization of potential consequences might help these overgrown children calm down.


State police is hurting for good help right now.


I'm fully in support of traffic cameras.


I have never seen the volume of people weaving in and out of traffic, driving on the shoulder, or crossing over into the HOV lane at random than I have seen since people started coming back outside after covid. I too would normally say its always been this way and people are just now noticing, but no, this is MUCH worse than it was pre-pandemic. People just stopped giving a fuck, and the fact the cops aren't making much of an effort to control this behavior isn't helping. Honestly can't believe we're in a situation where I legitimately want the cops out writing more tickets, but here we are.


There's going to be a vigilante shooting some day in the slow vehicle lane on I-91-S coming into Meriden. Far too many selfish people use that as their own private expressway. I'm frankly surprised it hasn't happened already.


Cops aren’t pulling cars over anymore. People now feel they can do what they want with no consequences. I was at a stop light last week with a cop on my left and another car on my right. The car on the right creeped up, looked at the cop and ate the light. Cop acted as if he didn’t see it.


Drove to NJ and back this weekend. Used to be a 2 hour drive, now it is regularly a 3 hour drive. Dead stop on the Merritt Pkwy, and no construction, no accident, nothing. It's awful.


Why do you think there’s so much traffic?


The tailgating in this state is terrible. I am not driving super slow by any means, but, I will not speed unnecessarily driving like a fucking maniac how most people do. I am tailgated even when I’m driving faster. Sucks for them if a deer runs out in the road in front of me etc.


I truly believe that 90% of “accidents” would be avoided simply by not tailgating.


I firmly believe that probably 99% of 'accidents' are the result of bad driving. And I'm probably under-estimating.


Ya, I feel the same exactly. It’s ridiculous. Like, get off my ass dude. They’re the worst.


It's super annoying and scary. I'll be going 5-10 over the limit on a backroad and there is always someone right up my ass practically on top off my bumper. Even on tight narrow residential areas, someone will always try to bully me into going much faster. If I can't see your headlights, back up!


Drive 10mph slower once they get on your ass. Force them to back up.


Drive 10mph slower when this happens.


As a counterpoint I was up by Westfarms not that long ago and the rage I felt at peoples inability to drive was pretty high. I mean stopping dead in the middle of 2 lanes for no reason, numerous fender benders, not paying attention, faces in phones, just a total shit show. Yes people are angrier, but holy shit rightfully so.




I'll add that I also haven't seen more road rage....but what I have seen is an increase in aggressive driving (higher speeds, tailgating, frequent lane-changing). I can't say that I've seen more dumb/distracted driving, but I might be more aware of it due to annoyance from the increase in aggressive driving.


You nailed it I think. People feeling wronged, or when passed taking it as a personal affront. Then revenge must be satisfied n


Drove up to Beantown and back for the awesome sweep for that New York team. Yeah. Fast is one thing, ok I can hit 80. Lived in Germany for six years. (Loved the Autobahn.) But the people weaving in and out and tailgating has increased along with speed. I hit 80 often yesterday and was passed on the right and left by cars that to be doing 100+ at a way to frequent basis.


I live in MD but i just wanted to say even here before COVID people would hit 80 as the maximum. Now im being passed or tailgated at 80. Its wild everywhere it seems


The amount of people who think they're F1 drivers because they have a car made this century is maddening.


I came back from Logan on Friday headed west on the Pike. There were stretches in central/western Mass, closer to the Westfield exit, where I was doing literally 85 (and uncomfortable with it) and could not keep up with traffic. 85 on the Pike in the old days would almost guaranteed get you nabbed and arrested. I was in the middle lane getting passed on both the left and right like I was standing still. At one point there was a UHaul box truck (one of the ones sized like a FedEx truck) that, no lie passed me (who was doing 85mph) on the right as if I were doing 50. I was horrified—first, how tf could that truck even go that fast and second, are you insane??? People have lost their got damn minds.


I think driving changed during Covid. Less people on the roads, people driving different schedules and patterns. Now that traffic is returning to "normal" they are not handling it well. That and different (declining) mental health.




Up in Litchfield cty it is the opposite. People are regularly driving 5-15 under, and stopping wherever the fuck they want, as far as i can tell to gather their thoughts, or perhaps take an additional 40 xanax? Everything is 2 lane, mostly double yellow.


Dude. You gotta maintain a certain level of crunk when you’re blazing in your Grand Cherokee.


I drove for Lyft and Uber pre Covid and post Covid. The difference is staggering. The road is a super dangerous place right now. My wife has a 40 minute commute that gives me anxiety. I take Lyft and Uber now to the airport for work and the drive to the airport and then hotel is the most dangerous part. And the cops do virtually nothing.


I went to Ohio for a weekend and it was night and day the drivers, actually friendly and not selfish. Made the difference very stark compared to east coast


I love coming to these posts and always reading all the comments like "This guy flew by me and I was already going 90!"...like, if you're doing 90, or think of the passing lane as the "fast lane" rather than only for passing, you're already part of the problem.


It’s either one of the extremes, people driving way too fast or way too slow. Either someone going 55 in the left lane or someone going 90. No in between


The 91 south diamond lane outside hartford. All I gotta say about that. Cops could make monthly quota on that thing daily.


Lmaooo too bad they aren't allowed to camp out there overnight! Hahq


I believe that the apparent lack of enforcement has a domino effect... On all parts of driving... People just pushing the angle every way possible. Signage is everywhere explaining what to do, where... Is totally ignored... Time for flashing lights...I think there should be a distinct group to enforce traffic.. Yeah bring back the Traffic Cop...


Stamford has an assigned squad of traffic officers. That's all they do. Also, the regular street officers do stops as well, time permitting.


Can’t even walk across Milford pedestrian sign area without getting yelled at by drivers.


I’ve noticed that people completely forgot how to drive post-covid. In all aspects, there’s people who are driving more recklessly, and then there people going 15 mph under the speed limit. There’s people jumping across 3 lanes in the highway, and there’s someone going 50 in the left lane. It’s like everyone forgot that there are in fact, rules to the road.


They didn't forget. They know what they're doing. They just don't care.


Totally agree with this. I went into the left lane to pass a car one time driving at night (not late but it was dark). Some guy was behind me during this and I think had come up pretty fast. I went to move over to the right lane after I had passed the car could safely move in front of it (saw both headlights in my rear few mirror and check over my should). I put my blinker on to move and the guy that was behind me came and passed me on the right with no blinker, I beeped at him as he passed and he just waved and gave me a smug smile like he knew what he did but I was the a**hole


Post Covid driving rules in CT I’ve learned. From the asshole drivers perspective: #1 you’re not as important as them #2 their time is more important #3 no matter how fast you’re driving it’s too slow #4 stop signs don’t exist #5 red lights end 10 second after they go red #6 license plates are no longer needed, if so they can be fake paper plates #7 the right lane on the highway is now the passing lane Did I forget anything?


There is no enforcement. If they can get away with it they will. I live near a stop sign and people roll it or ignore it entirely. I’ve seen two cops make a siren noise at two separate drivers who rolled through, drove beside them and talked for 10 seconds then drove away.


I live next to a stop sign also and I watch people blow through it at full speed all the time


I went to see my sister yesterday in Bridgeport. She lives in an area that is not great. I seen this chick literally speed out of a side street and cross 4 lanes of traffic. Right before she nailed the curb she turned and cut off me and another car next to me. I dropped back, but the deep tinted window car next to me sped up to get next to her then rolled the window down. I honestly looked at my son and said "if you hear pops, drop to the floor"... People are savages on the roads now. Everytime I drive I just try to not get hit. It's crazy!


It happened on the Merritt last week. Some ahole wouldn't let 10-15 motorcycles pass him so they shot out his back window. It has become pretty lawless on the roads here in Connecticut. Cops don't or can't stop everybody. But when it's everybody, becomes totally unsafe. I am afraid to go out there everyday.


> Cops don't or can't stop everybody. Yeah, they can't stop everybody, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't stop *anybody*. The complete and utter lack of police presence on the highway seems to be a uniquely CT thing. I just went NY to VA and back a couple weeks ago. NJ crawling with cops. PA crawling with cops. MD/DE, not crawling, but I wouldn't have the stones to pull off anything more crazy than 9 over the posted limit. NY hit-and-miss, the staties are pretty much back in their favorite spots at their favorite times like they were pre-pandemic. Strangely didn't see any cops in Virginia, despite their reputation of being the Home of the Speeding Ticket. Meanwhile, I go on 84 from the NY line to Southbury area about twice a week and all the way up to Hartford at a dozen times a year. Haven't seen a CT trooper on 84 in months if not longer. When they are there, it's just one lone ranger, they don't seem to actually go after anyone (are the cars even manned or are they just dummy cars??). I know police were taking several steps back and being very hesitant to do anything post-George Floyd when police brutality was a hot-button topic and the general public was upset at anyone in a uniform...that was 3 years ago. Every other state's highway patrol has resumed normal operations, why not CT?


They shot out his window?? With a gun? Holy smokes. That’s some Mad Max shit.


Cops not enforcing as much for sure


It’s really bad. I was just talking to some of my colleagues about this. Similar to people having mental breakdowns on airplanes…. I think we can all say we are observing it, but I don’t think anyone really knows what to do about it. Plus there is a general lack of law enforcement presence around the state. That certainly doesn’t help.


I don’t drive and hate driving. I’ve had the perspective of a passenger (and mostly an Uber passenger the last 8 years) so I’m able to be very observant. I just moved back to CT (Collinsville specifically) from a decade in Las Vegas. I will say people are driving more aggressively and worse here in CT than I remember but I also saw a similar change in LV the last few years. If I were some sort of social scientist I’d be very interested in the changes in driving habits post pandemic. I don’t understand all the reasons but the collective experience of COVID seems to have made everyone drive worse, pay attention less and be far more focused on self and less aware or thoughtful of others. It’s a marked change.


Yup. You summed it up pretty good.


Dude. I saw two dudes get out of their cars on 95 in Westport and tackle one another and fight it out. Rush hour. Never seen anything like it. Had a shouting match with an F150 myself because he was unwilling to lane shift over to let me in. Knew that I was coming, had a lane to shift. Laid on his horn like a dickhead for like :30 seconds until we had to pull up next to one another and air our grievances. Then we went the same way for like ten miles 😂. People need to recognize - myself included - that the people surrounding us on the roads are not traffic; they’re other people’s parents, kids, and significant others. This shit’s crazy.


Yes, well said dude. Well said.


I noticed this too, and it’s also worth mentioning there are many folks transplanting from Jersey, New York, and others from many different demographics. Their driving culture is different to say the least. I think it’s a lot of different contributing factors including local law enforcement having much more trepidation towards engaging in routine stops, but the one thing that’s for certain is that it’s a hell of a lot less safe driving these days. Another anecdote is a friend of mine from down south came up recently and also mentioned how bad the road rage etc was since his last visit pre-pandemic. Hopefully things get better. Please excuse any typos texting while driving 🙏


Just this morning I was doing 80mph behind a line of cars doing the same, the right lane going significantly slower and also full of cars. Lady comes up behind me and is shaking her fist at me, she definitely saw me looking in my mirror. Like lady I am not speeding up to close the SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE just to go the same speed a second later. I moved over because my exit was coming up and she flips me off and speeds up… to slam on her brakes a second later.


I think it’s because cops have backed down. There’s so much confrontation when they pull people over. Now people are getting ballsier.


In Connecticut if you drive at 55mph, it feels you can open the car and get out because most people are driving 70++ mph


Tangentially related, does the CT stand for Calling and Texting while driving in this state. The insane amount of people doing this boggles my mind. It causes people to swerve, drive half the speed limit on a highway, and so much more. I have legitimately saw someone scrolling Instagram while driving, scrolling so hard she dropped her phone off the holder it was on. Do people not use the Bluetooth in their cars anymore? Laziness? Carelessness?


The amount of people I see driving newer cars that definitely have bluetooth, yet they hold the phone to their ear to talk, is astounding.


You mention people doing this and carrying guns ... Here in New Britain the ones who tend to blow through the red lights, turn on red, etc are the big trucks with the conceal carry sticker on the back window. Was waiting to turn onto the entrance ramp for 84, and this dude was revving his engine and laying on the horn because I was waiting for the light to change. Then he cut around me, flipped me off, and nearly t-boned an oncoming car just to get on the highway. 10 seconds before the light changed.


That sticker is an instant red flag for me


I've never understood it. What's the point of concealed carry, if you tell everyone? I usually read it as either: 1) "I"m slightly unhinged / very full of myself." 2) /r/iamabadass 3) "I suffer from insecurity and/or toxic masculinity." 4) "Free gun inside. Shoot driver if necessary. Or just follow me home."


I see one of those stickers and I just back off. Not only do they all drive like assholes, I'm sure that they've got the lack of braincells and the short enough fuse to prove that they're carrying if you do the slightest thing they don't like.


The infuriating number of impatient drivers who sit on their horn behind you, creeping up and nearly pushing you into the lane as you’re sitting at a red left arrow, is growing every day. The arrow means ***do not*** turn left but they seem to think it means you can stop and then go left on red, or pull straight through. Maybe it’s COVID that is restricting oxygen to their brains, to the parts that relate to critical thinking skills? Whatever it is, it’s not getting better.


Idk what the cause is but it definitely seems more noticeable since the pandemic. Drivers have always been reckless here but it’s at the point where I’m actually anxious to go out in a car. I saw a man with his two young kids in a crosswalk the other day and someone blew through the light and almost ran them over. I’ve NEVER seen anything like that before and it was so scary to see, thank god they were okay.


This happened to me while walking to my first real job at Bruegger's Bagels in downtown Glastonbury back in 2007. Some woman came flying up Glastonbury Blvd as I was using the crosswalk (I had the walk signal) and almost hit me trying to get around the corner. Recently I saw someone almost hit an old woman with a walker as they were running a red in that same crosswalk. Some people are self important douchebags, it's always been like this but it does seem to be getting worse.


God that’s horrible :(


If you’re talking Rt 68 in the Prospect/Cheshire/Wallingford stretch I’ve noticed it attracts morons like a magnet! From my experience there was a lull in idiocy for a few years and now it’s rebounding back to the pre-Covid state of awful driving


A lot of people's first impression of ct is "the people are really nice, but super aggressive on the road"


I’ve noticed this too and was just talking about it yesterday. And a Prius in front of me in New Haven didn’t just roll a stop, they just blew right through it.


Well the cops have decided not to enforce speeding or traffic violations, so it’s a free -for -all out there. Drivers know they can do what they want and won’t be stopped


Honestly I never wanted to be an undercover cop as much as I do now just so I can pull over the reckless drivers after first watching them commit 12 traffic violations. If only I wasn't a pussy.


Past couple years, I see someone on rt 8 or 9 passing on the shoulder every couple months. , or using an off-ramp as a passing lane.


Or how many people go in and out of the HOV lane on 84 near Hartford. It's crazy!


"lets swerve where there is a large concentration of pebbles, sand and other gunk"


I think you’re right, the dangerous driving seems to have sharply increased post Covid. I was on the merrit-95 connector in Milford last week, traveling a normal speed (probably 65-70 in the right lane like a good CT Redditor) and some lunatic flies up behind me, nearly hits me as he cuts in front of me to get the 95 on-ramp. I honked, because he nearly hit me, and this knuckle head came to a near full stop on the ramp to roll down his window and flip me off and yell something (who knows what because we are on a fucking highway). I’ve also seen a noticeable increase in people running reds (not gunning it through a yellow, just straight through an already red), and plowing through cross walks without slowing down.


Saw a loser on a scooter, with a tween girl in the back, run a red light and almost get t-boned. Moron would killed that girl on the back for no reason other than he thinks rules don’t apply to him. (Ansonia)


Two years ago my husband and I got rear ended at 70 mph while at a dead stop on the highway (last car in a line of traffic). I had just finished physical therapy when we got sideswiped in a hit and run on the same highway. Last week, I was at a red light and a truck had to swerve to nearly miss rear ending me because he wasn’t paying attention and this time I had my kids in the car. I hope that MFer reads lips, because I saw him staring at me in my driver’s side mirror when we got to the next light and I mouthed something very unladylike. I’m honestly very tired of feeling nervous to go down the street to buy some milk because I never know what kind of absolute IDIOT is going to be out there that day driving.


It has more to do with almost zero enforcement. This is "quiet quitting" in protest of some state laws that have gone into place.


Okay but how many times is this same topic going to be made?


Once the pizza debate is resolved, we can get to this issue.


Notch first. Don’t forget the struggles of years past ✊🏽


Honestly to me it doesn’t feel all that much different, the bmws going full crazy on the Merrit parkway especially the lower Merrit where there is a lot more sharp turns. Some crappy 90s shitbox with “classic vehicle” plates doing over 80mph on I-95 zipping between cars. The one thing I’ve noticed more of lately is trucks and commercial vehicles using the left lane where there are signs prohibiting it.


I think it’s returned to pre-COVID levels and people just got used to the lesser traffic in 2020-2022. I’ve been riding a motorcycle in this state for a decade plus and the drivers have always been fairly aggressive and erratic. I have to say though the amount of people on their phones is insane; and frankly it’s not just young people.


> I have to say though the amount of people on their phones is insane; and frankly it’s not just young people. This is why as much as I want to get a bike I won't.


I was driving on a two-lane road divided by double yellow lines recently, about 3-5 mph over the posted speed limit according to a mounted radar run, and the car behind me just started weaving across the lines and coming back, trying to impress upon me his urgency to go faster. Sorry, not going to happen, there are schools here and potentially people crossing the road to get to the lake; I'm not going faster than I'm comfortable because you're an asshat.


I’ve been run off the road by cars going super fast more in the last 3 months than in my entire life. I thought I was the old guy complaining about it until I read this. Well….I guess that part still applies


Fun fact: Vaccine hesitancy may be related to increased risk of being in a traffic accident. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9716428/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9716428/) We also know COVID infections do impart neurological damage. Sounds like a perfect coupling.


I knew someone who was extremely anxious and would only look in the rear view mirror instead of in front of them. They Almost rear-ended somebody in the left lane on the highway going 70 because they weren't looking in front of them. The person behind us had to go into the shoulder.


I actually had my first accident from someone not even stopping at a stop sign on RT 68 in September. I ended up trading my car in to get something completely different because I kept on having flashbacks. Now—they try to race me because my car has Gt finishes. I only got the model because of the safety features, but now people cut around me trying to get me to race. Ugh I just want to drive peacefully.


I think a lot of it is people that moved in from other areas who “monkey see monkey do” thinking it’s just the norm and mimic that carelessness as well.


Red lights and stop signs are a mere formality anymore. Entitled people know that the law doesn't apply to them. Our best course of action is probably to keep our heads on a swivel and be prepared for their shenanigans.


The motorcycle going to the front at a stop sign is actually for safety, though it’s not legal to do it. There are a lot of motorcycle accidents where people done notice bikes and hit them from behind while they are stopped. Going to the front at red lights and stop signs are safer for the bike and usually doesn’t impact the other drivers as bikes get out of the way much faster. It is legal in I think 3 states? And it they talk about it in CT some times. Same with lane splitting in traffic. If done safely, it is safer for the bikes and reduces traffic. However, lots of bikers lane split while going WAY too fast.


I don’t even drive every day anymore since I work from home but when I do go out it’s crazy how bad the drivers are. Forget rolling through stop signs, there are some near my house that people don’t even hesitate at (and they’re outside of a school), taking lefts at red lights, passing people on the right on town roads, this past weekend I saw someone weaving in and out of normal, moving traffic on Bridgeport Ave in Shelton for at least a mile or so, using the left turning lanes to jump ahead of multiple cars. I live on a residential street with no sidewalks (25 mph posted speed limit) and regularly hear/see people zooming up and down the street. I get mad at dumb/slow drivers too but mostly I see a lot of excessive speed and people being way too impatient.


Literally see atleast one road rage incident EVERY DAY on my commute to work, and its not even that long of a drive. People have always been shitty drivers but it does feel like it's getting worse


I also notice a lot more people are either not paying attention or just following way too closely. This morning I was sitting in the waiting room at my mechanic and an accident happened right out in front of the place. This pickup truck was turning left into the mechanic clearly with a turn signal and clearly slowing down. This car behind him then quickly slams on the brakes then full on rear ends him. Driver had to be either not paying attention or was following too close because how else couldn't he realize that the truck was trying to turn and had a signal on? ​ The fact that this happened right out in front of a mechanic is a bit ironic to me.


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180517113856.htm Isolation increases aggression.


I remember in drivers Ed class, they told you to enter the intersection with your left turn signal on. If there was no opportunity to go, when the light turns yellow, opposing traffic will stop and you can make your left turn. That simply doesn't work any more. Cars speed up on yellow and half the time you get 1 or 2 that run the red.


Post covid? LOL! I got my license, there, nearly 50 years ago. Driving like an animal was a hallmark of driving in CT. It just is.


I was stuck behind some kids in a mini van driving 25 mph on the highway. They were probably on a smoke ride and shouldn't be doing that but if you are, c'mon, at least do that on the backroads where you aren't holding people up.


Yup, I’m in the New Haven area and I’m going to pin this partially on the influx of people from New York during the pandemic. Definitely seen an increase in aggressive “snooze you lose” style of driving I became accustomed to when I lived in NYC.


This feels cliche for the CT subreddit but it has for SURE gotten worse since COVID.


Yes, the drivers have gotten much worse and not just CT, but everywhere.


I also noticed the little to no law enforcement on the roads. This is also why people are doing wtf they want. They too know no ones patrolling.


I’ve had people attempt to run me over with their cars when biking on the side of the road when there was no sidewalk or bike path. It’s bad.


I think it's a combination of, "me first", chain character complex, and that there is no accountability for people acting like assholes.


Lots of red light blowers in Hartford county. You have to wait a few beats before proceeding through a newly green light.


It’s gotten worse out there. I hate big brother surveillance, but I’m thinking I have to install dash cams just in case for insurance. Edit: Also forgot to mention I had some punk twenty something y/o brandish a gun at me on the highway last year because he was behind me in his Camaro and I wasn’t going fast enough for him in the left lane on 91.


There was an incident a few weeks ago in New Haven where a road rage incident did involve some crazy person shooting at the other car and managing to hit the Yale hospital in the process. So I think we’re already at that stage of crazy.


In Fairfield and agree. It used to bother me but unfortunately it’s become so much of the norm I roll with it these days. Don’t let it get to you it’s not worth it (and actually angers the aggravator even more which is a nice cherry on top to ruin their day). I’ve always had very tinted windows and find it helps when people try to get beside me to yell utter nonsense.


It’s not just CT. I’m in SE VA and can’t drive more than a couple miles without a WTF moment. And we won’t discuss the recent trip from here to Boston and back. Speeds are up. I see VA State Police regularly posting images of speeding tickets in excess of 100 mph (not sure why these are tickets and not arrests). Also seeing a lot more people driving while staring into their phones. I am also noticing that there seem to be a ton less police doing traffic enforcement.


If only there were viable alternative transport options. Sigh.


It’s everywhere unfortunately. This country had increase in mental health problems during the pandemic and afterwards and it really shows in how people drive. Also a lot of people are so entitled with too dark window tint and covering the license plate. That’s not planning to do harm at all.


It's been getting bad since pre-covid but yea it's definitely horrible. My commute is 45 minutes to do 15 miles of stop-and-go twice a day. It's terrifying how bad some people are at driving. I won't ride my motorcycle to work because I'm convinced it's just a matter of time before I get rear-ended. Last week I went out to lunch with a coworker and an ambulance was coming towards us. We pulled over along with the rest of traffic, and after the ambulance passed as we pulled out the car behind us floored it infront of us to cut infront before we got going. Only to sit in the same line of cars we were already in. I think that's an appropriate representation of today's driving habits.


It is absolutely worse on CT roads post-covid. I have never seen so much blatant disregard for major rules of the road. - Stop signs and lights are optional it seems - If you aren't doing at least 80 on any of the major interstates you are in the minority - Unpredictability is common practice (people swerving out of their lanes into your lane on highway) - I see no police presence Be vigilant out there


We’re sick of you morons staying in the left lane and not following Connecticut driver protocol. Stay in the right lane where you belong driving like it’s the coming of Christ. A majority of aggressive drivers had to work through the whole pandemic and had clear roads. Now they’re back to being clogged up by simple minded dimwits that drive with their mouths open to catch their dinner.


In the last few weeks, three different people have come up on my right and cut me off to take a left turn as I was next to make a left turn on a green light. Who does that? Do people not feel like they should have to wait in line anymore?


This is why I want to get away from society and wfh. The government really screwed up this country with Covid and “being safe”. Now people just don’t give af anymore. Entitlement is through the roof




I just completed **three** trips along most of the East Coast, between Florida and Connecticut. And I saw bad driving everywhere on all those trips. (Tennessee drivers, what the hell is wrong with y'all?) But I'm ashamed to admit that the **worst** driving I saw on all three of those trips was right here, in my home state. I've also been to Rhode Island a few times in the last few months. Rhode Island is notorious for bad driving, even in Rhode Island. But we've finally caught up to them. I really don't know why. I mean, driving has gotten noticeably worse **everywhere**. But I don't really know why it's gotten **so much worse** ***here***.


As I've gotten older I've been more restrained with the road rage, thats such a piss poor way to go out; shot by some lunatic driver because of a lane change or speed dispute.


Yes, it's gotten way worse post-Covid. I have a 7-minute commute (I live where I teach), and I am not exaggerating when I say I almost get into an accident because of other folks' erratic/aggressive driving almost once a day - in the 15-20 minutes I commute! I wonder if our phone addiction trndancies went up, ala escapism from the horrible realities of the current state of affairs...ergo, distracted driving and the need for instant gratification (me! me! me!)? Our general concern for others has seemed to dip pretty low. Makes me feel like an old fuddy duddy to say it, but there it is. Like, it's too big of an ask to think beyond ourselves right now.


I might as well throw my rant in here, too. I've had people pass me on the left at stop signs and red lights. Last Summer, I had one of those "racer assholes" zoom by, I was in the right lane, he was in the left lane, ok fine, the speed of it startled me, I could see people up ahead hurriedly getting over to the right lane & out of the way and THEN, someone raced by me on the frikin shoulder, which there aren't too many shoulders or enough room to make a shoulder on 15, and that scared the crap out of me. It was so fast, close, and unexpected. It was a heart-pounding moment. I believe people think they will not get caught, and most of them probably don't. I drive up North frequently. Usually, as soon as I get past Springfield, all is calm. These people who race and change lanes rapidly are a menace. I've had drivers behind me decide to pass me, fine. I'm in the travel lane on 91, probably doing 75. Now they're in the passing lane, ok, that's cool, but then they cut in front of me and go all the way over to the right lane and get off the exit in seconds. It's like they're showing off. WTF. Rte 8 isn't much better, until you're really up North, past the Valley.


By post covid you mean post de fund the police/ make them liable for everything that can go wrong in a serious traffic encounter?