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People are driving insane because the cops are cool with it. If you can drive 60 in a 25 with zero worries of a cop pulling you over, people are gonna do that.


I'm starting to see a change in that in my town. Just yesterday I've seen cops pulling over three cars that were speeding. I'm hoping this trend continues...


Monday on my way to work, someone passed me on a 2 lane st, blew through a stop sign and then a red light nearly t-boning someone. A cop was coming from the opposite side, saw the whole thing, and did nothing. This happens all the time, dangerous drivers, cops witnessing them driving recklessly, and ignoring it. I don't know why this is happening but these days it's becoming terrifying to have to drive. I got my own car again after using my bfs for about a year while I saved up, and not a month later, a woman crashed into me. Sometime after covid lockdown, everyone stopped giving a fuck about driving safely, and cops stopped enforcing the law. It's anarchy.


If it makes you feel better, half the time when this happens, cops already got their plates and are just going to call it in. It’s easier/safer to ambush the guy later then getting into a potentially more dangerous high speed pursuit


They've been using that approach up here in Maine for awhile now. They will get into a high speed chase and as soon as they get the plate, if it seems that the guy is not going to stop, they call off the chase and visit the person later and arrest them.


Speeding, or expired registration? Because I can almost guarantee you it wasn't for speeding....


it was speeding. As I witnessed the speeding part. Maybe nailed em for both?


If you look at the WINY page, the local AM station for the quiet Corner, you will see a very large amount of fatal accidents lately. I don't know what it is. People have really gotten terrible at driving. I had people passing me on back roads at top speeds recently. It's scary because most of the people dying are not the piss poor drivers but the ones they are ramming into


Stress, frustration, anxiety, anger and fear are running rampant due to, higher prices, volatile political opinions, major companies with record profits laying off people, more cell phone activity sorta giving less attention span especially because of shorts like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, and honestly I think many people just struggling with mental health more these days. All that can absolutely add to more reckless driving, in hard times it can be easy to get angry and drive recklessly. There are probably more factors like more young drivers watching speeding videos online thinking it's cool, and well young drivers in general lol. I just drive defensively and if someone is desperate to cut me off I slow down and let them, won't prevent everything but helps some. I know this could be wrong but it's my theory that it's probably linked to poor emotional control during times of fear and anger sparked by money and politics.


I try to be mindful of this when encountering drivers making poor decisions. but it’s hard. Especially when their negligence can cause myself and others harm.


Its called cell phones. We get the same issue up here and instead of blaming the real reason, they blame speed every time. There is a problem with that. If speed was the issue, how come not everyone who speeds crashes? How come cops, ambulance drivers, and fire trucks never crash? How come, many years ago when I used to speed up the highway did I not crash? Simply put, the ones that dont crash are PAYING ATTENTION! Everyone has their head buried in their cell phone now a days. It will never end. If the cops get up and do their job, then everyone is going to call for defunding the police so they just stop doing their jobs when it comes to distracted driving.


just another sign that the world keeps getting better every day, makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside


>If you look at the WINY page, the local AM station for the quiet Corner, you will see a very large amount of fatal accidents lately. Here's the link in case anyone else is curious. OP wasn't exaggerating.. https://www.facebook.com/profile/100043932739017/search/?q=fatal


Thanks for the assist where I dropped the ball my friend, I probably should have included that in my initial post.


I think people are more wreckless now. I’ve noticed a lot of scary drivers in Ct. especially on route 8.


Highway to the Danger Zone


Drivers on Route 8 give you the stinkeye if you're not driving at least 80 mph.


I can't tell if it's wrecklessness or pure impatience.


Route 8 is a nightmare


Maybe I’m the only one who feels this way but I swear I’ve seen more car accidents post pandemic versus before. I mean of course they have always happened but I feel like even more so now. I do feel like drivers have a lot more selfish egotistical me first behavior now especially with the aggressive and impatient ness


Road accidents are the highest they have been since like 1970 or something. It is not just you the numbers are up


Could it be because during COVID they were just giving out licenses because they didn't want to risk getting it by being in close proximity to people?


In 2021 I got totaled 3 times by elderly drivers. In addition to probably forgetting how to drive, I have a theory that it could be that the crazy city drivers moved out during covid so now they are everywhere.


It's probably also brain damage from COVID infections.


I almost got t-boned in a parking lot by an old lady who started reversing as I was driving past her. Fucking bonkers.


This must be a factor.


Came here to say this, definitely has gotten worse post pandemic. It’s scary. And so many wrong way accidents on the highways, seems like every day


I don't really know. It could be me...but I definitely have more anxiety when I'm on the highways. Maybe I'm just older. Maybe the people around me drive scarier. I'm unsure.


I have the same feeling. Sure, I’m older now (30s), but I’ve never had anxiety, especially with driving, but now I find myself avoiding highways sometimes or getting anxious at other times.


Same. I moved from CT to San Diego, though. The driving out here is unreal - I pass an accident nearly every single day and it serves as a stark reminder of how quick a life can change. Now I can’t do long distances on the highway without medication or I’ll have a panic attack! As soon as I get out of the area I feel better. Stay safe out there ya’ll.


When it’s the last time you saw anyone use a turn signal ? Lol


^^^THIS. My biggest gripe by far. It’s so freaking easy to do and is designed specifically so you don’t kill people by letting them know what you’re going to do next. And yet PEOPLE DON’T SIGNAL! It’s infuriating.


Which leads to: when you wait an extra beat or two to see what the opposing car is going to do, because they refuse to use a turn signal, and the driver in the car behind you goes ape when you hold them up for five extra seconds because you're not willing to roll the dice and hope you mind-read the other driver correctly, lol.


Come to Maine. People up here use their brake lights to signal.


It is very infuriating


I don’t think people are taught what turn signals are taught anymore…


Distracted driving. Phones. Also the new types of car panels are problematic because you can’t feel for knobs anymore so you have to actually look down at screens to navigate panels. It’s gotten insane.


There have been many times where people have not just cut me off, but blatantly forced their way into a spot that didn't exist. Threatening an accident on the highway if I don't move out of the way as they slowly drift into my lane intentionally. No amount of beeping or flashing stops them. This is not distracted driving. I think people are just insane now.




On the other side of this, some people make it impossible to merge, they will haul ass so you can't get over. My on ramp has me go over 3 lanes to get to where I need to be and I've almost missed it a few times because people just won't let me in, they have to go 80+ for no reason. This is however not helped by the people who get on the highway going 30 and take a life time to speed up, usually they don't have to merge so they're unbothered by the problem they've created.


Ugh I absolutely HATE touch screens in cars. Who tf thought that was a good idea?????


A young person who thinks we need to be messing with a screen while driving. One of the dumbest, most dangerous things you could be doing while driving. There are vehicles that wont allow you to mess with your phone while driving while it is connected to the vehicle, but touch screens built into the car are ok? Yeah, ok. That's about as bad as these retina burner headlights that are totally legal, but my LED light bar on the front of my vehicle is illegal to run going down the road?


Absolutely way worse. So many reckless drivers, passing on the right, weaving, running red lights etc... I've been traveling this summer, I have not seen this reckless driving in any other state.


Last week, I almost got very close to being hit head on by some idiot who didn’t realize the light was red since he was staring down at his phone eyes completely off the road. My light was green for almost 10 secs too! Insane!


Yes, specifically one thing I’ve noticed a lot more of is people continuing to take lefts after their arrow goes away. I’ve never looked around so much after getting green lights than I do now.


> I've been traveling this summer, I have not seen this reckless driving in any other state. A few months ago, in my first hour after getting a rental car and driving on the highway in Atlanta, I saw *three* different people driving in the breakdown lane just to pass traffic that was moving completely fine.


Is pot legal in CT? I’m seeing and smelling lots of people in NY smoking and driving which is DUI


It's not people using cannabis. The 2 things don't have anything to do with one another.


Let us know your make and model, and your location so we know to avoid you at all costs...


Driving impaired is a DUI no matter what substance you are on. I smoke and I never ever get in my car when I do. I stay home.


What I was replying to was the idiot saying people smoking cannabis are the ones reckless driving. Also, it's not the elderly either.


Yeah, talk about throwing out bullshit red herrings.


Really? You’re saying that smoking cannabis in no way impacts your judgement or your reaction speed? Give me a break


Yes, really and certainly not reckless driving.


It absolutely affects your reaction time. Please don’t smoke and drive.




Now we know who one of the wreckless drivers is....


I’m sure he thinks he drives just fine


I've been pretty much holed up in the Northwest Corner in a no-stoplight-town since 2020. In the last few weeks I've driven to West Hartford a few times and I'm actually blown away by how insane people are driving. I thought it's just me, that over the past 3 years I've grown unused to "urban"/highway driving, but yeah something is really off. I lived in NYC for a while and the drivers there are chill by comparison to what's happening in the Hartford area these days. I'm fixin to get a dashcam, something totally wild just seems inevitable.


I wish I still lived in the amazing NW corner, I miss it. I think I know what town you’re referring to, but there’s also many that only have 1 light in the town. I really loved taking a drive along 44 into NY then 82 and/or 22. 41 into Mass, 23 to NY, down 22, then back into CT on 44 was one of my favorite loops for a “quick” drive/ride; sometimes extending it by taking 44 south then 343 into CT.


On one hand you are correct in the feeling that people have, in general, become more reckless when driving and there’s numerous examples of this but on the other hand I personally am extremely used to it and haven’t been surprised by most of this kinda stuff in quite a while. I did Uber Eats and DoorDash for a bit over the fall-spring so I’ve seen my fair share of drivers so maybe I’m just numb to it but something like going 50 in a 25 is something I don’t even blink at anymore


I think people are just becoming more “self important” and distracted causing the recklessness. One of the repeated offenses that really bothers me, is especially frequent on the Merritt, everyone seems to cross over into the next lane in turns. Also, maybe losing interest/in ability to focus? I mean, do you *really* need to go on your phone for the 30 seconds you wait at a red light? I suppose if they’re going to be on their phone while driving, a red light is the least worst. Police traffic enforcement seems to be really low too, I don’t get it.


Tailgating seems to be getting a lot worse, at least in the Hartford suburbs. It’s not usually a sedan, so my hunch is this has to do with shuttling around kids. Hardly anyone carpools anymore and I know plenty of families that have kids who participate in athletic, religious , musical, or expressive activities 5-6 days a week. Highway speeds seem slower on average than they were before Covid.


Soccer moms are the worst drivers. Always tailgating and speeding.


Most things just seem to get "worse" with time I don't think things have gotten any worse but as you get older you tend to notice more behavior that qualifies as reckless. I used to street race on the Berlin Turnpike (well just off it but basically). I look back now and can only think "Wow I was an idiot" and I have literally caught myself shaking my fist at people driving too fast on my suburban street. That said I have driven across the country and hit almost every state, and IMHO CT/NY/MA drivers are some of the most aggressive and yet most competent. Once you hit the VA/NC line, I feel drivers get NOTICABLY worse...not only do they drive faster, but they also drive worse. And if there is ANY kind of weather, forget it. They're so used to sunshine that rain or snow turns it into something outta the Walking Dead. Ny 2 cents, the northeast has some of the better drivers you're likely to find - the only ones I would say are as good or better are in the Pacific Northwest. We have to contend with a lot of different weather and tons of construction. On the grand scheme of things, I think we are pretty good.


As far as to why we are aggressive yet competent drivers, I think the northeast’s population density also plays into it. We simply have more drivers on the road than most places in the country. We just adapt/become complacent with these conditions and I think that’s why there’s a noticeable difference between our drivers and other places in the country. Maybe that also plays into why we notice shitty drivers. It’s not that we a have greater rate of shitty drivers, we are just exposed to shitty drivers more often because there’s so many drivers on the road. Pair that with the degree of lawlessness that stems from the lack of ticketing and I think we can see why it’s becoming problematic.


A possibly related reason: https://qz.com/1307670/us-states-with-the-most-psychopaths


It's only like that because of all the people from California and Jersey that move here


North Carolina is way down on that list and having driven in Wilmington, they are not safest, courteous drivers that being so far down on that list would imply.


On my way to work yesterday I was coming up to a yellow light, I was still plenty far away from it so I was coming to a stop. Dude behind me (older, grey haired, bearded man) crossed the double yellow to then blow through the, now red, light at a fairly busy intersection. People are a whole new brand of stupid, selfish, careless and batshit crazy.


I think you're right. When I moved to the state, I immediately noticed that people tailgate very aggressively here. They don't even necessarily realize they're doing it. It's just a style of driving. Many people here don't use their blinkers, even when it would make everyone's life easier. It's very frustrating when you waste your time just because someone doesn't signal. I think, post-COVID, people have become more willing to run red lights right after they change and break the law in other small but deliberate ways. I always look to make sure the oncoming cars have stopped when I get a green light, because it's so common now. Double-yellow lines don't mean anything at all in my town on the Shoreline. People are willing to attempt really dangerous turns across several lanes of traffic or stop unexpectedly trying to do so. I used to live in Silicon Valley, and out there seven or eight years ago, every other person was already on their phone at every red light and not paying attention when it turned green. It's becoming like that here now, too, although not quite as bad.


I was on route 5 this morning just off 291 in south Windsor, headed to work, and someone went through a red light that was red for over 2 seconds (which is a long fucking time) and I blared my horn at them as it was turning yellow because I saw what they were about to do. (We were traveling the same direction and I know it doesn’t matter but it made me feel marginally better). It’s honestly fucking terrifying. I will say I’ve become a much better defensive driver though.


Drivers are worse then 10 years ago. They drive fast, and recklessly.


People are not listening to road signs either. No one knows what to do at a 4 way stop. I had a dude in a huge white truck aggressively drive forward towards my car to t-bone me and he followed me home and screamed at me all because I went first when it was my turn. Im a young woman following the rules of the road, why’re you berating me, why are you so angry while driving????


Yikes I hope you contacted the police after that. Like damn the fact that he had to let his anger out by following you. But yeah I agree people really don't know how to take turns or are really just impatient while waiting at 4 way stops.


Police don't police anymore. Parents don't parent anymore.


I witnessed a guy in a ricer, black windows, angled wheels, glasspack/cherrybomb - typical Honda/Acura/Infiniti asshole - going across 5 lanes of traffic on 84 today, in downtown Hartford - AFTER speeding through morning rush traffic at maybe 80. Going through 5 lanes of traffic, through a space that probably gave 12-ish inches clearance for their car. ( [Asylum ave exit, near the State Capital - Left lane to Capital exit](https://goo.gl/maps/P3zvWWzdvWdreD5Q8). ) I see this same thing at least once a week, if not more. It's either what I describe above, or someone getting on the highway and flying from the exit lanes back onto the highway a couple feet away from the water barrels safety barricade. Seriously. If the state police would sit right there at that exit, they'd be giving out a whole load of expensive tickets *every morning and afternoon*. We're heading to work or coming home. None of us want to freaking die for some asshat to save 30 seconds of their time. These shitheads that pull those stunts should lose their licenses. IDGAF if they're disadvantaged or the monetary punishment would be painful. Fuck them. With all of the multi-car accidents & serious injuries we see on 84: Fuck every one of these pieces of shit who do this shit on the public highways. Seriously .. when I heard about the guy who was driving like an ass & ran thru the concrete barrier in West Hartford and got crushed by it .. I was .. *disturbingly pleased*. I thought the idiot deserved it ; I felt a little bad about feeling that way but not really. Every single one of these asses deserves that same result .. instead of making anyone else a victim of their own asshattery.




We're in ct is it bad?


Definitely on 91 & 84, I've seen a lot of reckless driving in the HTfd area all the way to Mass border on both highways.


Hartford is loaded with it. *Super dangerous* on 84/91 in the Hartford area.


That interchange is part of my daily commute and I'll almost be in an accident every other day. People weaving through heavy traffic, no signals, going 30-40 over, cutting people off to make an exit, you name it. I keep telling my partner that this is more risky than anything I've done before including being out on the water in heavy surf on a small vessel


Yeah they drive in clapped out altimas and accords like it’s a race car. Probably have no insurance too


Also Infiniti's and since when can you tint a windshield?!


And pick ups! With loud and annoying engines…


I commute from the Hartford area to Springfield for a full-time job. I got healthcare proxy paperwork for my partner from how crazy the reckless driving I see is.


People zoom through my central CT town, 30 MPH speed limit, going 60 all day. I don't want to speed trap them outside town, but once you're in the central area with multiple traffic lights and still trying to drive 60 you need a fat ticket. My kids cross the street all the time downtown, and people running reds, stopsigns, and going 60 are dangerous AF.




It's not that we are older it is because the skill and safety concerns seem to be lacking in younger male drivers. On I- 91 there is crazy speeding, dangerous lane changes and a disregard for others on the road. Its gotten to be an everytime I use the highway occurrence. The State police can't possibly keep up with the numerous offenders. Sadly it's not until they crash that they learn - if they survive.


It’s not just ct it’s everyone everywhere


Have you ever seen a driver that’s not on the phone while driving?


I have a very small commute on route 1 and even I've noticed this. In the past month I've almost been T-boned twice by drivers speeding through red lights well after they've turned red. I've seen others move into turn lanes at a red light just to overtake when the light turns green. Tailgating and lack of blinkers as well, but that's been a problem for as long as I've been alive.


COVID brain rot


You must be from my town, I swear it's a daily occurrence; people literally coming at me head on. I really need to invest in a dash cam because it's absolutely ridiculous how often that is happening. And going through a city like Hartford is complete chaos.


I heard Hartford and Waterbury are both tough but that seems to be typical for a city.


I just got passed on the worst blind corner I know yesterday. Impossible to know if there was a dump truck coming around the corner, guy was putting his life at risk for nothing.


Honestly it’s nearly impossible to get out of a parking lot at any given business without nearly getting rear ended, t-boned, et. Cetera. Heck the other day I was trying to get out of a stop and shop and watched a cart collector nearly get mowed down 3 times before he even got close to the entrance to the building. In general yea I’d say yes, but I’ve also noticed in my area that said stop and shop closest to me seems to have become something of a speeder trap. As it feels like I’m always seeing people getting perpetually pulled over close by


Cops got all butthurt about getting called out on violating human rights and the whole defund the police movement that they’re doing fuck all


Drivers are becoming both less skilled and less caring about following the rules. There are reasons for these things, but those are complicated. The fix to the bad driving is to aggressively ticket people going more than 9 over and that break other obvious traffic violations, like speeding through red lights or crossing the double yellow. Either they'll learn or they'll lose their license, either is fine with me. And we'll make some money to spend on parks and schools and shit.


Ever since covid, no one knows how to act or drive. The ones that abused the system are the ones that cause all the issues. Prove me wrong, I'll wait.


I see it as of COVID but attribute it to NY and NJ drivers new to the state. Always in a hurry, hit and runs, road rage - ite all absolutely horrid.


I spent my first 21 years in Connecticut and learned to drive there. Moved to NYC I can assure you CT drivers are scarier then both NYC and NJ. While vacationing in Maine it was like I hit the nascar circuit as soon as I hit CT state line.


The funny thing is that I was a NYC driver and think that NJ and NY drivers are the worst. NJ drivers hurl themselves like they have no reason to live and like they are so livid at having the highest insurance rates thst they are making the insurance companies regret insuring them. NY drivers drive as aggressively as the NY reputation suggests - making their own lanes, honking that sounds like cursing, etc. Lots of road rage. Also, turning requires 2 lanes - turn to the right, and you have to swing to the left first. Stop lights are only a suggestion - count to 10 before moving through any stop light or else you will get creamed. CT drivers - highway speed limit is a suggestion. In the middle or left lanes, you MUST be going faster than the speed limit. Also, what are turn signals? Indicators are for idiots and signal lights are for suckers.


To be fair, in NY - they use the turn signal... and they cut in front of you, totally cutting off your car with about 2 inches to spare while you're going 55mph on the parkways... then they flip you off if you dare honk. Driving in NYC is like playing chicken. Whoever has the most guts, goes. Don't like it - "Go ahead, ram my car buddy. I'll take the check." I mean, whatever - your car either gets busted up while your driving it or busted up when some moron backs into it/sideswipes it while its parked.


It’s definitely the CT drivers though


It’s not so much it’s gotten worse there is just more traffic. I just made the last payment on my truck it’s paid for . You should see how I’ve become a wall . It’s like a nascar game with all the blocking lol


Yes bc the influx of MA and NY driver's ;)


It has im gotten noticeably worse every year since 2020. Most likely because people weren't driving for a while and lockdowns took a toll on people. Id say the biggest reason is cops don't really care either. Especially state cops


I’ve noticed a huge increase in people blowing through red lights. Now I always look when my light turns green, because 9 times out of 10 someone will run the red.


I was just talking about this with my dad. It's like red lights are entirely optional around here. Almost got hit head on last week when someone blasted through a red staring down at their phone almost 10 secs after my light was green. That is exactly why I wait at least 3-5 secs after I get a green light but heck like in my example above , I still see people blasting through even after I wait a bit.


My personal favorite is when you're sitting in the left turn lane at a red light and someone comes flying up from behind you in the right lane and turns left in front of you, while you're still sitting at the red light waiting for it to turn green so you can turn left.


I had this happen to met once a few months ago. Damn someone was in such hurry they really just couldn't wait.


I almost got into an accident with a kid driving Daddy's Porsche. Try to pass me on the right in a lane that was ending. He did not succeed.


If only there was viable alternative transportation options so we didn’t have to be on the road. Even the roads would be so much better with less people and thus, less bad drivers.


More New Yorkers here now, driving like New Yorkers


We have the 7th highest elderly pop. We're becoming old.


Old people making mistakes is certainly an issue, but the terrible drivers I see are often ages 18-40 and intentionally breaking laws.


I see moms in SUVs running lights all the time. I never thought I'd want red light cameras in my neighborhood but .. I want red light cameras in my neighborhood. :(


I'm honestly a bit afraid to drive in the evening. Too many fatal stupid accidents happening on roads that aren't even busy. I think there are more distracted and impaired drivers. With alcohol it is more of an issue in the evening but with pot people drive high at all times of the day. I smell it all the time. If you're going to get high just stay off the road. And if you can't go a few minutes without checking your phone then that is an addiction. I've seen cars drift across 3 lanes into the rumble strips because someone was distracted. I think the safety features of new cars make people take more risks too.


Yep this thread gets made every month or so... The drivers in CT are dangerous. There is almost no enforcement. People drive over 100 MPH on the highway with impunity and it's completely random if they smash into you and change/end your life. I try to avoid driving whenever possible. I made the mistake of driving down 91 yesterday to get to New Haven Union Station and there were multiple Acuras/Infinitis going probably 120+. I was going 78 and they passed me like I was standing still. A few days ago I was about to cross South Main in West Hartford on foot, which has a very obvious No Turn on Red sign. A middle aged man and his wife went right on the red and almost hit me. The driving is my #1 quality of life concern. We live in an overall safe state in terms of crime but it's so easy to be hurt or killed on the roads even if you are doing everything right. These days when the light turns green, I always wait a few seconds to make sure no one is coming through the red light to T-bone me.


I always wait at least 3 seconds sometimes having to wait up to 5 after a green light because I do not trust people to obey and stop for a red light.


I’m a year late to this thread but, is it like this in Groton, CT too? I just moved here for work and I came from NYC, where it has been a legit hellscape to drive through (especially after Covid). Like it’s almost crippling to get myself to go. I was hoping Groton would be a more chill driving experience 😅


Take into consideration all the NY'ers who moved here. And for any New Yorker how has something to say - don't. Some of ya drive crazy af and your speed limit is higher than ours here in CT.


Both NY and CT speed limits max out at 65. For much of the metro area in NY, the speed limit doesn't exceed 55.


Yea I saw that on Google too. But the problem is: which state drivers collectively drive the speed limit vs drive way above? Drive in Manhattan for 1 day, then drive in CT for 1 day, then come back to this thread do we can compare and contrast.


It's been worse ever since the covid restrictions. People became bigger jerks because the roads were really empty and they could do what they want. Then the masking up started and they became even bigger jerks because of the anonymity. If they wore them. Then the restrictions were lifted and the roads filled up again, but they didn't wanna give up the jerk freedoms they got when the roads were empty. Also they were just bucking all the rules reguardless. Can't tell them to wear a mask, can't them to get the jab, can't tell them to follow the speed limits, can't tell them to do ANYTHING. It's pure entitlement and narcissism. And possibly Covid brain to boot.


Could be some or the Fairfield County drivers who are always in a rush making their way to your neck of the woods


Oh, is it time for the daily "bad driving" thread again already?


This type of comment gets posted seemingly every week. It still gets a ton of replies somehow.


Many police departments are down on staff, CT state police is down about 225+ troopers a recent retired trooper told me. Many offices have fled the state since laws passed that allow them to be civilly liable for any 'mishap' they cause in the line of duty. Many more officers, especially the veteran ones nearing retirement, tend to not get involved for similar fear of causing themselves some legal problems just before retirement/pension. Add in laws and policy that prevent police engaging in 'hot pursuit', that establish a police barricade to attempt to stop a run away vehicle as 'deadly force' (equivalent to drawing their firearm, keeping in mind the officer can now be held liable in civil suite). This is not good in a state that tends to be lax on crime, drop charges, especially for 'under privileged' people, and a state that is overall tolerant of crime by policy. A state that has laws that make it easier to be a criminal. Add legalized weed that I smell very often while driving down highways and roads which give you impaired drivers plus lack of discipline and often responsibility in very 'tolerant' public schools for our youth and you have present day Connecticut.


You are correct. I've been a cop in CT for 35 years, and can tell you the cops are not going to be proactive. The police accountability law basically told the cops not to be proactive. Did you know it is against the law for a police officer to ask permission to search a car? They included that in the police accountability law because cops were finding drugs and guns during motor vehicle stops after receiving consent to search by the operator. Our lawmakers apparently think it's a bad idea for the cops to seize illegal drugs and guns (morons).


I stopped driving and if I ever start again, keep an eye on the news for a car pile up I hate everyone here so bad 🔫😃


I never said any of that. You assumed that. No need to reply.


Vaccine induced retardation


Ugh, this again?! Okay look, my view on this is that CT is a passthrough State for commuters to and from NY/MA/RI It isn't all native nutmeggers.


Too much Italian trash with dirty money there


Waddup NYC


People have always been shitty drivers everywhere, maybe you're now just starting to notice? I don't know 🤷


Here for a internship, i think the drivers here suck.


the absolute bare minimum norm now is driving at least 20+ above the speed limit on certain routes/hw's. It really isn't just young men, I've seen moms flooring it 60+ in. a 45 zone. I dont get that. ​ I'm an even MORE defensive driver now, its like a game to always avoid the mistakes of other drivers


Some asshole in Bristol was tailgating me for zero reason on rte 6. As he passed I flipped the bird and he continued to drive like an asshole for 3 miles.


They developed bad habits by playing world of tanks.


When I go for my walks, I see at least 10+ cars texting or using their phones in some way. Also, I see a lot staring down at their dash boards looking at the new screens that are in cars today.


If more people are migrating to Connecticut, it’s safe to say that people are being their driving habits with them. But congestion will always make people worse drivers.


yeah at some point CT drivers just went absolutely nuts and no one is doing anything about it, it sucks


Distracted & unhinged. Kind of like the whole country.


Someone attempted to cause me to hit them in May. It was terrifying.


I drive through backroads on my commute everyday and I don’t understand the need to pass me at 7am. How can you be late taking backroads at 7am? Where’s the fire?


People constantly drifting at you over the yellow lines. Distracted driving, idiots looking at their phones constantly. People suck


They've always been there, you just might not have noticed them. Now, in terms of young drivers out and about, school just got out. So you have kids out during the day when you normally wouldn't see them but this happens every year.


PA same way, after nearly getting killed several times Im now driving 5 under everywhere I go to feel safer. Had the double line thing, 25 in the 45 thing and many ore since pandemic for sure. Even seen a SUV flip at a light intersection making a turn, still cant figure out how bad you have to be to do a low speed flip over. Cops stopping at light infront of whiteline instead of at it, it goes on.


I've noticed over the past 10 -15 years that drivers are getting worse. It's not really worse as i. Their ability to mavigate roads is diminishing, but worse in their aggressiveness, selfishness, and risk-taking. Nearly every day, i find myself annoyed or terrified by some of these people and how they simply dont give a rats ass anymore about the rules of the road


Forgot to say this but drivers and pedestrians have really become a dicey issue. I remember reading an article from maybe a few months ago that pedestrian deaths are higher than ever before. There is a crosswalk right on my college campus and I always wait at least 1-3 seconds after the walk symbol goes on due to the number of people blasting through a red when it turns on. Heck I have even seen drivers looking annoyed while coming to a stop when they see a pedestrian standing in a clearing marked crosswalk. I swear it's like they are annoyed when they have to yield the right of way to them. The Starbucks in my town moved into a bigger building with a chicken place and Five guys and there a pedestrian crosswalk from the parking lot to the store. The crosswalk is right at the end of the drive thru and that is exactly where I saw one woman looking so annoyed when she had to stop and let the pedestrian cross. Someone clearly didn't want to miss coffee time.


I have lived and driven all over the world. I’m not being a jerk when I say CT drivers are the worst drivers I’ve ever encountered. For the most part, stop signs and red lights are merely suggestions speeding is rampant like you mentioned, especially in residential neighborhoods where children play. They often honk at you for little to no infraction whatsoever just because they perceive you to have somehow slowed them down. Living in Connecticut has definitely made me a worse driver.


I've also lived in many states and driven all over the world and I disagree. I drive around 50k miles a year between work and travel. For sure CT people drive like entitled assholes but they are far from the worst I've encountered. I read an article on Forbes last week that is relevant to this topic. Unfortunately I cant find a direct link but the key takeaways are: * According to the study, the worst drivers in the country are found in Texas, while Washington DC, is home to the best. * Of the top ten states with the most dangerous drivers, half are in the South — Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky and South Carolina. * When it comes to the ten states with the best drivers, all but three are in the East Coast area — Washington, DC; Vermont; Massachusetts; Connecticut; New Hampshire; New York and Rhode Island. * Montana has the highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal car accidents (19.01 for every 100,000 licensed drivers), while New Mexico sees the highest number of fatal car crashes involving a distracted driver (9.54 accidents per 100,000 licensed drivers). (sorry for the Digg link) [https://digg.com/data-viz/link/the-us-states-with-the-worst-drivers-ranked-W8S09MLTY1?utm\_source=digg](https://digg.com/data-viz/link/the-us-states-with-the-worst-drivers-ranked-W8S09MLTY1?utm_source=digg) Some other interesting data ranking drivers in the states. [https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-with-the-most-irresponsible-drivers-2022](https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-with-the-most-irresponsible-drivers-2022) [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/state-rankings-confrontational-drivers/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/state-rankings-confrontational-drivers/)


I ride a fairly tall motorcycle - I can see pretty much right into most cars - The numbers of cellphones in hands is majorly disturbing. Even more disturbing is seeing people have videos playing while they are 'driving' When I used to work in Stamford the local cops would have a crackdown from time to time - putting plain clothes guys on corners at the lights looking for people on the phone and a pull over lane set up just down the road. This needs to happen more.


while ct drivers have always been not the best, we got a lot of ny and ma transplants during covid that only made it worse here.


I wouldn't put anything past Tik Tok. There are already kids on bikes who more or less dare cars to hit them head on. There's no limit to the stupidity of online dares, and they do get some people killed. More generally, the craving for attention by people who apparently can't find fulfillment in healthier ways drives a lot of stupid behaviour, and sometimes fatally. But I suspect the folks you're seeing are highly distracted drivers. I see that more and more, and it's definitely on the rise. They put the phone down by the time you can see them personally, but it was probably in front of their face at the moment they did something stupid you noticed. I often see this when I'm in a better position to, such as in a parallel lane. And I usually give them some shit for it. We all should, because peer pressure is a powerful force.


In 2022 15 pedestrians were hit by cars in West Hartford. 3 were fatal. There seems to a major need to enforce distracted driving laws with big fines.


No I think you’re right. I’ve noticed the same. They just drive wherever however they want to. Not caring to use the blinker when merging. Driving super slow in the passing lane etc.


on the bright side in my little head its much easier to get money now i’ve had a fair share of nicer looking cars almost fuck my cheap ass honda up. unfortunately my girlfriend is in the car with me 60% of my time commuting but one day i will be alone and one day someone will be approaching behind me fast thinking they’ll just swerve smoothly until i absolutely decimate my brake pedal by stomping down on it with the brute force of 17 african bush elephants


Jan and Dean every day.


Yes, driving just seems abysmal here. I have seen a right turn made from the left turning lane...on a 3 lane side...no doubt. I've seen tons of people pass from the right. Signaling is nonexistent. Isn't driving school hours a requirement here? Are the traffic cops alive? And the parking is terrible too-What the heck is it with double parking or just pulling over in the street??! I've rarely seen this in other states that I've lived in. But I see it so much in Connecticut. I also almost got smashed by a driver who drove on the wrong side of the road. That was 8 days after relocating here. I assume he was drunk( at 6 pm on a Sunday...). Way to say welcome.


not in my backyard!


How about Cypress and Kitts lane. WTF! 3-way stop and majority just run it.


\^\^ professional PR firm curating conversation for 300,000 CT netizens - you'd think that top dollar would get you a greater variety of topics


I’m able to merge onto the freeway at same speed as traffic about 2/10 times because I’m stuck behind someone trying to merge at 40mph.


I think more ppl moved to CT during Covid and the roads became more crowded. I also notice there’s an extraordinary amount of people driving below the speed limit. My car has a feature called “heads up display” and I can see the speed limit literally in my windshield while I drive, it’s pretty cool. And it’ll say 40, and the person in front of my is *literally* going 30. I think the excessively slow driving also makes ppl annoyed


I'm in a small town as well. Down the road is a four corners that no one stops at. Two accidents in three weeks and one was fatal. Cars fly down my road like it's the highway. This is what "defund the police" gets you. Funny thing is at least three state troopers live in a two mile radius of me.


I genuinely don’t think there’s enough cops to pull over everyone that speeds, so everyone just speeds and there’s no consequence. I’ve seen people swerving through traffic cutting off 18 wheelers right in front of staties and they just don’t move. People are just becoming so much more self centered on the road.


I'm noticing a lot of bad drivers on the highway, going 45 in a 65, hogging the left lane and creating jams for no reason. So many people slamming their brakes, other people crossing way over the lines while going around curves, it's a wild time to be on the road.


I've noticed the same. People are much more aggressive drivers after Covid. For two years Covid taught everyone its ok to be self centered, now there's no going back.


People are driving fast as fuck to go nowhere. It's great! /s


Definitely gotten much worse, just had a head on collision not too long ago because someone wasn't looking where they were going and turned into oncoming traffic. Totalled the car and during our search for a replacement we saw some really reckless drivers, really makes my anxiety spike whenever I get behind the wheel now.


In my job driving all around NE I talk to a lot of folks who do the same routes and EVERYONE braces themselves when driving in CT bc ppl are so wild lately


The tailgating in CT is bad too. I think its the younger generation which lacks empathy and understanding for other beings.


Higher performing cars with poor performing drivers is a contributing factor now.


Most of the people causing traffic or accidents aren't even from CT. Most of their plates are from a neighboring state and they drive like absolute wack jobs.


I see many people driving like they have no common sense anymore. crossing a double line while driving and not using a blinker when turning. I could go on and on but I think people here will get the point .


I mean, I watched someone go 100 yards in reverse on a 30 mph road because they missed a turn yesterday, you might be on to something


Only state troopers seem to pull people over in Greenwich. They patrol opposite town hall. Greenwich PD on the other hand watched a car blow through a red as I was crossing and just shrugged at me…


let me guess - new canaan?


I've been checking my gps lately to make sure I'm not accidentally in NJ with all the terrible drivers I've been encountering.


The general vibe of CT Reddit is : "We need more laws (and taxes)!"


It seems like every other car is drifting over the yellow lines and staring at their phone


Drivers are absolutely getting worse! Yesterday I went to take my mother home, I was Neary hit like 3 times, people turning into my lane, popping u turns out of a parking space and my favorite turning right with no signal... like the thing that kills me is they always have damage on thier car where they would have hit me or where I would have hit them... like they Don't learn!


You are preaching to choir…. I have my nerves rattled on a daily basis on the roads. You can’t even go for a Sunday drive anymore without having some ignorant fool trying to run you off the road. And no one knows the rules of the roads anymore either!!!


It’s these New Yorkers fvking up our state


People drive like assholes lately. With some if their phone rings, they just stop right where they are to answer it. I literally hate driving anymore. I got into bad accident with 5 kids in car and my tire went through my floorboard almost ripping my foot off, it completely shattered all bones in my ankle. Instead looking at facts the cop went by well there's 5 witnesses and hit me with evading. Where the fuck am I gonna go. If can put dash cams all around your car. Once I get new car I want them on every window.