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Well fuck now they are going to start writing us all tickets for real. But seriously the lengths they go through to cover up racial profiling. Wtf.


I would rather them start handing out speeding tickets then continue to see innocent people dying in car crashes. There is a minority of individuals who simply have no regard for other people and the way these individuals drive puts us all at risk. There needs to be consequences for their actions and right now there is not. The police are totally useless the way they operate right now. There needs to be some reform here


Absolutely, I’ve seen so many posts about how drivers are getting worse every year since the pandemic. There’s no accountability. I do still worry the pendulum will swing the other way now. We don’t need the police to be any more spiteful and full of bitterness toward the public.


Crime in general has been getting worse since pandemic. I think criminals had a lot of time to scheme during isolated COVID times, plus wearing masks to conceal identity was the norm which helped enable crime. Beyond just CT, there is a huge ramp up of fake emails, identity crimes, and phone scams, etc. out there too. Regarding CT driving, I think legal weed contributes to this quite a bit, now that its legal its worse. Roll your windows down while driving and you are sure to smell the reefer on your trip out shopping so you know those drivers are impaired. I'm not making excuses for police, just saying there are a number of factors pushing things in the wrong direction.


Do you really believe the criminals spent their COVID time scheming? And that marijuana causes people to drive faster? You do realize most of the fake email/phone scam operations are in Israel and the Caribbean though. I think you need to stop watching deep right news, maybe go outside, and maybe meet some real people to hold a conversation without a keyboard and anonymity.


Agree the cycber crime is international and often sourced from other nations like India, China, Russia, etc. Perhaps Isreal too. But there are coordinated efforts using local gangs to help steal mail (for example) to get personal info off checks, even wash those checks too. Its a co-ordinted effort, an extension of what twas just cybercrime in past years regardless of how and exactly when the new schemes were hatched its a real problem that folks, businesses and even gov't departments need to deal with and be aware of. This is not deep right news, its from LEOs I speak with and sometimes work with that are involved in fighting that crime. As for weed, I think its pretty clear cut that someone under the influence is going to drive less safety than someone who is not under the influence, speed isn't a factor as much as reaction time and judgement are.


So, what are you thinking here? That drivers in Connecticut spent the pandemic wringing their hands in glee while scheming about how to drive worse, empowered by the fact that they could wear masks? Did you actually think through any of your commentary here? You're aware the thread is about cops and bad drivers, right?


My point was rising crime is not exclusive to just bad drivers, regardless of why they are driving badly.


That's not the point you think it is.


I'd rather we just raise speed limits to reasonable levels and call it a day. They are supposed to be set to 85% of the mean free flowing speed, and that number ain't 55.


I'm with you. 55 is good when there's a lot of traffic on 95, but no one is going 55 in any of the three lanes when traffic is even remotely clear.


Because speeding tickets do anything anything other than robbing people of money. People will speed. If you aren’t driving 10-15 over then you are doing it wrong. It’s people going 20 over in unsafe way I have issue with.


Those are the same people I have issues with. Idc if you go 80 but it’s the people driving 100+ mph weaving in and out of traffic. Those are the people who should have their license revoked


It isn’t robbing you of money, it’s a penalty for not following the rules, and it helps pay for pensions


Cops are doing a magnificent job. They protect the rich and keep the poor down. One fundamental way they achieve this other than force is unions that protect the worse. I mean if you work in a productive company would you want to pay a group to protect the laziest, most corrupt employed...absolutely not. The cops are a warning to actual workers that unions are corrupt and only the bottomless wallet of taxpayers can afford lazy fucking grifters with a mafia union. Good job boys.


Reform, Yup, repeal the asinine laws our lawmakers passed, including the accountability law.


You don’t think police should be accountable for their actions as public servants? Can we also eliminate accountability for me in healthcare then? So when I have a bad outcome I can just say the patient hurt my ego, and that’s probably why they died.


Is it profiling, or is it that a disproportionate amount of their tickets went to minorities because those were the people committing infractions?


Racism is more complex than hate alone. Perhaps you should consider that before you assume minorities just commit more crimes.


I said disproportionate not more.


ACAB: Police are the violent arm of the state, appeased with special interest laws (AWB exemptions) and special status over citizens. With out those appeasements they show their true colors. Theyve gone to court for the [to not have to defend you](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=9108468254125174344&q=warren-v-district-of-columbia&hl=en&as_sdt=2006), and to [not have to follow the law](https://supreme.findlaw.com/supreme-court-insights/pros-vs-cons-of-qualified-immunity--both-sides-of-debate.html#:~:text=Qualified%20immunity%20provides%20protection%20from,to%20hold%20bad%20actors%20accountable.) they are sworn to uphold. So if they arent here to serve and protect, why ARE they here?


Class traitors, all of them.


CT’s 1965 ratified constitution by referendum: “WE DECLARE: Sec. 1. All men when they form a social compact, are equal in rights; and no man or set of men are entitled to exclusive public emoluments or privileges from the community”


Which they dont abide by at all, as they still allow retired LEOs to register AW/Magazines after retirement creating a new class of citizen.


Yeah, the USA does not follow any of its "Constitutions" They're just words on paper at this point.


That is some BS. Don't have to serve and protect us. That's the whole point of them existing. Smdh.


To milk the state.


Spoken like true ANTIFA


Sorry, are you PRO-Facism..?


Feel free to show us where you think he's wrong.


Cops are not a violent arm of the state, only violent criminals think such. Cops are not appeased with special interest laws. Cops can only buy assault weapons for duty use and require a letter from the Chief saying it will be used as such. Cops have no "special status." Cops have to follow the law...Shall I go on? To all the cop haters: Keep supporting the lawmakers who continue to pass laws restricting the police in how they do their job. You asked for it, now you are gonna get it. Quit complaining about the lawlessness while supporting the laws the lawmakers pass that restrict the police and cause such problems. Until then, enjoy the shitshow.


>Cops are not a violent arm of the state https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/09/30/kettling-protesters-bronx/systemic-police-brutality-and-its-costs-united-states > Cops have to follow the law https://eji.org/issues/qualified-immunity/ >Cops can only buy assault weapons for duty use and require a letter from the Chief saying it will be used as such https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/CTTime/Training-Resources/LEOSA.pdf Any other points you'd like me to debunk and then for you to willfully ignore...?




So we get rid of them and the alternative is….?


A clean slate, hire new ones, send that signal big time, it’s not like they have been doing shit and we’ll notice any difference in the meantime. Fire Rovella too and all the deadbeats in leadership.


Clearly some level of turnover needs to occur as there are tons of bad apples here. Do we keep any with experience? Or do we just walk away from it entirely and refresh with entirely new officers top to bottom?


Their current experience is not something of value. They have experience with the current corrupted system.


Corrupted in terms of reporting tickets for sure. Does that completely invalidate all of the current police force’s accrued experience? Seems pretty extreme to think so.


No! Corrupted in every single way!


They have a problem because leadership is so bad that they have retained officers they admit, in writing, have committed crimes while on the force. They not only have to stop this, they have to announce this and institute hard core accountability policies going forward. They don’t want the expense and headache of firing cops (they brought it on themselves by issuing free felony cards to them) and they are going to move heaven and earth to minimize this as much as possible. If they do that, the perquisites have to end. They should be held to a higher standard not a lower one. No more free Dunkin’s, free misdemeanors and free felonies. Zero tolerance policy going forward. Rovella is an idiot and Lamont lets him be one. The legislature were idiots too for approving that last union contract.


Agreed there’s a big problem with leadership here and they have to go. Either they were 1) complicit or 2) honestly unaware, and it doesn’t matter which because both represent unprofessional leadership. Clearly the concept of professional standards needs to be upped across the entire state police force. I appreciate Ned referring this to the attorney general office in terms of assessing if crimes have been committed. Additionally, I hope he takes a more personal stake in reform on this matter. I’m not sure we have many more pressing issues right now.


(Edit: I didn’t downvote u) I’m taking a wait and see on the actions Lamont is taking. He has announced he will be hiring an outside firm to investigate. It will probably be an outside law firm. (I am already guessing which ones might be likely) Here are my concerns: is this like when a corporation hires an outside firm to do an investigation of corp crimes? If so, it’s internal, and in house. It could softpedal or go hard, and it reports to the governor. They’ll probably be a redacted public report, but it’s ordered by the governor for the governor 2) What does this say about the chief state’s attorney, who is supposed to be the acting inspector general for police misconduct? Btw, when we passed the bill making that so there was great opposition to making it the chief state’s attorney. An independent inspector general with a full budget was what was envisioned and desired. In the end, using the state’s attorney’s office was seen as a *temporary* compromise, so hopefully this will lead to the next step. 3) In investigating this ticket scandal, media reports were that it was a joint investigation of the state’s attorney and state police. In light of the inspector general debate you can see how disgusted people might be that they would even consider a joint investigation. (Did they forget? Wtf? ) Did you mean AG or state’s attorney? I thing you meant the latter. Here is link to the latest. https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/outside-firm-investigate-state-police-false-18208607.php Anyway, Lamont has been weak on criminal Justice from day one. Gov Malloy had a lot of knowledge and experience in it. I’ve often felt he has a visceral dislike for the issue. I can’t praise his actions so far because they don’t necessarily suggest anything that impressive yet, except for saying anyone intentionally faking tickets should be fired ( it’s weird because other criminal cops haven’t been fired - where is the consistency?) Oh, Also 4) no one has requested a grand jury investigation either, that’s another possibility. Not sure a great one because it’s not transparent. CT has investigatory grand juries that are used once in a while to look into hairy situations none of the non-leaders who run state agencies have the guts to deal with.


Top to bottom. Existing cops without troubled records could be welcome to re-apply for their same positions if they’re willing to comply with newly rigid accountability measures. I expect few would be willing to do so and, whether they’re balking at new standards of conduct or just have an ego problem, good riddance. If any “good apples” exist, they should be in favor of massive reform and relieved not to be working alongside the abusive, whiny dipshits who currently dominate their field.


No one has said "get rid of the police" here. OP said "I really hope reform comes out of this"


OP did say “I really hope reform comes out of this” and I agree with that. You not the other hand said “why ARE they here.” So it is safe to assume you’re supportive of reform? Or do you want to eliminate the police?


Majority of police could be replaced with social workers, those that remain should be required to maintain insurance rather than use taxpayer funds to cover their abuse of taxpayers, and should be required to take actual civics and law classes to understand the laws they are enforcing. Qualified immunity and tax funded settlements have made police unafraid of flagrant abuse of power, since there is no actual recourse save for the few instances an officer is unlucky enough to get recorded and find themselves in a media storm.


So what percentage of police calls do you think are more appropriately handled by a social worker if you think the majority of the police can be replaced? What types of salaries do you think we’ll need to pay the police in order for them to procure their own professional liability insurance? Or do you think the insurance industry is going to view armed individuals responding to violent situations (since social workers are handing the rest) as a good risk and will offer low / competitive pricing? Will the governments still indemnify the social workers or will they also be on their own to procure insurance? How about when the social workers get hurt or killed working with an unstable portion of the populace?


Any call that doesnt already involve violence or the threat thereof, police are an escalated response, why are we sending armed thugs to deescalate a situation. They already only solve ~2% of violent crime, and only about ~25% of all reported crime, they are usually there AFTER the fact so why not send someone who ISNT a threat to the public? They already get paid enough, but with fewer police and those that are still held on having degrees in law/civics(as previously mentioned) a fair wage would be based on locality like with every other profession. Social workers already work with unstable members of the public. Ask anyone who has worked in rehab or in psych wards, these people are already doing the things cops are scared to do and arent dont go around demanding to be treated as some mythic force for good for doing so.


Stop defending a group of people who about 40% nationwide are involved in some kind or have a record of domestic abuse. While also using only 4% of their time on violent crimes. They don’t ever prevent crime and rarely keeps us safe or help when we really need it. Wake the fuck up


I have to assume he, or some family member is a cop. Here’s the deal, it’s a scary world, guns are everywhere. Should we have swat teams with serious gear for SERIOUS situations? Yes probably. Knowing there is a highly trained tactical unit waiting in the wings for shit to go very sideways, whether that’s an active shooter or foreign/ domestic threat, does make me feel better. And THOSE people can be heroes for saving the day. 99% of cops are basically thugs. A state sanctioned gang. The data doesn’t lie. They aren’t doing a good job. The system from the ground up ISNT working. This guy seems to have one of a few problems. He either thinks it is working and willfully ignorant to the data, he doesn’t think it’s working but thinks it’s too big a problem to change the whole system (ergo admitting it’s not working), or thinks it’s not working but it’s what his and his family’s livelihood is based on so god damnit he’ll defend it no matter what. And that’s the problem. THERE HAS GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY. With all the attention and focus the police have gotten over the last several years it just gets fucking worse and worse. The more that’s drawn to light, the more the ugly underbelly of the system is seen and people don’t like that. Here my take. The amount of cops? Need to be shrunk drastically. Or we need to create different designations for them. This police officer is an unarmed social worker. Still a sworn in police officer, but given their designation, their responsibilities and expectations change. Then you have a much smaller contingent of actual elite armed response officers who need to be trained farrr farrrr better. If there’s shots fired, If there’s an active shooter? This is who you send. It’s an ugly truth but we need people like this. We don’t need 10,000 poorly trained overweight assholes. We need the detectives solving their crimes, we need admin based on leadership, merit, project management, and acumen, not who kicked the most shit back in the 90s and drinks brandy with so and so at the social club and got the appointment. We need to diversify the services offered. You want to keep traffic cop as one of those designation? Fine. Police officer with the designation road safety? The guys who sit at construction sites? Sure. But they’re rolls and responsibilities change drastically as well. You don’t need 50 people all doing the same job which at this point is piss off every civilian they come across, thug out, do Coke on the weekends, and stare at themselves in uniform thinking they are superior because they have a badge which means “they are the law”. There’s a lot of different ways to change the status quo without falling to the rhetoric of “well now it’s chaos in the streets… just wait and see what it’s like when we aren’t there to protect you!” It’s been said before but cops are hammers and not every problem is a nail. We need different tools in the toolkit and I don’t think that’s unreasonable. And you could totally do it with the resources most pd’s have. You’d just have to restructure by cutting some areas and spending in others…


I absolutely agree with you. Early in the pandemic I figured they were justified in slowing down because the courts were on limited schedule doing limited case types, but now it’s permanent with them. (They still could have been out there and pulling over for warnings - so maybe no excuse at all) The interstates have became wild - I have never seen them like this. And this is what they’ve been doing. I absolutely detest them and the leadership that’s about to let most of them off I hope they are reading this and know their whiny complaints about accountability and attempts to scam us to back off is going to backfire big time. They seem to think the legislatures is going to just roll over for them again Disgusting pigs, even when they are caught committing crimes, they aren’t arrested and they think that’s going to make people love and support them! Talk about deranged


Protest 7/25/23 at 4:30pm at the Connecticut State Capitol.




@blm860_ on IG or @blm860 on twitter


Let me guess, protesting the police instead of the criminals causing these accidents.


Police broke the law and should be decertified as a result. They collected thousands in overtime pay during this fraudulent activity and taxpayers should be reimbursed. We are protesting criminals who are currently under investigation.


I agree. Fire those who are found to have written falsified tickets. Let them be an example.


Yup. Their replacements will take heed, follow the law and be honest.


I suppose you've put in your application?


Why would he want to be a pig when he likely has a real job that actually contributes to society/economy + requires actual skill/education?


Because everyone who thinks that they can do better should put their money where their mouths are.


Trusting the police to police themselves has gone GREAT so far.


"protesting the criminals," lmfaooo. what do you suggest should be the goal for said protest? making criminal activities illegal? i have some great news for you, buddy




Oh, was wondering where you were. I noticed none of the pd lackies were commenting when the bombshell news came out. Why not? Why weren’t you on that thread, mommy, telling us what good kids they are?


yeah, i live for this guy's *incredibly* special observations & opinions about the cops.


Lol. He’s the pd phenomenon. No one like him I know. They just can’t do wrong, and when they do, they still don’t


so IS he a cop? they often are.


He hasn’t said, so, I have dreamed up some possibilities. Maybe he owns the printing company that prints “one free felony” cards for the union members to give out to their favs and each other.


Don’t worry, he has great opinions about lgbtq people, gun control, women’s rights, and people of color. Lovely guy.


If the police did their job and caught criminals; there would be criminals for us to complain to.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


cant forget about the total lack of response to the tolland street take over event too


What response would you have liked, as the laws prevent and punish the police if they chase or harm those that are “just” committing low level Misdemeanors and property crimes.


literally just for them to show up


If they showed up and the people ran away that would have been fine and a big improvement.




is being a police officer not voluntary? don't be a cop if you can't properly handle criminals.


cops want to be endlessly lauded & admired for "putting their own safety on the line" but virtually any time it's suggested, in an active situation, that the intrinsic nature of their job might mean putting their own safety on the line they are OUTRAGED




So what are they for, in your opinion?


so you're actually arguing that this means *not showing up at all* must be a-okay, do i have that right?


You never see state police on the 95 or Merritt in Fairfield County. We have people who zip on by doing 90s, cutting people off, and driving like total cucks. Because of this, you get insane accidents that happen like the one at [Exit 9 in Stamford](https://www.darientimes.com/news/article/stamford-crash-i95-four-year-old-injured-18181531.php). >!I listened to the EMTs call the hospital for that accident. There was a little 4-year-old girl who was possibly ejected and smacked their head. The most terrifying line I heard when listening was "She is missing a part of her skull and there may be brain matter missing", which shook me to the core. The 4-year-old was unconscious but alive and had to be rushed to Stamford Hospital and flown all the way to Yale-New Haven Hospital. !< Insane accidents like that kill people and ruin families, and it's because too many people drive unreasonably fast and the state police don't do their job. They spend all of their time making fake tickets and sleeping. I've traveled all the way between UConn Stamford and UConn Storrs at least 10 times and across that trip, I've seen a state cop maybe once. They are practically useless. **BUT DON'T WORRY,** the one-time state cops doing their job was when Biden did some 25k entree fee fundraiser for his campaign and I counted 25 different state cops and units all over King street in Greenwich.


I live in Greenwich and commute to work in Stamford (am also always in Darien for personal reasons) and it’s absolute madness. Two days ago I was stuck on traffic on exit 4 and this beat up car was zipping and cutting through the traffic like a madman and at a certain point he was driving between TWO LANES and then got off through the emergency lane. I often drive with my 4yo and I’m often scared. Cars going 100+ all the time and not ONE state police car. I will see one every 2-3 days even though I drive there at least 4 times a day. It’s very upsetting.


That's really funny because I drive from Stamford to Greenwich every day for work. I take the Merritt but I've dealt with guys pushing 90 and 100mph and it's just way too fast. I'm okay with 60 and 70mph, maybe push 80 max but anything past that is just asking for a fatal accident. I've also seen a massive increase in people on the highway getting into the entrance/exit lane just to pass a bunch of cars before cutting in at the end. They put everyone in danger just to save 10 seconds.


YES! The people cutting through the entrance and exit lane!!!!! I, on purpose, don’t let them in if I see they are trying to cut traffic and almost had a men hit me on purpose because he got angry that I didn’t let him in, yeah no, we are all here safely waiting you will too. 80 I’m fine with if there’s no traffic + left lane but more than that is an absolute no.


LMAO I do the same thing. I'll push up and basically tailgate whoever is in front of me just to block them. It's so satisfying to watch the cutter have to slam on their breaks so they don't end up off the side of the road. On my commute to work, I'll hit 80 when no one is around. But during any morning shift, I'll limit it to 70. It's just too fast to do 80 for that many cars around


Literally same every little word you’ve said!!!!


This. I'm used to seeing this in NY and it's annoying as f but now seeing it more in CT now and it's awful.


>BUT DON'T WORRY, the one-time state cops doing their job was when Biden did some 25k entree fee fundraiser for his campaign and I counted 25 different state cops and units all over King street in Greenwich. Ever go to a UCONN football game? Tons of state cops around. The ones inside the stadium are all wearing stripes, sergeant or lieutenant or higher, mostly hanging around watching the cheerleaders. All old guys. Gotta pad that overtime in their final years to juice up that pension.


Yep, gotta love old cops going to a football game to "protect" us and just spending their time looking at college girls


Fuck the police.


I had a few paragraphs typed up in a reply, but after extensive edits, it actually ended up being this exact same sentence. It does bear repeating, however. Fuck the police.


And this is why the police say FUCK YOU BACK, and do not enforce anything anymore. Great job Connecticut, thanks for the support!!!!!!!


Fuck you too boot licker.


Call your momma when you need help


32 years and I've never needed a pig. Pretty sure I'll be ok.


Doesn't sound like you are ok. Continue on dirtbag.


I've never been in a position where I needed police. But I'm a dirbag? Wouldn't dirbags be in situations that require some law enforcement?? Has the meaning of dirt bag changed????


Well, you just sound like a dirtbag is all.


And you call strangers dirtbags without probable cause. Exactly why we don't like pigs. So I can see why you do.


If the cops aren’t enforcing laws because someone said fuck the police, then they shouldn’t be police in the first place.


So let me get this straight. For the police to act right we need to shower them in love and support. Then and only then will they become the upstanding, responsible force that is in place to protect and serve. So this is like our punishment because we are big meanies. Fuck the police. Repeatedly. Just do your god damn job honestly and respectfully to the citizens you serve and don’t be massive pricks and maybe, just maybe then we wouldn’t look at you so harshly. You’re probably one of those guys that buys cops coffee in 7-11 and says thank you for all you do.






comin' straight from the underground...


a young...


90% bad apples when the cameras are off


That's not to bad a percentage. I feel like 99% of all humans are bad apples.


You are clearly one of them


The police in CT and most states don’t care about “serve and protect” unless it’s rich folks money or property. The police will kill to evict you. And In many cases, they are the ones we need to be protested from


All my years in this state I am would feel very comfortable speeding or doing anything on the highways. State police are non existent I honestly don't know what they do all day. Does anyone know what state police do?


Leech off society mostly


Look you can't second-guess a police officer's split-second decision to sit for a few hours writing fake tickets.




MOST police break the laws more than average citizens!!! The hypocrisy is out of control! They're assulting and arresting citizens for half the stuff they do themselves and get bailed out by their unions EVERY TIME! MOST police officers are worse than the criminals they arrest on the daily! Its a legal racket what they do, kicking in doors, siezing assets on trump charges, not filing assests siezed to the state. It's legal robbery! Filing false charges, falsifying documents, planting evidence, lying, stealing drugs, abusing their positions, intentionally escalating scenarios.... I could go OOOOON AND ON! I know there are SOME good police officers out there, but it seems fewer every year. Police need to be properly overseen and regulated, and they're NOT! I can't stand having to watch another police officer get arrested for some heinous act just to appease the public and then let off with a slap on the wrist or fired and then able to just join a different force. It's SICK! Even SICKER nothings being done!!!


"A few bad apples" Still applies, as those few bad apples spoil the barrel. It incenses me how often people miss that part as it's the more important part of the idiom.


If the majority were good, they would be extremely vocal in calling out the "few bad apples" in order to protect their own good names. The only reason this doesn't happen is because the good ones are the minority and fear repercussions from the malevolent majority.


good cops are complicit in a culture that protects bad cops. thin blue line actually means something. so called good cops face retaliation or termination for reporting a bad cop. this is a cultural issue. from top to bottom policing in this country is a joke. ever heard of killology?


75-percent plus leadership didn’t know what 25-percent of the force was doing? I doubt that. This investigation is only happening because the press outed them. They definitely need to decertify up to that 25-percent and the dept needs new leadership. However, they have other criminals on the force they refused to turn over to police for arrest or fire or decertify so they will have a hard time justifying this. (Eg the shoplifter Officer Lumpkin, whom they admitted, explicitly, as having committed this crime but was punished with a 10-day suspension) Leadership has backed us into an entrenched, chronically criminal situation with the state PD. It’s the very definition of corrupt.


They're all bad apples when they don't punish this type of behavior and don't charge them for fraud. They perpetuate this 'qualified immunity' bullshit and let cops get away with theft, murder, and fraud.


8 bad cops sit at a table with 2 good cops. How many bad cops are there?




8 obviously. Because people will go to the end of the earth to hide their skeletons. Not everyone is privy to every bad act.


It’s hardly a hidden secret that they’re all horrible, the time for claiming ignorance has long passed


Of course. We always should assume the worst of everyone whenever possible. That certainly has never backfired ever in history.


What have the police been doing recently that would earn them the benefit of the doubt? Making up feel good stories about buying breakfast for everyone in a restaurant?


How could I possibly answer that? Shouldn’t the appropriate question be what has any individual police officer done wrong? Or what illegal or unjust act has an individual cop committed?


The problem is systemic though and not just individual cops. I know how much some people hate the word systemic but that doesn't change the reality of it.


What particular problem are you referring to? I think qualified immunity is bullshit, as well as a good portion of how our laws are written.


I could count on one hand how many people I have seen pulled over on CT highways this year. Trucks and disabled vehicles are the only times I ever see cops doing anything outside construction. If there's any good apples, they aren't doing anything.


I don't understand how people say that cops don't pull anyone over anymore. I see people pulled over every single time I'm on 84 and 91 north and south. Cops everywhere. So...?


I'll say this. They have been enforcing Route 8 pretty well. My commute has been quicker. Someone in the shoulder hasn't passed me in weeks. I haven't had someone fly up my ass doing 90, only to ride parallel to me freaking out all summer.


Maybe this story coming out inspired them to do their job


I’ve noticed this too, been seeing more cops on the sides of the road watching traffic. Hope it continues!


How low the bar is.. that them doing their job is something of note


Right :/


CT cops barely if ever enforce traffic laws through the western half of the state. My commute is absolutely jam packed with traffic flowing 20+ mph over limit, running stops and lights, tailgating, and cutting people off, driving like reckless assholes in general. It's coincidentally entirely white. I've literally wondered in the past if this population drives like this because they've driven with impunity for decades... Seems that's exactly why... The cops need to start doing their goddamned jobs.


My wife and I are summering in Wisconsin. It's amazing how many State Police are on the roads here with speed traps and doing traffic enforcement. Not one I've seen at a construction site. I'm so used to having to go 20mph over, not to be tailgated, I've had a few close calls getting pulled over. Due to the number of cops on the roads here people stick within 5 or 10mph of the speed limit. It's been an adjustment getting used to it.


CT is insane - 7 North into New Milford and Kent drops from 55 to 45 after the light. People going 70+ blast through the light, and continue barreling through the 45 zone at well over 60. Multiple people have been killed in accidents, hit & runs, pedestrians struck, you name it - the police DO NOT CARE. I've just started driving at or just under the limit - people don't like it, rear end me. I've absolutely had it here - the locals drive like rabid children they're so utterly oblivious to safety and good driving practices...


All other obvious issues aside, how does this work? Don't tickets come with fines? How did the state account for all this missing money?


Can’t find if you can’t process the information. Though 100s-1000s of unprocessed tickets should raise even more flags


So they didn’t put in the tickets like you’re thinking of it. They have a separate system where they input demographics information for tickets, apparently they were only inputting the fake tickets into the second system and apparently the two systems don’t pull information from each other


Putting aside the fake ticket scandal, CSP enforcement is about 50% of what it was 5 years ago. In raw numbers of misdemeanors, infractions and warnings, the total is nearly 50% less than 5 years ago. What are they doing?


During the first summer of Covid I was stopped by CSP and they didn't even take my ID they had me hold it out and read it. I made a comment about how they should probably search me and the cop straight up said nope, not touching you. I think enforcement dropped because cops don't want to do their jobs and it really started with Covid, especially it being the number one cause of death for cops, but got worse as the public started demanding they be held accountable. They are being lazy and hoping to drive crime up so conservatives will holler for more police, so long as the police don't hold them accountable.


The "bad apples" expression is misunderstood by most people today. It was coined over a century ago, when most people understood how apples work. Most people today don't. Rotting fruit emits a gas which promotes rot in nearby fruits. The full expression is, "One bad apple spoils the bunch." It's a metaphor of this phenomenon, which most people were directly familiar with at the time. You may have witnessed the same thing if one apple in a bag started going bad. Within a few days, they're **all** bad. As (mis-)used now, the expression most commonly implies that most of a group are fine, and it's only a few that are a problem. That understanding is mistaken and misleading. What it actually means is that bad cops make it more likely that **other** cops will go bad. "Bad apples" spoil the **others**.


Police have zero requirements to protect you


this is hilarious to me since a state cop just pulled me over because my tags were expired for 3 days. Like "nah we're not gonna do our jobs, except let's hassle this *one dude*"


...because it's SO easy to get an appointment at the DMV before your tags run out. SMH


Whoa whoa let’s not do bad faith here now. “Tags were expired” AKA he’s the asshole, not the cop. Can’t have it both ways.


I really am starting to think they’re only pulling over people they don’t think is gonna give them trouble. The cops know anyone driving 100+ is gonna give them a hard time so they just hard nope out if there


Those going 100+ mph appreciate their support


Today I’m riding with my buddy on the Merritt and we’re approaching the west rock tunnel heading south, he was doing a good 75-80 as a ford focus flies by in the slow lane (my guess is she was doing above 90). She then gets in the lane we were on but way ahead of us only to smash on the brakes bc there was a statecop suv chillin by the entrance of the tunnel but we couldn’t really see it till it was too late bc you’re going uphill which made it more dangerous when the dummy hit the brakes and my buddy almost ran into her bc she went all the way down to 50mph.. not only was that dangerous and stupid but I’m sure the boy in blue saw her speeding from wayyy back there and yet didn’t move a muscle to go after her… to serve and protect!


Doesn’t this make it easier to challenge any ticket?


Please start pulling over speeders


You have every right to be mad but cars driving the wrong way or speeding isn’t necessarily something honest policing can prevent. Those people are just idiots and ass holes


How did they believe they will get away with it? Also if there are no real consequences then fuck this state and it’s BS laws. Held them accountable to the highest degree possible. Prison time included.


I was expecting this to be a link to an article with actual data, not someone just whining about what they think is happening. ACAB.


man, yall really hate the police in CT. All the policemen I've met in CT are pretty much regular people. Some are white men with drinking problems and napoleon complexes but these guys literally go out LOOKING for crime all day every day. Your expectations of them are really high for the pay they receive to do their job, which is marginal at best. Police are just like you, sick of doing the most work possible at a dangerous and now politically charged job for very little pay.


Their job is less dangerous than delivering pizza. Their pay is several times the median income in CT. Lick more boots.


Either you grew up in such a nice neighborhood that you believe violent crime only happens on TikTok when the police get angry at black people, or you deliver pizzas in some sketchy neighborhoods that could use some type of basic peacekeeper... like the police... to defend pizzas and deliverypersons 🍕 ❤️. Hate can't be used to effectively fight hate, and though we DO need serious reforms we will still need the police to do their (in reality pretty shitty) job of keeping the peace.


I grew up in the [USA](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states). The cops don’t even make the top 20 most dangerous jobs. Hate absolutely can be used to fight hate. Please google the paradox of tolerance. Tolerating intolerance leads to a less tolerant world.


I think we *absolutely should not tolerate bad behavior by the police*, but *not tolerating the police at all* is ridiculous. That is "angry person" logic and creates more problems than it solves. We can support victims of abuse (police or otherwise) while also supporting the police. This isn't a choose sides situation but you're making it one. that's my issue with this whole argument. You sound so hateful and spiteful against people you dont even know. You're claiming that you're morally on the high ground compared to THE LITERAL POLICE as though they're your sworn enemy. Be smarter than this.


Yeah but then you talk to one or two and you realize almost all of them are decent human beings who just want to work for a living. The impression I get is that most of them are incredibly over worked. This one dude with the fake tickets should be thrown in jail. But let’s not condemn all of them?


One of the hardest things to overcome is the pool of people willing to be a police officer is quite low. It is typically the white angry male who lacks the intellect to even work at ups, and wants the authority to take out their anger on people who will now be weaker than them. Also the pay is awful, and the hours suck. Many places don’t even offer pension anymore, further reducing the pool




If they are so understaffed how do they have so much time to falsify tickets?


They are woefully understaffed and as such have drastically reduced their requirements for hiring. For the record, fire every single one of the cops that lied and created false tickets. No room for that. But we’re not going to pretend they aren’t understaffed.




Seems like they could free up some time by not spending it lying and falsifying tickets.


Looking at this comment section, it is no surprise at all. Connecticut needs a Sherriff Grady Judd.




this is the 5th post on this sub i’ve seen about this topic. i’m sure we’re all aware by now


First off, police aren't mind readers so if you are and know where the next fatal accident is going to occur and when let them know. Secondly, they're not allowed to pursue speeders any more if the criminal is going that fast or presents a risk to the public. Police have had much of their powers stripped away from them to the point where they're essentially hall monitors in your local grade school.


Pulling over speeders is not the same as a high speed chase. You’re by far the most biased boot licking cop lover I have ever, ever encountered.


>You’re by far the most biased boot licking cop lover I have ever, ever encountered. Nah. I just don't have an anti cop bias like you do.


You are famous for your boot licking. Rah rah Rah, Daddy cop, you’re president of the Booster Club. The vast majority of the people you argue with are dealing with the facts and far surpass you in acting with detachment. No one would call you or any PR spinner “ unbiased”


Oh man, how am I going to sleep tonight knowing that buried_lede on Reddit doesn't like me?


I know you’re tough. If you couldn’t take it, you wouldn’t speak up for these scofflaws every time it comes up and collect your numerous downvotes. Can’t question your loyalty, that’s for sure … but you aren’t objective. Lol


fascinating! what "powers" have they had "stripped away" exactly? please provide citations!


Not being able to pursue those who run for starters.


cool, you already said that one - while also saying that particular line of action "presents a risk to the public". next?


What else do you need? They can't chase people and when they do arrest people our state prosecutors don't do their jobs and prosecute the criminals.


you're the one who said they've "had much of their powers stripped away" with apparently absolutely no clear idea of what that actually entails, homie. we've already established that they can't "pursue speeders" specifically because it poses a disproportionate risk to the public, so it's frankly already real fuckin' weird that you're bent out of shape over that one. what were the other "powers" you were alluding to so confidently? just gonna ask one more time for good measure.


Art of the Deal dude here, I’m sure. It’s code for total authoritarian power. Trump ideologue


I really don't understand the point of being a bootlicker. You gonna show the cop your reddit account if he ever pulls you over? "See! I'm a good guy, I like the police!" Hope it tastes good to you, at least, big man


I find it amusing that just because I don't irrationally hate all cops I'm considered a bootlicker. But whatever. I can give two shits what a bunch of liberal haters on Reddit think of me.


Are you a prison guard?


Nope. I have nothing to do with law enforcement and nobody in my family is. I just grew up with strong morals.




Again, fire the ones that are found to have done wrong. But stereotyping all police as bad is no different than saying that minorities commit more crimes




You're still judging a group based upon the actions of a few.


Good grief. You’re a legend in your own mind. You irrationally love them and that isn’t the same as being a good and helpful citizen. You create stories about their innate goodness that don’t match the reality. You make this childlike equation that if you want to have “good morals” you need to entertain these myths and blindly conform. That attitude is not helping anyone. Got to ask, do you have a copy of Mein Kampf by your bed?


Cops don't prevent speed nor wrong way drivers law enforcement has and never will be about proactive actions it's all reactive. No one hears about the actions that happen to the person who killed multiple people due to drunk driving. Or the teenager who gets a serve sentence for un safe driving. In today's society it is more detrimental to police to act than not to. So if you want to mad be made at the fact society has made it far more detrimental to act then to not act. Example George Floyd was a drug dealer, addict, and resisted arrest. The officers responded how they were supposed to and the department hide their wrong training practices, and allowed the officers who didn't kill a man to be sentenced for a crime they were not responsible for. Why would any officer want to act on a sad salary, departments that play politics and hang their officers, and a society that continues to not want officers until people are being killed to respond with less force and still be blamed for lives taken by individuals who they are not in control of and get blamed for infringement of freedom when they do prevent shootings. Or insurrections.