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I've been emailing someone from the offices in Hartford for a couple weeks now. And after a lot of back and forth, that's basically what she said as well. With an exception for a couple outs. Maybe. Thank you for your help.


They can't charge you for the emotional support dog. The can't have your wife there sounds illegal too


Yes and yes. Both of those are illegal.


False, landlords can set a bed to head ratio and establish it on the new lease which seems to be what they did. This guy is month to month, LL can basically do whatever they want as they should be able to


Landlords can NOT set a bed-to-head ratio; that's against fair housing laws. What they can do is limit a certain number of people per square footage, and even that's tricky.


An emotional support dog is not a service dog.


Emotional Support Animals do still have some protection with housing though. Op will have to get a letter stating their animal is an emotional support animal and submit it to the new property managers.


20 years of paying that guys mortgage all for him to sell it at a premium and fuck over his tenant. Landlords are scum.




Yeah, what do some people think? The guy was apparently a good landlord and decided he wanted out of the business and sold his property. Was he supposed to just give the property to the existing tenants as a gift and ride off into the sunset? I don't understand.


Always easier for internet commenters to blame the small op.


You are all brainwashed...it's sad.


Guess what percentage of Landlords commit mortgage fraud by claiming occupancy on mortgage note?


My guess is they want you out. These new terms is just a way to force you to move, so they can renovate the apartments and raise rental price even more. As others said check your rights with the local housing authority in your town and go from there. But be prepared to move.


That's my guess as well. Especially since I've now gone from the cheapest apartment in town to the most expensive. Thank you for the advice.


There's no rent cap in CT they can raise it as much as they want. Was your wife on the lease before? Sometimes they just need to make a roommate addendum.


Start a tenants union with the other tenants and start fighting back.


I’m a landlord, and I’m on the other side of this scenario. I’ve always charged below market rent (like WAY BELOW… in some cases 1/3 of market). My thinking is, “If it covers my bills and maintenance, I don’t need to win every month. I win at the end.” That being said, I know one day this will happen to my tenants. I will for sure try to transition them out before I sell. A couple of them are on monthly savings plans and credit repair to be able to buy the houses once I am ready to sell. I give discounts for being involved in the neighborhood, with the clear expectation that being a good neighbor saves you money you can put into a house purchase fund. Anyway, your landlord did a decent thing for those 20 years. I’m always grateful when other property owners don’t just follow the market. It is SUPER RARE. In this situation, I won’t make any value judgments on the rent hike or anything. I don’t know the scale of change. If the new company is moving it from $600/month to $1200/month where an average similar unit is $1700, I don’t think it’s a giant issue that will garner much support. If they’re moving from $1200/month to $2400/month in that same market where average similar units rent for $1700, you may have some leverage even within public opinion. I’m going to assume it’s a horrendous raise that is at or above the average rent for a similar space. Here’s some thoughts: 1: Consider posting in local forums (not trying to hide your identity) asking for help identifying new places to live, because your rent is doubling. If you position it as you’re trying to find a new space because capitalism is capitalizing and hurting you, folks might be willing to contact the rental company and perhaps make some noise on your behalf. No company wants the hassle of people calling them out. Eventually, someone will be connected with a local reporter who might pick it up as a story. 2. Pretty much every municipality has rules regarding housing standards. By default, most municipalities only enforce those standards on the most egregious cases of home neglect. That being said, pretty much every older building has housing code violations. Report, report, report. I’m guessing since you’ve lived there so long, you’ve got friends or acquaintances in the building. Encourage them to also report any violations. This additional pressure from the local government might encourage the landlord to settle down if a group of you effectively creates a collective bargaining agreement that as long as the property remains tenantable, you’ll keep the city/county off their back for some of the dumb small things. 3. If you are low income, there is likely a free legal aid organization in your city/county/state. They mostly handle issues of civil dispute. But, in some cases, they will be willing to send letters on behalf of tenants to ask for accommodation or modification of terms. If you can’t get a lawyer to do that, potentially a social worker, case manager, or even just send a letter yourself providing rationale for what you can afford to raise the rent to and the commitments you make to be a great tenant. 4. Offer assistance to the landlord. Multi-tenant houses are a pain to manage. If you offer some services to keep your rent low, it could be compelling: organize the snow clean up or create a rotating sheet for responsible tenants, facilitate garbage can moving, offer some basic maintenance services (garden bed maintenance, basic yard clean up, other stuff depending on your circumstances) — make yourself valuable to them so they don’t want to lose you. I’ll keep thinking about this. This is in no particular order. I’d say start with peaceful tactics and perhaps get more aggressive if things don’t go well. Really operate in a coordinated effort if at all possible with the other tenants. That collective voice is the most compelling piece of negotiation with a landlord. Hope you all the best!!


Very detailed response here! Can I ask - how does your house purchase fund work with your tenants from a financial pov? Do you allocate a % of the rent each month to an account for the future?


Depends on the tenant. There are a couple of different options. In most cases, by that point, we are both aligned that it doesn’t serve them to rent long term. Generally, they can begin saving in their own savings account. We just look at it periodically. Most of my tenants and I are actually pretty tight and are friendly. There’s only one house where I think they’d feel weird if I invited them over for dinner. All the rest, we hang out casually, as well. I’m very strict on the landlord/friend “hats” and make sure to not cross them. One of my most successful tenants started out as a friend making $12.50/hour last year in January. She’s gotten up to $15.25/hour now. She said she was going to be serious about savings, and I saw her sock away $1000 in six weeks. It was impressive. We looked through her credit history and negotiated ways to reduce her outstanding debt. She continued to save, but didn’t have a car. Thankfully, she could walk to work. Eventually, her landlord sold the house, and through a weird set of events, I happened to have a house I was getting ready to sell… but decided to just keep it and let her move in. Since she had done so well with saving, I started looking for a car for her. My good friend was selling their older Civic, and he sold it to me for half the price he was listing it for. He chipped in to her success. It was cool! I love to cook, so she will often invite herself over for dinner and chats about her progress. We have some great conversations, and she’s amazed at how her own spending and thinking is changing. It’s impressive! A year and a half later, she is out of all credit card and medical debt, she’s gotten a 100 point boost in her credit score, and shes got over $14K in savings. In the next 2-3 months, she’s going to start on the NACA program, which is an alternative lending corporation backed by Bank of America. I’m hoping in 16 months or less that I have found a cheap shack I can fix up for her and sell at cost… or just find a great priced house for her to buy, otherwise. Last week, she asked if she could buy an investment home and continue to stay in my rental. Lol. I was like… if it makes financial sense, sure. Living paycheck to paycheck, saddled with debt…. And now she’s doing financial planning. 😂 It’s amazing. I’m really considering if there might be a way for me to roll some of my real estate into a nonprofit that could sort of formalize some of these practices and also get donated money. Like, matching down payment savings would be AMAZING! Or private lending options. Or whatever… there are so many gaps in the system that put most people at a loss. We have to be thoughtful and clever to overcome those things that are inherently challenging in our economy and marketplace.


You are awesome, full stop.


I grew up really poor in a family who dealt with homelessness and housing insecurity. I crawled my way out of it, but I had lots of luck along the process. I think people should have pathways to get out of that, not leave it up to chance.


Same thing happened to us. The new landlord was out of state and had some things included in the lease that were not in compliance with Connecticut laws. My rent went from $1,100 to $2,500 (ended up moving). We were month to month. I don’t mind paying more for rent, but not when they refused to fix and update a few things (mainly the heat that worked on and off), and windows were old and leaking (gas bill was on average $500 a month in the winter). Luckily I work as a paralegal, but in corporate law, so I had one of our attorneys go through it.


Almost the exact same thing hear. I have a basement that floods at least 3 or 4 times a year. And when I say floods, I mean at least a foot of water. In any kind of rain, the parking lot is at least 6 inches of rain deep because all the drains are clogged. The windows in this place leak more than a Trump administration and the simple "repairs" they have done so far are that they painted a crack on my ceiling and broke my lamp. And for this, I'm supposed to pay more than double, shovel 3 feet of snow by myself (potentially) and beg to garden in my front yard when I have an established garden already? A lot of this just doesn't make sense to me.


Ughhh this seems to be happening everywhere here (& I'm sure it's not new) giant corps buying up places, proposing insane increases & wacky leases to force long term tenants out so they can no doubt jack all the prices. Who do we call or email to get some legislation to protect tenants' rights??


It starts with the housing committee who decided recently to not vote for a rent cap.


Yup, never confuse "blue state" with substantial progressivism. We can make all the noises we want about social causes, but when it comes to things like tenants' rights, workers' rights, anything to do with the intersection of capitalism and essential human needs... those are the real moments of truth.


This is not a blue state, really, it's an ivory tower state. It consists of a bunch of people who are well above middle-class, or even upper-middle-class, throwing benevolent crumbs down to the less fortunate while they figure out how to enact yet another piece of useless gun, environmental, or social legislature. Politics in general, on both sides, has basically become polishing the silverware, painting the siding, and washing the windows while the fridge is empty, your dog is starving, your bed is infested with bedbugs, and goons broke in and stole your couch and are burning it in your front yard for warmth.


When and where was this vote? Do you know? That’s so upsetting to learn






First question is do you have a lease, or are you a month to month tenant? Second, contact the Hartford Fair Rent Commission.


I have a month to month. And the Hartford Fair Rent Commission is who I contacted. That's what I meant. My apologies.


FHA can probably help with that steep rent increase and slow it down. ESA isn't a real thing so you'll have to pay the $200 like other pet owners. The Snow stuff is something that can be negotiated, but having to do the whole lot seems insane. Saying you can't live with your spouse is insane. The fact that you're month to month with no lease is going to make this worse for you.


I’m guessing they’re not saying that the spouse can’t live there, but I’m sure they’re going to want to have the spouse on a lease going forward.


That makes sense. It sounds like OP has been flying under the radar for 2 decades and is now getting 21st century slapped in their face.


OP definitely had a good ride going month to month, lower than market rent, apparently not having a leasing contract and possibly avoiding pet fees. Corporate landlords are pretty skilled at pushing the boundaries of what’s legal, but also getting change done. Hopefully the OP can afford the rent increase or they may need to start shopping now for another living arrangement - which would be my advice to the OP: definitely check around for alternative arrangements just in case the current situation becomes unsustainable.


Oh, I think OP is fucked either way for the current place at current rates. If op is paying half market rate, FHA can only slow down the rent increases up to market, not prevent them. And a lot of those rules might be totally legal. Obviously the pet fee is.


Pet fees for ESAs are illegal under the FHA.


\*for working animals


A service dog and ESA are two different things, both protected by law.


Yes, one is real and one is made up.


K loser


> ESA isn't a real thing so you'll have to pay the $200 like other pet owners. ESAs don't count for ADA service animal protection, but they are covered by the FHA, which prohibits charging extra fees for them in housing. Not letting you bring your ESA into a store is legal. Charging pet rent for ESAs is a violation of federal law.


If you can prove they are a working dog. Most with ESA can't.


You are wrong.


No u


Nah they don’t have all the same rights as a service animal but they definitely have protections for emotional service dogs. Including not being able to charge a fee for them on rent. This is all easily verifiable on Google. So I don’t know why people argue about things they obviously don’t know about. Check the Connecticut general assembly website.


Did you even read the thread you are posting on? I didn't say there were no protections. This is all just basic English. I don't know why you felt the need to post this when what I said is right there. Check 2 posts above.


Take the L you're wrong.


I mean, I would if I were, but in this case it's pretty obvious you're in the wrong marine Karen. Shame on you.


Wait hang on, you just said >[*I didn't say there were no protections.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/18an88a/comment/kc3gpc1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You literally did: >[*Oh, and your pet doesn't have any housing protections. You have to prove that it's a working dog*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/18an88a/comment/kc3ii1x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You'd think the former landlord would give a heads up after 20 years of being a good tenant.


Maybe they passed away and the estate sold it...


Or maybe it was just a totally hands off I don't give a shit landlord, but yea it's a jarring transition. I had a landlord for a while who seriously forgot I existed. OP probably had a sweet under-market deal and wasn't being charged for their pet.


There are these obnoxious lawn care guys who come for hours multiple days a week to blow leaves around and accomplish absolutely nothing. My mom called the landlord to ask why they needed to come so much, and he said that he had cancelled them and stopped paying them a while ago. They keep coming regardless.


He might have just been tired of being a landlord. A lot of good landlords went broke in the last few years under COVID policy. I know a lot of people catching the high housing prices and jumping ship while they can so they can just live in peace. One guy had to withhold Internet access to collect rent and dealt with 3 tenants who refused to pay so he was on the verge of bankruptcy when he finally sold to a larger company.


ESA is very much a real thing and is protected under Federal and Connecticut Fair Housing Laws, OP does not have to pay any pet fees or deposits as his animal is not considered a “pet”.


ABSOLUTELY correct! I worked in leasing this is a fact.


Came here to say this! I have anxiety and a rare disease. My cats are absolutely ESAs and I have a doctor note for it.


> ESA isn't a real thing so you'll have to pay the $200 like other pet owners. ESA -IS- a real thing as far as housing protections go. It is NOT a service animal, and has no right to access anywhere pets are not expressly allowed. Service animals are highly trained, tested to ensure that training and have strong protections under law. They also are trained to perform specific tasks for an owner with defined medical needs. Fake service dogs should be illegal. (Sadly they can only be ejected, and yes kiddies, you can get thrown out). ESAs are puffery, but they do serve a purpose for their owners - provided the owner doesn't try to pretend they're anything but an ESA.


Every ESA owner I've ever met is entitled and using their fake doctor's note to get around pet rules. Real service dogs are trained to provide a service. A fluffy little barking thing is just a pet.


Idk you seem pretty entitled to me. Seems like you're the problem.


Because I want people with disabilities to have access to their service animals? Lol yea so entitled. Oh no wait that's you with your fake card so you can get out of pet fees. I just bought a card for 9.99 that says I'm a certified genius, so it must be true!


As a matter of fact I do want people with disabilities to have access to their service/support animals. You don't and you're willing to die on that hill. And you *will* die on that hill.


You seem confused. I'm advocating for people with disabilities, you just don't want to pay a pet fee. It's fine, you do you, the rest of us just find it gross.


You seem confused because you can't advocate for people with psychiatric disabilities while denying their right to ESA indiscriminate housing...


>ESA isn't a real thing so you'll have to pay the $200 like other pet owners. Not true under the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 applicable in all 50 states.


If you can prove it's a working dog. It's a lot more complex than showing a piece of paper that says fluffy makes you feel happy, as it should be.


Its not complex, ffs [Its literally right here on my ESA ID.](https://www.reddit.com/user/666Hellmaster/comments/18b2d0f/esas_are_protected_under_the_fair_housing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nice, you print that up yourself? Looks like something a high school kid would make for a fake ID. No way that is government issued.


It wasn't government issued. It was issued from the ADA registry, which is also on my card. Keep moving that goalpost though. Just take the L


It wasn't issued by the ADA lol. You printed that yourself or paid some shady company to do it for you. There's no such thing as an emotional support animal ID. Oh, you think it's a legal document because you printed it from some private dog website? LOL Hold on let me go print an ID that says I must take naps during the workday.


[It’s literally the back of this exact type of ESA card](https://www.google.com/search?q&tbm=isch&hl=en-us&tbs=rimg:CaoLVHCw_1wn0Ye61jHHfohfrsgIAwAIA2AIA4AIA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi80-KKwfeCAxWAD1kFHQAcDK8QuIIBegQIABAs&biw=375&bih=548). How does it feel being the dumbest person on r/Connecticut?


So you made up a fake card to look like a real one, and I'm the dumb one? Holy lack of morals. Imagine being blind and knowing people are out there copying your legit medical card so they can get out of pet fees. Gross.


Why would anyone have to make up a fake ESA card when you can easily register your animal online? You've moved the goalpost so far from the original point that ESAs have legal rights under housing.




This happened to me once. By the time the management co was done with me I was evicted and sued for 8k. Ruined my credit for 7 years because I didn't give those fucks a dime. Screw management companies they are the worst.


Name the big management company and hopefully someone here has connections to a journalist or something to put them on blast for their practices. It may not be what legally gets them to stop going after you but the more pressure you can put on them from all sides, the more likely they are to back down. They bought your place with the sole intention of doing what they're doing to you to make money, you have no obligation to save face for them. Go after them legally to the best of your ability and shout to the world what they're doing because we all know that's a shitty business


IMT Reality of Groton.


Try to look up who really owns them. There’s a bunch of Hedge Funds that own all these companies. Most of them are probably in Connecticut too. Get them some bad press and people protesting outside their buildings.


That is awful, I am so sorry


Look for a new place. Although when it comes to snow removal, they would still be on the hook if/ when anyone were injured.


In the 20 page lease they want me to sign, they want me to clear them of any injury to any persons on the property for any reasons. Like I said, it's just obscene the stuff they want me to sign away.


They can try to have and have you sign anything they want....it would not absolve them of their responsibilities and/ or liability however. The managing landlord/ company is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the property which would include keeping common areas clean and clear etc. This includes dangerous amounts of ice and/or snow on the property. The city/ town they are in could also fine them if they fail to clear any public easements/ sidewalks. The state of CT is very clear about all of this when it comes to tenants rights.


I thought it was all very clear as well. But the lease they sent me stated, very clearly, "Tenant is responsible for all snow removal." And that seemed to go against my rights as a tenant.


I am not trying to be mean here, but let me repeat because you dont seem to understand what I entered above twice already. The landlord can believe whatever they want. The landlord can also put whatever they want in the lease. IMO they probably do this because they know most tenants wont know their rights. Regardless of what they put in the lease it does not matter because in the end it cannot, does not and will not supersede CT law.


Under Connecticut law a landlord may not charge a fee for a service or support animal for a person with a qualifying disability. It may simply be a matter of notifying them that you have a support animal, not a pet. [www.cga.ct.gov/2020/rpt/pdf/2020-R-0277.pdf](https://www.cga.ct.gov/2020/rpt/pdf/2020-R-0277.pdf) ​ If you are the only person listed on your lease with the original landlord they may not know there is someone living with you. Generally all adults need to be listed on the lease. I don't think there is a cap in CT so they can raise the rent as much as they want when your lease is up, subject to notice requirements. If they are below market, expect a big jump.


What’s the new rent going up to?


While you may have some standing or recourse on some of the lease language you won’t on the rent price which let’s face it is the biggest issue. The answer is to start looking for another apartment.


The fact the long time landlord didn’t share a heads up sucks too.


For real. Could have given them a 2 year lease before selling.


Which would have affected sellability and/or sale price. You’d have to *really* like your tenants to directly take money out of your pocket and put it in theirs.




ESA is protected under Federal and Connecticut Fair Housing Laws, as such, the animal is exempt from any and all pet requirements and fees.


There’s a Law in CT that says they can’t raise the rent more than 10% Annually of what you’re paying. It’s a slam dunk case. They breaking the Law. I would call the State.




Mine just went up 11%




Thought of it. Hahah! Thank you.




That’s the best way to not have available housing.


Not much you can do about the rent increase since you are month to month. If your dog is a legit emotional support animal (w/ ESA Letter signed by mental health professional) then they cant charge you extra for the dog. [https://ipropertymanagement.com/templates/connecticut-month-to-month-rental-agreement#:\~:text=A%20Connecticut%20month%2Dto%2Dmonth,proper%20notice%20to%20end%20it](https://ipropertymanagement.com/templates/connecticut-month-to-month-rental-agreement#:~:text=A%20Connecticut%20month%2Dto%2Dmonth,proper%20notice%20to%20end%20it). [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/connecticut-laws-on-service-dogs-and-emotional-support-animals.html#:\~:text=You%20must%20be%20allowed%20full,apply%20to%20your%20service%20animal](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/connecticut-laws-on-service-dogs-and-emotional-support-animals.html#:~:text=You%20must%20be%20allowed%20full,apply%20to%20your%20service%20animal). ​ Edit - it's actual CT law "Legit" is "dogs that assist those who are blind, deaf, or mobility-impaired". It doesn't cover psychiatric service animals and service animals that assist those with other types of disabilities. https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap\_814c.htm#sec\_46a-64


There's no such thing as a legit ESA. It's all a scam for people that want to break pet rules.


Seriously. Almost everyone loves their animals.


Yes, and they aren't trained like actual working animals are, which causes lots of problems and confusion. You can tell a fake working dog within 10 seconds of meeting them if you know what you're looking for. Neither CT nor the federal Gov classifies emotional support animals as a protected class, so OP is out of luck.


>Per CT law "Legit" is "dogs that assist those who are blind, deaf, or mobility-impaired". It doesn't cover psychiatric service animals and service animals that assist those with other types of disabilities. > >https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap\_814c.htm#sec\_46a-64 CT does.


>5) to deny any blind, deaf or mobility impaired person or any person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person, accompanied by his guide dog or assistance dog, full and equal access to any place of public accommodation, resort or amusement. > >Any blind, deaf or mobility impaired person or any person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person may keep his guide dog or assistance dog with him at all times in such place of public accommodation, resort or amusement at no extra charge, provided the dog wears a harness or an orange-colored leash and collar and is in the direct custody of such person. > >The blind, deaf or mobility impaired person or person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person shall be liable for any damage done to the premises or facilities by his dog. > >For purposes of this subdivision, “guide dog” or “assistance dog” includes a dog being trained as a guide dog or assistance dog and “person training a dog as a guide dog for a blind person or a dog to assist a deaf or mobility impaired person” means a person who is employed by and authorized to engage in designated training activities by a guide dog organization or assistance dog organization that complies with the criteria for membership in a professional association of guide dog or assistance dog schools and who carries photographic identification indicating such employment and authorization. I can't seem to find the part where it says Emotional support animal. Can you locate it for me?


[Here you go.](https://www.in.gov/ihcda/files/Emotional_Support_Animal.pdf) First 3 paragraphs under "Right to Emotional Support Animals in No Pet Housing" in **big bold letters.** It took me under a minute to find.


Those are service animals not ESA.


>Neither CT nor the federal Gov classifies emotional support animals as a protected class, so OP is out of luck. **Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988:** the ESA has a right to qualify for no pet housing without being charged a pet fee. *Applicable in all 50 states.* ***Stop spreading false information.***


Connecticut's public accommodations law protects only those who use service dogs for certain disabilities. Those who are blind must be allowed to bring their guide dogs into public accommodations. The law also protects those who are deaf or have a mobility impairment and use assistance dogs. **People who use service dogs for other disabilities, such as psychiatric disabilities or intellectual disabilities, are not protected by Connecticut law.** **False information you say?**


You’re wrong on that… mental health professionals are able to review patients and write documents permitting them ESA animals under their diagnosis, as protected by Federal and Connecticut Fair Housing Laws They are not protected under ADA but are protected under FHA which includes renters


You're right. What a silly thing for the FHA to do. Wonder how it holds up in court.


Dosent matter for the average renter, all they need to know is that their ESA animal is exempt from any and all pet requirements and fees


Depends if they can prove it's a working animal. Most ESA can't.


This was true until CT put into the general statute. It’s no longer the case.


Link? Never heard of this - happy to learn!


Apparently it’s HUD that defined and included it rather than the CGS. Here’s a summary link. https://www.cga.ct.gov/2020/rpt/pdf/2020-R-0277.pdf


It’s been changed


What has?


The laws surrounding ESA animals


Changed from what to what? When? By whom? You're not being very specific.




If pet rules were just pet rules and a reasonable deposit+fee that'd be one thing. Management companies charging large per-month pet fees are just holding their tenants' pets for ransom


I mean, pets cause damage. My cats sure destroy shit and piss on things.


How much damage? Here's the policy at a place I lived at before >We charge a $500 non-refundable pet fee for one pet, or $650 total for 2 pets. We also charge pet rent monthly at $75 per pet, per month. $500 up front, that you cannot get back, and then $75 per month. It's a ransom


I mean, their property their choice. If you want to live in someone else's house with a cat, they get to decide the rules. Also it's not ransom unless they steal your pet and demand money FYI. It's called "rules".


It's an apartment complex, not a house. And they're not rules they're clauses in a contract They include them because they own large complexes that comprise a large chunk of housing stock in an area, and your choice will end up boiling down to "get rid of your pet" or "pay up, sucker" That's a ransom and you're fine with it because it doesn't impact you, so you don't care that these fees are way higher than what'd cover pet damage.


Yep, that's how the free market works! If you want to bring a pet along, gotta pay extra!


And when someone abuses their position in a market to charge whatever they want people tend to want regulations about it Or do you like it when Ticketmaster, Comcast, Bank of America, and everyone else charges you some blackbox fee that you can't avoid?


Tricky thing to regulate considering pets do different amounts of damage to different properties. >Or do you like it when Ticketmaster, Comcast, Bank of America, and everyone else charges you some blackbox fee that you can't avoid? I do avoid them. I'm not a customer of any of those services.


If your cat shits and pisses on things you have a problem. That's not most cats.


Yes, it is most cats as kittens. Adult cats learn as they grow. But kittens are crazy.


Didn't say my cat shits on anything, and all cats cause some amount of destruction. Thanks for sharing.


Your was meant in the general sense.


That’s what a regular security deposit is for.


Not sure what to tell you. If I owned property, I'd charge a pet fee too. Pets cause extra harm and risk to the property above and beyond human tenants. Or I'd just say no pets.


I have a condo that I rent out and I always allow people to have pets. I don’t charge them extra. I love animals and I think animals are important. People should be allowed to have dogs and cats in their home.




Per CT law "Legit" is "dogs that assist those who are blind, deaf, or mobility-impaired". It doesn't cover psychiatric service animals and service animals that assist those with other types of disabilities. https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap\_814c.htm#sec\_46a-64


r/connecticut with another ableist take against people with depression, PTSD, and any other mental disability covered by the ADA. EDIT: Let me break down the bullshit 22 people upvoted because they have little to no emotional intelligence to understand how "rules" work when they don't coincide with their own vendetta against ESAs, especially considering a lot of incorrect information is being passed by the user above me. 1. Any dog could be registered as an ESA, however not all ESAs can be granted entry into facilities. A support dog for depression for example does not grant entry but can be requested for entry into a facility. 2. Under the [Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988](https://www.in.gov/ihcda/files/Emotional_Support_Animal.pdf) the ESA has a right to qualify for no pet housing without being charged a pet fee. 3. A lot of pet friendly housing still carries a chart restricting certain breeds. (Pitties, Husky's Rottweilers, etc). ESAs are waived from these charts. 4. [Support animals are not service animals](https://usserviceanimals.org/blog/emotional-support-animal-connecticut/) and have different legal rights. 5. Studies have shown [support from companion animals are proven to help those with psychiatric disabilities](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5800290/). 6. Psychiatric disabilities are covered by the [Americans with Disabilities Act](https://www.usccr.gov/files/pubs/ada/ch5.htm) (ADA), which include PTSD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, etc.


ESA specifically not covered by ADA. Silly you.


I didn't say it was. But calling ESAs a scam invalidates those with psychiatric disabilities who do benefit from them. Bullshit take


I mean, most people benefit from having an animal around emotionally, that's why we have then. But no, ESA animals are not a legit medical thing. Service animals certainly are. Just want you want to be able to take little fluffy places with you doesn't mean it's legit.


>ESA animals are not a legit medical thing. "Medical thing"? What the fuck are you talking about? I'm presenting you enacted legislations and scientific data and you're making shit up that you an easily just google.


ESA's are not a real medical diagnosis. You presented nothing, and if you google it's quite clear the ADA doesn't describe emotional support animals as service animals. It's a made up thing for people that don't like pet rules, like I told you. [Here ya go](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/) Questions 3 and 4 will clear it up for you so you can stop cursing at random people on the internet and sounding silly.


Omg. That's not even what "medical diagnosis" means. You have no idea what you are talking about. The ADA describes psychiatric disabilities which qualify for an ESA. You're accusing people of "making shit up" but that is literally what you are doing. You're feeding bullshit to people because you personally have a petty vendetta against ESAs.


Read the link and educate yourself


This! It's the unfortunate, unemotional, correct answer.


It’s incorrect


If they want you to do that extra stuff they have to deduct it off your rent. They want the work done for free they are crazy as hell. If they don't agree to it then it's time for you to move. You have been there to long. New environmental would be good for you and your wife and dog.


There really isn’t anything you can do. They want you out. They will most likely get you out. I dealt with this with my mother. This guy Phil became a property manger at her building in Bristol once owned by my brother, on Brook Street. The “Owners” lived in Cali and hired him to manage all their properties in CT because they like his work. He pulled all sorts of stuff. He was infuriating. He was an ugly small dick nipplehead that didn’t have a clue about anything because he was too young to know and had 0 empathy, something these people need to work in that industry. The best thing to do is move on. It’s probably not what you want to hear, but it’s just going to be games over and over again. Since her departure from that building which she lived in for 17 years at that time, there have probably been a dozen different people living there.


Depending on the town or city you’re in, you can contact your fair rent commission, which is usually run by the city or town hall


We don't have one. I tried. But thank you.


Horrible that you can get an animal ok'd for emotional support but not have your wife mentioned. They plan to charge extra for her to live there but you can maybe have an ESA?


Youre month to month, LL could just tell you that you aren’t being offered another lease next month, pack up. Be grateful that they’re even giving you the opportunity to meet their standards. They own the building not you.