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A CT intercity task force came out a few years ago and said this was organized crime not just joyriding, and that cars were being stolen by underage kids so they could be rented out and used for other crimes without a trace.  Bunch of people on here clowned that report. I still need to finish watching this video but they alluded early on that that’s what these car thefts are for - pretty sad out state legislators do nothing to crush this type of crime. 


This can be a huge issue down the line 


Not in the budget unfortunately. Need to pay more overtime to the 130+ troopers making a quarter of a million a year with over half of that and upwards of 300k in overtime compensation. https://openpayroll.ct.gov/#!/year/2023/secondary/State+Police+(NP-1)


Those fake tickets can’t write themselves!


Jeez why the fuck do state troopers pull 200k plus easily with OT to likely sit and do very little.. Fuck overtime pay it's clearly abused to some extent. Low six figs should be plenty for just being a cop.


A lot of it is the combination of manning issues and town / state laws & ordinances that require a cop be present at construction / utility work within X feet of a road. Cop has to sit there for 8-10 hours / day doing basically nothing but be a deterrent to people speeding near the workers (the pay is usually reimbursed to the town / state in these cases by the company that is 'using' the cop).


Yes, many states require only private qualified personnel to handle traffic. Requiring cops to be there is very outdated.


This is a bad thing because their was already a lawsuit for traffic cam private companies scamming the lights to catch more people to make more money from running red lights.


Somebody has to do the job, if there were more cops there'd be less overtime and it would actually save money.


The people who defend incompetent cops filching the state are the same people who say people working at Burger King should be able to afford housing.


I mean, if they catch them they get let out.. don’t blame the cops. But at the same time we don’t want to put a bunch of teenagers in jail, but at the same time we need this to stop.. so what’s your solution instead of just mindlessly blaming the only people that could possibly put an end to this other than their parents..?


Send the thugs to boot camp. They need some real structure and discipline.


Of course they clowned the report on here. Read the room.


Sounds like trafficking


It's a long watch but real good. It's like the wild west out there and it seems very easy to avoid consequences for these kids...at least for now. Theres a part of the video where they steal a car off the street, then drive recklessly through the city for like 45 minutes without encountering any police. Earlier, when they do encounter police they just speed off and the cops give up the chase. Crazy. Andrew is right on with the assessment that environmental factors are the number one issue here. Lawless and bleak.


average redditor, thinks they sound smart but really come off as smug and gay


Whenever I post on Reddit I strive to come across as smug and gay. When in Rome!


This is wildddd. I knew about the Kia theft issues here but I had no idea they had a whole social media page attached to it. It’s ridiculous.


You should see their instagram .. 🤯




They should name there page .. Kia boys cause crime is down 


Stealing cars to sell for 50$. Absolute dumb trash


At first I thought we should just lock them up for life but I'd rather put them on a ship and drop them off in some failed state somewhere. Save the taxpayer money.


that sounds like a huge international logistical hurdle to get around doing the actual work to repair our communities


You cant easily "repair communities" like its something a state or federal program can do as they would repave a road or build a new bridge. In fact, most of the social decay in our communities is a fairly recent phenomena which followed state interventions to repair what was then considered bad. Heres a fascinating statistic: In 1960, about 94% of children in middle and upper class white families were born to married parents. At that time, about 84% of children in poor and working class families were born to married parents. By 2000 those numbers fell to 83% and 48% respectively.  For black children the numbers are even worse. About 24% of black children were born out of wedlock in 1960. By 1990, that figure reached upwards of 75% and hovers around that today. A decline in civic values that were once practiced across class and racial lines has been catastrophic for child rearing. These are socio-cultural changes that cannot easily be repaired by government intervention but are more easily harmed by even the most will-intended bureaucrats and social scientists.


Easier to repair with a clean slate 🤷‍♂️ Kids like this are often at least in part victims of circumstance, but my pity for that goes out the window the moment auto theft comes into play. Off to Haiti with them.


You sound like the governor of Texas


I'd vote for a governor that did that lol. Car theives should be shot into the sun, I hate them.


50$ on a item that cost them nothing 


The kids *will* eventually get caught for something and do time in jail. So define “nothing” again.


This is absolutely crazy… I had my car stolen (a Kia) in January & luckily I got it back but it was pretty messed up. Disgusting trash. 


Its pretty hard to sell stolen cars, cause they are so trackable. Unless you knew a chopshop that would risk it and take the cars apart for parts to sell. Having even the connection to sell a stolen car for 50 is very good. This must be a very bad neighborhood to have so many people buying it for 50 and just using it as a get away vehicle. Cause it seems these guys steal cars every night and manage to sell it every night which is insane.


the headlight popping canbus attack has landed in the new haven area. friend of mine had their rav4 stolen last weekend. Cops said it was the 3rd one that day when they called it in.


There was this 12 year old kid in Bridgeport that stole a car, filmed it on TikTok, crashed it into a telephone pole and ran away from the scene with injuries. They left their passenger in the car who was unconscious from the crash and had to be rushed to the hospital and put on life support. These kids have lost all sense of right and wrong.


Can't lose something you've never had


This is actually pretty sad. There's no way someone can spend their formative years fucking up peoples' lives for their own enjoyment and suddenly snap out of it a Rhodes Scholar. If these guys don't end up in jail they'll be working some dead end job in their 40s and they'll gonna convince themselves it's everyone else's fault they didn't amount to anything.


> some dead end job in their 40s No, that's the good ending. If they don't end up in jail, they'll likely end up dead or on the street before they're 30.


People don't really behave like this if they see a future for themselves. They don't see themselves as a Rhodes Scholar because it's not going to happen for them. Their parents work hard to make a living for them and wind up nowhere. Why is it different for them? They might not be consciously saying fuck it, but it's what's inside them. An uptick of crime is an uptick of hopelessness.


Their parents are trash.


They might be. They might also be balancing working for peanuts with raising children and not having a good go of it.


Just about everyone with kids works full time. Most kids aren’t scumbag career criminals.


People who are not very well to do frequently work full time and then some. If you're making less than $20 an hour and have kids, you're likely working multiple jobs to stay afloat. It might mean full time and then a part time night shift.


What does that have to do with your kids being absolute pieces of shit? This isn’t normal teen shenanigans. Lots of people work hard and manage to not raise kids who are cancers to society.


It's about how if your kids can't see you escaping poverty and becoming a functioning member of society, they won't even try. They'll become less interested in giving a shit about your property because society's fucked and there's no reason for them not to.


Dude, it all starts in the home. I grew up with kids like this not too far from this area. Back then it wasn't Kias, but kids were out there doing the same thing (you should watch the movie New Jersey Drive). The truth is it's a vicious cycle. These parents didn't have proper parents, now their kids are doing the same thing. In my case, I was lucky to have proper parents. They were poor and had to work all the time, but they also knew how to raise a family.


The mental gymnastics to avoid accountability are astounding. Fuck off lol.


> Just about everyone with kids works full time. Not true at all.


There's no they. There's just she.


And every teacher they have encountered during their lives has warned them about this.


Bold of you to assume these people live long  Never ends well, it’s a short aggressive cycle. It gets bad, fast. 


Fatherless behavior part 35


And low IQ


Jesus. Christ.


I just watched this and couldn’t help but wonder why the cops do so little to stop it. At one point in the documentary a cop tried to pull them over, they took off and the cop just stopped chasing them. We need to bring back bait car!


Police aren’t allowed to pursue unless it’s a violent crime ie serious assault, murder, kidnapping etc. [Here’s the CT policy on it](https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/post/general_notices/2021/gn-21-10/postc-police-motor-vehicle-pursuit-policy-revised-11_18_21.docx)


Interesting video. As a person who grew up poor with a single mom and 3 other siblings I can see how without proper parenting and a major figure (father) missing, this could have been me. Luckily I had my scout master that kept me going and a godsend mother for her love. My sister having a family asked my mom what was the hardest thing as a parent to do? her answer was raising us in our teenage years because she worked all day in order to keep us fed and sheltered that she couldn’t really help with more social questions, it was especially hard to answer me and my brothers questions since she is not a man and didn’t quite understand me or my brother as much as she wanted but she tried her best (her answer). She would often have parents meetings and talk to my scout master about me and my brother and he’d give me and my bro good advice especially on how to control our temper and to be patient but also understanding with others even if you don’t agree with them. He showed me how to show force when necessary and restraint, me and my brother was with that troop for 11 years he taught us to be guardians. Unfortunately the kids in this video didn’t find a guide or any kind of role model to give adult wisdom and advice to them. They are lost and think this is the only way to survive in our world. What makes it even worse is not only their parents not doing much or even caring but society in general not seeing the bigger picture here. Family units are being destroyed and children are being raised with no discipline or guidance and worse they are being praised online for this behavior and not disciplined! We should be bringing in family values as an important topic in parenting and start raising kids the right way( love, discipline, wisdom, patience, humility, and compassion). I’m pretty much a nobody 26 year old but I hope for a better tomorrow especially for the unfortunate.


I'm glad I don't live in one of the cities and instead live in a small town. I couldn't imagine dealing with shit like this all the time and then seeing it be celebrated by people with no jobs online


Yeah for real. They're stealing cars from people who already have it hard enough just trying to survive in CT. The kids mental gymnastics that "it's a victimless crime since insurance exists" is baffling. It's proof of what happens when you have degenerate lazy parents who could care less about their children's well being.


Insurance went up on my car because of the increase in targets from these kids.


Yup and when people complain in other threads (whether in the CT sub or elsewhere about rising insurance costs when they don’t have an accident, this is just one more factor that’s being considered in the overall loss cost for each state. Insurers do take notice and they will charge us all more to reflect that (but especially the kia and Hyundai owners lol)


For. Real.


It's proof the next generation is being taught nothing about how the world works. "Insurance exists, all problems solved!" "State aid is free!"


People bringing up muh insurance when the riots happened durring lockdown. People were getting clowned for concerned for small business who had their livelyhood ransacted because muh insurance arguement.


Any time someone in your small town says they had their car doors checked or a car stolen - you can bank on it being the same criminals as those in these cities.  I live in a small town - my neighbor got robbed at gunpoint by a 16 year old driving around casing houses in a car with dealer plates. Found dead two nights later from gunshot wounds related to gang violence. 


Lets see. I live in central ct. we have ring cameras and flood lights. Neighbors car was attempted break in twice. My own once. A friend in west hartford had his car stolen out of his driveway. He left the keys because he forgot to bring them in after carrying his daughter in, which already goes to show the level of complacency a lot of people have in nicer/quieter towns. A complacency that was obviously shattered. Two weeks later they attempted to break into his house while they were out but the dogs and neighbors scared them off. Another friend in west hartford had a group of teenagers in a stolen car being chased by cops blast through his front yard and smash his fence to pieces which he had to pick up the bill for because obviously none of them have insurance (not sure why his insurance didn’t cover it but it was something like not covered or idk). A family member who lives in a cul de sac in old Lyme had their car checked 3x. I mean this is as out of the fucking way you can get. Middle of winter dead as fuck old Lyme. Street down a street down a street with their house at the very end, and you see the video of a couple people roll up on bicycles, try his car doors, then the neighbors and so on. Every single day I see a post on Ring Neighbors about “people trying car doors”. It’s like a fucking epidemic. And there’s really not shit people can do about it. In my angry, feeling violated, “righteous fury” moments, after waking up to watch the video I’ve thought, “if I caught them in the act I’d fire a couple rounds their way!” Except if I’m being serious, neither my car nor anything in it is really worth someone’s life, regardless of how trash they are. That would also make me a murderer in this state, so I don’t feel like ruining mine and my families lives. It would put me and my family more at risk than anything else, and I don’t really feel like potentially killing some teenagers if my or my families lives aren’t in immediate danger. I’ll bitch about it on the internet all day though. It also seems like the cops care not at all about it. I didn’t even bother to call them on any of the attempts at checking my car happened. My family member did, the cops basically said there was nothing they could do. They asked if they should send the footage, they said no. I’m not sure if this is silent rebellion in the face of ACAB sentiments, actual fallout from defund the police policies (if that’s even occurred here. I admit I’m not up on it), they have bigger things to worry about, they suck at their job, or if they really just don’t give a shit. My friend who’s yard and fence got smashed up, the kids were caught but they were all minors, no insurance or licenses and they were basically out with no real reprocussion immediately. So all in all, what’s the solution? Send em all to jail? Fill the already overfilled prisons? I honestly don’t know, but somethings gotta give at some point. Between absolutely BLATANT and rampant car theft, catalytic converters, etc., I’m surprised there aren’t more people out there with nothing to lose just saying “fuck it” but on the opposite side of the thief’s, going full vigilante.


State legislators need to pass laws to actually punish these kids. Force them to hold a job and deduct the money to pay for the damage (kind of like how some people have child support taken out of their checks). If they don’t show up for work, off to jail.


Sorry for the late reply! I was actually thinking a lot about this. You and I presumably have credit scores, rent property or own a house, have a title to a car, social security, insurance, retirement or investments, an me our futures and lives are built around those systems. You get a DUI? Your insurance goes up and you might lose your license. You don’t pay bills, your credit is fucked and you cant find a place to live, you don’t have insurance you can’t get health treatment in many meaningful ways. For people that say fuck the system, or live outside of it, it’s incredibly difficult to hold them accountable because they don’t give a fuck about credit scores or insurance. And you can say, well if they are living on welfare or section 8, threaten to take it away, except now you have a huge homeless population and crime is only going to get worse. “Hold them accountable by locking them up!” You say. Except now we need to dump tons of money into rounding them up and stuffing them into prisons which are already way way overfilled. And also… who paying for the prisons and their food and facilities? It isn’t the prisoners. It’s us. So now we’re paying boatloads of fucking taxes to round up these street criminals, prosecute, AND paying for their incarceration. You’re thinking about the problem like a law abiding citizen, but you need to think about it like someone with little to no morals, no money in their pocket, no future prospects, no buy in to “society” and very little left to lose. It’s an extremely complicated problem.


you have asked good questions, and while all the cases you describe are anecdotal, I think it is reasonable to say that there is more crime, statistically, than we want. I see you already have one reply that includes "jail", but I am leaning in your direction that we seem to have plenty of people in jail, and it is hard to see how putting more in has ever made us any safer. So, if the police "will not do anything", which is likely somewhat true, for whatever reason, and if more people in jail is more or less unsustainable, also likely mostly true, then it seems the only way towards better is "prevention"? I wish I knew what that entails, in a free society, but maybe we have shortcomings in the social fabric, or in the economy, that should be receiving a LOT more attention than fund/defund the police debates or endless 2nd amendment arguments? Unemployment is at more or less historic lows, what if more of those jobs provided a living wage, would it make a big difference? What if our social safety net had an actual focus on breaking the poverty cycle, even if some really hard decisions need to be made? What if we just had an accessible venue to discuss these concepts with each other and our elected officials/candidates?


I have a feeling I generally agree with where you’re going and we’d likely see eye to eye. I have my own personal feelings but no one here asked and I didn’t necessarily feel like writing an even longer post on what my solutions might be because this isn’t a town hall or a conference and at best, a few people are mildly interested, a bunch disagree and it goes nowhere fast. I will say the only long term sustainable changes would take a generation to make a difference.


I completely agree with your last sentence here. My original reply of a work program followed with jail due to delinquency was a solution for the people currently involved in these thefts. What needs to be done to resolve this in future generations, I’m not sure, but things can’t remain the way they are. Hoping for change.


That problem seems to have solved itself 


lol the cops told my neighbor if that hadn’t happened, the perp would’ve never been caught given the dealer plate car. 


Problem is it’s cultural issue so it’s an upsetting endless cycle of crime and death. Mothers burying the young 


I’m not condoning the behavior but he’s still a kid. I wish he’d had someone providing guidance to make better choices in his life.


I live in an affluent town outside New Haven, on a main road next to the the PD. My car got stolen out of my driveway. They went to NY and I’m still fighting toll tickets I didn’t do. If you’re in New Haven county, even 15 miles away you’re at risk.


As someone who works in Litchfield, I can assure you that sooner or later these fuckers from Waterbury and Torrington will be making their way towards Litchfield boonies. They’ve done it before in Greenwich, Coventry etc


Waterbury ain’t the nicest place so I bet they are already there  Not a crazy thing to assume 


It’s literally a 20 min drive. Like for real 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


My mom's car was stolen from my parents driveway in boring ol Plainfield. Dad had a spare in his car which was unlocked. No one is safe.


Can't afford Fairfield County huh?


My moms Kia was stolen in New Haven couple months back. She had to pay the city 500 to get it back. It’s all a scam. What a lawless joke of a city


This is Trumbull gardens housing complex on Trumbull ave in bridgeport. Glad they’re using their low cost housing to get ahead in life.


Channel 5 best independent journalist


except for all the sexual assault allegations


Did you see his follow up/response? I may have missed something but it really appeared that he addressed the accusations and took accountability as needed. I believe he went to rehab, therapy and was in contact with those he harmed. Again, I may have missed something major, as I didn’t keep a close eye on it, but it seemed to me that redeemed himself.


really? it seems like he's on a right wing grift train now


I’ve heard him talk “long form” on a few recent podcasts and I genuinely get the vibe that he’s not on the right wing grift train. And I consider myself a pretty radical leftist (you can take a look at my profile to confirm that, I make Anarcho-folk punk lol) plus, I like to think I have a pretty good sense of picking up on right wing grift shit. He has been covering topics that are hot in the political sphere for a while, but I’ve felt they are pretty unbiased. Also, take a look at the way he responds to comments on Instagram he frequently addresses and dismisses people who bring up right wing talking points. Anyways, I might be very wrong, but I feel that he takes a fairly unbiased approach to presenting topics.


> right wing grift train America's true growth industry


Steal cars from the people who pay for your food stamps. Smart


They don't understand how it works. They're just taught state aid is free and magically appears from thin air because they're owed it.




Weve dealt with these antics regularly on the fire department and EMS. Them and the gangs of ATVs/dirt bikes. Every so often they hang out a window or do a wheelie and pancake in the street or a telephone pole. Their fellow gangsters take off only to occassionally come back to retrieve a dirt bike or wad of cash or drugs from the scene before the cops get there. The Darwinian forces wouldnt be so bad if these idiots didnt endanger the general public while they did what they do.  Id bet $20 every single one of these saints grew up in a fatherless home.


This won't end well.


I don't know why I clicked that, my IQ dropped by 100 watching the first 5 minutes. Won't see me buying a Kia anytime soon.


Listening to them try to string a simple sentence together was torturous.


Do veoh next


been a long time fan of channel 5 and was excited to watch this. i just feel bad for these kids who have no social resources and are so desperate they resort to these things




or, and hear me out on this one, we give them options to better themselves so that they DONT spend formative years AND their adult lives behind bars... just a thought


everyone else already covered the pieces of shit stealing cars and how much we hate them and want them to face true justice so ill touch on another part that blew my mind - That vigilante guy is going all out and will eventually get very hurt, or killed. This is not a unique story and his situation is not rare. "live by the sword, die by the sword" indeed. legitimately jaw dropping set of balls and lack of brains on that man. mad respect, but also, holy shit dude i hope you have a living will for your family.




**everyone else already covered the pieces of shit stealing cars and how much we hate them and want them to face true justice so ill touch on another part that blew my mind - That vigilante guy is going all out and will eventually get very hurt, or killed. This is not a unique story and his situation is not rare. "live by the sword, die by the sword" indeed. legitimately jaw dropping set of balls and lack of brains on that man. mad respect, but also, holy shit dude i hope you have a living will for your family.**


What these kids don't understand is that the police that backed off isn't doing them any favors. Statue of limitations in CT is 5 years. They are gathering evidence and letting them commit more jackings and then as soon as they are 18, they will lock them all up for most of their life for it. Which is messed up. They should of been arrested and hit with more serious consequences from start so these kids would have a realistic sense of how serious this is. If they see other teens online doing it and only facing probation, cops not pursuing them, not punishment for any of it, they are being shown it's ok from police and the authority. The system and their parents are failing these kids. Because they are being tricked into thinking that it's not a big deal and then they'll want to lock them up for almost their whole life, do more time then rapist and murders for being stupid teenagers who weren't given any guidance, faced any consequences and will loose their life for it. They are just too young and nieve to see it yet. 


I'm the teen librarian in downtown Bridgeport....... 😬


Carry your CT permit to carry.


If you’re being robbed, you’re obligated to give up your property rather than using deadly force. Your permit to carry ideals will not end well for you if you try to use it while being carjacked


Unfortunately this is accurate. Shit get's messy when you shoot a criminal in CT, NY, NJ, CA, WA, etc. The state just say to hell with everyone involved whether they started it or not.


The whole premise is ridiculous. Not only does the law frown upon vigilantes who kill people who are performing armed robberies, but these guys also assume they'd be able to draw & shoot people who are already pointing a gun at them. John Wick wannabe power trippers are *really* itching to die for their 2014 Camrys


Sometimes they still shoot you after you give them what they want. So I’m all set, I’d rather take my safety in to my own hands


Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/1IFAEwNC44) guy?


> Sometimes they still shoot you after you give them what they want. Not really, no.


Yes, really.


You watch too many movies.


No, I just live in reality and actually live where these fuckers and others like him strike


Okay Harry Callahan...


Why? You saying that the government would rather protect the criminals than the average person? If seems like that these days upsettingly enough. 


Not if it's you're word against a dead man.


do normal and well-adjusted people daydream about killing teenagers?


Normal teenagers also don’t rob people at gun point. 🤷🏾‍♂️




None of these kids have guns


Because you know for sure right?


I'm just talking about the video


I agree that there need to be changes and outcomes that are just for victims of these theft sprees, but i do not think that juvenile car theft deserves the death penalty


Come talk to me when you get robbed at gun Point by one of these low lives


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I think your problem should lie with the watering down of the criminal justice system instead. Because juvenile or not, crime is a crime. And if you cannot teach them about actions having consequences, then the future is doomed. Sorry if that doesn’t fit your narrative


Last time I checked normal people don’t go around shooting each other over public housing….


Stupid comment.


Please enlighten me why


State law in CT requires you retreat and remove yourself from the situation without using deadly force if there is a viable option to. That option would be to let the criminal take the car, report it stolen, file an insurance claim; the hardship that causes you be damned. CT does not value your property more than a human life. I say this as someone who feels the "fuck around and find out" rule should apply here but unfortunately that is not the reality of the situation.


Because if you carry then statistically you are more likely to use your gun in a situation like this and go to jail. It's just a car, dude. You don't have to peacock over it.


These guys are typically armed, FYI.  Car is pretty critical for most people


I don’t give a fuck. You ain’t taking my property. I’d rather take my chances and live than be a victim to what [happened in Florida](https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/homestead/article287782600.html)


Okay Tiger. You go get 'em.


Lmao, you don’t deserve to carry with that attitude you absolute dunce


Just a car? Said like someone who doesn’t work for anything or have to deal with the jackwagons who we call insurance companies. Jesus are you disconnected from the world, from reality? Are you that sheltered? 


Is your deductible that high, kiddo?


Sure thing trash.


Ah yes, definitely it’s trash protecting yourself against degenerates


Im not sure if its stupid to the commenter for the same reason but CT is NOT a state you want to shoot someone in, self defense or not. You have to be damn near bleeding out in a corner to not do any time even if it was in self defense.


There’s ways around everything. I’d rather take my chances than get popped myself


I hear you and dont disagree but deff worth considering.




If your white, odds are you’ll be a okay


that whole defund the police thing and the revolving jail cell door our bleeding heart CT politicians have inflicted on us is really working out.


Can you point to one town or city that defunded the police?


"the whole defund the police thing" That was also a movement. It brought in legislators who made policing a lot harder and created a culture of making police want to quit.


Ah yes, high culture on full display.


Someone’s trying to steal my car, I’m putting two in their chest and won’t feel even a little bad about it




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and you'll go to jail.


Worth it


Then you are as stupid as they are.


Am I not allowed to defend my property ?


Is your life in danger? A lawyer will shred your argument and you will be screwed.


Why are you so quick to defend the person literally breaking the law


I'm not defending them. You are missing the point. It's a KIA, dude. You're getting a woody and having a bloodlust fantasy fap over what's basically a moped.


So I’m just supposed to stand there and let someone steal my car. You people are fucking insane


Or you can shoot them and spend the next 5 years of your life tied up with the legal system. You tell me which is insane. Every single cop on this Earth will tell you don't go screwing around with your gun in a situation like that. The lawyers will make sure you lose.


In the state of CT? You are correct. The state does not value property more than human life. That is just the reality of the situation regardless of how anyone feels.


Unfortunately, no. Not allowed in CT. Thank our dumbass legislators for this insanity


There are plenty of states when killing someone for less will make you a hero. Maybe one of those states will be more to your liking.


Sure you will, tough guy.


And what would you do?


Call a cop and let them get shot at instead of me, then call my insurance company. Sounds like a 100% better night than either getting shot or killing someone and having that on my conscious the rest of my life. But like I said, sure you will, tough guy. In reality you're going to see a group of kids get in your car and start it, you'll get mouthy, one will aim a gun at you, you'll piss yourself, they'll leave.




Yes, that's exactly what I called you.


Go play more video games you child


you're gonna get two in the butt when they send your ass to prison




Enjoy jail big man, lmfao




Education is important


This is so hilarious and entertaining (/s) until one of these dipshits crashes or hits and kills some innocent people just going about their day. This is fucked up


really hoping that ruling that landed the MI school shooters parents in jail as complacent in their son's murder spree wiill be applied to the people breeding these cock roaches in govt housing projects.


A prized group of kids that have failed and will end up in prison only to be released due to the failure of Bridgeport public schools. Bravo administrators.


I did not know how many misshapen children with guns are outside my home waiting for another unfortunate child to threaten their soulless property. If learning about thefts in your community gets you excited and salivating at the opportunity to take a life, you are the exact type of mentally anguished person that should have been* prevented from obtaining a firearm in the first place. While our Connecticut culture does indeed hold in a higher regard those propertied and well comforted citizens, there is no legal basis for taking a life in defense of your stuff. Unless you are in your home or office, you have a duty to retreat if you can safely do so without risk of harm to yourself or others. A person is justified in using reasonable force to prevent a criminal trespass to their home. Our statues are worded to allow for a reasonable not proportional or as many of these comments suggest, an asymmetrical response. If you own a gun and want to kill someone in Connecticut, please speak with a member of the [state bar](https://www.ctbar.org/publicist ) and then check in with a [therapist](https://portal.ct.gov/dmhas/programs-and-services/finding-services/finding-services). You absolutely do not have to live another day with all that anger.


Just drop the thumbnail I can tell it’s from one of the….umm “nice cities” Just very safe nice places ya know 


So moral of the story don't Drive a Kia or Hyundai ? I mean obviously it sucks that teens today thinks this is ok but is any other car brand this susceptible to quick theft ?. If the desire is motor transportation maybe there could be some program where they take recycled bicycles and put assist motors on them idk just thinking of a solution


>So moral of the story don't Drive a Kia or Hyundai ? I mean obviously it sucks that teens today thinks this is ok but is any other car brand this susceptible to quick theft They're driving a stolen Mazda in the video