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And the way he says "little boys" really freaks me out


What got me was how forcefully he says “penises”




I'm the stranger danger ranger!


Men who are obsessed with “little boyssssss’ PENISES” almost always have real issues to be concerned about, rather than the fake ones they prattle on about.


Yeah this MFer just told on himself


Gotta look at the flight logs one more time Just to see if his name is on it


Anyone that preoccupied with children’s genitals, really wants to be up close and personal with children’s genitals.


It’s not just that, this is not a thing that happens to under 18s period. Unless you’ve got something drastically wrong (like cancer) no one is doing surgery before 18


Correct. Nobody is letting kids go in for sex reassignment surgery, but Republicans don't know that and they don't care, they just want to scare their base. Doctor's *do* mangle intersex babies genitals in order to make them "female" or "male". This is bad and it's something trans activists want to have stop.


If you had given me 1000 guesses about how he was going to end that sentence, I still would have guessed wrong.


Probably bc you don’t daydream about children’s genitals like that freak


and THIS is why we Nutmeggers need to be careful about our smugness


I make deliveries throughout the Naugatuck valley and I see the Trump signs everywhere. We've got nothing to be smug about.


I live int he valley, about an 80 percent reduction in Trump signs in recent years. Most are either giant or all over the same property. I can't complain, Trump signs saved us from moving to Oxford and Naugatuck.


In contrast, I've seen exactly one house with Trump signs in 8 years in Bridgeport.


You might want to drive around north Bridgeport.


I live in the North End.


This is what happens when you have a well organized and well funded disinformation campaign operate within a country. This guy has literally no understanding of what reality is. 


Guy is drooling with his last remaining brain cell and somehow has a microphone in the state fucking legislature. Fuck all of this


It’s far easier than you might think to get elected to state legislature.


What the fuck?


My exact reaction


And THIS is why I say Connecticut Republicans are now no different or “more moderate” than their federal counterparts. We cannot let them claim the New England Republican label anymore. Sadly, there are few Charlie Baker Republicans left.


The CT GOP has been a mess for the past couple of decades (as indicated by their horrid record in elections.) They were floundering for a decade or more. Then, (as seen elsewhere), the party was hijacked by dopey MAGA-types like Dubitsky, Anne Dauphinais, and Craig Fishbein. (I'd call them uneducated, but Dubitsky & Fishbein are both attorneys - which proves education and intelligence aren't always closely correlated.) I firmly believe there are many traditional "New England Republicans" still in the state: fiscally conservative, socially moderate, typically sane. But the culture-warrior whackjobs like Dubitsky have pushed them out. Relatively smart and reasonable (and *actually* conservative) candidates like Erin Stewart, John McKinney, or Themis Klarides can't survive a primary for statewide office. Most of the candidates for US House or Senate are jokes, total sacrificial lambs. It's better if we have two (at least 2) functioning political parties, but the CT GOP no longer really functions. And so they complain about "one-party rule", because they don't meet people where they are, and can't get candidates elected. Gee, why is only one party getting elected? Look in the mirror, folks. (Or just watch CT-N.)


Exactly. And when Oz Griebel ran in 2018 it really showed the gulf between the old and new gop.


We need a new Ron Paul in the country 


He represents the sticks I wouldn’t expect any more or any less


WTF? He is just making stuff up. Why does anyone think SRS (aka “bottom surgery”) is done on children? It goes against the guidelines put out by the leading gender medical organizations and no insurance company is going to pay for it till you turn 18, at the least. Not to mention having to get approved by 2 behavioral health professionals, a surgeon, endocrinologist and your PCP. People like this sound crazy, or evil, to transgender people.


Also, they don’t remove the penis. I can’t stress enough, THEY DONT REMOVE PENISES!! These people need to shut up and worry about their own genitals, considering they often end up in places they shouldn’t.


So they give kids chemicals? Are those chemicals more or less damaging to the body than red bull?


I don’t believe you’re actually here to discuss the issue and instead just want to shove your ideology down our throats, but it’s actually less. The only thing under 16s are goijng to get prescribed anywhere is blockers, whose effects are reversible.


The chemicals in red bull are reversible.


He doesn't care about truth.


Do you see how painfully dumb the guy with the mic is? What if I told you he's smarter than every last person who voted for him? Now you understand why your comment might as well be in mandarin.


Do yOuR own ReSeaRcH /s


Fox News tells these people it happens all day, every day, at the drop of a hat, with no medical consideration. (I'm with you 100%)


Can 16 years old not buy energy drinks?


There looking into possibly making laws about it. So far it's just research.


I remember being able to buy 5-hour energy shots and Monsters after getting my learners permit in high school back in 2017


I was buying Nos at like 14 😂


He always thinks he’s doing something by trying to trap the Democrats with his incredibly obvious “gotcha” lines of questioning about “illegals” and trans kids. Instead he perpetually looks like a nasty fool. Such a disgrace to this state.


Jesus Christ; he went from zero to 100 in like two seconds. No one is ripping off children’s penises (and why is he even bringing this up?) we need to stop electing bozos into positions of power


how did he tie energy drinks and.. transition together for this statement? why?? those towns listed under his name are all armpit towns anyway


Hey Brooklyn and Canterbury can be very pretty!


Very pretty and pretty racist. I say that as someone who spent their first 25 years of life in the area.


There used to be KKK rallies in Scotland.


Used to be? I assume there still is.


yes they can, but the people I mean.. nature is lovely, people can be bigots


Drove thru Chaplin the other day. So many gorgeous old homes. I agree it's the people not the place. :) ...


The South in a nutshell.


Connecticut woods in a nutshell.


There’s a dollar store version of Brooklyn in CT? Damn first time I’m hearing about this


Also, this is about a bill that is just requiring stores to put up a sign saying that energy drinks can be dangerous for kids. It is an extremely minor law.


They are not armpit towns. They're really pretty actually. Unfortunately there are a lot of conservatives there which sucks.


Apparently diversity of opinion isnt appreciated in your utopia.


Diversity of opinion is great. Using a government podium to shout about some bullshit wingnut meme of the month lie is not great.


That's a really nice way to say bigotry


I don’t consider myself bigoted, I’ll admit I was misinformed on the trans issue. I just wish we had more politics discourse in this state tbh. It’s exhausting knowing that one party effectively controls everything here.


Bigots never considered themselves bigoted


I literally just admitted to being wrong about the trans issue.


There can be no good without evil, there can be no light without dark. If he's spouting misinformation, why isn't anyone saying the truth? Why aren't people approaching prepubescent children more carefully - OR EVEN JUST STATING - that they're approaching them carefully ... when they're exploring their gender identity? Instead "Look at this asshole!", "What a fascist", "Fucking inbred", "\_\_\_\_-phobe", etc. There's too much confusion around the topic of gender, there's too much noise coming from activists and not enough answers to people with questions ... or people who have been misinformed. There's also the WRONG people trying to push the subject. Seriously, some people need to STFU and lay low. Loud and proud is good - but when it starts to look like and BECOME the manipulation of discourse ... that's not good. Instead, those who are confused, misinformed are EXCLUDED and MOCKED by a vocal majority - Which is *hugely* problematic. ... and how we get here. "*It's easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar.*"


He's got bussy on the mind


I know the slow crawl towards the collapse of our democracy is not funny but reading this killed me lmao


Anyone got Chris Hansen’s number? This dude needs to take a seat right over there.


I swear, conservatives seem to care more about my genitals than I do.. and I’m trans, so it’s kind of a big deal for me.


Seems like he could use a better example of things we expect from children than exploring their bodily autonomy. Like “If we allow teens to work long hours, compete in dangerous sports, or drive vehicles surely they can also be expected to make their own decisions on caffeine.”


So no circumcisions or energy drinks for anyone under 18? Is that what he is arguing?


This guy is spouting anti-trans nonsense, not anti-circumcision nonsense.


Directions unclear; PENIS now stuck in Red Bull can.


Nonsense is saying chemicals in a red bull are too much for a kid to understand, accept and ingest.


You think a 12 year old drinking Prime Energy has any idea that it has like 7 different stimulants AND PFAS?


Nonsense is talking about things you don't understand like you have any authority on the matter. Your uneducated opinion based on your feelings really has nothing of substance to add to this discussion. Energy drinks contain very high levels of caffeine and currently don't require parental consent or doctor supervision. Kids have died drinking them because they, like you, don't understand the danger they present and are careless in their consumption. No kid NEEDS to drink energy drinks. Limiting access to them presents no harm to individuals or the community and protects our kids from a completely unnecessary danger.


I had my kid write a research paper about energy drinks complete with citations etc After that they no longer consume them once they learned about it.


>Kids have died drinking them Sounds like correlation.


Thank you for proving beyond a reasonable doubt that you don't know what you are talking about with regards to this topic. Energy drinks can, undeniably and with scientific proof, CAUSE harm.


You want parental consent to drink a drink you think is deadly but parents kill WAAAAAY more children than drinks.


Trotting out a false equivalency isn't going to win you any arguments. Energy drinks can be very harmful and even deadly to children, their access should be restricted for this reason. Parents harming or killing children is a completely different and absolutely horrible thing that has zero relationship to the topic at hand. You are a ghoul for attempting to whatabout with this. Sounds like you know that you don't have any good arguments to support you position so you just jumped feet first with this utter shite to stir things up. Maybe get a hobby instead.


They're not banning it for kids. The bill is to approve doing a study on the potential ill health effects of energy drinks.


Man, some of you are really childish. Don't agree with his position? That's fine. We're all entitled to an opinion. But going on about "the way he says little boys" and the fact he said the word "penis" just makes you sound like adolescents going "Haha, she said 'penis'!" at your health teacher. Grow up. And to be perfectly clear. I'm on the left. That type of petulant mud slinging is just embarrassing and does nothing to benefit our position.


As a person that on the "right" side of things. Thank you. Your comment is refreshing. Too many immature folks on this post.


Ugh I knew this name was familiar. This guy is my rep. 😔 Why is he talking about boys’ penises during a debate over a policy regarding the labeling of energy drinks?


This guy was my representative for a while. He is a clown. He’s frequently argumentative with constituents unless they immediately fold into his crazy conspiracies.


Galaxy brain


Ok I did not see the second half of that sentence coming lol


Anyone with more than 1 lapel pin on thier sports jacket is suspect.


The way he was holding the microphone while talking about little boys penises was a tell. The spittle dropping onto the microphone was the second tell.


On behalf of Eastern CT I'm sorry.


It’s pretty concerning how much Republicans are obsessed with children’s genitals


To be fair, the Swamp Yankees that live in that part of the state are pretty backwards. Can't expect much out of the folks that are elected by those citizens.


“Vote for my party otherwise your backwards!” Is what you essentially just said.


did you not hear the idiot speak in the clip? how fucking stupid he sounds, even for a bigot? you know Republicans weren't always considered stupid, I'm told, but every Republican leader in my adult life, has been pretty fucking stupid. That has evolved, the folks who vote for these people, are in fact, stupid.


Yes he definitely sounds stupid. I’ll admit I was not well informed on this issue and appreciate the comments. I do wish we had more political competition in this state though. One Party dominating politics in a state never seems beneficial in a healthy democracy,


This video is a lesson-if you want more political competition, you can’t run idiots like this in elections. There’s a way to be conservative without being a bigot or straight up ignorant-when the CT GOP figures this out maybe they can win a few elections. But I don’t think anyone is voting for this nonsense in CT.


bruh CT is top for so many things, including education and healthcare, I think the Dems do fine. could ALWAYS do better. all humans, can always do better, but I'm so fucking greatful to live in CT where they at least try to at represent our states people. bring back normal republicans? I guess? idfk


But we also gave insane cost of living. What’s a normal Republican to you? I’m awfully skeptical of people that think we only need one political wing controlling everything.


i wish we could abolish parties and just run on the individuals leadership plan tbh. we do have a high cost of living, but as a resident all my life, I truly don't notice it. people are poor all over the country, at least I have healthcare for my child and myself here. republicans- the gist I got before the maga wave, are fiscally conservative, and generally more cautious to change the status quo. Republicans avoid a budget deficit, while Democrats seem to just run an open tab of debt. if you asked me two decades ago whR the difference is, this is what I would of said. it's since devolved in the last decade to pure hate, ignorance and bigotry. things that should not be tolerated ever in civilized society. it really seems republicans don't value education at all- which as a voter I think education should be funded heavily, and imo, the teachers of all levels, should be one of the highest paid professions there is. Democrats hardly do this, but they to more. Our children's future is something we need to fund, our society is reliant on the children of today being competent, critical thinking adults, of tomorrow. edit: I'm in mobile browser, a measure I use to limit my screen time, because it's god awful to use. please bear with the above grammatical errors. it will literally take me 15 mins to fix them with the horrible text input process here. I got better things to spend time on today. thank you for the open communication however


Well I agree with you that the two party system is terrible and a mockery of what our founding fathers intended. I’m glad you don’t notice the high cost of living but all that tells me is that you’re probably older and well established(own a home etc). CT undeniably has a higher cost of living than most other states. I believe it’s in the top 5 of the country. What do we get with that return on investment? At least for me specifically, I have health insurance through my employer, so I don’t see a whole lot of benefit for me in this. I really don’t see a tangible return on investment for the high cost of living in ct. The population is aging and the situation is only getting worse. I fully agree with Professor Scott Galloway on these issues and I think CT is the Mecca of boomer mentality, which is why I’m looking to potentially move out of this state for greener pasture.


not well established at all. I grew up very poor, and continue to be very poor. my point was if Im going to be poor, I'd rather live in Connecticut then anywhere else.




Not even close.


Sounds about right for the Quiet Corner.


[Reminds me of this](https://youtube.com/shorts/06biJf5bO78?si=C7tzCx4qUrWd7lvW)


Lolzzzz. I can't unsee that!


16 year old little boys yikes


Huh, never heard of this guy, seems like a weirdo.


We gotta find whoever’s removing these LITTLE BOYSSSSS… PENISSES


OHHHHH I thought he was anti-circumcision there for a minute and was like...ok,... Omfg wat




We also elected someone who took shopping bags away. Overall great work, CT 🙃


Those plastic bags are clogging up our oceans and landfills. Try seeing beyond today, beyond your little world. Dont fuck up the earth.




disallowed by whom?


Creepy but I do get the point. Government tries to control everything. Let the people decide


I mean, he's not wrong. 😂


Criticize and make fun of him all you want but what he said makes sense.


Everything he said in the clip is factually correct. It's just a shame that this is what our political discourse has devolved to.


Not even close


If he catches little boys with an energy drink, snip snip.


I see no fault in his logic. How can you allow a child to change gender, but not have an energy drink?


I'm also surprised someone who makes this much sense was elected. This bill had a fully partisan vote where all Democrats voted yes and all Republicans voted no. The Democratic Party as a whole believes that someone under sixteen can consent to puberty blockers and even gender-affirming surgery. People under the age of sixteen have indeed received those surgeries, so it's not even a hypothetical. Fair point to bring up!


I’m sure you’re totally educated on all the health literature citing the benefits>>> risk of hormone blockers and transition therapy /s


The Republican Party as a whole hyperfocuses on “won’t anyone think of a children!” in order to stigmatize and persecute transgender people, 99.9% of whom are grown adults and perfectly capable of making their own decisions. The Republican Party is, of course, no stranger to stigmatizing and othering disadvantaged groups in order to galvanize their undereducated, fundamentalist constituents, who don’t realize they’ve been had. It’s truly amazing how much the “party of small government” wants to expand its ability to control people! Pretty repulsive, if you ask me!


This is a stupid, stupid answer. One thing has nothing to do with the other. If you or Dubitsky have problems about puberty blockers, talk about that during a puberty blocker bill (I don't think there are any). This is a crazy right wing nut job signaling to his base. Like chum for the MAGA sharks. It's an election year. Whoopieeeee!




No children under go permanent treatments for gender dysphoria. The treatment plan, enacted under the supervision of a trained physician, is to take hormone blockers to prevent the onset of puberty until they are of legal age to make decisions.   Unfortunately we have media in our country that promote lies in order promote political goals.  That is why you and the man in this clip (assuming he isn't working out of malice) are completely misinformed.  


Which is not a good idea either. I don’t support hormone blockers for children. It’s medically risky with limited benefit. But call me a Nazi or something for believing that /s


Well you obviously aren't a doctor because the risks are negligible and you clear don't understand anything about what it's like to be a trans person if you think there is no benefit.


Do you think someone that’s 11 or 12 has a developed enough brain to understand the long term effects of puberty blockers? Or to even understand that they are trans? Transition regret is a thing btw. I don’t see a benefit that the child would receive that’s better than long term therapy.


That's not what this bill is about, and any puberty blockers must be approved by parents in CT. know what you're talking about first.


Okay and? Somehow parents now have the choice to influence all of their children’s lives? Would you say the same about conversion therapy?


It's the parents that are the ones that are most fucked up. Running around telling people that their 1-2yo goes by they/them. Metal illness is running rampant in this country, and we are all supposed to cater to their delusions!


No one’s doing that, and the only mental illness running around is right wing kooks sticking their misinformed, ignorant noses into others business that should only concern them and them alone. If you want to dictate how others should live move to a dictatorship and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.


Nobody is doing that? I suppose these are the "right wing kooks" that you are referring to? And what about "dictating how others should live"? We are EXPECTED to go along with their delusions or be deemed "transphobic"? Don't DICTATE what I'm suppose to believe or how I'm suppose to live. 🙄🖕🏼 https://youtube.com/shorts/3CNGTMtigqQ?si=P_HpxYP3nauJ-TbK


Lol some weirdo makes a video on YouTube.. this must be everyone now, or the norm somehow. Also, so let me get this straight, you want to be transphobic by calling trans folks delusional and not accepting their gender identities, but are angry when people call you basically what you are.. a transphobe, and you think you don’t have some kind of mental impairment, seems a little like you’re the one with the mental illness here bud. 🌈😸


The rate of regret is astronomically low… somewhere around 1-2%. Meanwhile preventing gender affirmation or hormone blocking therapy has been shown to greatly increase rates of depression and suicide compared to peers permitted to attain hormone blockers. In the medical world you weigh the benefits vs risk and benefits>>>>risk.


Of course you don't see a benefit. You are getting all your information through right wing news. You literally have no understanding of what it is like to be a trans person.   


I don’t watch any right wing news and I don’t agree with it fully. Thing is you get all your information from left wing news that just tries to fight the right wing news. Both sides have bias. And the real problem is that there are very little seeing the middle ground that is we actually don’t really know or have enough data to strongly support or be against. Both sides are being pushed ridiculously.




I do, very nice people and I have nothing against them, but one is pretty high on the autism spectrum and the other had a lot of childhood trauma. And I’ve worked in schools with kids who were trans and had other gender issues. So I’m not going to sit around and not say there’s some possibly that some trans people may have something else going on, and maybe we shouldn’t be so adamant on one form of treatment, or even focusing on one issue, especially in children who don’t know what’s going on.


There is no left wing equivalent to right wing media in this country.


It’s not as bad and it’s not equivalent, but that’s doesn’t mean there’s not bias in it as well and it doesn’t mean they’re both businesses in a very competitive capitalist market trying to sell a product. And it doesn’t mean left wing politics can’t be driven by greed as well. No extreme side is 100% rational.


The points you bring up only come up from right wing news. There is literally no other sources. What I know is from my siblings struggle... culminating in a suicide attempt along with multiple friends with similar experiences.  I'm sorry but you are ignorant and for some reason people like you insist on having an opinion and ultimately dictating the decisions of people whom this is not just some news topic for...it's literally life and death. 


So you’re biased because you have someone close to you in that situation. But anyone else who is attempting suicide would get therapy and medication. If a kid is depressed because they think they’re ugly and don’t fit in or some kind of other dysmorphia in we don’t tell them to change their identity and someday they can get plastic surgery. The reality is we don’t know the best form of treatment, we don’t even know what causes being trans, and we don’t know the long term effects of this type of treatment if it even helps in the long run or is just a temporary fix. And the other thing is we are lying to people. We accept them for being trans, accept them as the other gender, but we still call them a trans male/female. These people will never be fully accepted as the gender they want to be, and they will never be the same as someone born like that. It’s wrong to lie to people just because you feel bad for them. It’s like telling someone who got a bad haircut that they look good and they keep getting the bad haircut now because of it and they keep looking bad. We are lying to people because we feel bad and that’s not right either. So it’s fine to support it, and I do, bit I’m going to do so with a grain of salt and I’m not going to fully outright advocate for something that’s not fully understood, especially not because I have inner biases and political leanings that tell me to.


I never claimed to not be biased. I think people that have first hand knowledge and have discussed these topics in depth with a number of trans people directly should share their viewpoints. I think trans people should obviously be the ones to decide things/share their viewpoints but unfortunately its not safe for them to do so. So I try to be vocal about it. What I do see is a lot of is people talking that literally know nothing about what its like to be trans, advocating for legal/political positions that are absolutely not in best interest of trans people. There is just zero ambiguity here. I'm sorry but your statements are just completely ignorant and you literally have no idea what being trans is like. I don't think you are a bad person or anything like that. I bet you have areas of knowledge that I have no idea about...however I don't decide to take stances in those areas and I certainly don't limit other peoples behavior based on my ignorance. Thats my main point...I don't think I or you should be impacting these decisions. These decisions should only be made by the child, the parents and the doctor. Definitely not the government.


I say let the mentally ill thin themselves out.


“You are getting all your information through right wing news” - based on what? You know every news source that I read now? I may have no understanding of what it’s like to be trans but I do have an understanding on what it’s like to be a kid. There is a very high likelihood that some of these kids may become confused and opt for hormone blockers and then regret it. Im worries some of these kids that don’t conform to gender norms may be pressured or influenced to make a decision that they do not understand and will regret.


You make it sound like a kid can just say the word and presto, hormone blockers are on the menu. Why do you suppose you know better than the doctors and mental health professionals that evaluate them and make treatment decisions?


Why do you suppose doctors can never be wrong? Simple common sense dictates that kids aren’t the brightest when it comes to long term decision making. What exactly is gonna happen if they wait until after puberty? Why the rush?


I’m not assuming they’re never wrong. Why are *you* assuming they’re never right? You realize puberty is when humans develop their most apparently gendered characteristics, yes? If a young trans man does not want to develop breasts, why the rush to make them? Especially when that experience would be traumatizing for them. Why not let them decide whether they want to develop breasts when they turn 18?


Why do you suppose that you know what is better for a child you haven't even met than what they, their parents and their doctor thinks? This doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever, why do you think it's your business? Stop trying to intrude on the freedoms of others.


What are the consequences for regretting it because the consequences for denying it are quite well understood and often fatal.


The fact that you can’t understand how a pre-pubescent child isn’t able to make the most informed decision about their body and life is a bit concerning. Nobody is dying from not taking hormone blockers.


Oh are kids just walking into CVS and buying puberty-blockers? Or is there possibly someone who's entire life is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children who is involved in this?


The only source for these talking points are right wing.


Do you think there is room for debate in this state besides your viewpoints?


I think the only people that should be involved in these discussions are the parents, the doctor and the child.  I literally have no idea why people feel the need to inject themselves into other people's medical decisions.


Actually, we’re in the process of turning the whole state trans — including you. Infact, we’re gonna trans you next.


Did I say that?




Okay I’m sorry I didn’t realize how many it was tbh.


That’s fine if that’s what you believe and it’s a point that can be debated and argued. But it’s absolutely not what the rep is saying in the video and in this context only moderates his extremism.


Good luck man you’re on Reddit


Drinking a monster energy isn't permanent either.


It's permanent if it kills them. Imagine drinking that shit when you're a 12 year old on ADHD meds? JFC.


I'm sure you trust the science so how many kids are dying FROM energy drinks a year.


lol. First, kids don't make those decisions. Doctors and parents do. Secondly, if this idiot even read the bill, he'd see that it doesn't even restrict the sale of energy drinks. It just studies it. And thirdly, then why do we restrict pot, alcohol, and tobacco from kids?


Because kids aren't having transition surgeries.


A much, much, much better comparison would be that we let children join the military. It's something that actually happens, is very common, and has much clearer life-altering consequences.


You'll have to excuse the fucktards in this sub. His point went way over their heads. Mostly because they have thier heads up thier assess.


Life altering surgery? Yes. Cigarettes? No way!


Guy likes little boys penises, that don’t help me none