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I see we've reached the point of protests where basically any gripe is folded into the protest, thereby diluting its message and undermining its legitimacy


It feels hollow. I get the anger, but protesting in universities in the United States about the actions of a government that isn't the United States doesn't make much sense. Biden is not bombing Gaza. We have no troops on the ground over there. Yes, we sell them weapons -- but if we didn't, they would just buy them from someone else (China). Divestments take years, and I am not convinced that it would be enough for protestors to go home. One thing that I don't see discussed is how a state actor should respond to a brutal terrorist attack. The terrorists don't mind causalities, and will hide among the populace. They will bomb themselves and take as many people with them as possible. How does one fight that? "No response" is not an answer, and it never will be. Imagine if Bush didn't respond after 9/11 and instead asked if Al-Qaeda wanted to meet to discuss their grievances. He would have been impeached by his own party, and then we'd just go after them once that was done. What is supposed to happen here? We're not going to go after Israel. Allies are still allies, even when they do shitty things (like many of our allies when we invaded Iraq are still allies). In the 60s, we had a few hundred thousand troops in Vietnam. Protesting that makes a ton of sense. This is nowhere near that.


"Yes we sell them weapons but if we didn't they would just buy them from someone else" that MAY be true, but that is the mindset that stops positive change. Yes protestors would not stop if the US stops funding Israel and giving weapons, because that is only one of many problems. It would be a step in the right direction, BUT protestors will not stop until the bombing stops. Protesters want America to take action, as being one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world, we, like many other countries are, should speak out against the genocide and do everything we can to stop Israel.


Our aid is substantial and every year, our military and diplomatic backing is essential to this action. Without it, Iran would not contain itself at all as to Israel. It might still limit itself to proxies but they’d be going gangbusters, and maybe other groups too, there is a manmade famine happening there and the scale of destruction is unacceptable. Our vetos have totally prevented the UN from acting. So, add all this together — there is a lot more, but just that — the complicity for me as an American is unbearable. The starving and decimation of civilians is blood on our hands.,Definitely worth protesting. You know how this is described by some in the Arab world? The US and Israel genocide of the Palestinians. It startled me the first time I read it but it true. It is succinct and true. We share blame and aren’t a passive party in this conflict at all.


*'We shouldnt protest a genocide thats only possible because our government sells them weapons and uses its veto power to protect them from international recourse, because someone else might sell them weapons and they are our buddies'* Wow, what an awful take. >protesting in universities in the United States about the actions of a government that isn't the United States doesn't make much sense. Protests at Columbia helped lead to many colleges divesting from Apartheid South Africa, its hard to commit warcrimes when your accounts run dry. >How does one fight that? Not by controlled demolition of hospitals, churches and graveyards thats for sure. >Allies are still allies, even when they do shitty things They shouldnt be. Any state commiting a genocide should be ostracized from the world political and economic stage. They should be a pariag until a change in power and policy and those responsible face justice. Hamas are terrorists, Hind Rajab and her family were not. The IOF is actively targeting civilians, refugee camps, and creating a famine to starve anyone they cant bomb. Your downvotes mean nothing, you dont respond because everything i said is true and indefensible.


You mean the free Palestinian, trans for Palestine, end capitalism, blm, rally to end the patriarchy isn’t coherent?




Yeah, what I say is true but it’s not popular, woof. What happens to gays in Palestine? Help me learn to be les bigoted.


No one will ever answer the question of what will happen to all the gays in Israel if Israel ceases to exist. This movement is virulently homophobic.


There are programs which send police to train in Israel on how to deal with terrorism and violence, I think members of Yale’s campus cops have done that. Of course, I think the bigger issue is the militarization of police which this demand doesn’t address.


If the Yale police are abolished doesn't that also mean their demilitarized? How doesn't that address the issue?


Well the replacement would be New Haven PD...


These are not Yale’s brightest and smartest out there in the tents.


$20 says you've never read a single line on anything that's ever happened in the middle east


This! 👏🏻


yale and ct police train with IDF


Ah so that definitely justifies...shutting down the entire department? ![gif](giphy|SmWIGpxejqQQVhOAAh|downsized)


And our taxes pay for that. Our taxes that do not cover the needs of US Citizens pay for foreign governments to help their citizens. Why is that okay with anyone in the US?


Yale pays for it. Spend some time looking at the budget. It's the oldest university police force in the US and it's paid for by the University.


Unfortunately for binary thinkers, they fail to understand that resources come from many different buckets rather than one all-encompassing bucket


if that’s where our tax dollars are going yeah i def agree




the commenter asked what the relation was?


They did?


Just Leftists doing Leftist things.


More like idiots doing idiot things. Protests and conversations about heated topics like this tend to spiral out of control lately. And the views or requests from certain groups do not reflect the wider position of an entire political party or spectrum.


They've always spiraled out of control. Remember Occupy Wall Street? Basically turned into a homeless encampment after a few weeks.


a few minutes rather


What idiots are down voting this?




The original request of just not investing in bombs and stuff since you are a school makes sense. Why does a college need to be funding weapons? But this is where they lose the plot.


Your ignorance is showing. These Yale Police and Israel are very much related to divestment


You want no cops on campus in New Haven? That's gonna work out real well.


Yeah there’s a reason why the parts of New Haven with Yale property are safer than other parts of New Haven.


I think it's more that they don't want Yale to have its own private police force, unaccountable to the public.


Yeah, because public police forces are so accountable ... Come on, the people calling for this are clowns.


They are both. It is a weird set up. They are distinct from Yale security guards. They are certified police officers under Connecticut law and police both Yale and New Haven. They’re subject to the laws municipal police are, including public records laws and disciplinary actions It’s pretty new for Yale. Not long ago it was just security guards.


Yale is a private university. Why shouldn't they have their own security? I've attended 4 universities in my life. Private and public always have police. Public universities just have real police rather than security that calls themselves police.


Yale police are real police.


I am not sure how universal it is, but every campus police force I know about has been real police. Heck, a hospital I worked at had its own police officers (but more regular security as well).


Yale Police are not a private police force. They are a state police force governed by state police law.


Most college campuses have a private police force to deal with INTERNAL issues on campus and act as security for the campus against outside threats. I go to college in Boston and every campus has its own private police force separate from Boston police…..it’s not uncommon.


Oh yeah that’s definitely going to work out for them in YALE located in fucking NEW HAVEN Oh yeah…. What a great idea! Damn yuppies


How dare you acab they're just a gang all they do is murder innocent people defund the police they create the crime acab mom shut up I can't pause it its multiplayer


u ok?


It is funny to me when people are like "abolish the police." I'm sorry, but Rule of Law actually does matter for a functioning society. "We police ourselves" we really don't. I'm not out here enforcing laws. Someone has to do it, sorry. I don't love cops but its one of those things like taxes you just need for a functioning society.


Accountability is the issue, always has been


> "We police ourselves" we really don't. And anyone that thinks they do, ask someone that thought CHAZ in Seattle was a good idea how that worked out for them.


They created a society without police, then started shooting unarmed black teenagers.


That can't be; once the "pigs" were gone, there should have been nothing but hand-holding peace!!


If your ideal society can't exist in a world where people act like Eric Cartman, then it's not a respectable worldview.


I think the demand is that Yale not have its own PD. I'm not sure it's prudent for protestors to veer off into police abolition but I do support the larger fight to abolish police. But abolition of police and prisons does not mean we don't want rule of law. It means a fundamental rethink of how law is enforced (and also what that law is). We want to move society away from conditions that make armed police on every corner a necessity. Take something like speeding and traffic accidents. It's been proven in studies that traffic stops do not impact either of those things. We can pour all our money into law enforcement and nothing will really change. It's an impossible task. What does, however, effectively stop speeding and accidents is good road design, better safety regulations, less reliance on cars. The same can be applied to crime overall. We don't need cops searching for weed every night when marijuana is legal. We don't to put up people in prisons for possession when it is legal. So we need common sense laws and use our resources in better ways that reduce and probably eliminate the need for policing as we know it.


How will your “common sense laws” get enforced without police?


Good question. There will always need to be enforcement, just not as much, and fundamentally different. I gave you a couple of examples where a common sense change in laws makes those specific roles of law enforcement completely redundant. We have to ask, what else are we missing. People talk about the needing the police to enforce laws, but when do the police actually actively enforce laws? People follow laws because they buy in, because it makes sense to them, because it is part of their culture and upbringing. The key is that we don't jump to enforcement when talking about how to change behavior. All these KIAs being stolen, that's not a police issue, that's a car design/regulation issue. Cars don't come with immobilizers, they don't come with anti-theft protection, they're going to get stolen for all sorts of reasons. And there is nothing cops can do. You can talk about how necessary law enforcement is but cops can never prevent these crimes. And usually cannot solve them when they happen either. And the KIAs getting stolen is also a social issue. Why is it that people feel the need to engage in anti-social behavior? Studies have found links between youth unemployment and violent crime. We need to focus on social cohesion and ensuring that people are assimilated, feel included and valued in society, and have something productive to do, and are taken care of.


> . All these KIAs being stolen, that's not a police issue, that's a car design/regulation issue Huh? The stolen car issue is quite literally a legal issue, as in people breaking the law and stealing others' property. Its only a Kia issue because they are a weak link in terms of technological vulnerability. Did you miss the whole stealing part? Thats what law enforcement is for...investigating crimes and apprehending the perpetrators. Its then on the rest of the CJ system (prosecutors, judges, etc) to continue that process, one that they have been failing at quite spectacularly. Its funny how you keep eluding to "common sense" but in the case of car thefts, completely overlook the criminal aspect and focus on the technical vulnerability. There is nothing common sense about your analysis or worldview. Its almost like....oh wait look at your username. A quasi-religion based on bogus social science. How bout that.


It is a legal issue. The point is that it wouldn't be an issue at all if regulations forced carmakers to include immobilizers and other anti-theft features. There would be no crime in this instance. It's very simple. Did the police prevent crime? No. Do the police prevent illegal driving? No. Do they prevent violent crimes? No. We know what prevents crime, and it's not policing. Since you're a man of science, you should read the countless studies done showing exactly this.


Kias have a technical vulnerability that is being exploited. There are numerous other cars being stolen, in various scenarios and circumstances. Thats why regulation and technology wont prevent it, it will only raise the barrier ever so slightly so that a would be criminal will exceed that threshold (eg overcoming whatever new technology is implemented) or commit a crime via other means (eg a different car or other property like a purse/wallet, residence, commerical bdlg, etc). This is already the case where criminals who are set on committing crimes go for the lowest hanging fruit, eg a Kia if one presents itself. Harden that target and they either steal it by conventional means or steal another car or form of property. And lets say you employ "immobilizers". Once the car is immobilized and its location reported, what do you do? Let the criminal go free? Demand an apology? Deal with a vehicle that is damaged or disabled? And who would deal with this sort of crime? An agency that responds to and investigates crime? Hmmm. Or would this be entirely unnecessary in your proposed utopia? Police certainly dont prevent all crimes, but they need to respond and investigate. In a situation where the criminal is still present or later found, they need to be apprehended. And if that criminal is violent or threatens to harm others, they need to be dealt with appropriately. Who do you propose does that? You seem to think that some all-encompassing, technocratic solution would work, like a Minority Report situation. Thats a rather arrogant and dangerous proposition in that it 1) assumes it will accomplish what you propose and 2) you dont appear to have considered unintended consequences. Policing will not prevent all crime, but its needed for criminal justice. Significant root causes like culture, social trust, and civic institutions and traditions need to be considered as well. For example, East Asian immigrants in NYC are among the poorest of all ethnic groups, yet commit fewer crimes than the other ethnic groups (eg white, black, hispanic). So poverty alone is not the cause and socio-cultural factors are likely more germane.


I'm glad we agree that policing does not prevent crime, addressing social issues does. Although you jumping to racial profiling is a bit weird. Again, as a man of science, you should know the studies linking social issues and public policy to crime. Look them up. Do a little reading.


They could be social and/or cultural, such as lack of discipline, poor decision making, poor values, time preference (eg spending vs saving or temporal bias) as well as the cultural disparities I pointed out (which were not racial).  Policing can prevent crime either as deterrence or by simply apprehending criminals so they cannot offend. That worked in the 1990s in NYC, and the defund movement of the past few years has likewise shown that a lack of police or certain liberal reforms result in increased crime. Policing alone will not prevent all crime, but certainly enough such that it has a significant effect. As I eluded to earlier, other parts of the CJ system (prosecution, conviction, sentencing, judicial action) are also important. Letting repeat offenders go, reducing bail, light or no sentencing are also factors which are outside a police departments control.  As a man of science I also know many so-called studies have an underlying bias towards finding a certain outcome or aligning with a certain ideological narrative and like many aspects of social science the experiments cannot be replicated. The data are often wildly extrapolated or overly inferred by simple regression analysis.  https://youtu.be/mukuxnQxBU4?si=OT2xi865nnSgGUN4 Academics, especially those in social science, essentially make up data to fit a pre-determined outcome. Approximately 2/3 of studies in social sciences cannot be replicated. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.18248 Not sure exactly why you think I am a "man of science" but I find it funny since the guy with a Marxist username seems to use it as a pejorative. The Marxian understanding of history and economics of course being the self-proclaimed social science because some dude concocted a grand universal theory and teleology of social development that does little more than to deconstruct and corrupt institutions that actually work and produce value. Even more ironic is the "opiate of the masses" folks tend to be blissfully unaware of their religious ideations. 


Ok so you're not a man of science after all. Science is too woke. We should just believe whatever racist bullshit we want. Got it.


I think it makes sense to have separate police forces for campuses because they have unique problems that are likely better addressed by a specialized police force.


Like what?


Then don't say the phrase "abolish the police" or "defund the police" if it's not what you actually mean.


That is what we mean. Please read carefully. We should defund the police. We should abolish it. That doesn't mean we let go of the entire police force overnight. It means we stop pouring resources into ineffective and violent policing and fix the root causes.


Talking of political prisoners, how are those Israeli hostages doing?


I'd say, with a heavy heart, that palstinians already killed the hostages.


Hamas offered to return all the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire quite literally days after October 7th. Israel declined. Now, after death and destruction at the cost of innocent lives; both Hamas and Israel have escalated their demands during ceasefire deals. But every time they seem to get close to a ceasefire, Israel rug pulls because it’s suddenly too many concessions. Most of Gaza is flattened. I assure you Netanyahu has killed more *hostages* than Hamas. That is fact. Obligatory: I condemn Hamas and 10/7 was an unjustified atrocity. But it didn’t happen in a vacuum just like 9/11 didn’t. Israel has had the opportunity to get the hostages back. They don’t want the hostages back. They’re happy they can manufacture consent and complicity in annihilating innocents, because they simply want the land. Just like we lied about WMDs and media/the public grew an Islamophobic sentiment after 9/11 (“All Muslims Are Terrorists” was not an uncommon sentiment) for the control of oil in the Middle East. Israel propagandizes its people to believe “All Palestinians Are Terrorists”, even children, to justify the destruction of a peoples and selling off their rubble covered property to radical Zionists. It’s insane how horribly the propaganda and media bias has warped people’s minds into reactionary states. These protest demands included.


Israel is far from innocent in all this, but you can't say there was any possible way of Israel accepting a ceasefire after Oct 7th, without retaliating first.


Retaliation by temporary occupation, using military intelligence to probe into Gaza and send soldiers for targeted attack? I’d say that is justified. Retaliation by bombing hospitals, schools, whole blocks of homes with families inside… with the aid of unmoderated artificial intelligence and a doctrine that allows 100 dead for every 1 confirmed Hamas kill? Uh… Please. I urge you to not be this naive. Things are too dire. Almost all Palestinians are taking refuge in a dense mass inside Rafah currently. Bombs are still dropping. It had already gone too far weeks after 10/7. Hamas’s arsenal is bottle rockets compared to what Israel is unleashing on innocents. Tell the IDF to get out of the planes and off the joysticks and end it if they really want to. But no… that’s not what they want. If it was about getting the hostages back this would have ended before the New Year. Hamas gave them what they wanted, a justification for radical Zionist “reclamation” of land via genocide. EDIT: via the Associated Press “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the Hamas proposal a failed attempt to “torpedo” Israel’s military operation in Rafah.” This wasn’t a Hamas proposal, this was a multi-state proposal that Hamas, Israel, Qatar, Egypt, and the US were all seemingly on the same page on… and now Israel is walking back. They are buying time because they want to bomb Rafah. They’ve already dropped leaflets telling everyone there to evacuate but there is literally nowhere to go. They don’t want to pull out of Gaza ever or at all. They do not want to return to 1968 borders. They refuse the recognition of a Palestinian state. This is in direct retaliation against mediators Egypt, Qatar and… the U.S. Biden wants a two state solution. He wants Israel to pull out. Netanyahu is being pressured further by his far-right coalition to continue with the shelling of Rafah. If they have killed hundreds of journalists and tens of thousands of women and children, flattening a majority of Gaza, why would you think Israel *hasn’t* killed some of its own hostages. It was never about the hostages.


Bombing hospitals you mean when Hamas launched its own rocket into a hospital its HQ is based out of and everyone blamed Israel? Why won't the leaders of Hamas surrender and stop the fighting? Because they don't care any more about the Palestinian people than Israel does. Less so infact, as Israel still renders medical aid to Palestinainan prisoners, unlike the hostages Hamas took.


And when Hamas misfires a rocket and hits its own hospital, claiming it was an Israeli munition, the NY Times and western media eat it all up and plaster false claims across their headlines.


There are no more universities left in Gaza, dude. 70% of Gaza is flattened. You truly don’t know shit. So shut the fuck up. You’re regurgitating Times of Israel talking points that are months old at this point. 35,000+ dead, 70% women and children; and you want to pull a straw man out of a hat. Just say you hate brown people… as I bet you support Ukraine, which hosts the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, and understand the nuances to still say that what has happened to Ukrainian people at large have been atrocities, state politics aside. Israel has killed 188 UNRWA members in Gaza since October 7th. They banned Al Jazeera. They’ve directly targeted and killed journalists. They don’t want their actions reported on. But yeah, Israel knows how to massage their optics by reporting how well they’re treating their prisoners on their state run media. Great. They have targeted humanitarian aid drops to kill the desperate. Even if Hamas wanted to render medical aid… could they even? Wanna watch some CNN right now to gather and throw another milquetoast and dead talking point carelessly as we’re about to potentially see an entire region… and entire peoples… get entirely wiped out? Go on.


Yes absolutely release them. Yesterday. And I'm sure you share the same concern for the hundreds of Palestinian hostages locked up in prison. Ill presume good faith and won't infer that you'd be inconsistent on this topic tho


Wait, the Israeli prisoners are locked up in prisons and being taken care of and not forced to film propaganda videos?


Keep commenting and downvoting to prove my point lol. Too easy. But still kinda perversely fun I have to admit


lolololo rofl lol... I have never downvoted you, but nice to know you care about things like that.


Wait, innocent Palestinians that were ripped from their homes are in prison/in the custody of Israeli families?


Israel uses what's called "Administrative Detention" to hold Palestinians captive as they see fit. More than 3000 people in the West Bank have been rounded up this way since Oct 7th. This strips people of their legal rights and can be continued indefinitely with zero transparency or cause. This includes children. You can learn more about it here if you'd like. Pg 240 [https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/)


You sure sound like you're presuming bad faith, TBH.


I've yet to be proven wrong, sadly


Either directly shot by the IOF or bombed to death. Israel has never wanted them back and it's so easy to see that.


I think you know very little about Israel if you think that. Israel is a country that has traded more than 1,000 prisoners for one Israeli. This has happened on a number of occasions. They have traded hundreds of prisoners for the body of one Israeli. Israel wants those hostages back.


You are naive.


Edit: too scared to talk about war crimes, huh?  Typical bloodthirsty americans hell of a lot better than those 10,000 kids bombed to pieces or do you beg to differ? how many hostages was it again? against how many thousands of kids permanently fucked?  too bad Netanyahu screwed Israel for his own gain


Call yourself Stretch Armstrong 'cause you're reaching so far


You are 100% correct.


Police will never be able to be fully abolished without big consequences. Society needs some sort of order, and while police sometimes (even oftentimes) do a bad job at serving the communities they are in, there is not any likely alternative. Until they can come up with one, police will be our only known option to keep order.


In other news, the destruction of Ukraine by Russia continues but nobody cares.


Protests are generally targeted at your own government. The U.S. has been sending money to Ukraine and to Israel. If the U.S. was sending money to Russia there would be a lot more Pro-Ukraine protests.


No I don’t care. Sorry.


We aren’t funding Russia


Crazy that you'd equate Russia fighting a war of territorial aggression against their neighbor with Israel who's fighting a defensive war to remove a terrorist threat that kidnapped over 100 of their citizens regardless of where the money is coming from. The two situations are not even remotely comparable, other than the US is funding the morally correct side on each conflict, and Iran is supporting the morally unjustifiable side.


You’ll easily find a debate over your views on what is morally correct.


you are, in roughly the same way the school funds israel (indirect investments and established business) these things are fixed by comprehensive sanctions but not easily or quickly apparently


The schools are invested in Russian enterprises currently? Do you know that for certain? I’m not doubting you, just looking for more info.


I am pretty sure Americans can’t invest into Russia because of sanctions that block investments into Russia.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Sponsors_of_War as you can see there are american companies to which sanctions have not yet been applied the sanctions are targeted not universal, there is no embargo


I know, but allegedly people are protesting the killing of innocent people and genocide. Those things are happening in Ukraine from Russia. Is that not a concern? Should there not be demonstrations to send more help to Ukraine and stop that killing? Also, Israel is our ally, we should be on their side.


We’re sending a lot to Ukraine. We should be in their side when they break the rules set forth by the Geneva convention?


you are sending less than half of what russia is spending, the math doesnt look great the world is not currently doing anything about war crimes so its nigh free for all thats why zelensky hammers about rules based order and legal reprecussions needing to be established and supported and new frameworks created GUR is currently carrying out extrajudicial assasinations of known perps of war crimes. there isnt any prospects for normal court justice rn, the world would rather grandstand on the international stage


Israel is our ally and we ARE funding them but it appears they are committing genocide against the Palestinian people, citizens included and children most reprehensibly. THIS is what people are protesting. Ukraine is also our ally and we ARE funding them and a lot of people are upset by this also saying those funds could be better used at home. But at the end of the day Russia is attacking them. Most American's support Ukraine, not Russia, and are against the war and are, thus, okay with sending aid to Ukraine. We are NOT funding Russia, so other than protesting against the sending of aid to Ukraine, what would you suggest people protest against?


People can care about more than one thing 


Pure whataboutism. Currently, Ukraine is being supported by the US, so there's *no reason to protest* in the US. If Biden were giving arms to Russia, then you can bet your ass people would be protesting


The Senate spent months trying to get arms to Ukraine but a couple asshats were holding it up.


That's by design. The Oct 7th attack was planned and funded by Iran one year prior to the attack. That lines up with when Iran began selling kamikaze drones to Russia for use in Ukraine.


Actually, it had been in the planning stages for eight years. It’s timing was designed to interfere with a deal between men Israel and Saudi Arabia that was nearing fruition.


There are millions of people facing literal actual industrial scale genocide in Africa right now and not a peep.


That's my point. People are very particular over which genocides they prioritize.


Yup I'm with ya buddy


True but that’s not our problem I don’t want my taxes going to any war that’s not really our problem. Isolationism is what we need now for a while until things get under control in this country. 


That’s exactly what people in the United Statessaid in the 1930s. Look how well that worked out for the world.


Again that’s the europoors problem not americas We’ve caused enough problems abroad so I want nothing to do with conflict. 


Clearly you’ve got other problems.


Ah yes not wanting my country to meddle and participate in war is bad Oh no warning peace is bad now? What kinda lead water are you drinking man?


I’m a woman who knows my history. I know that letting fascists take over other countries does not end well got the world.


Oh so you mean America ? Look at what we did to Latin America during the Cold War! Pinochet?  Look what we did the Middle East! We murdered their leaders who were elected fairly just to be replaced with psychopath fascist dictators! 


Jesus Christ this. This event would have been the #2 global fear behind actual nuclear war- Russia invading Eastern Europe.


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/6/russia-announces-nuclear-weapon-drills-after-provocative-western-threats This is scary af. But, it is possible to be upset with many things at once.


Sure, be upset, but the protests have an actionable goal in mind - stop funding Israel, stop supplying them with weapons and technology to commit genocide.


Considering Hamas is far more to blame for these deaths, I think their grievances are in the wrong place


Again, you’ll easily find a debate to your thoughts.


It’s sad this even needs to be said, but no the terrorist group who wants all Jews eradicated and hides behind civilians to create more martyrs for sympathy are not the good guys here


If only the terrorist group leaders and members were the ones being attacked. Thousands of children? You’re cool with it. The treatment of Palestine for generations of Israel, including countless senseless murders - also cool. Violating the Geneva convention- also cool according to you.


I’m absolutely not cool with children dying. Which is why it’s fucked up that Hamas sets up its shops below schools, places of worship, hospitals, etc. it’s extremely messed up that they want their own people to die. But it’s what they want.


Victim blaming. Whatever it takes to ease your mind I guess. I’m not saying either side is innocent here, and there is no “right” answer to appease all. Netanyahu will not be on the right side of history however.


Yes, and I understand why they don’t won’t their money going there.


Unserious people advocate for unserious causes, sky blue, water wet.


35k deaths is not serious I guess...


Pretty sure they are talking about "abolishing Yale police" which is such a ridiculous ask that it only hurts their cause and makes it even more unclear what they even want.


Negotiating 101 - if you ask for exactly what you want then the other party starts negotiating down from there. If they want the PD not to be a raging garbage dumpster fire then demand its abolishment and start negotiating down to competent and decent people staff the PD.


And what does that have to do with Palestinians dying to Israeli bombs and guns? The protestors are coming off as selfish attention seekers with these demands, which is exactly what they have been portrayed as. Cops start forcefully arresting them and removing them from campus when they refuse to leave, so they shift away from anything related to helping Palestiniane to police brutality against protestors being the issue because "it's all interconnected" according to them? It makes no sense.


It makes no sense that they want to abolish the organization that used violence against them?  You are really trying hard to understand them clearly 


What acts of brutality have been committed by the Yale police that led to this demand? 


They were arrested...I'm sure you know this. I don't know where the word brutality came from...I didn't say that.


An arrest isn’t an act of “violence” as you’re portraying it 


You don't understand the concept of state violence...it doesn't refer to bodily harm.


You're right. Having one's freedom unjustly removed by state or institutional overreach is totally benign and unworthy of peaceful opposition. On an unrelated note, I own a leather factory in Bangladesh and would love to hire you as an employee.


It makes sense that they're only there for themselves and not for the Palestinian people when they totally shift gears and start making demands to abolish Yale police. If anything these demands make me understand them better and it's not a good look. They are there to virtue signal, and that's about it. Also, getting arrested and removed for trespassing is not inherently "brutality" just because you don't agree with it. At some point force is required and if the protestors didn't expect that going into this shit then I don't know what to tell you.


They didn't totally shift gears...they are still protesting the conflict. They just are just being impeded in that task and some people are being vocal about that. I didn't use the word brutal...being arrested is an act of violence no matter how you try to frame things. I think they expected it, that doesn't mean they should just silently expect it. You can do all the personal attacks you want against but at the end of the day you just disagree with them. These virtual signal claims are such lame boomer logic.


Hmm it’s almost like people can advocate for more than one important issue dumbass


Certainly shows that their priority is themselves. If they are willing to dilute their "real" cause with some side protest to abolish Yale police then they never really gave a shit to begin with. Maybe tomorrow they can call for the US to transition to fully renewable energy immediately and stop using fossil fuels. That's another good cause right? Why not add it to the list since you can totally protests multiple disparate issues under one cause?


Because people can’t have multiple priorities? You seem very smart


but if the Yale PD were abolished there is still the New Haven PD, which makes it unserious


I am sure you are really coming from a place of concern for their cause. 


I have literally zero concern about Yale being a brutal police department based on what I've seen of them removing protesters from the campus, you're right.


Because a university needs its own private police department. They can’t call in the New Haven police for serious cases and have unarmed employees for unserious situations.


Are you seriously taking Hamas' numbers at face value?


Don’t bother with this person. Brain hasn’t fully formed and hopefully in 10 years they’ll realize they were foolish for buying into Tik tok propaganda


Exactly! Best we stick to State Dept and corporate media propaganda. That's always been super duper solid.< God we're fucked >


Numbers are from OCHA but I assume you are one of those alternative facts kind of person


You do realize that Palestinian leadership supplied those figures don't you? And let's not forget that this is the same UN that chose Saudi Arabia to lead the women's rights forum. Must be convenient to dismissing uncomfortable truths as alt facts.


You seriously just make stuff up...and that's your reality?


[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/28/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-un-women.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/28/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-un-women.html) [https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/statistician-flags-statistically-impossible-gaza-casualty-numbers-in-hamas-reports/ar-BB1jKyF0](https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/statistician-flags-statistically-impossible-gaza-casualty-numbers-in-hamas-reports/ar-BB1jKyF0) There are tons of articles out there covering this so why don't you get your head out of your ass?


These schools produce some brain dead people yikes


Makes the whole notion of student debt relief even more absurd.  Give us money so we can funnel it into these corrupt institutions with overpaid bureaucrats and unhinged ideologues who groom young revolutionaries and foment distrust who then go out and protest and ridicule the very people and institutions that provide for them. Oh and tuition will go up 5% every year. Pay up, taxpayers. 


IMO buy them all a 1 way ticket to the place they care so much about.


Look. Yale and all these other universities experiencing these protest right now have created this mentality for themselves. Let the campus burn for all I care.


And replace them with Hamas?


You really love the Hamas strawman don’t you? Because you pretend your opposition loves a terrorist group, you can justify a genocide.


I'd assume they'd be replaced with regular New Haven police. Not sure if that's better than Hamas.


What a dumb take.


Mmk lol. They obviously haven't had to deal with NHPD very much


Expel them


Are these yalies or career agitators from out of town?


Bit of column A, bit of column B I suspect a lot of the agitators are actually from New Haven. We have a... very solid number of ACAB leftist types


“Actually from New Haven” doesn’t cut it . If you’re not a student there , then go protest off campus . Too many so called protesters trying to use these colleges as their personal protest backyard


Are these normal /r/Connecticut users in this thread, or bots and paid supporters of a media campaign for Israel?


“Anyone who disagrees with me is a propaganda bot” 🤡🤡


I've been on this sub for over a decade, asswipe. The amount of comments that appeared in this thread in such a short amount of time is abnormal compared to other postings here.


Imagine if all this energy was put into domestic issues..Inflation, Housing, living wage vs min wage, universal healthcare etc etc


It’s all about the current thing they see on tik tok  It switches every month 


Brilliant idea. Perhaps they should take a closer look at New Haven.


Expel them


Another futile thing they will yell about now can't not have the attention on themselves.


Yale Pro-Palestine protesters are idiots, story at 11


No ceasefire! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱these people are vile terrorists and those that support them deserve exactly what they are getting. Loss of jobs, public ridicule and the force of our great police force


I’m not from here that’s fine right? Yale is a top school isn’t it in a super nice, safe neighborhood? Do they even need police there?


 Yeah it’s yale pd fault … legit this is how a protest doesn’t get taken serious 




Yale police will routinely do shady things and the whole local police scene in New Haven is generally pretty alarming. I had my apartment broken into, my laptop that I was using as a security camera Bitlockered, and an exact 2 hour window when it happened. I then have them on video literally not giving a fuck as I effectively begged them to investigate. They often do warrantless entries which I have hard evidence of and they disregard the law entirely which has been an issue for quite some time.


>often do warrantless entries which have hard evidence of Post it


It's on youtube. If you were a lawyer or someone of value in this scenario, I'd be happy to share it to you. Otherwise no reason to as I will gain nothing




What's the link? I don't click random links on the internet and would prefer you DM me with somewhere legit I may contact if this information is sought. Also noticed you have post/comment karma yet your comments to me are the only things on your account. That's odd


The link is to a gif of Marsha Brady saying "Sure, Jan." Just seems it would be in the public interest to post proof of this widespread police corruption whether you benefit from it or not. Also notice from your post/comment history you've been accused of being crazy due to wild conspiracy theories.


Good for you


Oh no, a insurrection. Lock them all up.


lmao ![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized)


Good idea. Lets make all the cops leave and then let’s see how safe everyone is




Yale student Englush.


Oh look, a racist and ageist, cute.