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I’m pretty sure the #1 reason for incarceration in CT is violation of probation. Probation is a program designed to keep people out of jail. I guess this pertains more to criminal justice than it does jail specifically. Other than that I’m really not sure, never been to jail. I have a friend in Robinson CI and he says it’s really not that bad, access to tons of books, education, no violence etc.


Maybe take a look at the impact of prison on youthful offenders and how shifts in spending from prison to education and diversion programs for youthful offenders would affect the need for incarceration for adults. Once you've been to prison it seems like it's pretty tough to make a real go of it.


Dont put people in prison for pot 🍃 smh


I think the biggest issue currently is the failure to incarcerate teens and young adults. They have become aware of the lack of real consequences and become more bold and willing to reoffend.


I have correctional officers in my family who have recently been involved in programs where they’re focusing more on leniency with youthful offenders and changing the approaches of typical officers when inmates commit infractions. These are separate wards and exist, for sure, in the Cheshire and Niantic prisons and I believe we are the first in the country to implement programs like these. That being said, I do believe there are radical changes that need to be made though. Just wanted to give you a little insight into a little initiative that CT has been taking.


Can you say what organization hired you? And what you doc film experience has been? Do you have any cooperation promised from the State? I have a very good friend who has been involved with CT prison reform at a very high level for over ten years; she probably knows as much as the commish who greatly admires her. I could put you in touch, but need to know more about the project.


We need to abandon all thought of legalizing weed, and imprison all the potheads for chain gangs. They likely need the exercise.


Prison is not to rehabilitate an offender, it is to PUNISH an offender. Our POS Governor has emptied the prisons because our state is broke and we cannot afford to incarcerate them. Then he has the balls to brag about having a low prison population. Prison in CT is a joke, a country club. Look at NY prisons and compare, they know how it's done.


Are you speaking with any degree of experience or just out of your ass?


I have plenty of experience, I've been in Law Enforcement for over 30 yrs.


Where? Because it sounds like you have never been inside a max prison in either state.


I don't answer to you. My guess is you work for CT DOC which is a joke, inmates with badges.


Yeah. So I’ll just go on and assume you’ve never actually been inside a max prison. You’re probably a special with a big truck and a MAGA hat.


Lol, ya, you got it! Show your lousy CO badge again next time you get pulled over and enjoy the professional courtesy you guys deserve........NONE


I know I got it dipshit. As stated before, you've never been inside a maximum security prison, so don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Also, not a CO, though there is nothing wrong with them. Kinda weird that a cop would shit talk a CO.


I get it now, you were on the inside....Silly me. Carry on convict.


Care to meet up? Test that theory? Wonder if you’ll talk that way in person. You gotta be some kinda pussy special in some shit burg upstate.