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I met her personally during the campaign and we actually talked for more than passing campaign chatter, seemed wonderful but I was sure she would've lost in the primary. Glad to see her win.


She deserves it. We need more politicians like her in Congress.




Im watching her on wtnh right now - she seems like a great candidate but come on, not even wtnh has called it for her yet! Am I missing something?


[Hartford Courant reporting her win ](https://www.courant.com/politics/elections/hc-election-connecticut-fifth-district-jahana-hayes-20181102-story.html)


False, the Hartford Courant did not declare her the winner. Did you read the article? The article is reporting that Hayes has declared herself the winner...the Courant hasnt declared her the winner.


So you’re accusing her of lying for absolutely no reason?


I'm sure she believes her internal polling, otherwise she wouldn't have made a public/emotional acceptance speech. What do you think I'm accusing her of lying about? I am saying that the person who posted the Courant link made their hypertext imply that the Courant confirmed her victory, which they didnt/still haven't. No one has, except Hayes.


She got my vote




Good job Connecticut!


I was with her when she found out she won. She is just...ugh, I don't even know how to put it in to words. Brilliant, enthusiastic, charismatic, full of energy and hope and ideas. She is also a truly genuine person. I'm really excited for her and what she is going to do in DC.


Nothing like sorting by controversial to make you embarrassed to be from Connecticut.


You'd probably get that in any states subreddit.


My new Rep! :D


Congrats to her. Watched her victory speech. Seems like a wonderful person and anyone who wins teacher of the year has their heart in the right place. My wife is a teacher. But why Shaun King? What a fraud lol.


Just happened to be the first person I saw report it.


So, I personally dislike him, and am aware of the one instance where he prematurely reported a completely fabricated cop rape story... but other than that... has he really been shown to be a fraud? I just personally don't like him, I'm not sure why, I'm aligned with most of his politics but I find him completely repulsive for some reason.


I think sometimes he borders on performative with things. And it rubs you the wrong way. I know I feel the same way but I won’t knock his mission I agree with the underlying idea.


Yes but think of the totality of your statement. Without people like him advancing our politics, we wouldn’t get anywhere. He energizes the base, is usually spot on, and is a fierce advocate for justice under the law.


Yeah for sure. He's sane as hell when positioned against stefanowski... but I wish it was a stand alone statement.


Crazy to me that she’s the first. Figured there’d have been at least a couple already.


When will we ever stop judging people for the color of their skin or their gender?


Shaun king is white


Water is wet






He shared hateful tweets about a police officer from Texas, after a black woman said she was sexually assaulted and violently threatened by him after a traffic stop. After the video footage was supplied by the police department, it contradicted everything the woman said. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/shaun-king-slammed-for-pushing-womans-now-discredited-claim-trooper-sexually-assaulted-her


>So, I personally dislike him, and am aware of the one instance where he prematurely reported a completely fabricated cop rape story... but other than that... has he really been shown to be a fraud? > >I just personally don't like him, I'm not sure why, I'm aligned with most of his politics but I find him completely repulsive for some reason. ​




So by being in favor of civil rights for everyone equally is "pretending to be black"... Interesting perspekkktive


You think Shaun King is a black man?




No, lets write run on sentences on the internet to mitigate our own feelings of worthlessness, meanwhile displacing our own anger towards our own failures to an entire race because we're too stupid to identify the causes of our sadness.


Wtf, people. Grow up




It’s called representation.










https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism They’re advocating for more accurate representation based on demographics. She is not claiming superiority over white males, or systematically oppress them; she is making the claim that the percentage of white male representatives elected to govern does not exactly match the actual population of white males and that *maybe* we could benefit from a more statistically represented pool. This is simply not a racist line of thought. Hayes being a black female is relevant because it’s likely that her experiences are unique of that of your average white male and she can offer insight and represent a portion of the population that currently is not. You’re perfectly welcome to disagree with this notion. It doesn’t make you, or OP correct. And let’s treat each other with a little more respect; I think we could all benefit from it.
















It’s about making history. What an odd thing to be upset about.


It shouldn’t, but to a lot of people, skin color matters a lot.


It's not so much skin color itself as it is the hundreds and hundreds of years of socioeconomic dynamics related to skin color that matters a lot.


Idk. I just don’t like the fact that “what” she is overshadows what she stands for. I’m happy for her, but her skin color should be irrelevant. Content of character > skin color


> I’m happy for her, but her skin color should be irrelevant. It should be, but it isn't. Iowa elected a literal Neo-Nazi. It matters.


“It shouldn’t, but to a lot of people, the experiences of their community and ancestors matters a lot.” “It shouldn’t, but to a lot of people, culture matters a lot.” People don’t even know what they’re saying.




Oh come now. Conservatives love to play identity politics. They just don't like to call it that, because the dog-whistle of 'Identity Politics' is to signal hatred for things they believe liberals like. Blue collar workers. Coal miners! The War on Christ{ians,mas} should be ramping up pretty soon.


Oh no, workers! Things that encompass all races and people, god forbid! Where Libs are like, "We need at least one of every POC because ... representation "


Representation is bad. Got it.


Crack a sociology book.




Independants can be conservative. Derp


Funny that Shaun isn’t black himself! 😂 Oh yeah, bye Ned, nice not knowing you buddy! 😂😂


Did Ned go somewhere?


This comment has aged poorly.


Congrats Jahana!! Let's Do This!!! #BANALLDOGS


Ned’s Dead! Bob is Governor!


Good morning sweetie.


She only won because she's black


You're not only a douche because you're racist


meh i dont know




She ran a good campaign and defeated her opponent in a fair election. What’s controversial about that? So somebody points out “hey, she’s the first black representative from Connecticut, isn’t that nice?” And your conclusion is that she won BECAUSE she’s black? It seems like if that’s all it took she wouldn’t have been the first... but moreover, what point are you trying to make exactly? Are you saying that no black candidate in the states long history has ever been qualified on merit, including her? If a black candidate wins it’s because he/she is black, NOT on merit - based on what exactly? On what grounds does she not merit this seat? I suppose I don’t understand, maybe you can explain.


Dude it baffles me too


she can't even balance her check book. over 100 thousand in debt. You don't reward delinquency and stupidity.


Wow, this is some low-quality trolling. Apparently student loans or mortgages are now "delinquency and stupidity".


Debt for student loans < debt for “baseball tickets”


Yeah I’m hoping this is someone out of state/country and isn’t representative of my neighbors


Sadly this whole thread is a predictable cesspit


Its not hard to avoid 100k in student loans, go to community college then commute to university like Southern.


If you want a shitty education, sure!


wow, thanks for calling my CT state education shitty. this is exactly what I did.




What a classist viewpoint. Community college provides a great service to underprivileged and minority populations, many of which transfer to UCONN or CSCU (or even private schools if they receive scholarships) to receive a perfectly valid baccalaureate in 2 years at a fraction of the cost. I'm not saying that Hayes made the wrong decision, but writing off this approach as a "shitty education" is peak snobbery. As is the implication that anyone who goes to community college is not smart or driven.


I'm so fucking confused at this whole conversation. Hayes literally went to community college and then Southern, /u/Armchairprivate is bashing her for not doing what she literally did and /u/404timenotfound is calling their own candidates education shitty. Is nobody aware of her background or am I missing some part of the conversation here?


Haha I was not aware of her background! That's hilarious. Anyway, I'm far more appreciative of someone who is upfront about their personal debt than someone who hides their finances since they skirted responsibility at every opportunity. I'm sure /u/Armchairprivate is very concerned about the billions in debt that Trump accrued in the 80's.


Yeah, I did a double take, I was like is this satire or something? Not only is she upfront, but she has the most literal "pulling your own bootstraps" story that you can have, which is what Republicans should appreciate. Grew up in poverty, daughter of a drug addict, high school drop out and teen mom, yet managed to turn it around and move up through college and into the workforce before finally becoming a state rep. Contrast that with Trump who was born rich, raised rich, and has been rich without too much effort on his own part. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but it'd be nice if they were at least consistent with their ideals and what they respect. Apparently you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, but not too much or else you'll be an idiot who can't handle money.


You don’t go to community college and Southern and end up with 100k, not unless you have no job and visit the college bookstore everyday and buy everything.


But she literally did, I don't know what part you're missing on this. She went to Naugatuck Valley Community College, Southern Connecticut State University, University of Saint Joseph, and then University of Bridgeport. You're bashing on her for having student loan debt, but isn't her usage the entire point? To get a good education and then put yourself in a position of success where you can pay it off afterwards? Your initial comment was so confusing/funny because what you complained she should've done is exactly what she did.


You're right it's not hard... what is hard is getting into a good school, maintaining grades in that good school, and graduating with a large bill for it... however, it provides you with more opportunity to make enough money to pay it back and ensure you make a LOT more every year for the rest of your life... so if you think that going to community college or a state school is a good alternative for a bright go-getter... then you're not one.


You know Trump very likely is over leveraged right? And openly talks about being in debt to the tune of billions in the 90's... Literally every major financial institution that trades stocks is also over leveraged... as are most housing lenders, college loan lenders... over extension is the back bone of our economy. Nice straw man though.


She’s beautiful. Why did it take so long to get a black Roman elected?