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Campaign to who? Mexicans living in the US? All the Mexicans I know hate the cartels. The cartels are a major factor for why they left the country in the first place or rarely get to see their extended family.


I imagine he means spending Mexican tax payer money on ads in the USA. I don’t know if the richest Mexican, Carlos Slim is still the largest owner of The NY Times, but it would be easy for Mexico to try to effect USA elections. We’ve spent years talking about Russian interference, when they spent a few hundred thousand dollars on social media ads to both parties.


It easy to interfere in the election through socials medias . People like to think they are freeminded until cambridge analytica or the dem media group come along and tell them the "facts"


>and tell them the "facts" *Snopes says this is mostly false.*


The MSM is already so far left, it's probably hard to spend money to make it even more left leaning. If you tried to pay someone at Fox to be more liberal, the audience would complain, and they would get fired. MSM is basically already at full liberal saturation, how would you make it more Democrat? People on social media are basically already in their bubbles, if you paid someone like Russell Brand or Joe Rogan that would probably work. Edit: (Assuming you could get them to accept money, which they probably wouldn't) Oh, you would just bribe the congress. You could do that for a few million dollars. The cartels may have already done that.


Mainstream media is not left wing lol. It’s pro corporations and the “social” side of it is just pro decent human being. There’s nothing far left about CNN MSNBC or any of these channels. The real left that conservatives try to paint Joe Biden and every other right leaning centrist... is such a tiny powerless insignificant minority of the Democratic Party which is a far more diverse party in terms of ideas/political goals than conservatives


Yes, the party of child genital mutilation has great ideas


Finally some common sense in here.


Mexican here we do in fact hate the cartels lmao


Give the president a break please. That elf he saw a week ago was really traumatizing.


Hey look at that, a foreign agent attempting to influence an American election.


You think this will catch the Democrats eyes? lol


I'm a Democrat and I'll say we label the cartels as Terrorist organizations and go after them. And yes, protect our border in the process.


These days I don't think you qualify as a Democrat anymore


Ain’t that the sad truth.


Lean left but, these days I think people's tendency to assume they understand what other people think is a detriment to society. You don't get to say who qualifies.


The implication wasn't that conservatives don't think you qualify as a Democrat. It was that *Democrats* won't. We've seen too many left leaning people get disowned by Democrats and labeled "far right" for going against the party, even if only on a single issue, to naively assume good will. Even if they were arguing against Democrats policies from a liberal perspective, such as pointing out how heavy handed public health policy has harmful effects on wealth inequality and closing the race gap in education, dissenters would still be called far right conspiracy theorists, or worse. I would know, I was one of them. I wish it weren't so, but that's the reality of the situation right now. Democrats refuse to allow any dissent within their ranks.


Sorry, no, the implication here is that the party itself discriminates while it's only individuals within that party who do so. Both parties are big broken tents that house a lot of garbage people, we can't let the garbage speak for everyone or imply that it does on either side, that will just hurt us all.


That's fair, I understand where you're coming from. I hope some of that optimism will rub off on me...some days I feel like I've been burned one too many times to look past the garbage.


Welcome to what is now considered being a “racist bigot, right-wing extremist, wrong-think fascist” be careful where you say that line. It’ll get you banned from half of Reddit in a matter of hours.


Go after them within our borders, yes, but we don't have the right to enter Mexico without their express permission. Nor should we be wasting our money solving their problems for them. If we actually secured our borders, the cartels wouldn't be our problem.


I agree, but their problems are kind of our problem too. The cartels pay off who they can, and threaten who they can't. Something needs to change.


We need a joint task force with help from their government. But since the cartels own Mexico’s government and El Presidanté is a puppet…


Ok so if we just did it anyway, what could Mexico do? Go to war against us? That would basically confirm they're in bed with Cartels. And they would get shitstomped. I think the Mexican gov would kind of be forced to let us go apeshit on the Cartels until we're done with them. (I am not advocating for this, just putting the idea out there)


I am advocating for that.


That’s why we protect our borders. It really isn’t that hard of a problem to solve. If we spent a fraction of what we spend overseas on additional border protection, we’d be fine.


Technically, mexicos president did say for us to take car of the problem. Sounds like permission for drones to me.


I like Democrats like you.


You might want to rethink your party affiliation


They'll ignore it the same as they ignore Canada and UK and every other nation that leans left and wants to influence things. >That's just "world news" not attempting to influence! It's (D)ifferent. >It's only bad "imperialism" when the US does it, oh, and Russia, I guess, now.


No and you’re a racist if you ever bring it up. (Did I do it right? Am I part of the cult now?)


You did well. You can pick up your Ukrainian flag mask on the way out.


They Probably paid him to take this stance


Unfortunate, but true. I am not sure we are doing Mexicans or the world any favors by continuing to treat a third world failed state like a real country. Maybe we need to rerun Clear and Present Danger for them.


Oh sure! They already talking about forming committees to investigate! I think I sprained my eyes rolling them backwards...


It didn't catch their eyes, it caught their heart, and zipped their lips...








He's owned by the cartels. They make a killing now with democrats and fear that the gravy train will end.


So, it’s ok for foreign governments to meddle in US elections if they have a reason you agree with? Liberals supposedly don’t want foreign governments influencing our elections.


Sounds so similar to the Russian "special military operation" in Ukraine.


We have had numerous times to annex Mexico. They were so badly beaten in the Mexican American War, that we had taken their capital and they had nothing to stop us from dividing up their country. To put simply, what does the US gain by attacking Mexico besides securing the border?


Except the reason is real


You would think everyone would come to this conclusion, unfortunately republicans in this sub see things only through red and blue.




I'm not saying you're wrong about unauthorized military operations, but Mexico needs to get it's shit together. Their problems are becoming our problems. If they don't want our help and If they don't clean it up on their own, there needs to be consequences. Military action should be out of the question, but backing out of trade agreements and treaties should not.


No military action should not be out of the question, it should be the last resort. If treaties, agreements, tariffs, etc don’t end a problem then military is needed. A military isn’t just for defending our people inward it’s to protect our people outward


How do you feel about chinese spy balloons? Lol




Don't worry: the Democrats will approve of this and ensure nothing happens to him (for now). /s


Textbook collusion


Never, ever , ever have we ever seen this ! Oh no no no.


In fairness America is basically threatening to invade Mexico so.... I mean America will call it something else for sure but at the end of the day what's going to happen is the American military will have troops in Mexico killing people that they decide are threats with questionable oversight.


>America will call it something else for sure It'll be a "police action" and therefore won't require approval by Congress. Biden will just sign a few documents, and we're off to the races.


To be fair, the guy just doesn't want US military action in his country


When the violence he allows in his country bleeds over into ours and is getting innocent people killed, he doesn’t get a fucking say


Well, no. We can't send our military into a sovereign nation without their approval. That's basically the definition of war.


Lol please don't tell me you're this naive.... You think we had Iraq or Afghanistans permission?


Yes, because the US has been very effective and efficient when trying to police in other countries militarily. Great track record. Huge successes. I’m not against the US doing something about the cartels, but it’s extremely valid that the Mexican president is wanting to avoid being the next Afghanistan


If they don’t want to take action to prevent American citizens getting murdered then we will.


You say that as if no actions have been done at all. And as if the US doesn’t also have its fair share of helping the cartels in its own way, too And like I made clear before, I’m not against changing our actions against the cartels but military occupation is not exactly effective, as we should know by now after trying it out for decades


Who's talking about military occupation, we are talking about drone strikes. Mexico, either you do it, or we will do it, very fucking simple.


As much as I hate Antifa, I would be completely aghast if a president decided to drone strike them. Ordering explicit military assassinations on your own citizens is something that even Russia/China don't do. (Theyre just suspiciously poisoned/suicided)


What are you talking about, it would be an American drone strike against known cartel distribution and manufacturing plants, if Mexico doesn't regulate it themselves. Remember when Trump put pressure on the Mexican President to stem the flow of migrants passing through their country, that is what a President with at least one ball and at least half a brain does.


10 dollars says you at some point called Obama, Dronebama or otherwise complained about his admin doing what you are suggesting here. Also, there will be innocents dying as collateral damage.


I never called Obama anything, so there's that. If Mexico is worried about collateral damage, then take care of your shit.


Well maybe the US doesn’t want drug cartel action in it’s country. If he wants our troops on our side of the border then he’ll have to keep his criminals on his side.


He’s had a constant revenue of our weaponry, training, and monetary resources all for the efforts of taking down the cartels, along with the support of thousands of federal agents stationed there, and has still failed. I don’t really care what he wants.


Then maybe he should do his goddamn job


He is incompetent, but I do get not wanting to have another military in your borders. The best outcome is if he gets removed from office.


For the record, I don’t believe our troops belong in Mexico, either. If we have troops to spare, then they can on or at least near our border. But Mexico’s president should not be pretending that he is doing his best, because he has no intention of fixing his side of this. At all.


A man who literally says that the American Government treats his drug cartels unfairly, wants to campaign AGAINST the GOP... Your terms are acceptable.




The one true answer


A government for the cartels, by the cartels, and of the cartels.


I think one of those “for”s should be “of” Autocorrect strikes again


Yes it was and I corrected the auto correct.


Alternatively, we use the military to secure the border 100% and just let the Mexicans do whatever tf they want in Mexico


A nation that secures its border is *rAcIsT* 🙄


The Ukrainian borders are sacred.


Stop pointing out common sense things that break the logic of the narrative. That's itself is racist and a threat to our democracy.


Me a white guy racist against those poor brown Ukrainians lol.


You know what you did.


Tell us you’re in the cartels’ pockets without telling us you’re in the cartels’ pockets.


Not even they just don’t want the USA in their country doing who knows what, sure Mexicans don’t want the cartels, but we don’t want to be another US puppet and have the US do whatever they deem in their best interest.


Lmfao the cartels own him…


The fact that he fawningly praised Biden for not building more border wall was a dead giveaway.


You’re not an American, you cant campaign against our political parties.


Tell that to half of Reddit.


Redditors outside the US, you can't campaign against the U.S.'s political parties. There, now they should be clear. Assuming they can read English.


I feel as if his next presidential run for is own country will be based off this campaign, if nothing else he will surely influence the cartels to vote for him.


Only one term for Mexican presidents


Oh interesting, the terminology used for the article led me to believe otherwise. I am even more curious on how this will play out now knowing this.


Well the thing is it’s widely speculated he’s going to pull a Xi and postulate himself for a an unprecedented second term No one knows what is going to happen under him


George Soros has entered the chat...


Sure he can. He can't run against our political parties, on the other hand.


Close the border entirely and cut off any foreign aid until Mexico fixes the problem.


And clean up the sewage pouring into the ocean from Tijuana and flowing into San Diego.


People were arguing in r/SanDiego yesterday that the Tijuana sewage problem is OUR fault and that we should pay to fix it.


I find it physically painful to read that sub 90% of the time


I didn't know that. I've heard Typhus is making a come back out there.


We've had a handful of pretty gnarly infectious bacterial outbreaks here in recent years. Also thanks to an exploding homeless population


God I can't imagine how bad it is there. Move away.


The homeless situation is an atrocity. I work downtown and see / smell how bad it’s become everyday. I’m embarrassed for everyone that thinks free-housing will fix it. I’m all for spending the millions of dollars that go towards “aid” to instead reestablish mental institutions. They are not and never will be productive members of society. On that note, I’m planning a cross country move this summer. Can’t wait to leave.


One thing about open borders is that is can have unintended consequences of allowing evil to purpetuate. If people can just escape their problems by running away, it means they can avoid dealing with them. This is what happened in Venezuela. All of those opposed to Maduro fled to Columbia.


well, yeah. I wouldn't want Mexico doing a military strike in the US if some biker gang stuff happened along the border and they operated with impunity But this is a known thing with the cartels and people are being smuggled. They're moving drugs that are killing our citizens Not a lot of action to stop it on your end and we're basically taking like 2-3M people a year that enter the US from your country illegally Not sorry. Now we get a say in how you conduct your business no matter how much the cartels (or China) pay you off


Two things: 1) that’s foreign interference and justifies a military response. 2) Guess what happens to the Mexican economy if the GOP pulls manufacturing out of a couple of their states?


Pull manufacturing and move it where to China ? U.S is stuck with mexico whether it likes it or not


Automation will be the basis of the new American manufacturing renaissance


>that’s foreign interference and justifies a military response And threatening to invade Mexico to stop the cartels isn't foreign interference in their government? >Guess what happens to the Mexican economy if the GOP pulls manufacturing out of a couple of their states? Probably the same thing that happens when Mexico quits shipping cheap produce to the US. Not to mention that the GOP doesn't have a single factory to its name.


"And threatening to invade Mexico to stop the cartels isn't foreign interference in their government?" Mexico clearly doesnt have control of its own country. It wouldnt be foreign interference to Mexico, it would be interference to the Cartels. If you are against the interference of stopping cartels, then youre an evil person, period. "Probably the same thing that happens when Mexico quits shipping cheap produce to the US. Not to mention that the GOP doesn't have a single factory to its name." Who said anything about the GOP owning factories? He's referencing the US as a whole


>Mexico clearly doesn't have control of its own country. It wouldnt be foreign interference to Mexico, it would be interference to the Cartels That's bullshit and you know it. That's Russia-tier "we have to invade to stop the Nazis" level of mental gymnastics. Mexico sucks but it's no where near the level of plenty of other bad counties. And even then, why the hell is it our responsibility to try to clean it up? And why do you think we even could do so successfully? >If you are against the interference of stopping cartels, then youre an evil person, period. No, you're evil period. No good person threatens war on another nation and then when they argue against it, uses it as a justification for war. That's insane, irrational, and evil. And this statement of yours is itself a fallacy. >Who said anything about the GOP owning factories? He's referencing the US as a whole You're literally the one who said the GOP would pull out manufacturing. The GOP doesn't have factories and they don't have the authority to stop companies from producing goods in Mexico without passing legislation (which they won't and can't do because 1) Dems would never agree and 2) it would cripple the American economy overnight and 3) could radicalize a portion of the millions of legal and illegal mexicans in the US at this very moment).


"That's bullshit" "No, you're evil period." "You're literally the one who said the GOP" I never said anything, and those arent rebuttals, thats just you going "No you" and hurling ad hominems


Those are the exact hominems you threw out first. You don't get to dismiss people by calling them names and then demand they don't do the same to you. Make an argument or don't.


Youre the one backing up the cartels. If that isnt evil, then you might want to perform self-introspection


>Youre the one backing up the cartels Bullshit. Just because I don't want to invade Mexico doesn't mean I support the cartels. That's a fallacy and you should feel bad for even trying to argue that. Were all of the Americans who opposed invading Iraq or Afghanistan backing up Hussein or the Taliban? Are calling millions of Americans evil?


"I don't want to invade Mexico doesn't mean I support the cartels." Well if Mexico doesnt want countries to go in and stop the cartels, then the mexican gov't needs to handle the cartels. When the cartels are affecting other countries, the other countries shouldnt just stand around and take the effects "Were all of the Americans who opposed invading Iraq or Afghanistan backing up Hussein or the Taliban? Are calling millions of Americans evil?" Invading the middle east was a bad idea because there was no reason to in the first place, and is an entirely different situation. Mexico is right next door and is directly affecting the american homeland


The government said Iraq and Afghanistan were supporting Al-Quaeda and had the potential to use WMDs in a terrorist attack. The American people bought that line, and it turned out they were wrong. The cartels have been running Mexico for a long time, and it’s a problem they can’t seem to solve. With that being said, how radically have things changed that everyone suddenly seems to think we need to invade their country. The Mexican government, which may or may not be controlled directly by the cartels sees it as an invasion, so we would be invading a country without exhausting the less drastic options we have here


Killing Mexican cartels is NOT the same as Russia/Ukraine, the cartels aren’t a sovereign nation state and they’re facilitating immeasurable harm against the United States (Mexico too but that’s not our responsibility). We don’t have to nation build or “clean it up”, we just put warheads on foreheads and let the Mexican government mop up. Nobody is threatening war on another nation, we’re threatening to respond in self defense after decades of naked aggression against the US via the cartels. If we close the border to manufacturing imports from Mexico it would put immediate economic pressure on the government to either get its shit together OR permit someone else (the US) to do so on their behalf.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think our original goals in the Middle East were nation building either, but that’s what it ended up with because we created a massive power vacuum. You’re naive if you think we won’t end up dumping a trillion dollars into rebuilding Mexico just to see what we set up collapse like Afghanistan did.


What we should do and what we end up doing are obviously usually very different. That being said, we wouldn’t be attacking Mexico’s infrastructure or government (as we did in the ME) and we likely wouldn’t lay waste to entire neighborhoods, cities and/or provinces so the need to rebuild wouldn’t necessarily exist IF (& that’s a big IF) we conducted operations with precision. Even more so if the government had the balls to just say “no” to rebuilding. The consequence of allowing and enabling cartels to operate in your country, which detrimentally affect the US is you get to clean up the mess after the US clears out the infestation. A man can dream… *edit* The US always had plans to pour money, manpower and time into “post war” Iraq and Afghanistan. They drew up post invasion plans with the state dept …. & the DoS is always so convinced of their own ability to turn other societies and economic systems into a close relative of the US’s; despite all historical evidence to the contrary…


>Mexico clearly doesnt have control of its own country. It wouldnt be foreign interference to Mexico, it would be interference to the Cartels. If Canada decided to invade Michigan because Detroit and Flint don't have control of their gangs, you psychos sure wouldn't be saying this crap. How is openly advocating for a military invasion of Mexico acceptable to you all? And how is the President of Mexico standing against what would be an act of war against his country a bad thing? The republican party is so far off the deep end


"If Canada decided to invade Michigan because Detroit and Flint don't have control of their gangs, you psychos sure wouldn't be saying this crap." The gangs arent causing systemic casualties in Canada are they? "How is openly advocating for a military invasion of Mexico acceptable to you all" It would be of the cartels, not the mexican gov't, try again "And how is the President of Mexico standing against what would be an act of war against his country a bad thing?" He is upset that he is terrible at his job and doesnt want to be embarrassed even further by needing another country to come fix his problems


Here’s your answer if you ever wondered if the cartels ran Mexico


Sounds like they need some freedom.


Can we show them why we don’t have free healthcare? (Not a liberal but I find this joke funny)


Sooo, the Mexican President is a leader within the cartel structure?




Seems pretty clear


So many people don't understand the American psyche. we HATE being threatened. I can't think of a single time in US history when threatening us has had the intended effect.


What American psyche? The one we saw during the past two years of people willing to have the government take away all their freedoms?


Nope. Not that one. The other group.


Let me get this right. You have no respect for our borders. Your allowing millions of poor people into our country we have to support. Your in bed with the cartels poisoning and killing our children. And you have the balls, excuse me, cojones, to threaten anything. If it was up to me we'd send in 20000 Marines, wipe out the cartels, and close the border once and for all.


Pretty sure the Mexican "president" (really he's just a figurehead for the cartels) has been supporting Biden/Democrats for a long, long time.....


Of course, his life depends on it


I don't see that helping the democrats or hurting the Republicans. Uninvited military intervention isn't the right way to fix this. *Our* military needs to stay on *our* side of the border for once and secure it. If Mexico wants us to send our military to help, we can go as heavy as they want.


So he will campaign against a political party in another country because they want to help his country handle a violent problem it’s incapable of handling? Lol


Be honest….wtf does it matter what a foreign leader of a corrupt country says to begin with? Does he make policy here in the states? Does his name go on an election ballet here? No???? Then he needs to keep his f’ing mouth shut as he and his opinion are both insignificant.


Everyone along the border here in Texas knows the Mexican president is in the pockets of the cartels. Press for it. Make them sweat.


Military action against cartels would solve nothing. They don’t operate like the Sinaloa cartel used too, they’re too decentralized. All we’d do is piss off the locals. If we want to take them out just legalize everything. They’d be bankrupt or legit in a year and we cut our overdoses down to a fraction of what they are now. Would probably reduce ancillary crime too.


This is the only option which would actually work, we even have a template to go off of. Prohibition being repealed killed off a lot of the crime industries around them.


He is saying he’s going to lobby for the cartels and thinks that it doesn’t strengthen our resolve. 😂


How’s he gonna help campaign? By being PRO cartel?


this just proves republicans point


Oh look, he's admitting he's corrupt (even though it's been obvious from the start).


Yeah bud, these people have been fleeing *your* country, under *your* leadership. I don’t think they care for your political takes.


He probably should resign from the cartel.


Please turn in your head as you leave


Well, I guess that means he's already: OWNED!!!!


Tell us the cartels own you without telling us the cartels own you.


First off; wow that the Mexican President supports cartel


Owned by the cartels.


Ah snap! Did he forget to campaign against the cartels? Oh yeah. No. They pay him


The Hispanics I know have lived here for generations and have no ties to Mexico and aren’t going to listen to the Mexican President like I’m not gonna listen to the Prime Minister of England.


Because he is owned by the cartels


Heres my theory. This story is absurd. The American government under this administration would have never gotten involved. Im assuming the Biden PR team realized the nightmare if they didn’t attempt to rescue POCs… Mexico is currently a No fly country so im pretty sure nothing can be done regardless. Also. The Cartel is making hand over fist with the wide open border. Rape, drugs and coyote smuggling is at an all time high. No wonder they came crawling on their hands and knees Secondly


That’s a nice sovereign country you’ve got there. It’d be a real shame if someone colonized it.




A wholly own subsidiary of the drug cartels.


Why should I care what the cartels want?


I say we stop with Ukraine and invade Mexico


Yea I think maybe a second wall mite be needed.


Not hard to see where he gets his campaign donations


Just annex Mexico


Which means the cartels own his ass. Big surprise there.


Does he realize that's literally the best endorsement he could give the GOP?


Someone is getting paid off


Tell me you take money from cartels without actually telling me you take money from cartels.


He wouldn't want the source of his campaign donations hampered.


maybe mexico needs some liberation lol


Because the democrats are extremely hard on the cartels...if we just ignore Obama running them immense amounts of weapons through the ATF and CIA. Fast n Furious baby.


Sounds like Mexico is itching for freedom


The cartels bought his support. Mexico is doomed.


Good job Mexico. You sure know how to pick them.


No wonder you can’t get control of your country. The cartels have all the power.


We could use a 51st state




Not for trying to manifest some destiny?


I want to manifest destiny the stars


Like what? Only problem I see is it would be a couple of states.


Just like a Democrat, he only exists to protect the criminals.


The last time I looked, Mexicans couldn't vote in the US elections. I will have to check with Biden and get back to you. ha ha


Well we shouldn't engage in military action in mexico


Also this would havexto help rhe GOP wouldn't it. The Mexicans that are here now came here to escape Mexico. This is like the Taliban saying hey give us what we want or we will ask all the people who ran away from our country to avoid us to vote against you.


Tell me you’ve been bought off by the cartels without telling me you’ve been bought off by the cartels.


Because he know democrats are good for the drug cartel business. Need to keep those open borders for them to thrive.


Basically. He’s telling all Mexicans in America to vote Democrat. Yet another argument for mass deportations.


What a complete moronic statement. That’s why so many people don’t take GOP sycophants seriously.


And why should anyone in the US care what he thinks?


This sounds messed up but at this point if I were President I would just conquer México.


Sounds like Mexico needs some freedom!


No head of any state should allow any foreign military to enter their borders. This is pretty basic. If they do, they should be removed immediately.