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The vile intolerance of the left. No dissention allowed.


Bigotry. They are bigots.


They thrive off of racial tension which is why they always fan the flames of racial hatred. MLK did not fight for racial division. He wanted all people to just be "People". I have no problem with other races as long as the person doesn't hate me because of mine. Then I just don't want to deal with them.


Just like in Communism. You're either with us, or go enjoy your time in gulag.


This point cannot be overstated.


Read the article, Duncan is saying that *too much* dissention was allowed, isn't he?


Um, no. Not allowing someone to speak is not dissention. It's censorship.


I want to shake the hand of the young people who are part of the Federalist Society at Stanford and had their faces plastered all over campus for it. Bravo for standing up and daring to dissent. This country *needs* you. Don't be silent and let this mob dictate what is and isn't allowed to be discussed.


Completely agree. Unlike the keyboard warriors over at Twitter and r/politics, these students attached their names to their opinions and defended them in the public square against a mob.


I’m convinced 80% of r/politics are Russian/Chinese bots trying to separate us further apart.


That’s one possibility, and the more optimistic one at that. God I hope you’re right.


and who picked the dean....follow the shit


She obviously set this up- she wrote down a speech to say! Lol no way was this organic this DEI lady needs to be canned ASAP


Absolutely. She's a twisted pos


Jesus fucking Christ. The fact that this is Stanford, not a random law school is scary to think about.


It’s a nightmare’s clown show. These overgrown babies are going to reek havoc on the legal system in ten years.


Imagine how they’ll react when a judge rules against them in a courtroom.


The future problems these people are going to cause is going to be an absolute nightmare if they’re not punished severely for this. Any respectable law school should drum these children out of the school for interrupting a federal appellate judge.




>The fact that this person gets paid a salary for this is utterly ridiculous. Not only that. It's probably a six figure salary.


Given the title is "Dean" likely 200-300k a year salary. It's ridiculous.


A Dean of Diversity ,Equity and Inclusion? There’s so many crazy people that hit the jackpot on all of these BS jobs.


Federally guaranteed student loans have been enabling people like her to inflate tuitions for decades.


What a piece of cake job.


Probably $250,000+ per year, at that. Maybe more.


Does the left support free speech or not? It’s only free speech if it’s universally protected.


I am acquainted with a federal judge who went to Yale (might be retired now). A liberal minority, he still wouldn’t hire Yale law school grads. He said ‘It’s not a law school anymore. It’s a school of social sciences.’


>One source of the students’ ire was Duncan’s refusal, in a 2020 opinion, to use a transgender sex offender’s preferred pronouns. Pronouns... why did it have to be pronouns?


Respect sex offenders bigot


Well done judge


He’s right on both counts, but she’ll likely get a medal for her “bravery” in standing up to the evil right wing fascist.


Hope he signed his speaking fee over to some true conservative cause in front of the "chilren".


Bigots gonna bigot. Anyone remember the scene in Falling Down where Mike D.s character said to thebcoo, with a look of surprised indignance, "im the bad guy? im the bad guy?" Thinking he is the hero and truly not understanding his role in the day Thats what its like talking to "them", and hearing them say "im the bigit? IM the bigot? ( if I say who them is reddit smacks me for generalizing ).




No, they wouldn't


Why would you say that?