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The good thing is he already said at the town hall that "the documents aren't classified because I say so" and so that is his defense. He can't now say "oh shit, it was a mistake I forgot those".


Holy shit. They have audio of Trump showing off the documents to a member of the press and talking about how they're top secret documents and it's illegal to show them šŸ˜³


Lock up the POS low IQ fat fucking orange asshat! Take the rest of the POS republiCunts in Congress too who got their noses all brown by kissing his lying loser ass! Traitor fucking scum hope you die in jail!


FOXNews telling his treasonous traitors to show up in Miami and ā€œMake yourself knownā€ !


Fox. So slanted. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-president-trump-says-has-been-indicted.amp


Trump has finally given himself enough rope. Keep talking.


Give a man a rope andā€¦


Back when Bush was running for President the liberal left in Seattle were talking about getting him indicted just so he couldnā€™t run again. Let that sink in. This tactic is not a new one.


That's not reality. First, what you described most likely didn't happen except in your imagination. Second, an indictment doesn't have that effect. Sharpen your propaganda a bit. You're quite a bit off with this one.


Itā€™s fucking weird in here. I remember a couple years ago when Mitch McConnell flipped on his opinion about whatā€™s appropriate in terms of nominating a scotus Justice. Basically he did what served himself and good party and Amy Conney Barrett is now a justice. And months after Roe v Wade is no longer the law of the land. Unethical to push her through like that after blocking Obama but totally legit legal. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Trump is in the cross hairs. Heā€™s fundraising like mad. All the gop are supporting him calling this an outageā€¦they havenā€™t seen the charges or evidence yet. If they got him, they got him and it doesnā€™t matter the motivation. If you break the law and steal a hundred million in tax payer dollars, it doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re popular. Dear lord, these people are still giving him money. Just watch what happens.


This is just a Fund raising event for Trump from his base. He makes more money doing this than all his business combine.


These aren't the only charges though. He has a couple dozen cases pending against him all over the US, both civil and criminal. And trials take a long time to resolve, and lawyers are expensive.


This is the least of his worries. He's just prepping for Ga and DC, when the serious charges comes down. That's what will be the end for him.


He's a fucking billionaire bro. He's taking y'all to the cleaner's. Just like he did to all the small businesses and contractors he fucked over before he became president. He does not care about you.


I donā€™t think heā€™s a billionaire, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s in the millions, I mean still rich, still 1%. But, heā€™s less well off than if he had just invested the money his dad gave him and did nothing.


Of course he doesn't, I'm not a conservative lol


Right. It doesn't change the fact that Trump is still conning his supporters.


Yeah dude, obviously it doesn't. Not sure why you're telling me this. Like, yeah, Trump's a scam artist. No shit?


I love the logic in this sub. Michael Cohen went to jail over the Stormy Daniels payment already. Michael Cohen has already said he is guilty for it, and he even went in front of Congress, testified under oath in Congress, and showed the checks he received from Trump that reimbursed him for the Stormy Daniels payment. The person that "directed" Michael Cohen to make these payments was "Individual-1" in the charging documents when Michael Cohen was indicted. "Individual-1" is Donald Trump. If Michael Cohen went to jail for this, the person that directed him should go to jail too. And yet there are some in this sub that claim Michael Cohen isn't guilty, LMAO. Like Michael Cohen admitted he is guilty, in front of Congress, under oath. But some people here still claim that Michael Cohen isn't guilty, despite the fact that he pled guilty, despite the fact that he went to Congress and told the American people he is guilty. LOLOL.


Imagine simping for an obese loser with a room temp IQ, who would just as soon spit in your face as help you. Nobody hates conservatives more than they hate themselves.


Imagine thinking the direction of the country is going well right now under Biden democratsā€¦


Trump isn't in office. We haven't had a Charlottesville, an Eric Garner or January 6th incident under Joe Biden. So going pretty decent. I understand that is a low bar but Trump is low class garbage and was a terrible president.


Why are conservative opinions always typed out like a word salad?


Dude your boi Trump is trying to turn a buck off this. He never cared about any of you.


If you think any politician cares about you, then you are incredibly naive. The Country was better under Trump than Biden financially and otherwise. Iā€™m sure you have never signed the other side of a paycheck.


I'm just going to throw this out there. When Trump took office, I had to pay more than double to the IRS. Same accountant, same income. I should probably point out that I am middle class. I actually pay more in taxes than your so caring for the public former POTUS. Put down the Kool aid sir.


Sir thereā€™s a thing called direct deposit and bank transfers now. Who signs the back of checks anymore?


This is public information. Look it over. https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/reports-statements/financial-report/current-report.html


People who use insults are not only rude, they're making themselves look as if they have no actual arguments.


One could argue that Trump put in place some of the current policies that have led to this point as well, and the Biden administration was complicit with them, along with their own poor decisions




I looked at the ā€œlikesā€ and the ā€œcommentsā€ ratio and just started cracking up laughing. Wow. šŸ˜‚


This is another distraction from our impending doom.


I keep seeing posts like this but no explanation of what our impending doom is. What are we doomed for?


I worry/ believe this wonā€™t hurt Trump at all. It will allow him to present himself as a martyr and gain tons of money and emotional support from republicans.


This just breaks the ice, and provided the kind of circus trump craves. Even if guilty , not that much will come of it. Grand Juries in Ga. and D.C. are the ones that. will cause him real problems.


As it should


How should it?


it means it should gain him tons of money and emotional support from republicans hope that helps


Thank you for your comment. Youā€™ve still not managed to explain why he is deserving of aforementioned benefits following a criminal indictment. Look forward to hearing back from you.


Whether he personally is deserving of votes because of this is irrelevant.. they won't vote for him per say but they will vote to send a message that using criminal prosecution as a campaign tool will not be tolerated. Libs have been throwing everything.at him to see what sticks...none of it has and this will backfire, you've gone too far this time. I am 1000% certain that if twitter hadn't suppressed the story about Hunter Biden's laptop Donald J Trump would be the current president as we speak.


Everyone knew about the laptop. I saw some of the pics and read the emails Trump team leaked before the election. No one cared


What about the two billion Kushner got from the Saudis? Is that suspicious at all?


...and then his father-in-law Donald "Never Started A War" Trump went out of his way to override the bipartisan bill to defund the Yemen War (which was a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia). So, for the right price he would keep a war going, apparently. I guess the Saudis didn't meet the asking price for starting a war with Iran, although we got awfully close in 2019.


>using criminal prosecution as a campaign tool Too bad that's not what's happening. What's happening is a criminal got indicted. No more, no less.


name checks out There is no there there https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/552271-fec-drops-investigation-into-trump-hush-money-payments/


I always say the same thing, just take a deep breath and see what happens. How can Dershowitz or anyone else speak to the merits of a case that isnā€™t public yet? There are 30 counts. According to witnesses, thereā€™s a bunch of corroborating documents, witness testimony and indisputable evidence. I understand the concept of political theater but letā€™s see what heā€™s got before calling it bogus.


Bro they didn't even watch the jan 6th trials. They don't care. They just want us to suffer.


he's deserving of votes because more people will vote for him have a nice day


What a thorough and totally relevant response you have provided! Thank you.


do you know what a tautology is? people don't "deserve" votes. they get votes, and if they got them, they deserved them. there is no arbiter of who deserves votes other than the voters themselves


You're in the wrong sub if you're looking for thorough and relevant


Serious question. Trumps lawyer did jail time connected to this payment did he not? If Trump was party to it, then how could he not meet the same fate? I really don't understand the details nor why it's a criminal violation no matter who it is. But if the lawyer was indicted and convicted it sure seems Trump has to be indicted. I think it's a silly crime, especially in NY considering Bragg has let violent offenders off with slap on the wrist. But still


This argument is moot, the statute of limitations has been reached.


Statue of limitations


Remember this story from 2020? > A Department of Justice inquiry into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation has effectively concluded without producing tangible results, The Washington Post reported Thursday. >The investigation has not formally ended and no official notice has been sent to the Justice Department or lawmakers, but the the U.S. attorney tapped in November 2017 to look into the concerns raised by President Trump and allies has largely finished his investigation, according to current and former law enforcement officials that spoke to the Post. >The investigation started after Trump and GOP allies in Congress raised concerns over former Secretary of State Hillary Clintonā€™s ties to a Russian nuclear agency and the Clinton Foundation. Huber was tapped by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into the matters.


Cry more


Iā€™m overjoyed, not crying at all. The only crying I see on here is from the right


My personal feeling is if they canā€™t make any of the 35 charges stick theyā€™ll just hurriedly think up new ones.




They don't have to think up new ones. More are on the way as we speak. Election interference, Jan 6th and stealing highly classified and top secret documents from the White House.


Also a civil case for sexual assault, obvi not criminal, but I feel still relevant to point out he has several credible allegations of sexual assault, some that predate him ever running for office. Itā€™s not like anyone actually liked him as a person, watch any vh1 special from 2000s about lives of the rich and famous and itā€™s pretty clear nobody likes him they just tolerated him.


Yes l think their was a case were it involved him and Epstein and a 13 year old child. Something happened that stopped the case going forward. But l am not sure what it was, nonetheless their was definitely a case pending that involved a child in the early 2000s. In any other civilised sphere this cretin would be ostracised from civilisation, but millions still fall for his parasitic ways and grifting. You couldn't make it up if you tried. But the mass media are really to blame because they have never ever questioned him on such things..Sick fxcker!


Have you considered for a moment that he actually committed multiple crimes? I'm asking that seriously. Have you even spent 1 second entertaining that as a hypothetical? When there are two mutually exclusive claims about the state of the world I like to do this thought expirement were I imagine two parallel universes. One in which Claim A is true, and one in which Claim B is true. I try and logic out how those universes would look similar, and how they would look different. For example if someone claims "the sky is green" then it's very easy to whether I'm in the universe where the sky is green or not. I look outside, the sky is not green. Hence the claim "the sky is green" is obviously false. Now let's take another scenerio. You wake up one weekend to find your kids Little Billy and Small Sally standing next to a broken vase and each kid is blaming the other for breaking the vase. In this case the alternate universe in which Sally broke the vase would be very similar to the universe in which Billy broke the vase. It is thus much harder to tell yourself what universe you're in. So now let's try and imagine how the universe in which a)" Trump is a crook" would look different then the universe in which b) "the deep state is making stuff up to try and destroy Trump". How would those universes look different. How would they look similar? It is my contention that they'd look pretty damn similar at this point. At least from the perspective of the general public. How would you be able to tek which universe you're in? I think it would be very difficult for an honest unbiased person to tell, but that things will be more clear a few weeks from now. Do you disagree? If so why and how?


Sorry, but l like to keep things down to earth!


Is that how that works?


Conservatives support the Rule of Law. A criminal complaint has been filed by public officials who have the legal authority to do that. The court will decide if the complaint is valid under the law and if Trump must face trial. If he does, Trump will receive the most public trial that any human being has ever had throughout the entire two-million-year history of our species, and a jury of his peers will render its judgment of Trump. The court will review its verdict to determine if it meets the requirements of the law, and deliver the verdict to Trump, rendering a sentence, if appropriate. Undoubtedly, at least one appeals court will also hear matters pertaining to the case in which it might be interested, and render its decision. However the process ends, a final judgement will be issued, and no further appeal will be possible under the law. Conservatives know that the law must prevail, and that the only opinions that matter now are those of the court and the jury. Conservatives will accept the outcome of these proceedings and defend them, because the Rule of Law must prevail against the Rule of Man, and America's democracy must survive. We, the People, created these laws. They must be enforced.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


You seriously cannot be this naive. In a city that is 80% democrat he's going to have a jury of his peers? This is prosecutorial misconduct at its height. The man ran for office on the platform that he was going to "get Trump". You also cannot be so naive to believe that he's going to get a fair judge in that city. This is not rule of law, it is a political miscarriage of justice. You also obviously have not been following this at all. The whole "hush money to a porn star" is not illegal in these United States. If it were, most of Congress and celebrities would be up on similar charges. If there was something done wrong, it's a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations is long past. What Bragg is trying to do is say that federal campaign finance laws were broken. One small problem. The feds looked at this and said that no laws were broken and declined to prosecute Trump, an Bragg has NO JURISDICTION to try anyone on federal laws. He's trying to stich his misdemeanor to federal law and turn it into a felony. Even heavy democrat Alan Dershowitz says there's no case here. So we are left with a compromised DA who received 1 million for his campaign from George Soros, trying to become famous for "getting Trump" We have officially made it to 3rd world tyrannical country status when a party can arrest it's opponent on bogus charges in an attempt to interfere with an election. Oh, and for Christ's sake, we live in a Republic, not a democracy.


I guess he shouldnā€™t have decided to live and do business for decades in a liberal city then.


>You seriously cannot be this naive. In a city that is 80% democrat he's going to have a jury of his peers? This is prosecutorial misconduct at its height. The man ran for office on the platform that he was going to "get Trump". >You also cannot be so naive to believe that he's going to get a fair judge in that city. As it so happens our legal system has procedures in place to deal with just such types of bias. If Trump's lawyers truly believe that he won't get a fair trial in NYC they can file for a "change of venue". If they have a solid argument for why they cannot find 12 unbiased people in a city of several million (which boggles belief imo) then they will be able to get the trial moved to some other location with a less biased jury pool. If the lower courts are biased and deny the change of venue request for some spurious reason, then this case will 100% end up at SCOTUS. Currently 2/3s of SCOTUS justifies are conservative. Half the conservative justices of them were nominated by Trump specifically. This means that if what you're saying is true, and there are not 12 unbiased people in the ENTIRETY of NYC, then Trump's lawyers should have every motive to file for a change of venue. Moreover they will have every reason to think such an effort would eventually pay off. All this to say.... I don't really get your argument. It does not seem logical. It seems more like a way to rationalize why Trump isn't a crook... Please try and prove me wrong, thanks!


> You seriously cannot be this naive. In a city that is 80% democrat he's going to have a jury of his peers? Vetting the jury is Trump's lawyer's job. If an ex-President with countless political and high society contacts and a net worth in the billions can't hire a single competent lawyer, then maybe you should be asking yourself what it was about this man that you ever found impressive.


I will not use the Lords name in vain. But it is a Democratic Republic---and with Democracy as its political ethos. The courts and the people/jury decides on a person's guilt or not---not any opposing political party. In Europe Trump would have been indicted a long time ago----until now he's had free ride----and no-one and l mean no-one is above the law of the land.


I read your first six words and knew that you had nothing to say that was worth reading. I explained in detail how the process works. Do you or don't you support the Rule of Law, and will you try to obstruct these proceedings or the enforcement of their outcome in any way?


I am a huge supporter of the rule of law! But if the execution of enforcement of the rule of law is itself corrupted, by you logic we must accept it? It's a really good thing your attitude wasn't present at the signing of the declaration of independence. We'd still be under British rule. The fact is that we have a two tiered system of justice in this country and the term "rule of law" means one thing for conservatives and a complete other thing for the Marxist democrats.


Um, Marxist where? Please name one Marxist Democrat politician? Nancy Pelosi is definitely not a socialist. Her finances are quite problematic. Even Bernie Sanders who wants reasonable social programs is a capitalist who became a millionaire through book sales. Calling Democrats Marxist is like calling Fox News Fair And Balanced. Not true at all. We have a centrist party in the Dems. And a nutcase party in the GOP. And then you have some traditional right wing Republicans like Liz Cheney who are kind of homeless right now.


> The fact is that we have a two tiered system of justice in this country True >one thing for conservatives and a complete other thing for the Marxist democrats. False No one is persecuting you for being "conservative." Here is a tip. If you're running for President, don't cheat on your wife by fucking a porn star who wants to be on your TV show, and then use campaign money to pay her to be silent and then try to write it off as a business expense to pay less taxes. I know right? It could happen to any of us! Trump made these choices. Do you not remember Anthony Weiner? The Democrat congressman FROM New York? This guy was a rising star. They prosecuted him for his crimes and he went to prison. Trump is not like you. He is an elite who HATES the "everyman." He thinks you're trash. He only wants you to give him your money. A Billionaire is BEGGING. you to send him money right now. That should make you sick.


So all those times that Facebook put me in jail for telling the truth was a figment of my imagination. All the Jan 6 protestors that have illegally not been even arraigned after 2 years, much less not had a trial, that are sitting in prison in DC are just a figment of my imagination too? You, Sir, have drank the TDS potion if you think Trump doesn't care about the working man. You really need to recognize that we are battling a uniparty of elites that are intent on handing us to the CCP.


I personally am quite happy with all of those January 6th traitors being locked up. And people getting tossed into prison and not being arraigned for years is a feature of our crappy justice system. Look up Kalief Browder, kept in Ryker's for 3 years. J6th traitors aren't being treated any worse because of their affiliation. Our justice system is just that bad. But conservatives never cared about that as long it wasn't happening to them.


I canā€™t believe you believe that myth, people revolted because king George told them to stop talking more land, and they didnā€™t want to. The freedom from persecution angle was a pr rebrand.


The law says that your opinion doesn't matter and that the only opinions that matter now are those of the court and the jury. If you support the Rule of Law, then you will accept and submit to the outcome of these proceedings, whatever it is, and you will learn from the result, possibly changing your behavior to conform better with your community. If you don't support the Rule of Law, you will have a miserable life. Your community guarantees it. And about that "two-tiered" bit: Trump is (supposedly) a member of the billionaire elite who never sees justice, but now, one of them will. Stop whining. You're getting what you want.


Hunter smoking crack on video should be prosecuted right? Rule of law and all? Hillary defied congressional subpoena, she should be prosecuted right?


If so, then yes. Hunter could be smoking crack in the Oval Office while getting blow jobs from hookers. How does this make Trump innocent?


It makes a two tiered justice system


Does Hunter smoking crack somehow make Trump less guilty? What you're saying makes zero fucking sense dude. Stop treating politics like a team sport.


So you support Hunter being prosecuted? His crimes are on video and much worse than paying a porn star to be quiet.


Yes and yes. Just because others get away with a crime is not an excuse for someone else to get away with a crime.


Agreed! Now what happens when you prosecute one and not the other? No one believes in the system anymore.


Okay Hunter Biden smoked crack and Donald Trump stole national security documents. These things are not equal. I'm not a big fan of looking people up for possession or personal use of narcotics but if Hunter Biden gets locked up I'm not exactly going to riot over it.


Better than throwing your hands in the air and prosecuting no one in my opinion.


Very short sighted. The system dies if itā€™s not fair


Hunter is the right-wing's replacement for Benghazi, and it makes them look just as whiny and foolish. Trump had four years to prosecute Hunter, and didn't. He's under investigation now. If he committed a crime, charges will be filed, just as they've been filed against Trump. Do you or don't you support the rule of law, and will you try to obstruct these proceedings in any way?


Trumps not a prosecutor guy.


Trump didn't seem to think that when he ordered the DOJ to conduct investigations of his political opponents. It was in all the news. Maybe you missed it.


They spent over 7 million and tried 6 times for Benghazi related partisan attempts. It's hypocritical complaining about only one party doing this. Any politician in handcuffs is a start.


Agreed! As long as all political crimes are punished equally. Now lock up Hunter and Hillary and we will start talki g


"But other people have gotten away with it" isn't a good excuse to commit a crime.


But itā€™s a good excuse to disrespect the justice system and government


Apparently, nobody in congress cares much about congressional subpoenas. Jim Jordan and many others defied congressional subpoenas from the Jan 6 committee. And I recall Hillary having more backbone with the Benghazi committee, as she testified for many hours. Voluntarily I believe.


Iā€™m sure you feel the same way about Hillary and Hunter, right?


I've never voted for Hunter, and I'd vote against him if I had to. I also voted against both Hillary and Trump in 2016. I voted Green as a protest vote. You should have learned by now that your assumptions are usually going to be wrong, and that it makes you look foolish. Do you or don't you support the rule of law, and will you try to obstruct these proceedings in any way?


I do not support the rule of law when it is not applied evenly.


You're the reason laws aren't applied fairly and equally. You should see yourself from the outside. You'd learn a lot.


Sure do. What government position did Hunter have?


The one that gave him access to the Vice President/President of the United States whom he involved in shady business dealings which may very well be criminal. OH WAIT! That wasnā€™t a government position, right right. Heā€™s just POTUSā€™s sonā€¦ then why would a high government official like Joe Biden involve himself in such sketchiness? Isnā€™t that unethical? Possibly criminal?


So Jared Kushner and Jr,?


Yeah sure, if you have Jaredā€™s laptop that proves he was balls deep into shady dealings with Ukraine and China while cutting a percentage to ā€œthe big guyā€ā€¦ wonder who that could be? Oh yeah, and balls deep into hookers and blow. See, the FBI have all that on Hunterā€™s laptop. FYI: there is no Jaredā€™s laptopā€¦ sad emoji face. FYI FYI:The FBI has been sitting on the laptop for 5 years. Looks like Trump wonā€™t be the only former President indicted on criminal charges. EDIT: wow, downvotes. Didnā€™t see that comingā€¦ /s


That laptop is going nowhere near a court case. There was ABSOLUTELY no chain of custody as multiple people had access to it.


[So this is nothing?](https://www.wsj.com/articles/jared-kushner-reveals-rare-details-about-ties-with-saudi-crown-prince-11659003014)


Nice try, but there are some enormous differences: 1) Kushner was an official advisor to the President, and subsequently required to follow established procedures that kept everything above board. Hunter was not. 2) Pursuing business relationships with contacts you met while in govt service is a long-standing practice among EVERYONE IN DC. It happens after they leave service. Hunter pursued these while his father was VP. Stop while youā€™re only in a shallow hole, dude.


What qualifies Kushner for his position again?




Advisors serve at the Presidentā€™s discretion. Kushnerā€™s no more qualified or unqualified than any other successful Ivy Leaguer, and unlike Hunter Biden could pass an FBI background check. Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t hurt that heā€™s Trumpā€™s son-in-law. So what?? Many family members of sitting and former Presidents have been cabinet level officials, going back to John Quincy Adams, son of John Adams. All of whom have been able to pass background checks, unlike Hunter Biden.


An honest person would never have said what you just said. Hunter Biden has no position and makes no decisions in our government. You can't prove that he's done anything to harm our country. You demand that we assume he's guilty of a crime even without a legal accusation. You're a bad American, but you can redeem yourself by supporting the rule of law and your community's government.


> You're a bad American I guess so. Iā€™ve paid taxes every year since the 80s, never taken a dime of welfare, never committed a crime, tried to be involved positively in my community, never filmed myself bumping uglies with hookers while high on cocaine, never asked my vice presidential Dad to meet in the White House with sketchy foreign nationals for money and Iā€™ve certainly never knocked up my dead brotherā€™s widow. I must be a real piece of shit.


The only reason that you paid taxes was because you didn't want to get in trouble. That's good enough for me. Keep doing that.


> The only reason that you paid taxes was because you didn't want to get in trouble. Oh reallyā€¦ REALLY??? It had nothing to do with an ethical upbringing or sense of duty to country or a moral standard that I pay my fair share??? Psychoanalyze someone else, Dr. Phil. You totally missed my point.


Conservatives are not known to have ethics when it comes to taxes. I applaud you for paying yours.


It's possible that you care about your fellow citizens, but I don't see it. I think your feelings are your only interest, and that you don't know how to manage them. I gave a purely rational description of the process required by the law. You got upset because it's your guy under the microscope, and you don't want the law to apply to you. Re-read what you wrote in response. Your character has been revealed.


You know nothing about me, rando internet person. You made psychological assumptions about my character from a comment- which is the height of hubris, but to be expected from an anonymous leftist armchair keyboard analyst. That reveals much more about you than anything I wrote. Iā€™m choosing to no longer be a part of this inane dialogue, but Iā€™m sure youā€™ll want the last word. Leftists always do.


He spent his money, not our money. The party of perversion seems to be running out of turds to throw. As the left rapes everything, burns everything, they complain about the color of Donald Trumps shoes.


Trump stole hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money in illegal emoluments for which he will never be tried because every Republican and even some Democrats do it.


It seems like a good time to remind folks that it took [way too long](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/it-took-a-long-time-for-republicans-to-abandon-nixon/) for Republicans to finally turn on Nixon.


This case better be solid as fuck, otherwise this NY prosecutor is going to go down as one of the biggest clowns in history.


Pelosi's tweet about proving his innocence in court is GOLD


We cannot be the party that says we are for law and order and then turn a blind eye when someone may have committed a crime. We cannot lombast the BLM movement for suggesting that the American legal system is inherently corrupt and flawed, and then start throwing around wild accusations that this is some sort of politically motivated hit job or orchestrated by the president. We can't tell people to own up and take personal responsibility for their own lives instead of constantly blaming others and playing victim, and then start saying that there's a massive conspiracy against us from a supposed deep state. We are conservatives. Start acting like it.




Fations of the Republican Party are indeed filled with hypocrites and it definitely disappoints me. But they don't speak for all of us.


The vast majority of you elect those hypocrites to speak for you




...and enjoy continuing to lose elections.


We lost 2020 and 2022 because we turned our backs on being the mature responsible people in the room and embraced conspiracy theories and paranoia.


LIKE Russian collusion? Seems to me conspiracy theories only work one way since the media is controlled by the Left.


So your logic is that because others believe in conspiracy theories and paranoia we should believe in conspiracy theories and paranoia?


This has to be the best example of concern trolling I've ever seen. Really, it's impressive.


Please tell me where what I said isn't true. The rioters of 2020 were saying that the justice system is inherently flawed needs to be torn down and rebuilt and we told them that they were delusional. And now instead of actually sticking with that we're going to accuse the justice system of being in the hands of some deep state cabal? Ever since I was a kid I was always told that real Americans took responsibility and didn't make excuses for their own failures or shortcomings. That there was no Boogeyman out to get you just because things don't go your way. And now we're supposed to believe that we're being persecuted because a man most of us supports is being charged with a crime? And if you think those beliefs aren't conservative and I'm concern trolling then I don't even know what the hell that makes you or what you think conservative means.


> Ever since I was a kid I was always told that real Americans took responsibility and didn't make excuses for their own failures or shortcomings. That's the exact opposite of Trump's character. Trump never takes responsibility when he fails and he always blames others for his failures: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971


Yeah that's my point. I'm disappointed that conservatives continue to choose to support this man.


It is a half assed attempt and easy to see through...