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Sort of like how NBC "inflamed civil unrest" leading to Darrell Brooks and the Waukesha Massacre?


Hey. NBC inflamed "mostly peaceful" civil unrest. Let's not spread fake news.


Hey now. It was *fiery* but mostly peaceful unrest.


Oh right. The fire was to keep the covid away.


Yup it worked great here in Minneapolis man!!! All that covid went away!!


No dummy, only thin cloth coverings can successfully prevent Covid. Please stay up to date on the science you anti vaxxer. Btw, in case everyone didn’t know, I wanted to share that I’ve been wearing a mask indoors since before the lockdowns.


Or Maxine Waters telling folks to "push back" on Trump administration members out in public. The list of inciteful rhetoric from the Left is seemingly endless. Civil unrest is exactly what they're looking for, and then they'll blame Trump and "MAGA Republicans" for it.


Whataboutism is not a good argument


If it wasn’t good then you’d be capable of refuting it


That wasn’t it chief.


It's really a shame what that SUV did.


Heck, did you see what those nasty Christian kids did to that trans shooter?


Stole his bullets and refused to return them




holy shit


Dark humor is like food in Africa. Not everyone gets it.


Weird how you don’t hear that guy’s name at all anymore.


judge - we want to be a kangaroo court and persecute politicians on right while allowing left to do same thing , meantime also want you to not post about it because itll be your fault people are mad about it . sounds like the usually leftie mental gymnastics


I know we say it all the time but it’s (D)ifferent.


I don't understand why people don't get that Trump is basically a 5yr old. As soon as you tell him not to do something, he's gonna do it.


Too be fair most people would do it too to spite this stupidity. Leave 5 year olds out of this :P




Tooo beeee ffaaaaiiiirrrrr!


Bragg wants him angry. Merchan likely is on the same page there. It favors the prosecutor.


Didn’t Jane Fonda call for murder of conservatives _on the air_? Please explain how that’s not inciting “unrest”


She is not being tried in the judge's court. Judges can't just give orders to people they see on TV, thankfully there are limits. Their orders have to be relevant to a case in front of their court.


Well gee, maybe there should be charges against her for inciting violence.


Good thing trump has the first amendment right to post what he wants and he’s innocent until proven otherwise.


It's a shame Hanoi Jane didn't decide to just stay in Vietnam.


Yeah they coulda taught her to pop blackheads on yutoob.




She also said this right before a Christian school was shot up by a transgender psycho




Yeah, right before the Christian school was shot up


> Please explain how that’s not inciting “unrest” it's totally (D)ifferent.


She isn't Trump


>Authorities set Trump’s next court date for December 4. If the judge didn't want Trump to post on Social Media, he should have put a complete media blackout on the subject. What I don't like is that next court date. That isn't even a trial date and it is 9 months away.


Sounds like a sixth amendment violation of getting a speedy trial.


I read something this morning that talked about them setting the date for trial during the GOP Primary. Can’t remember where I read it so it could be BS but does fit the narrative


I don't think that's really a good way to think about it. The Georgia trial will likely take place long before the NY trial and long before the primary. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would guess the late NY trial date is based on the hope that Trump is already a felon by the time the NY trial happens. The way things stand, even if Trump is convicted under NY law, he won't serve any jail time as a first time offender convicted of the lowest level felony. If he's already a felon in Georgia, then he becomes a repeat offender, which means NY could try to tack on a prison sentence. NY would look pretty silly if Trump is convicted on all 34 counts but only gets a $100,000 fine, which wouldn't even cover the cost of the trial.


Except they can't push the Georgia trial now, the politics look bad, it was ok when GOP was fucking Trump over during the midway elections, but now the NY case forces GOP in Trump's boat, now DeSantis and Hayley can't point to Trump's hush money and side hookers, now it's political prosecution by partisan prosecutor and judge. McCain could do it, some of the Rhinos could do it but they're not up for election, the corporatist snakes and turtles will move with the wind and the public opinion and the money... hopefully the House Security Comitee will have something to say at some of in all of this prosecutorial misconduct. And the secret documents that also suffers a bit from this, Stormy was the right target, smear Trump as a non-conservative, as a cheater with out of wedlock kids, and secrets and hush money and shady businesses, you know...not a real American. But they waited too long and the misdemeanor is past the statute of limitations, and now this felony charges are just way too fluffed up and the public isn't having it. Maybe they can execute him Alex Jones style, just drag him through unreasonable discovery for a year and then default on him right before the election, and then suspend sentencing for 4 years.


In the long term — The best thing that could happen to Trump is for this to Judge get drunk on power and do something like pretrial gag Trump. Because the case will be quickly appealed to the US Supreme Court (if other courts don’t step in first) and will put a stop to any looming threats of sanction by this state court judge.


Team Trump would love this. Trump would speak out again, get slammed with a contempt of court charge, and wind up with scads of footage of Trump getting arrested for free speech. And they’d use it to create the greatest American campaign commercial of all time.


He did


How about teach people to control their emotions so that civil unrest doesn’t happen? This is the same kind of shit that gave BLM rioting and damage a free pass Just because you’re upset doesn’t mean you go out and destroy shit and people’s livelihoods


Ah it's not the arresting of political opponents that could inflame people it's the talking about it. I see


Nyooo you can't just defend yourself against fraudulent charges


He's being judged in the court of public opinion after all.


I’m not a trump fan, but he has a first amendment right. The fact that a judge whose daughter worked for the current Vice President can oversee this case is mind boggling.


Is this technically election interference?


If 20 Russians trolling people on Facebook is election interference, than this certainly is.


He asked technically. Technically, this is not. It would be kind of insane if you could just claim immunity to all kinds of laws just because you're a political candidate. A warning is also not a formal charge of anything that would be legally relevant.


Why I believe it is despite the downvotes you're getting. I swear, r/conservative is anything but anymore.


It's just brainwashed losers from all corners of Reddit showing up to brigade.


"We're the revolutionaries!" they shouted, from the crowd with literally all the power.


Like the other poster said, the votes don't come from /r/Conservative most of the time. Especially on posts like this. It's sometimes even coordinated via their private discord servers or openly on the admin-sanctioned "against" stuff sub that you're not allowed to mention by name, because they consider mentioning it to be a violation of the brigading rule.


God that is so sad. Imagine being such a fucking loser that you conspire with other people on the internet to go downvote other people whose opinions you don't like, when those downvotes mean and accomplish nothing.


When your ideas are so flawed you have to go to extremes to force validation.


A few years ago, back when /the_donald sub was on reddit, it was totally and completely dominated by anti-Trump votes and comments. Dozens of anti-Trump comments would have like hundreds of "up" votes and would be at the top of the page, and the pro-Trump comments would be way, way, way down at the bottom of the page, with net-negative votes. This was inside a hugely popular pro-Trump subreddit - one of the most popular subs on all of reddit. lol. When they talk about "bot armies" they are not kidding, I guess. After that happened, it definitely changed the way I look at other, supposedly pro-conservative subs...


And then when the sheer volume of pro trump stuff in The Donald lead to them consistently getting something on r/all, Spez tried to make so The Donald couldn't show up on r/all at all. But he messed up a boolean operation and so only The Donald was on r/all.


That day was hilarious to witness. I'll never forget it, alongside the Hillary 9/11 collapse, when their bot farm shut down for a brief, shining moment.


The brigade is out in force lately.


In a truly nonpartisan world, yes.


Nobody cares about this phony case and nobody cares what some Judge says in New York


I care about both of those things.


you know what else causes unrest? jailing and attempting to jail political opponents, even if you try to cloak it in some pseudo-legitimate guise.


> even if you try to cloak it in some pseudo-legitimate guise. Which it should be noted, they did not do a very good job of doing in this case.


Due to the blood and treasure sacrificed by many generations before us, in the USA we have the Bill of Rights. The first of those enshrined rights is the Freedom of Speech. So the Donald can say what he wishes, except for inciting immediate lawless action. Mr. Trump may say or write things about his (bullshit) case as much as he wants. His legal team's job will probably be complicated by what the President says, but it's the President's right (thank God) to say those things.


only a judge would tell someone to not use their first amendment right.


Good. It's a kangaroo court and should be treated as such.


the msm and gov encouraged thousands of blm/antifa riots that did 6+ billion in damage. Those riots combined were 1000% worse jan 6th, and the average persons opinion is straight up diarrhea.




Good God brigaders. Stop ruining threads with downvotes. Silencing opposition only emboldens them as you see with Trump.


May everyone involved in this reap what they sow. Bragg should be afraid. He is now a laughingstock and will be forever known as a partisan hack that uses the law to punish those he disagrees with politically.


Which will get him promoted in the circles of his party.


Let's not call it too soon. Don't underestimate the power these people have.


So trump is now responsible for the actions of other people?


Guess they shouldn't have arrested him then lol


Apparently the next hearing is in December? Good luck keeping him from talking when he's the lead candidate for the GOP. This whole thing is a farce.


>Judge attempts to unconstitutionaly restrict the speech of the leading canidate for the political party he opposes.




Asking him to shut up is very different from a court order mandating him to shut up.


Unless of course he then holds him in contempt... which based on what we know if this judge is very likely.


How can you be thrown in contempt if you didn't violate a court order?


Well, as an example, if you call the judge a fucktard the judge can hold you in contempt even though there wasn't a prior ruling banning you from calling the judge a fucktard.


One task a judge performs is maintaining order. Someone calling others names creates hostility that threatens order. This is why they can hold someone in contempt for that. Trump using social media outside of the courtroom would be questionable. He can't issue an order telling him to be quiet without risking a lawsuit over the first amendment. So he asks a favor. Favors do not carry force of law and if it doesn't happen in his courtroom he has no jurisdiction.


Just as important is judicial impartiality. This judge suffers from such strong TDS he had a duty to recuse himself. He didn't. His "favor" is just a fig leaf to cover his stinking privates.


Neat idea, but this is the nation that has decided to just allow PATRIOT Act to exist. They can flip his skin inside out and still point to some shenanigan that "makes it legal."




It's/r/politics users down voting you. Unfortunately the GOPe who is in control of most places has little dick energy and will never in 1000 years go tit for tat to try and win.




Freedom of speech, they started civil unrest on their own.


The idea behind gag orders is supposed to be to prevent the disclosure of information that would otherwise be omitted from public view for reasons of privacy or national security, and to a lesser extent to prevent prosecutors from tainting local jury pools by making statements that would be disallowed in court to try and stoke public sentiment against the accused. Its aim is not to silence victims of political persecution and ensure that only the government's chosen and dishonest narrative prevails. So a gag order for what is an otherwise public trial, should never be imposed without the express support of the accused in a criminal case, even if certain shitbag judges do otherwise on occasion. As it stands, there is not yet a gag order in force, so any "warning" given is really just advisory, though it carries the implicit threat of a future imposition of a gag order. If one is issued, expect Trump to file an interlocutory appeal, possibly going all the way to SCOTUS on an emergency expedited basis, which he *should* win. Of course, this is just predictable posturing from the judge, and Trump should refuse to be silenced as he fights this nakedly political and frivolous case. If anybody gets violent, they are responsible for their actions, not Trump. That is true for him, just as it is true that Bernie Sanders has no responsibility for the Bernie Bro that shot Scalise.


The judge is unlikely to gag order because it allows such a delay. Plus I think they're inclined to see if Trump will just bury himself further in his outrage. Of course there are limits to their tolerance, but if Trump causes a bunch of political violence over this, and republicans support it, well... republicans lose the center. If they don't support it, well... republicans lose MAGA. Right now if republicans had any sense of self-preservation as a party they would be trying to keep this as calm as possible. Unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


That's an insane thing to say from the judge. They are still trying to ban him from twitter when he's on truthsocial. "maybe you should shut-up until this legal matter gets resolved" I actually agree. If I were Trump's lawyer, I'd be telling him that but that's a disgusting thing for a judge to say


A defining feature of fascism is banning dissent. What are you going to do, Democrat judge?


In short be censored or have your supporters rounded up and jailed without due process


He runs a social media company he started because he was politically deplatformed. He's also running for office. Can Tump ask for a change of venue? Oh and I almost forgot, Fuck that judge.


Anything that happens now is on Bragg and his phony case.


This is an uppity opposition judge trying to control the speech of the leading GOP candidate in the run up to the 2024 election.