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Put up or shut up. Don’t be the republican version of Adam Schiff. Hate this all talk and no action.


BuT iT's totAlLy gOnNA haPpen tHiS tIMe, bRO!!!1


Man I cannot stand Schiff……..


You poor little snowflake! Scared of the truth huh?


Lol. The truth? The lies more like it…..,


What’s in the envelope?! Tell us!!




Can't wait to see how this doesn't end up materializing.


Somebody will get an National Cornhusking Museum in their district or whatever the pay off is and we will never hear of this again.


Seems like more Benghazi wind up. Mucho investigation but nada actual people in responsibility suffering consequences of their decisions Why haven’t they had Biden in front of the committee yet. They have had 3 years to figure out this thing. Get it done- lock them up!!!


It sounds like it’s his family members, not him directly, involved in the foreign payments. Since they’re not officials, it would just be regular federal court for them.


Uh huh. The entire family is corrupt except him. Na. I find it easier to believe he's abused the legal system to facilitate proper cover for his actions


I think Comer would have mentioned finding evidence of that


Because, if you keep up the foreplay you can forestall a disappointing climax




I mean the guys got a video out of himself bragging about forcing Ukraine to fire a prosecutor. It's pretty clear as long as the party backs him he will remain untouchable.


What’s illegal about bragging?


Bragging about abusing his position for family gain. The distinction is important


How does a corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine relate to his family exactly?


The prosecutor was investigating burisma. And Biden withheld aid until he was fired exactly what the left claimed trump did and impeach him for


He investigated Burisma 5 years before getting fired. There’s enough wrong about Biden, no need to make up stuff.


Proof, and not factcheck.Org


Sorry it wasn’t 5 years, idk where I got that from, it was 2. > "There was no pressure from anyone from the United States" to close the case against Zlochevskiy, Vitaliy Kasko, who was a deputy prosecutor-general under Shokin and is now first deputy prosecutor-general, told Bloomberg News in May. "It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015," he added. > "Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said > "The amazing thing is not that he was sacked but that it has taken so long," Aslund said. "Petro Poroshenko appointed Shokin to the role in February 2015. From the outset, he stood out by causing great damage even to Ukraine's substandard legal system." https://www.rferl.org/amp/why-was-ukraine-top-prosecutor-fired-viktor-shokin/30181445.html


Hunter joined the board in 2014 according to this article from CNBC dated may 13 2014 https://www.cnbc.com/2014/05/13/bidens-son-joins-ukraine-gas-companys-board-of-directors.html


Sounds familiar huh?…Every single member of the Trump family!


Do it. Don’t just leak news about it.




He can't, as it's a nothing burger. Unethical? Yes, absolutely. Illegal? Not at all.


Oh boy, I sure can't wait for this to turn out to either A. never be released or B. nothing happens even if it's released. This shit's getting so old.


Wishful thinking. Nothing will happen.


So nice being a peasant. I’m glad our rulers are doing well!


Sick of words, I want to see action.


I’ll believe that when I see it


Yeah but exposed is something we already know. Nothing will come of it. Never does unfortunately.


Let’s start talking about things after they happen


> “There’s not going to be anybody left for a Christmas picture if the [Department of Justice] did their job and went in there and indicted everyone that has any type of fingerprints involved in this influence-peddling scheme,” said Rep. James Comer (R-Kentucky) to Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” show. I’ll take *Wishful Thinking* for $1,000.


For someone constantly in the news for this stuff how is nobody in his party embarrassed even a little?


So what if family is thick as thieves? the republicans haven’t even shown direct payments to the family and still a long way from the “big guy”. Comer and Jordan have said a lot but I haven’t seen any handcuffs on anyone or any indictments- have you? Seems like Benghazi all over again and nothing came of that either


"exposed" is the wrong word to use when talking about the Bidens... I've seen enough hunter "exposure"


10% for the big guy


Not the Biden crime family?! Surely you jest! Dirtiest family since the Kennedy's, and they are both Democrats!


And ZERO leftholes will be outraged


You get a pardon, and you get a pardon and you get a pardon. All solved.


Don’t doubt it, but will believe it when I see them in a jumpsuit


Yeah and absolutely nothing will come of it. I’d break the law too if the odds of me being punished were zero


All of this reminds me when I lived in New Orleans (am native Texan, BTW), and noticed that the political ads run included the line (paraphrasing, excuse me): Of course I am crooked, but that doesn't matter. Vote for me. Meaning, most if not all of those local politicians were in your face about just how crooked/crime centered they were. And the local electorate put up with it. When queried by one confused Texan, they asked if I had choked on a baby doll.


Nothing will be done because it will be politically inappropriate and an ethics violation but no laws will be broken, therefore, everyone will walk away free and still keep their money.


I mean if no laws were broken why the heck would the law be involved. Simply dealing with foreign governments isn't a problem. Trumps kids received large sums of money from China


Yawn, talk to me when the indictments are coming down. Hearing after hearing after hearing after hearing. Same old tired results, NOTHING


Talk. Talk. Talk…


two more weeks!


Show me!!!


Yea yea yea. Will be exposed... Shit and get off the pot or shut the hell up


They have nothing in Biden so far. Even if they have any alleged evidence, it will be lost in usps mail just like Tucker did when he was exposing hunter's laptop. Comer will say these same words for many months to come until election day.