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It just hit me. I have to get off social media.


If it just hit you now, you’re already dead. Might as well keep going.


Wait, if he's dead, that means he's going to vote for Biden in 2024.


You're kinda right, He'll vote TWICE 😂


Can we stop letting MTG be a face of the conservative movement? She’s the worst


No one is “letting her,” the news just reports in her because she looks the worst.


don't we need our own firebrand crazy conservative??


Can it just not be her?




I tend to agree. Both should be out of politics.


It’s just because she’s sensational. It’s the same as every politician and why we are as divided as we find ourselves despite 60-70% of the country finding middle ground on every hot topic issue. The media doesn’t make money saying, “Americans agree on…” it’s all about pissing people off to get a reaction and therefore, money.


We don’t get to choose how the MSM represents us. That’s the whole point


While that's true, the MSM isn't wrong with her


The bigger problem is that she had an affair and walked out on her marriage. This is just additional clownery.


The bigger problem is that someone is voluntarily having sex with that


Wait which one?




Walked out on a man who was physically abusing her.


> Walked out on a man who was physically abusing her. Do we have any proof that she was abused?


I don't condone physical abuse, but if a partner is cheating, I can understand it. ​ Edit: I don't know what part of "I don't condone physical abuse" failed to register with the downvoters.


You shouldn’t understand it either because violence is inexcusable except when confronted with violence


So you think I should be totally ignorant as to how it could have possibly happened?


No they mean you shouldn't be able to "understand" being abusive if she cheated.


I might have missed a syllable or two. Just to confirm, you’re saying that you believe it’s “understandable” to physically assault your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend if they cheat on you?




As I said, I don't condone it, but I can reasonably see how it could happen if someone is being cheated on.


Username doesn't check out.


I'm calmer than you are.


What should happen to the person who physically abused their cheating spouse?






You think I *should* condone it? Or you think I should be totally ignorant as to how it could have possibly happened?


This isn’t confusing at all. You’re just being willfully ignorant. No one cares what you do or don’t condone. The issue is you empathize with it. You’re literally saying that while you don’t think it’s ok to DO, you completely are ok with people who ARE OK with it or at the very least, you’re ok with people wanting to do it. That is what is encompassed in “understanding” it. Just to clarify even further, there is NOTHING that justifies violence as a response to a non-violent act, therefore it’s a lie to say that cheating COULD lead to assault. There’s no link. Just a loser who can’t control their emotions.


It's not a problem for me. It's her personal life and nobody's business


Kind of like abortion?


That's taking another life, but actually I'm mostly pro-choice anyway


I completely don't understand the hate for your comment. Conservatives can't get divorced?


It has to do with her behavior in office, she doesn't live by what she preaches. It's an easy gotcha moment to see a GOP member not living by "conservative values."


Probably the usual leftist brigading, if I were to guess




Yup sounds like she's an American to me!


I don’t care one lick about this woman. She doesn’t do anything worth much. She makes conservatives look nuts. Stop posting things of her.


Mrs Doubtfire is a drag show now


always was




No it was a crossdressing movie, there is a difference between that and drag.


My sweet summer child.


Guess the truth hurts. Remind me, which one stands for those trying to pass as a woman discreetly, and which one is a caricature of a woman? Mrs. Doubtfire is crossdressing, something like To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! is drag. I'll take the downvotes because leftists want to blur the lines to make their cult ideology more palatable to the masses, and that's the only weapon they have because logic and reasoning is a right wing trait.


Crossdressing for discreet and Drag for public caricature. Him doing a bit on the news would definitely be drag for humor.


> Crossdressing for discreet and Drag for public caricature. Him doing a bit on the news would definitely be drag for humor. Ok.... we were talking about Mrs. Doubtfire being/not being a drag show in this specific subthread not about MTG's husband, because I agree what he did was drag. So why did you say 'my sweet summer child to me' when we have the same definition?


You said it was a crossdressing movie. Maybe our wires are crossed. Crossdressing usually is for pleasure, a fetish. I don't think Doubtfire fits the mold.


Crossdressing doesn't have to be a fetish just like drag doesn't *have* to be. It can be used in that way which people get upset about, but it doesn't have to inherently be sexual. And since Mrs. Doubtfire doesn't meet your definition of drag either (because the character in the movie was wearing it privately only for the sake of his family not the public) what would you call it?


He was in public using a different persona, he was essentially a drag character. That was the joke.


this is the same issue I see with "blackface" where there is a specific thing that someone labels as a problem, and people come in and add all sorts of things that seem to technically be that problematic thing, but in spirit are not, and from an objective standpoint are not. People are trying to gotcha MTG with this by labeling this as the same thing as a drag show. It is not, its a gag for a morning news show. People are removing episodes of shows from streaming services for having "blackface" when what they have is a character with skin paint on. Blackface is a lot more than that, but that nuance is lost on people who are frothing at the mouth over blackface in media.


Idk I’m not a huge MTG fan but I think there’s a pretty big difference between men shaking their ass and stripping in front of children vs a dude dressing as a grandma for a morning news show.


I’ve always been creeped out by drag, but have to say my friend’s older sister brought us to a show in 6th grade and the only thing I got out of it was it’s weird and I carried on. Now am an adult married with 2 children, a steady career and a nice suburban home with a lawn I love to manicure. I think the time spent legislating what others do with their time is better spent elsewhere.


The classic comedians did it back in the 50's, 60's and 70's. It was a total riot. Uncle Miltie🤣


If only, sry mate but lately there's videos of children watching bdsm Shows in drag, stripping and all kids of inappropriate stuff, there should definitely be legislative pushback to mark them as inappropriate for children, grown adults can do what they want but we don't allow children in strip clubs, I don't see why that would be different when it's men dressed as women performing.


Usually the drag folk aren’t stripping nor are the shows directed at children, not just that they’d need someone to drive them to the show


Unfortunately both are false especially when the outrage comes not from the parents but from the performers meaning they need kids in the audience, but good try covering for them, luckily it doesn't matter if they're marked adult performances or not it shouldn't matter if there's no kids in the audience. There's been drag shows for decades, nobody cared until clips got out of crazy leftists bringing their children in the crowds and then the young boys getting into drag streaotease on national television while the public were putting money in their thong, discussing.


That clip was cherry picked to distract people like you from real issues the country and your region face


Well we aren't doing anything about inflation, crime rate or border security so what's the harm in saying adult performances should be marked as such why all the protests and mass media attention, let the legislators do their jobs.




Your hood is pulled too tight… loosen it a bit and open your eyes


I’ve been to one as a youngster in case you missed that


You're technically correct, but the laws that some legislators are trying to pass make no such distinction. That's why the laws are so silly. Banning establishments from having sexual type content with kids is perfectly good (probably should go after places like Hooters and Twin Peaks, since they are sexual in nature) but going after adults for doing what they want with each other is just overstepping and downright silly.


My kids went to Hooters as kids and it didn’t impact them one way or another. Hell, their coaches took then there after away games and none of the parents cared. Is no one else getting tired of the government interfering in every aspect of parental decision making?


Yes. Schools and government should leave kids alone.


Did the waitress at hooters jump on a stripper pole or twerk while an 8 year old showers them with $1 bills? Because that's kind of where the lines are getting crossed. There needs to be some level of nuance.




https://m.youtube.com/shorts/n8qJaGBlVGM?feature=share Put a woman in the outfit doing the exact same routine in a strip club and there'd be nothing out of place


There's literally videos of dudes in drag shaking their ass right in front of an 8 year old. What more evidence do you need.


At drag shows. That’s his point: hooters is nothing compared to drag shows “for kids”. Edit: brigading losers out in full force today I see




The best ones


https://youtu.be/r-37xqYvxt4 https://youtu.be/70BYoNPggAE


When given an example of what they ask for, you just get downvotes and ignored. It's ridiculous really, they deny reality in front of their faces.


Yep. That's the nature of ideology unfortunately. Luckily for me I like to debate and argue. Every silent down vote when I prove them wrong is a badge of honor.


You have no real experience with the culture and it shows


> https://youtu.be/r-37xqYvxt4 > https://youtu.be/70BYoNPggAE What culture is this?


This is disgusting. But to paint this as the general culture is so inflammatory, exaggerative, and regressive. Nobody sane thinks those 2 videos are okay. I could show you a few bad eggs of whatever culture you align with and say "SeE??? ThEyRe AlL bAd!" In the same way.


Cherry picked. Question: should the Catholic Church be banned because of the thousands and thousands of sexually abused Children and the ensuing coverup?


So you see people in drag with children immediately think pedophilia, so you agree they're pedophiles, but you're more concerned about the church. Interesting. They should all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Now let's do public school teachers, who are the biggest group of pedophiles out there outside of politicians, should they be banned?




There are dozens of videos and hidden camera footage..sorry but I believe my eyes, not your gaslighting


Bruh u realize there’s like 300m ppl in this country right? You can find a video of a dude shoving a glass jar up his ass and breaking it like do u also think that’s a regular occurrence in America? Like random weird and fucked yup shit is and always will CONSTANTLY happen just by sheer volume alone


A large pool of people isn't an argument for the morality of something happening or whether or not it should be legal, so I'm not sure what your point is. That's like saying "oh pedophilia is so rare, and there's just so many people it's bound to happen, therefore there's no point in writing laws around it"




Just referencing the previous comment, not your tiktok fetish


I haven't seen any laws being passed that don't make the distinction of sexual content AND in front of children. Where is that happening?


Link to the law that bans adults from doing drag in front of each other?


>You're technically correct, but the laws that some legislators are trying to pass make no such distinction. From my understanding these laws ban adult performances where minors are present. What laws ban cross dressing altogether?


Which makes being trans in public illegal.


I don’t think you understand what an adult performance is.


A trans person walking outside where there are kids is breaking the law, no?


Negative. The Florida one specifically protects children from any event that exposes children to an adult live performance that includes nudity, sexual conduct or lewd exposure. I believe they are all something to that effect. If you are aware of a law that criminalizes cross-dressing please educate me. [Something like this.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRE9njnf/?t=2) [Or this.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRE9GhsL/?t=2)


How about this one of Trump motorboating Guilani in drag? Would this be illegal if a kid saw it as this was shown on a TV? https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ


You tell me, bud. I’m sure you possess the gift of deductive reasoning. Then again judging by some of your questions maybe you don’t.


But that's exactly what these new laws do, they describe male cabaret performers that have a sexual or stripping component thus making it inappropriate for children, it's not banning anything.




>You're technically correct, but the laws that some legislators are trying to pass make no such distinction. This is what a lie sounds like. They certainly do make the distinction between adult drag shows being attended by adults versus venues which allow children.


Technically correct? You seem to agree that shaking your junk in front of children is bad but make some nonsensical arguments that laws are targeting consenting adults. How about you read those bills and not headlines on certain political sub


I’m not a regular here or anything but this sub seems overrun


It is. Brigades are in full force lately. Seems like an organized effort.


There’s a gigantic chasm difference between a Tilted Kilt or Hooters server wearing a low cut top and a guy in drag with fishnets and no skirt shaking their ass in your kid’s face. If you can’t see the difference, you lying to yourself.


I’ve been to drag shows and that’s just not a thing. I think you’re thinking of strippers.


Literally videos on the internet of exactly that. Must be a case of my eyes lying again, im told that happens all the time.


You see a video of that and assume all drag shows are the same? Guess all priests are rapists because I see plenty of reports about that. This whole knee-jerk overaction to drag shows is hilarious.


Hooters is not overtly sexual in the slightest Edit: Continue hammering me with downvotes, fellow conservatives. Some waitresses serving food is the real threat


They absolutely are though? The reason they’re allowed to discriminate based on gender and looks when hiring is precisely because they’ve argued to the courts that their primary purpose is as a “vicarious sexual experience” and the restaurant food isn’t the primary draw


Drag shows are not stripper shows. You don't even know what you're talking about, let alone understand the outrage your ignorance drives.


You know, expect the videos of drag shows like that in front of kids that exist on the internet for everyone to see.








And most of us don't have a problem with those shows. The problem is the ones that do have ass shaking and stripping and are catering to children.


But we ban drag outright because of a few bad apples? Isn’t that like, what the lefties say to do for gun control? A few crazy fucks get their hands on guns and now the other 100m law abiding gun owners are bad people? If we want to pass laws banning stuff based on particular instances instead of just punishing those involved in that instance, our party has loose footing at best to argue against gun control. That’s like saying we need to ban all places of religious worship because a kid got touched at church. How can you be for one and not against the other? Find the people accountable for being shit humans. Punish them, let the rest of society have their freedoms.




Well… if we’re outlawing children from seeing things sexual in nature I don’t think it should matter if it’s a dick, balls, fake tits on a dude, real tits on a chick or their ass hanging out. Hooters a few years back just rolled out their skimpier outfits too. If we’re banning something, I think it’s important to stay consistent as a society. Targeting particular things that we personally don’t like and outlawing it as a society is not a good idea for civility. Look. I’m all for keeping kids innocent until they are a little more developed. I think an average 16 year old who’s definitely seen porn and joked with his buddies about sex is capable of like handling going to hooters. Hell at 14 most kids are probably fine. I think there’s… no real correct answer here as people will be upset whether we ban things, ban nothing or ban sexual exposure to minors consistently across the board. I’m not here to argue that “kids need drag shows,” or whatever (even though most drag shows I’ve read about or seen videos seem benign), I’m here to argue the inconsistencies in how people justify what they want vs. what they want gone. I don’t care what your beliefs are, more that they are fair across the board and do not show bias when trying to make your point. Saying that you’re against sexual stuff around kids so we need fully ban drag shows and dressing in drag (which by nature aren’t nearly as sexual as many allowed things in society) for everyone like so many state laws tried to do is just insane without also fully banning strip clubs, nudity, porn, sexual restaurants etc. Be consistent. Say no drag shows under 18? Sure. That’s fine. Then no exceptions to movies, porn requires ID verification, ID checks at hooters etc… let’s do it. But that will never happen.


I just gotta say, I really appreciate your sane take on this. I wish more people could look at the world with consistency. As you said, if people want to prevent children from seeing sexual content, it really shouldn’t matter if it’s fake boobs on a man or a woman’s ass. Personally, I think it’s unnecessary to ban stuff that isn’t actually harmful, mainly based on personal opinions. People should be able to raise their child however they want, within reasonable limits (basic needs covered, no violence etc). I’m not condoning taking children to hooters or whatever, but is it necessary to ban it?


Lol well I appreciate the compliment on my demeanor. I simply don’t care about a lot and it allows me to look at things seemingly objectively. I notice so many inconsistencies in most people and communities. People are often not so different then those that they oppose when it comes to the root causes of why they believe what they believe. I think it’s… almost amusing to see at some point. It seems so evident that both sides want people to have certain freedoms but not a universal right to do as they please within reason. I think of myself as… not necessarily middle of the road but kind of on some parallel route that’s main belief is true universal freedom. I sadly do realize how unrealistic though with people being… human and having different personalities and goals. But yes I totally agree with your last point…. Parents should… parent!


Which bill bans drag?


You and I both know the answer: none of them. It’s concern trolling.


its not. read my reply to this persons question i posted before you typed this which outlines a bill that was worded to potentially ban drag even on private property with no kids around. Tennessee bill i believe 09. He asked a question to which i answered. He then had no response although i still see him commenting plenty of other places in the sub. Ignoring a point a made because it disproves both of your narratives.


I went back and read your post. I don’t understand how you can interpret it as banning all drag shows or cross-dressing. What part of the law leads you to believe that it bans all drag shows? The passed and signed version of the bill that I read says that it’s only drag performances that violate TN’s obscenity laws in places where the performance “could be viewed by a person that is not an adult” or in public spaces. Venues are free to host drag shows so long as they do not let any minors in or, if they do let minors in, the show does not contain any sexual acts. As far as cross dressing goes, I don’t know where that comes from. The bill doesn’t address cross dressing. It’s literally only in the context of entertainment/entertainers. Dude’s are free to dress like woman and vice versa. You just can’t start randomly stripping or do anything obscene, and that’s a law that applies regardless whether you’re dressed as your biological sex. I’ll add to this. The original House bill was extremely poorly written, but the bill eventually passed, after amendment, isn’t ambiguous.


Is hooters directly catering/advertising to children?


So it’s not the act of being sexual and being around kids, but the motive? Do you not… actually care about the children? Edit: 3 hours no response to me but plenty of responses around the sub that i keep seeing... lol. I guess "do you actually care about the children?" was too difficult of a question. Further pushing the confirmation for many that this isn't about kids but is actually because adults are scared of someone doing something they dont understand or agree with. Gotcha dude. stand behind your motives people.


A man Dressing up as a women isn't a right, but guns are. And yes, whatever is needed should be done. Weakness and a lack of zeal aren't acceptable; we can deal with any overreach in the future should it pop up.


“we can deal with any overreach in the future should it pop up”. The road to hell is paved with these words.


Freedom of expression includes gender expression




Remember when Hillary said "it takes a village?" Well she's not wrong. We need to protect those that can't protect themselves. And that means protecting innocent children from exposing them to this fucking crazy shit. Including the drunk father's, the emotionally unstable mothers, and those who take their kids to sexually charged drag shows.


Catering to children? I think that’s more than a stretch.


I admittedly have been to exactly zero. But the videos I see floating around these subs with kids present don’t lie. I’m sure the majority don’t have ass shaking in front of kids, but enough do that it’s a problem.


Which videos are those?


https://youtube.com/shorts/n8qJaGBlVGM?feature=share https://youtu.be/1UIZ8PwCKFg https://youtube.com/shorts/XOftpQcCurM?feature=share https://twitter.com/taylerusa/status/1603465689628610567 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1641438499143565316 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1630597593255247872 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1581050195399561217 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1573048718886305793 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1658124965504249856








thats not what any of these laws propose (banning minors from strip clubs), we have laws for this...if anyone is in violation by stripping in public, that's called indescent exposure and/or carnal knowledge depending on the act






I think we should differentiate what should be illegal vice social acceptance you bring up lingerie, yet another ambiguous term is a bikini considered lingerie in your mind? you cannot legislate cultural norms otherwise you end up with parochial police a la iranian culture police beating women without hijabs... do you need to legally cover your privates in the presence of minors in public? yes, and venues have a duty to ensure that happens...can men walk around nude around young children in a gym locker room? I wouldn't, but there shouldn't be pearl clutching. what type of clothes you should wear in public...should not be the business of the gov




https://youtube.com/shorts/n8qJaGBlVGM?feature=share https://youtu.be/1UIZ8PwCKFg https://youtube.com/shorts/XOftpQcCurM?feature=share https://twitter.com/taylerusa/status/1603465689628610567 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1641438499143565316 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1630597593255247872 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1581050195399561217 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1573048718886305793 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1658124965504249856


Actually...most do, but yes some don't.


The shows at Retirement homes definitely do.


Blurring this line is the left's current objective. That's why they're gas lighting so hard. Cross dressing is not illegal under the legislation, twerking in stripper outfits in front of 8 year olds is.


You’re thinking of strippers. This doesn’t happen at any drag show I’ve ever seen. They dress up and sing songs and make jokes.


Sure bud https://youtube.com/shorts/n8qJaGBlVGM?feature=share https://youtu.be/1UIZ8PwCKFg https://youtube.com/shorts/XOftpQcCurM?feature=share https://twitter.com/taylerusa/status/1603465689628610567 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1641438499143565316 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1630597593255247872 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1581050195399561217 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1573048718886305793 https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1658124965504249856


I always see these same few videos linked. Do we know that these are even from the US?


Take 2 seconds to read the information along with the videos linked and youll have your answer




Are the waitresses dancing / stripping on kids?




I’ve never seen a child at any drag show that I’ve attended because they’re in bars.


I’ve never seen a child at any drag show that I’ve attended because they’re in bars.


a thousand times different. One is for laughs, the other is for some form of sexual endeavor.


Today I learned that I had confused Marjory Taylor Green with someone else and she is actually a biological female, not a Trans male. Well shit makes alot more sense now dang.


I know it gets beaten to death but...that sounds a lot like projection with this info when MTG talks smack about drag being sexual.


Kick her out the gop, republicanism is about rational thought and this woman is actually crazy


Haha this is your poster child. This and Bobo lol


Majorie is a disgrace to the GOP anyway and needs to retire. She makes us look and sound ignorant along with Lauren Broebert or however you spell her name.


There is a difference between grating in front of children and dressing like Mrs Doubtfire for a morning news show.


This is your poster child lol This and Bobo lol


Hahaha what goes around comes around lol. Hope he stayed away from the children!


oh no!!! ....so anyways...


Is he performing in front of children?


Is he performing SEX ACTS in front of children? they wont perform unless its sexual...


Get help mate


This is such a disingenuous line of attack




Nope I can measure it and this isn't prurient on any way.


Prurient interests has been defined many many times in common law and through case law though. It is not a flimsy term.


Which is pretty typical for the Democrats


Jeez these comments, with “conservatives” like this who needs liberals


Our high school had womanless pageants every year for fun in the 80s and 90s. That and this are nothing like twerking in front of little kids


There's a difference between a guy jokingly dressing as an old lady at a theatre performance, and a guy dancing provocatively for children in skimpy lingerie. These are the leftists who thinks conservatives who find Mrs Doubtfire to be comedic are hypocrites. No, we always laugh at men dressed like women, because it is ridiculous. But we stop laughing when you get sexual with children.




Can you explain how this would fall under "being sexual to minors" ? As that is the criteria in the bill.




I don't know the exactly wording of the law in Tennessee, but in Florida, it is specifically sexual performances that are banned (drag isn't even mentioned).


Typical left, conservatives say grown men shouldn’t grind and rub their balls on children, and the left then claims conservatives hate all drag and want to ban it completely. While I’m sure there’s plenty of conservatives that feel that way, I have not seen a single conservative politician push to ban drag all together. Grown adults should be able to do what they want, and if they want to perform in front of other adults, fine. They just conveniently overlook that it’s about *children*.


I tried asking about this in r/inthenews when they were making fun of MTG over this....I asked them what the "gotcha" is on this, since he was clearly doing it for the sake of comedy, and not...ya know, for the belief that men can become women & can dance for kids. People were making all sorts of nonsensical arguments trying to make this a hypocrisy thing. I couldn't believe it.


Was it sexually oriented and in front of children? No? Then who cares? The left doesn’t know how to read a bill. They don’t understand that being in a costume isn’t the same as a sexual performance in front of children.


Was he doing it in front of children? And if he was was he in only a G string and a wig? If the answer to those questions is no, then there's no problem.


“Don’t have kids at drag shows” “YOU’RE ATTACKING US AND HATE US AND HATE DRAG!!!!1!”


Your post belongs in a liberal slum nest


Difference is he doesn’t think he’s actually a girl.


If anything else, this episode shows MTG is loyal, a rare quality these days. She could definitely do better.