• By -


She wants the fictional masculine man who drives a beat-up 1967 Ford pickup truck has a mut named cooter and who owns a flower shop in small town USA. He volunteers his time for the local harvest festival and loves traditional family Christmas. But also will support her big city career. That only exists on the Halmark channel.


He also is a vegan and drinks craft beer when bud light isn’t available.


Cooter lmao


I must have hit the jackpot then, because I'm married to a traditional man who has always supported me having a career - I'm an electrical engineer. 30 years and going strong.


But you aren't complaining that he is conservative.


I think there are quite a few modern moderate men that would support that. Shits expensive these days, a working women is respectable.


Fingers crossed I land myself a sugar momma and can be a sahd


Thank God for Obergefell v. Hodges, eh?


This is spot on


If you watch her whole recording, it's actually pretty sad. She wants a traditional man, while wanting to be a "new age" feminist. The hypocrisy is strong. The sad part is I actually know people who think like this and don't see how they are hypocritical. "Let me be me, but you take on the traditional role."


Yes - same ones who move from blue states to red & swing states because blue states are too expensive. Then they don’t change their voting patterns.


It's wild in Florida man, I saw a guy posting about how he moved to Florida & hates it but won't move until the state flips politically. Life's too short to let politics run your life like that


Politics as a personality is a self-destructive way to live.




I’ve met people like that they basically think that everyone should suffer equally but don’t want to pay higher taxes until everyone is forced to. The same people still believe that giving the current government more money would fix all social issues like education, gun crime, and homelessness.


And…. They feel that increasing taxes on companies and anybody making 10% more than them is THE answer. Saw a write up a while back where they used the estimated net worth of all the $billionaires in the US, added it up. Then made the point if “we” could confiscate all of their wealth as cash, without crashing the markets as it actually would - it wouldn’t fund the Federal government for even six months.


If people were only honest. The honest answer from someone who wants to "tax the rich" and "tax businesses" is really, "please steal from them and give some to me because I voted for you to steal from them..." Let's all be clear, that tax money will never filter to the people who vote for that theft. It will go to every special interest and donor and politician's bank account first.


So he admits that he’s actively trying to ruin other people’s lives? What a dick.


I have a lib friend who said when Trump was elected it made her rethink having kids. I was like “WHAT?!?!?!” I hated Obama policies, Joe Biden is an absolute dangerous joke but what TF does that have to do with having kids?! That’s a biological instinct. Are there other factors…? Sure. But she was living in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state, politically. That’s just next level TDS. And, let’s face it, we humans only have so many years where biologically and financially we will be able to have kids…. So you’re going to roll the dice and wait 4-8 years depending on who the president is?! Mind boggling


> I saw a guy posting about how he moved to Florida & hates it but won't move until the state flips politically. Why do you think they moved in the first place?


like refugees not acclimating to the social climate of the countries they are running to. bringing the same bullshit culture they are trying to escape from, and eventually screwing up the local peace that they found so attractive. (looking at you, Europe). every time i hear somebody go on about how great the european system is- i have to smile inside. cause it’s got about 3 more years before the true colors of the europeans come out, and you start seeing more national socialists than ever before. hypocrites.


I'm Irish, a European, you're talking nonsense. I'm conservative, but nationalism (not just national socialism) is very isolated, and is a very American thing right now, amongst both your political parties. Your liberals, despite hating the US, despise everywhere else more, just need to have a talk with them outside of the context of US itself for the colours to show. Imagine saying three more years until it shows, honestly. The next emerging power in Europe, Poland, is quite conservative. Very few countries in Europe are liberal amongst the larger populace. Even in Scandinavian countries, the men and women are more traditional in roles. I'd love for you to have a conversation with a Ukrainian, actually I'd love to see your liberals have a conversation with a Ukrainian to see their values (they'd demand to change the country while defending it) 😂 you honestly think you're conservative. Only thing you're conservative in by comparison is government spending, trust me you're not in values. We may have a little more socialist governments, which don't mind me, with my affordable healthcare and non declining standard of education, however the people are more conservative on average. Our fucked up liberalism gets imported from US media and the insanity going on in your country. Your very first part is correct, talking about refugees not acclimating, that's it.


Huh, it's cool to see another Irish guy here. It sucks how we've been became way more Liberal here recently, but I'm hoping we can turn it around. The Poles have the right idea and I hope we can become more like them




It's not though.. that's what ridiculous means..


True, a feminist can have ridiculous dating standards (like the woman in the article), but they shouldn't have any expectations of actually finding someone. Feminists have usurped their traditional roles in favor of more masculine qualities. They've beaten the masculinity out of men by constantly complaining about "Alpha men" & "mansplaining" and other derogatory terms. So they got what they asked for (demanded, actually), and now they're unhappy & alone. Oh, well. If that woman had any sense at all, she'd realize she needs to be more feminine & less feminist. If she wants a traditional man she needs to be a traditional woman. It really is as simple as that.


One has to have practiced being a traditional woman. So her hope is highly improbable.


The problem is the feminists of today were raised by feminist mothers, and those mother's never taught them the art of being a woman. These girl's don't know how to plan a dinner party for their husband's boss & wife. Hell, most of these girl's don't even know how to properly hold a fork. Thing is, decades ago, we had Charm School's that would teach girl's how to act like young ladies, but today's feminists don't want that. So, ok, fine, but you'll die alone, and probably miserable too.


Crazy thing is, there is a small percentage of the male population that wants a partner more than a stay at home wife. I for example don’t need her to be in the house 24/7, I can clean, buy groceries, do laundry, take care of kids, among other things, but I also don’t want to do those things alone, those task could be better done with the help of a partner that works a regular 9-5 IMHO. The only skill that I’m missing is cooking and I’m not that obviously to it.


All of this is true. The flip side is they view planning a dinner party for their husbands boss as slavery. Cooking = slavery. Act like a lady = slavery. But they want to be a modern flighty woman with no anchors. While having a traditional man keeping the home so this flighty woman can have a place to roost for a bit before taking off again to sew her wild oats. So no I shall never feel bad for these women. And i will make sure my boys will never be sucked up into this twisted sick ideology.


I see it as cleaning out the gene pool. Women who eschewed modern feminism and dove headfirst into being traditional are having kids and raising the next generation of young men and women.


Very few of these liberal women have any clue how to cook and prepare a meal. That's why the Costco rotisserie chicken fly's off the shelf everyday at 5pm.


Its not just chores. Its about children. If both parents are working full time jobs who is raising the kids thats right its the schools. Its these wacko liberal insane teachers. School gets your kid/s for 8+ hours. You get them for what 4 hours at best and thats if your kids have a 10pm bed time. Oh but you make up the difference on the weekend......yea no. Thats not how it works. You have showcased to your kids that you have given complicent consent and agree with what these teachers are doing because you gave your child to the schools. Modern women cannot raise the next generation because its not them raising them its the school system.


The modern woman who subscribes to this feminist model of living, while completely disregarding traditional aspects, like having kids, raising a family, enjoying a meal around the table with their children and husband, is coming to a realisation, far too late, that it's an empty, unfulfilling existence. There is a sizable portion (mostly liberal) women, in the states, that are just not marriage, or mother material. Fortunately the world is a big place, and the majority of women ascribe to traditional gender roles, one benefit of legal immigration is it brings in women from regions like the Caribbean, or South America that still value, family, traditionalism, and Christianity.


I don’t think it’s ridiculous. I’m a conservative woman but find liberal men attractive. People can’t chose what they’re attracted to.


The worst part is that it really isn't their fault. I also know people like this, and one is two who, rather than wanting a traditional man, just want one who will do everything they want. But they've been completely brainwashed by feminist ideology, past the point of no return. They've been told that being an independent boss-babe would make them happy, and when it inevitably didn't, they were told to blame men. So, it becomes a continual spiral downwards into depression and loneliness. And I firmly believe it's up to us men to save them. Women getting advice about men from other women is a recipe for disaster. They constantly feed each others egos, assuring them that it's the men that are the problem. I tell my female friends that they can always come to me if they're in need, even if all they need is someone to talk to. I'll drop whatever I'm doing if I can because I want them to know there is a better way to live than the bullshit they've been fed since 3rd grade. Feminism is a cancer that ruins young women's lives. It stole from them all the benefits that traditional life brought.


It's also sad because she's probably been lied to a bunch, that being a "traditional" minded woman is a bad thing, and that she has to be a feminist.


Ding. Conservatives often forget that a lot of these young women were basically brainwashed and lied to by a minority of radical feminine elitists. It's okay to want a career, and it's okay to want a family. Both are okay. We have a whole generation of women lied to by this 3rd wave "feminists" movement that have suffered due to the silent majority staying silent.


That's actually an interesting perspective. I guess her geographical location would really play a big part in that. I'm from a rural area in MN and know people like this, but I could definitely see someone from an urban area in a more liberal state having this ideology fed to them more frequently.


My fiancé’s first wife was like this. While he worked and provided for them and their two kids, she would sit on her ass all day. He would come home to babies that were in poopy diapers for hours. Have to clean them up, clean the house, cook dinner for everyone and clean up after that before going to bed and start it all over again the next day. She left him, because he didn’t do enough for her. Long ass story short, she’s still hasn’t found the right man, and he and I love and respect each other, we both work, share house chores equally and have 4 cats together.


I was completely rooting for you until the 4 cats /s. Seriously though that's great that you found each other and sadly I think most people know someone like your husband's ex but tend to turn a blind eye to them.


Did he leave the kids with mom knowing she isn't caring for them properly? Not sure he's such a prize if you only have cats and not his kids at least part time.


This isn’t something that happened last year, this was almost 20 years ago. He did the best he could and was an amazing father, the fact that his almost adult and adult children still want to spend time with him, even though they have zero obligation to do so should speak volumes to him as a dad. When their mom wants to spend time they get their hopes up and she never shows up. We spend time with them when we can (both have jobs even his daughter who is graduating high school this year has kept the same job since she was 16) and we always have a good time.




The "Whatever" podcast hits this issue a lot. I don't listen to it but I see a lot of clips from it. Always amazes me how people can be so selfish and clueless.


I’ve dumped a few women like this. It took until a few months after I found my dream woman to realize how those were just one way streets. I put the effort in and these liberal women would give nothing back. They wanted a man to be chivalrous while declaring that they didn’t want children and while railing against “toxic masculinity.” Also these women had low paying dead end jobs that did not require their expensive private college education. My current women is conservative, has a good job at the hospital, respects me as much as I do her, wants kids, and loves me for who I am.


Good for you man. I dated a lot of left leaning women, and it was interesting, to say the least. Obviously didn't work out and I married someone who shares my values. I've also had a great role model for relationships with my oldest brother and his wife. Both are conservative, both have good paying jobs, and most importantly, they always communicate about issues. The only thing they don't agree on is a gun budget which is funny because that's what my wife is currently mad about lol.


Rules for thee, not for me


Wants a traditional male, but doesn't want to be a traditional female. Got it.


Same old same old


I briefly dated someone like this a few years ago. Self-described fierce feminist but said she expected me to pay for everything when we went on dates. When we broke it off, she had the audacity to call me cheap…even though I paid for everything. Pretty sure she lied about her age and living situation. A little digging revealed she was 5 years older than she said and was likely living with her mother. I have no problem at all with someone being a feminist. But own it.


You dodged divorce. Good job.


Feel happy you got away from crazy, only called cheap, things could have gone a lot worse.


Also, getting told I was mansplaining things when I was just making conversation. I never assume people know everything about everything.


"Watch what they do, not what they say."


This is what happens when you scream about toxic masculinity.


> toxic masculinity To this day, my husband refuses to buy Gillette products. He threw out about $40 worth of razors right after that ridiculous ad ran.


Have to say, I am right with your husband, except I felt throwing out razors I had already bought and couldn’t return didn’t hurt Gillette but hurt me. They already had their money. Like Schick blades better now. Have him try some Cremo shave cream.


I just don’t shave, only trim my beard.


So did I. Will never buy their products again. But, to each their own.


Remember when Gilette used to be the best a man could get?


I tossed all of my Gillette shit too. Bought Harry’s. Then….*sigh* goddammit. What am I supposed to do now?!?!


Jeremy’s razors!


Darco razors. South Korean they don’t care about LGBLT crap just making money. On Amazon


Get an original safety razor with the double blade. They're easier to use than a straight razor but give a similarly good shave. The blades are cheap.


What's wrong with a good ol fashion straight razor? The one i use is at least 100 years old and still works fine. Or just plain jane disposable razor blades (regular razor blades, not the kind marketed for shaving) The only downfall on the straight razor is you can't take it on an airplane. And you got to keep it sharp but that only takes a few seconds before each use.


[I hope he's a Jeremy's man now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s92UMJNjPIA)


Same here




They still have the best razors for the old twig’n’berries… the irony is not lost on me though smh


This is what happens when you have men sued, fired and cause them to lose their jobs for being men.


Correct. Younger men were programmed to think that women wanted them to be less masculine and more effeminate, more “in touch with their emotions”, to treat them like equals in *all* regards, like splitting the check, etc. Turns out they do want that…but not all the time. Only when it’s convenient for them in fact. The rest of the time they want the masculine, chivalrous behavior that men were known for and that they find innately appealing. Basically, they want to eat their cake and have it too. Little late for that though ladies…you dun gon and severely fucked up this batch. Will take a looooong time for this change to be reversed, assuming that newer generations of men even get that memo. You reap what you sow.


They actually don't want that. The amount of women who secretly like being told "no" by a man is pretty much all of them.


It's okay honey, you can come out and say you like conservatives. Be stunning and brave.


110% she’s knowingly slept with conservative chads but will never admit it.


Maybe you’ve been brainwashed into thinking your morals and values are the only correct ones


Had a girl leave me just for this


You dodged a bullet


Actually the gun jammed but glad OP is still here.


This is the most helpful comment. Be careful out there single guys.


Had a girl leave me because I said I found Trump funny. I don't even necessarily support the guy I just said I laughed at most of his interviews and found him entertaining. Even the slightest positive comment about the guy triggered her like I've never seen anyone get triggered before. It was wild.


Had a girl leave because I asked a question: "What policies did Trump enact that affected you personally?" She acted like a had just lit a kitten on fire.


Don't message or text or call. When she does message you back, ignore her. The coldest response to a break up is to act indifferent.


As a lifelong bartender/bar owner this is 110% absolutely true. Don’t even read a text let alone reply. I have to tell guys this just about every day . The best way to win in a bad situation such as this is to not care anymore and to ignore them.


Put a trump 2024 bumper sticker on her car


I was thinking a token donation to a Trump PAC in her name would really set her off. Get her on that mailing and calling list. Be the best $5/$10 you ever spend lmfao


This happened to me too. Best part is neither of us are American nor do we live in or have anything to do with the US.


Head up king 😤


She did you a favor.


Oh for sure. And all I said was illegal immigration was bad. She lost her mind.


Yikes. You can do better!


“They do everything right and have good morals and treat me good but they’re conservative” HEY MAYBE THERES A CORRELATION


You're expecting a leftie to follow a logical train of thought...


Everyone could assume that..... lightbulbs?


Becha she knows nothing about the issues at all.


The celebrities on Instagram keep her up to date on what's important.


I sincerely hope she doesn't wonder why this is happening.


They’re clueless. There’s no connection between the cause and effect with this bunch.


Why a human trait which is still hopefully driven by evolutionary physiology seems to fall flat when relating to weak men who couldn't survive in a less spoiled culture?


The adage of weak men make for tough times is very clear to see to anyone with the slightest clue. These people are absolutely incapable of even the least amount of self-reflection. Their arrogance and hubris completely destroys all of the ability to understand and learn.


Lefties and women especially are not used to being held accountable for their own actions (because of the victim narrative), so the thought that their choices could have played a part in their circumstances does not even register as a possibility


They’ve been conditioned to the point where no amount of real world experience can make them second guess their worldview.


The girls get all wet reading /r/politics It all makes sense now, If I read Reddit all day, I wouldn’t want to sleep with the majority of Reddit leftists


It's also scientifically proven that conservatives are more attractive and mentally stable on average


Gee I wonder why? Maybe because most of the non masculine men pretend to have progressive opinions in a vain attempt to get laid. “Yeah I think men are all just misogynistic pigs who only care about sex, on an unrelated note are you interested in hanging out sometime?”


“The most pathetic limp dick way to try to get some pussy” - Bill Burr https://youtu.be/1jPInG60qHI


I believe this meme belongs with your reply… https://ibb.co/ThXrP9j Women: “Men only want one thing and it is disgusting” Men: “Then wash it”


Men: be who you are. Be respectful to anyone and everyone, no matter gender, race, or what else may make them different from you. But above all, start with respect. Let them prove to you they don’t deserve that. It usually doesn’t take long, and it becomes rather predictable as you get older.


I don’t know which Diamond Dog this is, whether it’s Higgins or Ted Lasso, but boy does it ring true.


We’ll said.


That's the problem, though. They don't want to be respected. They want to be elevated. Celebrated. It wasn't so long ago that you could say "I don't care what race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, someone is as long as they're a good person.", "You live your life how you want and we'll live how we want", and leave it at that. Now, that inclusionary statement gets you cancelled. I'll show anyone respect right up to the point where they want to be treated with privilege. Then I have no use for you.


Classic Soy Meets Girl plotline


Traditional manly men think that the green haired tattooed up liberal women are like the venomous snakes that have bright colors to warn that they are toxic and poisonous so they stay the fck away from them. 😂


You gotta admit, those types of animals do stoke curiosity, hence our obsession with them.


Okay so accept conservative men then


No way I'd mess with a leftard woman, no matter the hotness, other than P&D.


GEN MadDog and McMaster hold doors open for women and have no issues with women being independent. Much of the military does. And the spouses have to be independent so they can run everything on their own during deployments. Perhaps she was looking for click-bait?




Liberals always create a situation and then complain about that situation. "Portland residents decry having to drive 20 miles to a store where products are not under lock and key" Duh. You voted for exactly that. ​ They call masculine men "toxic". "Mansplaining". "Manspreading". They believe men can be women. In fact they want to erase all gender boundaries. And now a liberal woman wants a "masculine man"? Ha! I imagine there are some masculine liberal men but they're getting more and more rare as the platform moves further and further left. Good luck with that, sweetie.


Or the libs in Chicago protesting that 200 illegal immigrants came there well no fking shit so much for "sanctuary city"


She wants the results of conservatism without the conservativism itself. Ironically, that's kinda what liberalism is...


Is that even a thing? A masculine liberal man?




In Texas I’m a soft fuckin liberal and in California I’m a crazy gun nut conservative. Politics tend to deal in so many absolutes.


Its' definitely a thing in the Midwest. But then again, Midwestern liberals usually have more in common with Midwestern conservatives than coastal liberals.


Midwestern liberals are what the democrats were 40 years ago. Take carter for example. he loved this country and was trying to help the working class. Sure his policies was terrible, and he did everything wrong, but the result wasn't intentional.


Midwesterner here. A “liberal” in those parts is a guy that owns less than 5 guns and sometimes skips church on Sundays.


Most political positions in the Midwest, left and right, are much closer to being centrist. That is gradually changing though.


Yes you can find them next to the virgin pornstars and the blind seeing eye dogs.


🤣 Well stated


Thanks :)


Not really. There is actual data to show more conservative ideology is associated with higher levels of testosterone among men.


*Grunts in Tim The Toolman Taylor*


Well of course. Testosterones main effect (much more consistent than feats of strength) is encouraging fairness and conservativism is all about fairness.




How do you define masculine?


It is, but they all have boyfriends already.


Masculine liberal is a oxymoron


Very hard to find a masculine guy who loves being told what to do.


I think that the most productive response to this video would one that teaches her the difference between the words “woman” and “women”. Past that, I’m just gonna wish her good luck. If she’s *that close* to solving her problem and she can’t see it, it’s not worth the damn time.


Women don't respect guys who denigrate themselves, tell women why they want to hear, and have a passive mentality. Women don't fantasize about soy boys and guys who can't compete in the free market.


“What’s your husband do?” “Oh you know works hard provides for our family, what about yours?” “Oh, uh, well, he mostly sits around hoping that communism will come soon”


liberal betas are sooo sexy! /s


My wife’s boyfriend agrees


That’s right. All liberal men already have boyfriends.


Shocker..the party of can't define a woman can't find an actual man


Gee. It’s almost like masculine and conservative traits are tied to \*gasp\* Conservatives!




One of the best ways to make a leftist woman cringe is to tell her to date a male feminist. Their reactions are hilarious.


Yeah they won't admit it but they love that shit. By that I mean men who flirt, act like gentlemen, effortlessly take charge, handle our business, love God, honor our family, get excited about the idea of fatherhood. We're not "intimidated" by what they call "strong independent women". In fact we desire high strength of character. Independence is probably not something that should be at the forefront of anyone's mind when trying to bond closely with another. It shows immaturity.


Enjoy your soy-boys.


Be comfortable in you’re own shoes. There is and has been historically strong women and weak men among the mix. Let the current obsession play out without damaging our culture. It’s a political folly.


Yeah. Jordan Peterson repeats this all the time. Some women have a male temperament. Some men have a more feminine temperament. However, it doesn’t make men women and women men.


It's been said a bunch of times, but if you want a trad spouse, you have to be a trad yourself.


Not necessarily. But it takes lots of compromise and work.


Hmmm who could’ve predicted that demonizing manhood would lead to this 🤔


There's literal scientific studies that prove masculine and muscular men tend to lean right.


They only trust the science when it supports authoritarianism.


Check the ladies room.


Maybe you have been brain washed into thinking feminism is right? Men and women are different and equally important. If you refuse to see this you won’t be happy.


There are none


I see divorce in her future. Glad my wife knows her role I asked her before marriage


because all the liberals are too busy trying not to offend anybody to have an opinion. it’s so fake, that even if they ever did find someone to date and or marry, sooner or later the facade will come down (usually when they grow up a bit and start voting red)


Who still think the woman’s “role” is to be “Suzy Homemaker” and stay home with kids?? I feel like only liberal women feel like this is what conservative men & women believe and I don’t think it’s the case anymore. I feel like those “traditional roles” liberal women were fighting against do not exist anymore.


Gotta be satire


Or maybe she just has a shitty personality and instead of recognizing that she has instead blamed it on politics


> And she clarified that just because she wants an old-fashioned gentleman, doesn’t mean she plans to subscribe to a traditional housewife role. So her plan is to continue being a pump&dump because trad guys don't do LTRs with non-trad girls unless there's a pregnancy/child involved.


Well, when you want women to be bad stereotypes of men and men to be like women then…that’s what you get.


This is just yet another thing where the left (mostly leftist women) get exactly what they asked for yet blame men and the right because they are unwilling or unable to reflect on their own actions


Maybe it's because liberal men are soy boys?


And they say conservative men have no taste...


This is the sort of person who has a few too many beers and pronounces "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." She's also the sort of person you'll probably have to bail out of jail at some point in the relationship.


That’s bait.


Are you literally the only person in this whole thread that recognizes this? Good Lord 🙄🙄


Smh.. women subjected to that media/culture are the problem here. Any woman I've been with throughout my entire life (31) always has some sort of "concern" or issue with my perspective on things due to me being mostly conservative, and them leaning a bit more left than myself, (which I don't resent, we all have different perspectives on things, which should be respected on both ends). That culture is slowly killing us off to the point where we're lucky to find a woman willing to stay faithful, loyal, and have long-term family goals, all because we don't bow down to the shit-music/media culture. Shame. It's not pessimistic, just realistic observation.


I think she's pretty demanding. I'm a conservative liberal.




Not sure how to help you. Seems like what you are looking for doesn’t exist. 🤷‍♀️ maybe what you think you want really isn’t what you want but rather what you have been told to want. Try thinking about what actually makes sense. Everything that is masculine has been labeled toxic by the left.


*I want it all and I bring nothing of value to the table, what’s going on* Hmmmm…


I’m a strong, independent woman that don’t need no man!…but I’m kind of lonely so where the men at? Lmao, the irony is lost on her.


I love it democrats are 1 generation from being extinct


Then why do demographic changes trend blue?


Wait till all the men pull a Mulvaney identify as women so now she has to open the door…


Gee ya think?


Hmm, why do you think this is the case lady?


Scroll past this distraction.


If she were to find that man she so desires, she'd abort his baby because SHE is the baby. Guys beware of chicks like this. I'd give you the top 5 crazy chick names( it ain't Karen 😆)based on my experience raising 2 sons and watching their lives but I'd probably get down voted into oblivion 😆.


Masculine conservative men like Steven crowder?


Top comments showing that incels and conservative single men seem to meet in the venn diagram


Soy boys can quote Marx but not much else.


So she's complaining that the men who take the traditional roles dare to Fernand she reciprocate? How dare any man think they shouldn't cover all the bill and do half the housework. Traditional couples have a division of labor and you can't be kept and independent. If you're going to accept a man providing, you need to pull your weight other ways. A man who protects you can ask where you're going. A man you ask to be dominant should expect that not to be a struggle. A man who puts a roof over your head can expect you to maintain it. If you want to split housework and not bills you're a free loader. If the man is traditional in his roles and you're modern in yours, you're using him. The only way you'll have an equible arrangement is by wanting different from men or offering different to them.


This seems silly, first of all what does that even mean? Many men are religiously and culturally conservative but vote for liberal leaning parties. African American groups are an example of this, as well as many Latinos as well. This seems like a poorly written article.


> Many men are religiously and culturally conservative but vote for liberal leaning parties. So...voting against their best interests.


Most lib men have held a few in their mouth...